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MARCH 2025

Russia’s New Nuclear Weapons: From Hypersonic Missiles To Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

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On March 1, President Vladimir Putin gave his annual state-of-the-nation address to Russia’s Federal Assembly and unveiled the country’s six new state of the art strategic weapon systems.

According to Putin, the advanced arms are based on unique technological achievements. One of them is a “small-scale heavy-duty nuclear energy unit”, which enables the development “a strategic nuclear weapons system with a nuclear-powered missile.”

It “is a low-flying stealth missile carrying a nuclear warhead. It has almost an unlimited range, unpredictable trajectory and ability to bypass interception boundaries. It is invincible against all existing and prospective missile defence and counter-air defence systems.” The missile can manoeuvre for as long as necessary.” It was successfully launched at the Central training ground in late 2017.

The high-precision hypersonic aircraft missile system Kinzhal. The missile flies at a hypersonic speed, 10 times faster than the speed of sound; it can also manoeuvre during all phases of its flight trajectory, which also allows it to overcome anti-aircraft and anti-missile defence systems, delivering nuclear and conventional warheads within a range of over 2,000 kilometres. On December 1, 2017 these systems began their trial service from the airfields of Russia’s Southern Military District.

An intercontinental nuclear unmanned submersible vehicle, which can move at great depths intercontinentally, at a speed multiple times higher than the speed of submarines, cutting-edge torpedoes and all kinds of surface vessels, including some of the fastest. They can carry either conventional or nuclear warheads. An innovative nuclear power unit for this unmanned underwater vehicle completed a test cycle in December 2017.

The strategic hypersonic missile system Avangard – a successfully tested gliding wing unit is capable of intercontinental flight at supersonic speeds in excess of Mach 20. The gliding cruise bloc can travel intercontinental distances and engages in intensive manoeuvring – both lateral and vertical, practically in conditions of plasma formation. The temperature on its surface reaches 1,600–2,000 degrees Celsius.

The super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missile Sarmat, weighs over 200 tonnes, it has a short boost phase, which makes it more difficult to intercept for missile defence systems. It is equipped with a broad range of powerful nuclear warheads, including hypersonic ones, and the most modern means of evading missile defence. Sarmat has practically no range restrictions.

Additionally, since 2017, Russian troops have been armed with laser weapons.

“I do not want to reveal more details. It is not the time yet. But experts will understand that with such weaponry, Russia’s defence capacity has multiplied.” Putin said adding “there is far more in development” than he have revealed, “but this is enough for now.”

The revealed weapons have already passed state trials, passed into service and were put on trial combat duty. These systems will be used for two main purposes:

  • To intercept strategic missiles from a potential aggressor at various altitudes;
  • To allow the strategic nuclear forces to conduct strikes using aero, aerospace and submersible vehicles. These vehicles will be used to overcome missile defences and to deliver unacceptable damage to the armed forces and infrastructure of the enemy. They can engage various targets right in the hearth of the enemy’s territory, to destroy aircraft groups, coastal fortifications, HQs, possibly a satellites constellation and other targets.

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andy l

Excellent news – this destroys the notion that the US can initiate a first strike & be protected by their ring of ABM systems surrounding Russia which the new weapons nullify


Ahaaa ! See who’s talking now,

Rand Corp already calling for “hypersonic non-proliferation treaty” (I guess to allow the NATO good cops the time to catch up) :



70 years after first nuclear bomb and the world never managed to stop proliferation of nukes. mainly because different supper powers found in their interest to arm their allies and proxies with it. And now Rand Corps wants to limit hyper sonic. Yeah, right, I suppose the limit won’t include Israel – again …


I think Russia will gladly (and stupidly) says… “Yes!!” to their western colleagues/partners. never learn .


I think you may have missed Putin’s message.

Tommy Jensen

Nuland, Horseface and Mattis have agreed to enter into a dialogue with Putin and Lavrov, and the Russians are smiling. On the meeting Putler will give up all Russia´s military secrets to Mattis to impress the Americans on how clever Russians are, expecting Russia now will be treated as an equal partner.


Notice how u get no up votes? Moron!

