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MARCH 2025

New Rocket Attack Targets U.S. Embassy In Iraq Capital (Photos)

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The U.S. embassy in the Iraqi capital, Baghdadi, was the subject of yet another rocket attack, carried out by unknown operatives.

Several media outlets confirmed that at least two rockets fell late on January 8 in the vicinity of the U.S. embassy in Bagdad’s Green Zone, a fortified area that hosts government buildings and foreign missions. Iraq’s official Security Media Cell confirmed the incident.

“Two Katyusha rockets fell inside the Green Zone without causing any casualties, we will provide you with details later,” the Security Media Cell said on Twitter.

The name “Katyusha” is usually used in the Middle East to refer to different variants of 107 mm rockets. Iranian-made rockets of this caliber were used in previous attacks on U.S. installations in Iraq.

A day earlier, Iraq witnessed a dangerous escalation when Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) launched over a dozen of missiles at U.S. bases in the northern and western parts of the country.

The Iranian attack was a response to the U.S. assassination of Quds Force commander Maj. Gen. Qassam Soleimani earlier this month.

Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) also vowed to avenge their Deputy-Commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was killed alongside Soleimani. The PMU’s response is yet to come.

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Some 80 US army personnel are said to have been killed and nearly 200 more wounded in Iran’s Wednesday missile attacks. The second IRGC reprisal attack targeted a US military base near Erbil airport in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in the second leg of “Martyr Soleimani” reprisal operation.


Joe Kerr

Some witnesses saw helicopters evacuating casualties from the Al-Assad base, but don’t expect the western managed “news” to report it.


So do you have any other sources?! I doubt that Russians would not report IRNA-Iranian agency or any similar source with such news! What the hell is happening here? World conspiracy…..staged attack or what? What are the Iraqi’s are saying? Russians still nothing…I just don’t get it…something is fishy here….totally wrong.

Joe Kerr

“The US army had blocked entrance into Ein Al-Assad to everyone, including the Iraqi army” (fort-russ.com). The claim of casualties being evacuated was from a twitter post, which seems to have disappeared.


OK so we are stuck with official: NO casualties Iran also has no problem with such reports. That is exactly what is wrong that both sides keep their mouth shut on how is possible that there are no casualties… Like nothing have happened really


Why? Islamist Hamas, a lap puppy of Islamist Iran, fires hundreds, thousands, of missiles, many of Iranian manufacture, and causes near no casualties.


US are nation of wimps….a PAPER TIGER scared from Iran!!!

Chris P

You like Tigers, Tiger boy, IT was not me who disliked your comment.

Chris P

You are a Tiger. IT was not me who disliked your comment.

Joe Kerr

Just like its scramble to evac on being defeated in Vietnam, the U.S. defeat in the ME will come as another surprise to the sheeple who take their cues from the western media.

Chris P

The plane that crashed in Tehran, what was that? IT was not me who disliked your comment.


Ha ha ha! The plane that crashed in Tehran was “EuroMadian” company flying on US gifted (half broken) airplane. Company is the propriety of “F**k EU”Victoria Nuland .


A post Twitter post that posted by a Unicorn. Must be true.

Joe Kerr

Better from a unicorn than a cockroach like you, Shlomo.

Concrete Mike

Well you beleive al nusrah twitter ,whats the difference?


The Iraqis have said there were no casualties.


Iraqi stooges will say whatever they are paid for to say! US is PAPER TIGER !!!

Chris P

Tigers again. five times in one day. IT was not me who disliked your comment.


Ha ha ha I like that you don’t like it US a**hole ! US is PAPER TIGER !!!

Chris P

IT was not me who disliked your comment. Troll.

Chris P

You ask a lot of questions? Good for you. IT was not me who disliked your comment. Troll.


Fake news. The reality is that there were NO US casualties, none, nada, zip, zero.it was a simplicity attack for home consumption and to make fools like you feel better.


US bankrupted would be “super power” in her GLOBAL HUMILIATION in front of whole planet ! You will NEVER RECOVER FROM THIS!!! US is PAPER TIGER !!!

J Ramirez

Scared the shit out of Trump right!

Concrete Mike

Yes, there is the possibilitt that iran warned iraq before hand to avoid casualties, this procedure has been used in syria, when usa asks russia permission to bomb.

Chris P

IT was not me who disliked your comment. Good luck in life,


Excellent new info – thanks for the link, also from the same article:

“Early reports said the radar systems and missile defense shields in Ein Al-Assad have failed to operate and intercept the Iranian missiles. Unofficial reports said the US army’s central radar systems at Ein Al-Assad had been jammed by electronic warfare.

