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MARCH 2025

New Round Of Escalation In The north Of Kosovo

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New Round Of Escalation In The north Of Kosovo

Illustrative Image: A member of the Kosovo Police Special Unit near the village of Cabra during the May 28, 2019 raids in the predominantly Serb north of Kosovo. IMAGE: AFP / Armend Nimani

A new round of escalation in the north of self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo. Five explosions thundered in the city of Kosovo-Mitrovica. Smoke was seen rising in the north of the region. 

Special forces of the partially recognized Republic of Kosovo broke into the premises of the election commission in the city of Kosovo-Mitrovica and destroyed it, director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija under the Government of Serbia Petar Petkovic said on Twitter.

The Kosovo military wanted to place an election commission loyal to Pristina in the premises.

“The people are furious, but they do not intend to succumb to the provocations of [Kosovo Prime Minister Albin] Kurti!” Petkovic wrote.



There are two administrations in the city of Kosovo-Mitrovica, where mostly Serbs live. The Serbian authorities de facto control the northern part of the city, but the Kosovo authorities are in control of the southern part, which is mainly inhabited by Albanians.

On November 5, the leader of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija announced the withdrawal of the Serbs from all the public institutions of the republic. The President of Kosovo, Vesa Osmani, then scheduled early elections for December 18 in the north of the region: in Leposavic, Northern Mitrovica (the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica), Zubin Potok and Zvecan. The political representatives of the Serbs announced a boycott.

On December 6, the President of the self-proclaimed Republic of Vyosa Osmani announced Pristina’s intention to apply for EU membership at the end of the year, despite the fact that five EU countries still do not recognize Kosovo. The claims were made on the sidelines of the EU-Western Balkans summit in Albania.


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Biden's sphincter

F USA and nato

John Tosh

Several Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted the collapse of the Western financial system. Here is the exact quote from “Century 8, Quatrain 28

“The copies of Gold and Silver inflated, which after the theft were thrown into the lake, at the discovery that all is exhausted and dissipated by the debt. All scripts and bonds will be wiped out”

The world will discover the USA does not have as much gold as it says it has. The financial system of the Western countries riding on the US Dollar will collapse.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

Diamonds, the rich has invested big in diamonds.

The fear of not having any value dated from the introduction of paper money. Only a small kind of society can function with that, a society based on personal long term relations and severe threat of revenge against potential crooks.


Are we again hitting the little friends of russia cause we cant hit them properly?


You can suck the little BIG Russian cock until it hits you properly !!


Suck us cock shipo.


You need English lessons, majmune !!


You started the insulting svinjo.

Aljban Fljamur Aljbanese

Ti si jedan tha çivsha tljotka!


Soon the time will come when the NATO terrorists will be defeated and KOSOVO WILL BE FREE AND SERBIAN AGAIN !! FCUK NATO AND USA !!


I also hope so, but how is it related to stupid Canadian Chetniks like you? Skull&bones Canadian Chetnik movement ruled by pedophile Trudeau whose pedophilic father Pierre got hard on while molesting and killing children during his haydays as prime minister of Canada. Say, chetnik, have you participated in all-Canadian protests against globalist criminal Trudeau early this year? Or you hid in a rabbit hole like all other brave armchair generals? Send us some photos of you participating against globalists and their stooges. You are not a Serb, not even a Precanin, you are dumbfucking Canadian serving globalist cabal and probably participating to Canadian branch of Otpor/Canvas, a globalist Soros tool. Either come over to give us true support or piss off with your fake best wishes while you can’t even find Mitrovica on the map. We have already got tired of “patriot chetniks” from abroad with their slogans and chants of no use.

Icarus Tanović

That’s right.


Right… Serbia soon in the EU as well as Albania and Kosovo… all your russian warmongering will become pointless… you have tried it with IRA – it didn’t work – as soon as open border policy kicked in people stoped fighting


EU is a goner. The biggest rat already left the ship, the others will follow soon.


What i would like to know is why the Serbs ever took part in the public institutions to start with,its stolen Serb land,liberation is the only solution,Serbs should have taken up arms a long time ago against the gangster Regime and their Nato handlers.

Chris Gr

Yes, US wants further disintegration of states in order to break up into smaller states controlled by the dollar just like the Caribbean, Pacific and Gulf states.

Peter Jennings

The Serbs tried that already Cromwell and got hit with US & nato bombs. Among the targets of infrastructure and fleeing civilians were a TV station and the Chinese embassy. Nato sent its troops but confined them to barracks when civilian market places were being bombed, so nato brass must of known of pending attacks but didn’t warn the locals.