Rita Munson

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The US technology is 50 years backward than Russian technology.

Jens Holm



Russia and USA are now again even, it does not matter what USA does or improve. Humanity must focus on colonize our Solar System instead of planning more wars. The military industry and research at the universities and centers must move to planetary industry.


no yet. 1st russia must produce them. and this is fantasy category.


Yes, Russia likes to make and show surprises fantasies, like 100Mt nuclear bomb (never designed or produce by any other nation).


50 Mt, not 100. read official russian sources.

during my whole life i saw no technical surprizes from russians. last one was gagarin. from taht time nothing.

but i so many stupidities whith which russians surprized the world.

Roddy Wehrmacht

Stupidities like your awful grammar which renders your comments nearly unintelligible


nazi, the BKA got your comment


What about Sputnik, first satellite ever?


i wrote clearly: gagarin was the last success.


What about sending American astronauts to the ISS? Wasn’t that a success?


58 megatons.


The Germans didn’t know about the T-34. It was quite a shock.


no, boy. in the beginning t-34s were wrong. only the last 2 version were good, at the end ow war. these two versions are the source of false myth.

btw., in the beginning of war were t-34s in test phase. therefore was not interesting for germans. in reality soviets wanted another tank, much better, but more complicated. the beginning of war shifted the decision in direction of t-34. the production was easy: from poured iron they made the turret in 1 piece.

but the quality … 10 t-34 were destroyed until 1 german pz.

so, the t34 was no high tech. ;)


“The finest tank in the world”, Field-Marshal Ewald von Kleist, First Panzer Army.

“Very worrying”, Colonel-General Heinz Guderian, Commander of Second Panzer Army.

“We had nothing comparable”, Major-General F.W. Mellenthin, Chief of Staff of XLVIII Panzer Corps.

“This tank (T-34) adversely affected the morale of the German infantry”, General G. Blumentritt

“If the Russians ever produce it on an assembly line we will have lost the war.” Field-Marshal von Reichenau

So yes, you are full of crap as usual.


You are writing about last versions. russians lost tens of thousands of t-34. comoare with german losses ;)

in first version there wasno radio, weak cannon (could not get close to german tanks), reduced abilities for vision, etc.

check the official, also russian materials.


No, I’m talking about 1940/41/42 They never had ‘tens of thousands’ of T34s in 1941. (less than 1000 actually). T34 and even heavier K1 (K2 was weird) were waaaaay better than any german tank; when introduced into production in 1940, it was the most advanced tank design, SUPERIOR to any other tank in the world: its revolutionary design featured sloped armor, speed, hitting power and low silhouette along with reliability and low production cost. Nothing wrong with its cannon, it was able to penetrate any early German tank’s armour at normal combat ranges (it was obsolete vs Tigers and Panthers but that’s 1943.). Shortage of radio was a problem, but that’s nothing to do with tank design; The real problems were bad training and bad tactics, while the Germans had better tactics/training, experience, leadership, optics, complete air superiority… and the famous Flak 88. But we are talking about the design itself. And it was superb.

Oh and some other examples of Russian military ingenuity: Russian Sikorsky Ilya Muromets, was the first four-engine heavy bomber to equip a dedicated strategic bombing unit during World War I. It was unrivaled in the early stages of the war, as the Central Powers had no comparable aircraft until much later! The Fedorov Avtomat is considered to be the first assault rifle in the world. SVT-40 was much better than german G41. Germans actually incorporated some of the SVT40 design into Gewehr43. No need to talk about Ak-47. There is nothing wrong with Russian weaponry and technology. They always had some other problems and mistakes, but that’s not the point here.

And that is a huge post, hope you’ll something :D


than you are wrong. in that time t-34 was supershit.


Yeah you know better than von Kleist, von Reichenau, Guderian… I gave you the facts, while you post – what? Your opinion? Your opinion is supershit.


These citations are irrelevant, because are taken out from context.

But i have a question for you. IF were so perfcet the first t-34ś, why were removed back from the frontline and finished their production? Kulikov orderes to develope new concept. And this was the t-34/76, whic was better, but the best version were the t-34/85 from 1944.