Some 80 US army personnel are said to have been killed and nearly 200 more wounded in Iran’s Wednesday missile attacks. The second IRGC reprisal attack targeted a US military base near Erbil airport in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in the second leg of “Martyr Soleimani” reprisal operation.

All flights have been canceled at Erbil airport. Iraq said the attacks have not taken any toll from its army men stationed at these two bases. The US army had blocked entrance into Ein Al-Assad to everyone, including the Iraqi army. This is the first direct attack on the US military ever since World War Two.


If this is the truth about the casualties and nothing but the truth. Than that is HUGE victory for Iran and whole humanity! That should be definitely enough to revenge the death of gen. Qasem Soleimani !


Azriel Herskowitz

Both rockets missed. Is this all these Shia terrorists got? Looks like US is staying in Iraq indefinitely!

Rhodium 10

Sorry but US troops are leaving Iraq!…but anyway they will try not to flee like in Saigon!…US embassy in Bagdad dont have apropiate roof for heli landings!


Ha ha ha! They never learn don’t they! Maybe this time the “roof” is not big enough to take everybody who wants to escape? What is all this mess? They must prepare the escape exit for their brave “super power” army!

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah U.S. Terrorists will stay to Feed the dogs & Fertilize the Ground…


Speaking of terrorists shlomo, killed any women and children lately?


You mean like the Islamist Iranians who shot down that Ukrainian airliner killing lots of women and children but mostly Iranian students.


Oh hi liar. Is it you that wrote trump’s speech?

Gary Sellars

Mossad op, clearly. Bomb installed during the repair work performed at airport.

Jews care nothing for the lives of non-Jews whom they treat with utmost contempt:

“It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile.” Sepher ikkarim III c 25

“The souls of non-Jews come from impure sprits and are called pigs.” Jalkut Rubeni gadol 12b

“The Akum (non-Jew) is like a dog. Yes, the scripture teaches to honour the the dog more than the non-Jew.” Ereget Raschi Erod. 22 30

A filthy satanic religion.


Jews are dehumanized and so arrogant to have self-anointed themselves as “chosen people”, nothing could be further from the truth.

Gary Sellars

The “chosen people” is a misundertsanding. It should read “cloven people”, as in cloven hooved, the sign of the Horned One!

Ricky Miller

I’m loathe to give too much acceptance to conspiracy theories but I think there is something to the Mossad op idea. The timing is just too coincidental on a monumental scale. Israel has large scale intelligence ops inside Ukraine and there would have been great value in distracting Iran from a retaliation that could have led to an American pullout of the region, which would leave the Israeli state alone. Israel is strong enough to stand on her own, at least for now but surely it is not desirable. The plane’s destruction was several hours too late and completely unnecessary as Iran’s retaliation was too limited to start a conflict that could have divided America and brought our forces home.


Mossad is very likely. But it’s worse than bombs. Ever since Microsoft went to israel it has given the zios an opportunity to create all kinds of back doors and surveillance capabilities incorporated to the chips. In aircraft computers, if you think like mossadists do, it would be good to have a way of bringing down an entire airliner without having to install bombs (that can be discovered etc.). A piece of code to bring down the aircraft. I reckon that’s how it was done.

J Ramirez

Jewish media and their lies. Go pinch some pennies or penis whichever you prefer ;}


probaby the Yanks. only they have a history of blowing up civilian airliners


more likely the israelis doing the deed, they have never forgotten nor forgiven when ukraine downed an israeli jet with 250 jews on their way back to whence they came at 33000 feet over the black sea while the ukraine army held some maneuver and fired a buk missile good for 24000 feet and it climbed and climbed till it hit the israeli airliner with 250 jews onboard and down it went. this is the perfect time to get even against a) the ukrainians and b) blame Iran (when the entire ruse with the suleimani and so on was a failure).

Joe Kerr

You hope. After the U.S. gets kicked out of the ME, the Koshers will follow. Better book a tent in Patagonia while you can.


And who will make that happen? You? When a country like Israel has a couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles, it’s kind of hard to force them to move away.

Joe Kerr

When the U.S. gets its ass booted out of the ME, Schitrael will be on its own. Perhaps it can then give its “samson option” a road test before it disappears. You can then be the IDF’s tea lady and diaper carrier.