But that was before the KFOR and Nato occupation and the installation of a gangster Government,now i am talking about an insurgency although i would prefer a Serb military Blitzkrieg and also attack that illegal Nato bondsteel


NATO would right in again using ‘agression against poor little Kosovo’ as a pretext to bomb all of ‘bad’ Serbia. Big USA air force bases in occupied Italy nearby. USA would be keen to test out its new toy the F-35.

Chris Gr

It won’t happen because Serbia is supported by most of the world.


Yeah sure just like when we were part of the nonalignedmovement which was a total noshow when the us descided to destroy a founding member.

No complaints, no sanctions nothing.

Icarus Tanović

Every minute and every hour I control the power.

Icarus Tanović

Serb nema paru.


Just because Petar Petkovic says 1 thing doesn’t mean that thing is true. Serbs themselves bombed the election offices because there’s attempts being made to hold local elections under Kosovo terms after Serbs resigned.

Raptar Driver

Serbia at this time is only quasi sovereign. Most of the political elites are pro West, pro NATO, pro EU. Until a fully independent Serbian government is put into power these escalations will continue and the current government will do little to nothing about it.


You’re damn right, and democracy will enhance your statement because it is the most lethal weapon from the anglos. Just know that pre ww1, germanism Latin and slavic culture and behaviour were widespread in Europe. Today? Thence you shall know what is planned for slavians

Chris Gr

All cultures including the Greco-Latin, Germanic and Slavic are destoyed by banksters.

Chris Gr

They play both sides mostly.


It is inevitable this was going to get going again with Natostan. This will definitely escalate it seems with the type of pressure put on Serbia 🇷🇸. This will definitely splitt Europe Union and NATO, but see it ; as just more distractions from the US and NATOSTAN losing more face in Ukraine. Let’s be clear; Russia is at war with NATO and US and things can only be contained so long. Especially when their air bases 700 km in are getting hit. This is a massive red line for Russia, that goes without saying and NATOSTAN are going to get hit in a big way. If you look at the daily losses and damage to power and infrastructure, winter will wear down the Nazis.


“when their air bases 700 km in are getting hit” which vindicates Russia point no NATO in Ukraine. Imagine what full NATO air force and missile bases in Ukraine could do?

Chris Gr

Ukraine also supports Serbia. Greece, Spain and Poland also.


Ukraine send voluntary predecessors of asov to yugolsavia to kill serbs and after the kosovo war send troops to help the us occupy it just what they did in iraq too. Thats why its funny that they are no crying over someone harming their sovereignity when they had no respect for yugoslavias and iraq sovereinity earlier.

The only ukrainians who went to yugoslavia to defend the country were from donbas. The very once who are since 8 years shelled by ukraine.

Chris Gr

In the Balkans, the US are exploiting the Albanians, the so called “Macedonians” mostly in order to forment unrest and strike against the Orthodox countries of Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.


They are not exploiting Macedonians (except a couple of US agents posing to be Macedonians but quite big Albanian population in Tetovo region and other parts of Macedonia.

Chris Gr

There is only Greek Macedonia. “Slav Macedonians” are Bulgarians which were used by Stalin and Tito and now by US and Germany for their geopolitical purposes.

Aljban Fljamur Aljbanese

Well you I fuck on to you! I unpluged my ass on your.


more CIA provokations


Albanian are notrious in drug dealing and Women traficker for sex. and is run by Nato and Saudi stooge.

Porc halal and kosher at the same time

and illegal (serbian) organs traffic

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal and kosher at the same time

Let’s not forget that the former prime minister of Albania who organnized protests in Tirana yeaterday is from San Diego, USA. Tells it all, doesn’t it?

Chris Gr

Edi Rama, the Soros-puppet, should fall. The Albanians are right to protest. Everyone should protest.

Chris Gr

Not all of them. Most Albanians have Greek blood but they are misled by propaganda.


And every new un or eu official gets a very young girl as a welcome present to get their loyality.

Porc halal and kosher at the same time

Lol! SF did not mention who are the 5 countries from EU which does not recognize the auto-illegal secession of the serbian kosovo province … I “wonder” why?!

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal and kosher at the same time
opet ja

No help for us until we put traitor president Vuchic into life time jail.


Ehm…we can’t do that exactly as he alredy spent way more of his lifetime out of jail.

mike l hutchings

the US can bomb them again. the Serbs are friends of Russia andkillinga few hundred thousand would get the body count up where it should be to satisfy wall street.


Let them kill your own people to get wall street up…

Aljban Fljamur Aljbanese

Paša tunga Tunganjtjeta, nema vişe srbskog entiteta! Jebena tha çivsşa eşkija.

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