It was not ‘perfect’, still it was much better than any other tank in the world of that time: better than PzIII/PzIV, better than crappy western tanks, certainly better than japanese tanks. Every tank can be upgraded, PzIV had zillion versions – you can’t compare PzIVa with PzIVJ. Of course T-34/85 was the best version, BUT by 1944. it was no more the best tank in the world; compared with other tanks , it was just average (or below)….. but in 1941. – you cannot name one better tank (excluding perhaps KV1).


Look, how can be good that tank, which has no radio, weak cannon, the staff see nothing due to failed window and has weak engine, which does wrong every 50 kms?

Marshall Kulikov had to remove them. And german tanks inbetween occupied millions of km2.

Probably you dont know one thing: soviets plannaed another, much better tank than t34. But the war put a queastion: good tank, but difficult to produce in higher amnount, or weaker tank but be able to produce quickly. t34 was produced within hours. The amount won. And because of these failures of t34 russians lost huge thosands, died their best tankist and needed to remove and dvelope another version. but those experienced tankists were misses in the next year, therefor again huge losses, and first in 43 had enough experiencced tankist + enough goog tanks in the same time.

unfortunately, this tactics remained in russia until today. nothong perfct, but simply in large amount. the whole soviet/russian industry went in this way and now is russia extremly high and dry in technological sphere. of course, they have some pints of the line, shere are good, but due to lack of other developed industry they ae produse everything which is in perfect quality only in law numbers.


I’ve already explained about radio and cannon, Kulikov was a fucking idiot, an incompetent crony, he was against both T34s and KVs and made a lot of bad decisions (deliberately or not)…. you are somewhat right about bad tactics, some was Stalins fault (purges), but mostly it was just Bolshevik incompetence (Brusilov’s tactics in the WWI was superb for example, yet they completely abandoned/ignored it). The Soviet doctrines in general favored quantity vs quality, but they started to change a lot in mid-80s (Su27, Typhoon-class sumbarines, etc, etc)… But again, nothing to do with the tank itself.

So in short, just name one better tank in 1941. (except KV1)?


Are you daft? The Tzar bomb was built for 100Mt. The guy in chatge dialed it back because he didn’t believe the aircraft that dropped it would be able to escape in time. Read, it really helps.


The Tzar tested nuclear bomb was 55 Mt, but Russia has an tested (just designed) 100 Mt nuclear bombs.

Richard M

Even at 50 Mt it broke windows over 500 miles from ground zero!


was 50 MT but they had a 100 MT model too. Russia produces fission fusion reactors with do not require enrichment of fuel. this means almost no radiation and thus much much smaller and safer reactors! this is why they can produce a nuclear powered missile because the chamber can be very small! On top of that russia has always been able to make the best pocket engines! The US Military still to this day import Russian RD-180 engines. They could not sanction these because they are the most efficient and reliable engines in the world! The US is using Ukraine to copy the RD-170 which is 1980’s tech! Russia now has the RD-181 for super heavy lift and deep space orbit! The new Flacon heaven lift made by space X can only lift 8 tonnes! Russia can lift 80 tonnes! do u understand?? Russia has just finished producing the RD-191! Russia is soooo far ahead in missile tech which is why they dont need or want Aircraft carriers as they are now sitting ducks! Subs and missiles make aircraft carriers very bad idea! Air craft carriers might be good for attacking small countries in a conventional war but thats about it! Totally useless against Russia because russia’s land is too big for such aircraft to cross and return! I really think u need to start doing some research!


the 50 MT blast went around the world 3 times! And that was in 1961


Let’s just stay here for now and destroy zionism. Peace will prevail.


I agree especially with the need for space exploration. While we are quick to blame the Zio-Deep State for the conflicts around the world it is itself a by-product of stagnation as a result of not expanding our horizons beyond what has already been largely explored into new frontiers. We are by nature an explorer species.

paul ( original )

I need some help here. It is true that President Putin characterized the x-101 missile as having ‘ nuclear propulsion’ . This was repeated here. I don’t know of any missile that has nuclear propulsion or indeed what this means. I looked up as best I could but can find no information on this point. Any body better informed than me ?