Ricky Miller

Couple of hundred? You’re misinformed. Where are these missiles stashed? There are a few dozen launch sites, at most. The Negev is not Montana! And Israel’s industrial base is impressive for a country her size but it’s not China, who has something like 300-320 warheads total. You create giant capabilities for Israel in your mind which do not exist in reality. Most of Israel’s warheads are on her submarines and ready in several small squadrons equipped with air launched cruise missiles. In your mind you see Israel as armed up with some 1980’s version of America’s arsenal when in reality Israel’s arsenal is far more likely to be unique to her size and circumstances, both budgetary and with a limited atomic facility base. Think something real world, like several times North Korea’s arsenal with better missiles. Rocketry and the industrial base needed for the Israeli missile arsenal you are attached to in your fantasy mind would be major league expensive and require mass production facilities that Israel simply doesn’t have on that scale. Reality beckons.


HASBRO Jake forgets the 250 Nukes Iran bought from Ukraine in 2006.The ONLY reason this bitch racist settler colonial state still exists is because of USA. once the US leaves the region, the babykiller landthieves will evaporate in a Hezbollah conventional saturation strike followed by an invasion.iran not necessary foe these jokers


NZ seems to be the destination of choice (with redacted surnames)

J Ramirez

I dropped a couple quarters in the dessert, that should keep them busy for the next 40 yrs ;}

Zionism = EVIL

The dumbass Jews shut the hell up as the cowards were shit scared that Iran may hit Ben Gurion shithole. You are the only hasbara scum that has shown up after the Americunts chickened out LOL


Oh thanks. Now you acknowledge that I’m not hasbara.

Joe Kerr

But you are, and the description fits.

Ricky Miller

Really, I don’t understand all the desire to flag wave on resistance sites from the Israeli and American trolls. If you are so sure of your vast superiority why feel the need to come to places like SF and rattle the cages of your “inferiors” and colonial captives. They must feel the need to prove something to the resistors so strongly because they have more doubts about the case than they’re comfortable with. I mean, I don’t head to Red Meat “make america great” and or bomb the world sites and comment like a big mouth. I believe that Russia and China’s Eurasia project is steadily winning, despite some setbacks now and then. I feel so secure in my belief that I don’t need to constantly troll Breitbart, taunting the red pill people and war pigs. Coming here and sticking their sucked thumb in our eyes must be because of their insecurity in their worldview. Really, they’re not going to change hearts and minds here and start making us believe in NATO neocon colonial righteousness. For us, at least for me, that boat has sailed and I’m never getting on it again. So leave me alone.


This is called psyops warfare.

To hit enemy is one off no big deal, to put them in endless fear & highest alert not knowing when the full attack will come is nerve breaking.

Soon all personnel in Embassy & military will breakdown and pressured WH for a full withdrawal. Achieving military goal without a war is highest strategy.

Gary Sellars

Fucking degenerate shekel-grubbing oven-dodger…

Ricky Miller

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And HINT: most of the American public doesn’t want to be there at all. We’re sick of endless deployments, the broken families, the cost, the veteran skyrocketing suicide rate. Slow trickle casualties will mean the death of our regional posture. In fact, with the political movement underfoot here in America it’s already probably on a countdown to termination.


Well, then its time for true American patriots to remove the Israel firsters in the administration ( Pompeo,Kushner…) and give them the electric chair for treason, otherwise “onward Christian soldiers” will forever be Israel’s war march song

J Ramirez

Filthy Jew, you didn’t post when Iran was firing missiles ( probably holded in a corner somewhere clutching your pennies for dear life) now your nuts grew back?

Chris P

What about the 63 dead Canadians? Dump ass troll.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

which military base in the ME cannot be reached by iranian missiles and USA can actually defend then?

opet ja

This looks like some home made rocket or something that should represent a rocket.

Zionism = EVIL

There are lot of angry Iraqis who have suffered under the brutal Americunt and NATO occupation and now that the dumbass Americunts have been exposed as pussies even worse than paper tigers. Now the real resistance will start again and the Americunts will bleed and go totally bankrupt. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/81d507226c6675bde342ea6cbc446f73218c7b3ab03bb9f73bc3ac782fdcab61.jpg


US is trapped like a frog in slowly heating frying pan. Iran controls the heat.

Hasbara Hunter



Iran has the US like a frog in a frying pan, slow burn of resources and total quagmire.

King Cliff

Everyone is waiting to see if the PMU’S will carried out they treat against the US force stationing in Iraq.

jade villaceran

army in those camp need more supplies of diaper


Its a firecracker.


they are asked to leave so I s’pose they should up sticks and skedaddle back to the other side of the atlantic or at least have the decency to leave for say saudi arabia. most important is that the squatters are left isolated so that the new alliance of turkey, iran, iraq, syria, hezbollah and so on can deal decisively with them, i.e. bury them deep or evict them for good.

Gary Sellars

I prefer to bury them deep. It’s the only way to be sure the infection is purged.

Mehmet Aslanak

Those are warnings to the embassy staff that they should leave the country or another fall of Saigon incident will happen.

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