Members of the Iraqi Polular Mobilization Units’ Imam Ali Brigades launch rockets against ISIS positions during clashes in Tikrit, 130 kilometers (80 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, March 24, 2015. (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)
Late on February 13, a rocket attack targeted the Iraqi K1 Military Base which is known to be hosting troops of the U.S.-led coalition.
In a press release, the Iraqi Security Media Cell said that a single rocket landed inside the base, that is located in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk. No losses were reportedly sustained.
Following the attack, a multiple rocket launcher loaded with eleven rockets was found by Iraqi security forces near the K1 Military Base.
“Security forces are conducting a search operation to find the perpetrators,” the Security Media said in its press release.
In the last few months, mysterious rocket attacks targeted U.S. installations throughout Iraq, including the embassy in Baghdad. The U.S. claimed that Iranian-backed Shia groups were behind some of the attacks. However, these claims were not confirmed.
While most of these attacks didn’t result in any losses, a rocket strike on December 27 claimed the live of a U.S. army contractor. Washington responded with a series of airstrikes on Shia fighters in Iraq and Syria.
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It was a warning, next time all 12 rockets will show up..
Now, I tell them this: either you get out voluntarily on your two legs, in a vertical position, or you will leave in a horizontal position.
You go for it, kid! Get off your bug infested coach and finally get your suicide vest fitting. Look on the bright side. Your Darwin Award awaits.
The U.S has shown enough restraints to those terrorists. I mean, if the IDF had 110 troops hurt in a one single attack then I don’t even wanna imagine what our response would be. In the Middle East, you either kill or you get killed – that’s the basic rule. the U.S airforce can light them up in a couple of hours, I wonder when Trump decides to do it.
Actually, the idiot was that top Islamist Iranian general who fell for the trap that got him blown away.
How many fatalities and injuries were unofficially recorded, when the US base in Iraq got hit by missiles, following the war crime killing of the Iranian General. Who was on a diplomatic mission, with regards Saudi and Iran peace negotiations. The US fully aware, but, took him out anyway, on foreign territory.
Good for them. Nothing illegal about taking out an enemy field commander wherever he might be. Damn, he was one of the smartest people in Iran but fell for a stupid trap.
This is what happens when you stay where you are not wanted. More attacks will be coming till US gets the message, even the Iraq parliament told them to leave.
And the message that Trump will get when those he sees as his political base start getting killed is that it is time to level Islamist Iran. It’s sad how many on this site hate the Iranian People so much that they pine for their mass death and the destruction of Iran. As an aside, the Iraqi Parliament recommenced the US leave. Their vote was only advisory, not mandatory. Try to get the basics correct.
It truly is sad that people like you, who have never set foot in Iran, hate the Iranian People so much that you pine for their mass destruction, for false scripted “reasons”. Love, will defeat you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl4dW30K1zU
Nahhhhhhhhh…I’m the one here hoping the Murdering Mullahs are not as stupid and suicidal as you and yours to do what you pine for against the US and Israel that will get Iran flattened and possibly made to glow in the dark.
I’ve never advocated the destruction of Israel or the US. I do advocate both of those powers growing up and behaving like adults not children.
US is showing similar restraint than when israel killed most sailors on board USS Liberty. US didn’t “light up” israel.
if the IDF had 110 troops hurt in a one single attack they’d run screaming to the UN for a ceasefire.
Oh, shows how much you know us. Idiot.
Thats what you assholes did in the last war.
LOL. little kiddie, stick to the Jew pedos ROFLMAO.
Trump must pull out his terrorists from Middle East. Iran be vigilant. Because out of desperation and undercover Israel will attack you during fleeing of USA NATO soldiers. To prevent USA from withdrawing by engaging in war.
USS Liberty so comes to mind.
good good bomb them to bloody kingdom come the white trash from the fly over states sent to be killed at a low low cost for pentagon – who gives a friggin’ shit about under-educated trash from the fly over states – not pentagon and certainly not dunny the dunce in the white house.
Nahhhhhhhh…Donny the Dunce does since they are the ones who gave him the votes that made him Prez. So if they start being killed, it will be way more than Islamist Iran’s top general blown away.
maybe it is the Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order conducting these anonymous attacks
Noticed lots of US helicopter and plane accidents, trying to covet up the losses from the last Iraq base hit. Wonder how long it Will take to find out another 100 US forces have brain injuries from the after shock?
Coincidence it happened around same time US navy were carrying out pirate skills in the Arabian seas?
Even a hundred more headaches is still worth the very dead top Islamist Iranian general. Oh, and the US taking that ship with Iranian weapons was authorized by the UNSC. Try to keep up.
You have a link to back that.
Didn’t the Russians save the US Forces from angry Syrian citizens?
But it really saved a hell of a lot of Syrians from the US Forces.
They sure did, little Americunt child killer runt was shit scared and so as usual the cowards killed a 14 year old kid who was walking away.
Iran has their own air defence system. Besides S-300, haven’t they got their own system, that is as good as the S-400?
It’s great they are as ineffectual as Hamas. If they get lucky and kill Americans, game on and game over for Islamist Iran.
again the cowardly amerikans lie that none of heir mercenaries were sent to hell by Iran—as expected they do nothing…these losers have lost every war they have entered —except for weak defenseless nations like Grenada
Mossad or MEK op.
yep mossad oe mwk on structions from cia – what else is likely.