Well it’s a brand new technology you can’t find anything online nowhere, they just announced it, you talking about the new Cruise Missiles, yes they are nuclear powered,that means it has a miniature nuclear reactor inside they are the first of it’s kind new prototypes that can drive the missile with almost endless endurance… That’s it more or less.

paul ( original )

I understand what the words mean but the details escape me. I know Freeman Dyson proposed a nuclear impulse engine but to my knowledge has never been built. But this uses nuclear explosions to drive the motion not a nuclear reactor. If you have some informative link I would be pleased to view it.


WE just explained all that is available at this time.

andy l

I wonder how long this thing could stay in flight once launched – many hours or more I presume

Brad Isherwood


Charles R Smith discuss the new weapons this interview. Note…Smith is comparing Past US military technology to what Russia is fielding now. Sort of an attempt to say US tried that before and chose other options. The point of the cruise missile leaving a radiation track is important. The X -101 may not be a dirty weapon…..

Promitheas Apollonious

k I think what threw you all off the real picture is the word NUCLEAR. Putin did not elaborate, on the technical aspect of things but not only plutonium or uranium, are nuclear and if the missile actually is powered by conventional nuclear fuel it will be leaving a trail of deadly radioactive exhaust, behind it.

But there is a type of nuclear fuel that can power the missile and still be not only safe but also what Putin said. And that is thorium. The guy he is talking on the radio show you posted is not only very barrow minded but not very well educated in today’s realities. He also make the mistake to think if the americans did not think it none else did.

Brad Isherwood

I’m not stumping for the Farrgin American ! It’s discussion on hypotheticals I stated that the X 101 may not be dirty!!!!

It’s becoming tiresome to post on this website with people trashing you over a single word or link of info offered.

Promitheas Apollonious

I was talking with you not about you listening to the american guy on the link you given. Learn to understand what someone says to you and not how you translate it in your mind my friend.

And if someone trashed you i assure you that was not me.

paul ( original )

Your link helped me a lot and will help others interested in understanding more about this. I was confused at first but can see that this is a a very interesting development. Now I understand the principle I understand what President Putin was saying.

Brad Isherwood

Your welcome : ) The US military industrial complex runs R&D + weapons programs on cost plus which means outrageous increase in program costs = Wallstreet $$$ profits and political who promote military programs. Russia does not print money out of thin air like the US Federal Reserve system. They chose programs after intense study and seek to make them operational on a tight budget. And ya. …like the Kalibr missile strike to Syria the first time. Wow effect is calculated too… Putin presenting these systems is intentional /timed .


Just a guess, but I think it is probably a nuclear generator that heats a liquid, and is used to pneumatically drive a turbofan. I doubt it would turning air into plasma as in jet propulsion. Turbofan would be the easiest. The only new tech would be the miniaturized nuclear reactor.

Promitheas Apollonious

a thorium generator doesn’t generate the heat of a nuclear generator or has the known short comings why not of a nuclear generator. I am sure on the net and understand why the nuclear power plan of what the russians claim to have, can not be powered by plutonium or uranium, reactors but are Thorium reactors.

Then you have a nuclear reactor any size you need him to be, with out the limitations due to overheating, of a nuclear reactor. For now people in order to activate thorium use 10% uranium. Some people outside the western illusion also are able to create the reaction with thorium with out using as the trigger to the reaction uranium.


So is is jet propulsion, pneumatic drive, or creating electricity to drive an electric turbofan?

Promitheas Apollonious

How i know kid? I did not design the weapon systems just telling you that if is true what Putin presented to the world as the new arsenal of russia, then the only reactor that can become militarized and power this kind of weapons it is a thorium reactor.

Other than that when I see one then i let you know, of the details of it.


Kid? Seriously? I thought this was a conversation.

Promitheas Apollonious

I did not mean it as an insult and yes, still is a conversation.


Ok. Have a good day or night wherever you are.

paul ( original )

Thanks for this. It is now much clearer to me what might be meant by the words nuclear propulsion in this case.


Actually US just dreamed about them, but they are not very technical people. Of course they failed.

andy l

This is taken off the Duran website – The key breakthrough is in miniaturising a nuclear reactor so that it can be fitted inside the engine of a cruise missile with dimensions similar to those of the US Tomahawk and the Russian Kh-101 cruise missiles. This is a revolutionary breakthrough which – as President Putin says – gives Russia’s subsonic cruise missiles effectively unlimited range

Promitheas Apollonious

check thorium reactors and their abilities and you figure it out.


No. The tested an nuclear engine or nuclear power pack which could be fitted to a cruise Missile like Kh-101.

Smith Ricky

Cant fck with Russia


normal guy fuckes women

HighLord Gaz

..cept for you. Your proclivities don’t involve the female gender.


“We’d better push the button! Russia has announced a new design for their paper airplane fleet!” -DoD

andy l

US planners coming to realise they have wasted billions on ABM defences which offer no defence lol


if only would be so simply


It will take years to field half of the weapons Putin describes, if ever. Putin is erecting a paper tiger that is designed to give the US pause in its march to war. MAD is still the only real deterrent, but the US has gone rogue and is willing to risk their civilian population, because the majority of the military is forward deployed. The US will win such a war, but the prize will be a smoking hole we used to call a planet.

andy l

Its likely some of these weapons are ready if you read excerpts from Putins speech – particularly the hypersonic missiles. But I am surprised you think the US would win a nuclear exchange. The mainland would equally be devasted. You dont need hundreds of strikes just a few targeted EMP bursts would decimate the power grid & kill 90% of the population within a year. Also the climatic effects from a nuclear winter would kill billions through famine. No one would win


Excellent observations, but the PTB have obviously concluded a nuclear war is winable. I believe Putin is providing grist for neocons that still have a brain.


Also the US has huge poison gas dumps in the US, a single conventional warhead striking the armoury would release the gas, and kill most of the American population.

Richard M

Where is the armory?


I don’t know, but I have seen a vid that shows it, shot by the FEMA guy who tried to expose 911, and is now hiding out in South America. It’s huge, cylinders the size gas stations use to fill LPG cylinders, and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of them. I’m sure Russia would know their location.

Tommy Jensen

The guy who put the gas there must have had his reasons.


I don’t think US ABM’s were ever about downing missiles. THAAD is a nuclear armed ballistic missile, that America pretends is defensive. The US never does defense, only offense.

Renato Santos

Isso é bom a Rússia ?? produzio um reator nuclear ⚛ em miniatura, agora fica fácil ir a marte



Icarus Tanović



Trump looks like an Antichrist like a dajjal the false messiah, liar, the deceiver. He is an evil figure, who likes human suffering, devastation and destruction.

Putin looks like a Messiah, who likes human prosperity and development. Who rescue and protect humanity from Antichrist (dajjal).


The real news is not that Russia managed to upgrade it’s nuclear triad exponentially in last decade – the important part is that it did for the fraction of the cost US is spending on stuff that doesn’t even work…How many times did US hyper-sonic vehicle blow up somewhere over the Pacific. In the meantime, Russia, that’s spending less money on military then Saudi Arabia just made US ballistic missile defense worth 100s of bn $ – obsolete…


And with more in development, Russia is nonetheless cutting their military budget and putting more money in infrastructure, education, social benefits, health etc – – – while the US (now lagging behind) is cutting those things and increasing military spending to sublime levels.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAesOURSDh8 Russia Is All In: Putin Wants To Build An 8,400-Mile Train Route Connecting London To Tokyo


And, importantly, The zionists cannot use military muscle to block it.


This is true.


I agree with u but I will add this. USA defence spending bill also accounts for active duty personal who are paid far more than Russian! USA did however concentrate a lot of its budget towards conventional military systems (tanks, ATGM, aircraft carriers etc etc). Russia has concentrated its money on strategic systems! The sleeping bear is now awake! :)




and you, ruskiefans believe, that this industry is able to produce hypersonic and nuclear engined rockets? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

i think, putin was drunk and though, it is 1st April. :))


When was the last time you heard Putin lie or even exaggerate to the world’s media?


every day.

check hes speeches on youtube about syria and russian help from sep-dec 2015.

now then you will see him to lie continuously

Icarus Tanović

Get out of here, you stupid, zionist troll. And FUCCK OFF FOR GOOD!


Be specific please. Hint: Even I can think of one instance where he didn’t keep his word.


Maybe you are on the wrong website. The fact that you are here constantly shitting your pants is evidence of your true motives.


Russia has the power to influence all earth so please don’t underestimate my neighbour.


no. we will not underestimate your hairy neighbours. we will buy caviar also in the future.

Brad Isherwood

Listen extinct (velociraptor )…… US/Old drunken Masonic British Empire, They have to attack Russia, …who already gamed this out on Supercomputer. US and their nifty deep strike stealth weapons. …vs Russkies dug in.

The first days….unless nuclear from get go, Are Polish and everything East eating Tactical strike which has France and Germany already hotline to Moscow to surrender as the fire rolls west. French and Germans couldn’t give a RIP about England. .. It would be England crying on the phone…. while Trump grabs pussy.

NATO is an absolute Joke.

US spent a decade + arm Europe. …only to see it cave in mere days. If your USA. …are you going to invite Russia strike Homeland, …or are you going to throw Europe under the bus and call it a day?? : )

US won’t tangle with Russia unless Lord Rothschild wants the Planet to burn.

US might go on Iran. ..or maybe North Korea. Both mean US forces going to the morgue big time.


Kim says bring it on baby !


until now kim hit only north korea and the sea.

Icarus Tanović

You know what you dinosaur, you got not just body, but also small brains just like one of them.

Concrete Mike

I like the photo ops he does..alwayys so happy and smiling. Looks like he likes the weed


If you do you will be sorry I will laugh and you will cry

Manuel Flores Escobar

More or less Putin says…None ABM defense are going to stop us in case of war… and the chance to hit US lands!

Sam Jonsson

Its all about brains, Russia has much more scientists and direct goverment not oligarch control. Russia has a more informed public also. They are a homogen population more than in Soros EU

Icarus Tanović

Just one thing Soros isn’t at good relations with Israeli gov and Natanahu. Just saying.


Soros is point man for transnational banks – and their only meaningful relationship is with money – and specifically ever more deregulated state conditions for creating profit yielding debt. They are at odds with all nation states in theory.


Russia is multi ethnic. The Soviet Mig aircraft was developed by an Armenian. Also, many Tatars, Mongols and Chechen scientists are in the Russian military. The Russian military top leader is Mongol, General Sergei Shoigu. The Russian National Anthem was composed by mostly non Russians. You comment sounds racist.


Not sure but I think you may have misread his comment. A mix of race can still be homogeneous.


Nope, not racist. An observation always true that unity wins, united countries win. Does USA, for example, appear united. Exact opposite. Therefore, expect the opposite result from winning.


He is almost right because these all sects that you have mentioned were the part of USSR or Russia. Even still Russia defend them from Zionists.


It’s all about freedom. Freedom is the mother of creativity. Russians enjoy the true freedom while growing by studying the best school curriculum in the world. To speak about new arm-race or a cold-war is an insult on Russians dignity. To compare western societies to Russian is a nonsense as it would to compare me and Usein Bolt covering 100 m distance. The world of cheese-smile meat-sacks could be only submissive hordes as the western societies are.today – deprived of the experiencing ordinary life.

Peter Bond

You really meant a vodka guzzling population… You commies are dumb!


You mutant, inbred shiteaters are retarded…

Peter Bond

Lolsss, hit a nerve did I? You little commie!


Obuma was a little commie, and you’re just an inbred, dumb shiteater…

Peter Bond

Mutant just like your mummy, little boy! Now run along, I need some more time teaching your mum about reproduction, if you know what I mean…


No you mutant shiteater, that’s your dad in drag, you suck his little dick while your mother is gangraped by her black boyfriends…. 1000s of them: brutally raping your mums every hole, especially her anus. Again and again… and again. Go suck her butt when they finish.

Soon you’ll have more inbred, mutant, shiteating brothers to play along with your daddy.


Check yourself – an IT hack/ spammer from Nigeria.

Peter Bond

Lolssss…weak comment from an idioten!

Poor you, Did a Nigerian scam you? you stupid, greedy retard bastard. If you aint greedy some drop-out, illiterate Nigerian wouldn’t play for you for some dumb shit!

Bob the smelling cretin still leaving under his mama’s basement rent free, grow up, get a job and a life, get into a relationship because right now, your life stinks, and oh…rot in hell you piece of excrement!

Stupid Muslim!


And with that tantrum-like display you just informed the forum who and what you are. Your words readily reflect the caliber of your character.

Peter Bond

Idiot, I abhor cheating of any kind you racist piece of pig excrement but to your racist greedy self, I say job well done!


Have you recently stopped taking your mood stabilizing medications?


Have you stopped taking your mood stabilizing medication recently?

Peter Bond

Bob, is that even your name? Or Hamid? You know nothing about me little girl even though I have read lots of your ignorant biased one sided crap you spew. You are all a bunch of Jew racist haters which I find disgusting…anyone who has a different point of view is attacked and called all sort of vile names…am done talking to the likes of you all..enjoy your fantasy here while the world in reality moves forward.


Lolsss – hit a nerve did I?

Peter Bond

Nah you didn’t Bob, not even close…


Am mocking you with your own previous phrase. Can do again with another, as aren’t you, ‘… done talking to the likes of you all…’ Too easy.


I know you are a retarded mutant, shiteater, who likes to suck his dads dick, while your mother is buttfucked by her boyfriends.

Oh please don’t cry little sissy bitch, not again :D

Jens Holm

Most here is of no consistence.

So now russians can destroy the whole world 4 times and Americans still only 5 :)))

Some phoned into our University asking if that sun burned out after 5 million years. The anwar calmed down. It was 5 billion years.

Richard M

Who is the anwar?


The guy at the kebab shop.

Richard M

I thought Bork was hanging with Anwar Sadat back in the day! :D

Arditya Arsyad

who is bork?

Richard M



Dr Strangelove was James Earl Jones first movie role.

Richard M

So many great performances. Someone on here has General Buck Turgidson for an Avatar.

R PLobo

Typical massive under estimation of the Russian people and the Russian resolve by the idiot zionists in the west. This is what happens when you promote your most stupid oocultists to positions of power. In the mass consumerism of the west there is no sense of history – but worse no sense of humanity and a base desire to undermine people at all opportunities. The Russians got their act together and kicked out the zionists in the early 2000’s – now Russia is giving the western patriots a chance to stop being vassals.

Rex drabble

Best comment today.This is a chance for Trump to change our world for the better. We will soon see where Trump really is in regards to getting along with Russia.

Peter Bond

Commies, the dumb lots of you, you are all Prats!


One of the best comments I’ve ever come across.


And one of the most important.

Love One Another M

Russians proved again they are a special breed of people, who could walk on water if needed to achieve their goals. Putin said once “Do not mess with us”, sadly the gay lobby and the russophobes in US are living in their own made up fantasy world believing they can win a war with Russia. Trump however is way smarter than them, and I am sure he is not buying into their Russophobic narrative.


He still has that uncontrollable tongue of Nikki Haley in the ranks. Also his cold as ice ultra-zionist son-in-law. I doubt tRump is on our side.

Promitheas Apollonious

you giving trump, too much credit i think.


Putin just transformed all 800 US Army foreign bases into nothing more than 800 easy targets.

Jana Kravina

World must be protected against US/UK Deep States. Russian scientist, engineers, technicians and government worked hard for decades.


sorry watching cartoons of these things just don’t carry the scare value anymore


Putin says“I do not want to reveal more details. It is not the time yet. But experts will understand that with such weaponry, Russia’s defence capacity has multiplied.” Putin said adding “there is far more in development” than he have revealed, “but this is enough for now.”

I believe Putin is bluffing. He’s taken a page from Ronald Reagan’s playbook. President Reagan told this a former Russian leader that we had SDI. We didn’t have it then, the Russians are bluffing now.

Buford T Justice

are you neocon lunatics watching this ?

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