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New Russian Victories Mark Month Of Military Operations In Ukraine

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New Russian Victories Mark Month Of Military Operations In Ukraine


March 24 marked a month of the Russian military operations in Ukraine. After the Russian blitzkrieg thrust in the first days and Kiev’s incapacity to negotiate with Moscow, Russian troops together with DPR and LPR forces have moved to the implementation of their goals by military means, orderly destructing military infrastructure all around Ukraine and eliminating the AFU grouping in the eastern regions.

The speed of Russian advance raises doubts about the success of the Russian tactics. On the other hand, the AFU are yet to claim any strategic victories. While the most powerful AFU groupings are surrounded or risk to be surrounded in the near future, the attrition war seems to be working in Russia’s favor.

New Russian Victories Mark Month Of Military Operations In Ukraine

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By the morning of March 24, the units of the Russian army took control of the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region. The claims were confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defence. Fierce clashes continue in the village of Kamenka, where the AFU is trying to prevent the Russian advance to the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk region and Barvenkovo town. After Russian forces break through the Ukrainian defence in the region, they could cut off the road and advance dozens of kilometres to the southern direction.

In their turn, LPR forces are trying to encircle the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk region, continuing their offensive in the direction of Popasnaya, Bakhmut, and Soledar with the aim of flanking the AFU grouping in Severodonetsk from the south and the southwest. After the town of Rubezhnoe, located in the north-western outskirts of Severodonetsk was taken by the LPR, no other successes were confirmed in the region.


The units of the DPR People’s Militia are advancing in the town of Maryinka. They are slowly advancing street by street, pushing Ukrainian soldiers to the western outskirts of the town. Local military reporters confirm that numerous foreign-made weapons, as well as bodies foreign mercenaries killed in the clashes, were discovered in the area. The full control over the town by the DPR is yet to be claimed.


Another important battlefield for the DPR forces is the village of Avdiivka, from where the AFU have shelling civilians in Donetsk and nearby villages for years. Taking into account that the AFU positions in the region have been fortified during the years of war, DPR troops avoid entering the town  and are slowly encircling Avdiivka from the north. Meanwhile, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) and DPR artillery continue shelling of the AFU positions near Avdiivka nonstop.

While Russian troops are encircling the whole AFU grouping in the Donbass region, DPR forces deployed in Donetsk with support of the Russian VKS are suppressing enemy positions on the city’s outskirts in order to stop shelling by Ukrainian forces on local civilians.

According to the DPR representative in the JCCC, in 35 days, 62 civilians were killed, another 466 were injured, including children.

In the city of Mariupol, DPR forces continue the mop up operation. So far, about 70% of the city were taken under the control of the joint Russian and DPR forces.


In the other regions of Ukraine, Russian ground forces are not actively moving.

In the Kiev region, Russian troops are conducting tactical-level operations in order to deplete the AFU military potential in the region. The AFU command is forced to keep troops there and attempt counterattacks, which lead to heavy losses.

In order to prevent the AFU from moving their military from Nikolaev, Odessa, Zaporozhie, Russian forces do not enter the cities.

Mine clearance in the Kherson region:


Meanwhile, military facilities of the Ukrainian armed forces are being constantly destroyed by high-precision long-range naval and air-based weapons.

On the evening of March 23 and the night of March 24, 13 launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems were destroyed as a result of the strikes, including nine S-300 and four Buk-M1 in the settlement of Danilovka, south of Kiev, the headquarters of the compound and a warehouse of rocket and artillery weapons in the settlement of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region, as well as a temporary deployment point of the nationalist battalion in the city of Lisichansk.

In general, overnight 60 military facilities of Ukraine were hit, including two command posts, two multiple rocket launchers, four ammunition depots, 47 areas of accumulation of weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Russian air defense systems destroyed 2 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the cities of Staraya Markovka and Kharkiv. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense.


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The Ukrops are suffering heavy casualties everywhere. 14,000 dead and 36,000 wounded versus 3,500 dead and 8500 on the Russia, LNR, and DNR side. The Russian plan to destroy the Ukrop army is working.


Thats right,mean while Russian advance with clean sheet, zero Casualties like Alice in wonderland 😁.

Last edited 2 years ago by C4C
Hungary Guy

No, according to CIA- NN Moscow is completely surrounded by Ukronazis. They’re on their way to “liberate” China and North Korea, too.


Landing ship is floating in Black sea like new graduated petite girl in Moscow.

Bobby Twoshoes

I can’t tell if you’re a child or a pedo…

Truth teller

He’s a nazi pedo

Vlad the Impaler

You have a very disturbing obsession with little girls.


amerikant pedophile obsessed with 9 year old boys—Sawyer and Loki released from arkansas prison recently for this—after working for pimp Leroy for past 10 years they walk like you—backwards towards lgbt




There are no clean sheets in war you idiot.


in your arkansas trailer park social worker must feed you pest in baby bottle—your bib stained with too much lgbt sperm you retreat from taliban—-inUSA ” everybody for themselves society populated by automatons”. (arthur Koestler) no casualties despite that you have most violent crime, non-violent crime raper per capita all nations….LOL


Make that 25,000. They lost 14000+ in Mariopol alone.


I really hope they have taken some Azov freaks alive.




So they can be tried in a court and sentenced to death that way. Either way they will die. Maybe even extract more information from them to.


That’s my previous days calculations and proved I’m correct within a margin of 10%. That means things are doing very very well for the russians. A word just take my attention: ”Meanwhile, the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) and DPR artillery continue shelling of the AFU positions near Avdiivka NONSTOP ” !!!!!!!!!!!!! NONSTOP pouring missiles, bombs, shells, etc into those shitfuck nazi garbage. No prisoners, despite the fact I already see one imbecile retard 25 years old Azov moron who surrendered in Mariupol and carried for interrogation. Beware, I told you ! Those brainwashed asshole terrorist will never be ‘reeducated’, just how theirs father weren’t in the SSSR era. They will adopt a submissive attitude and when circumstances arrive they will return to theirs bad habits to kill, rape, torture and so on…..If not executed better to ‘export’ those motha fuckers into other countries. Also, the former Azov cretin leader which asked some days ago for help and donations, surname ‘taxiAzov’, was liquidated. The chechens are real tough guys and destroy everything. Long Live Russia !


Also, the former Azov cretin leader which asked some days ago for help and donations, surname ‘taxiAzov’, was liquidated

Glorious COMRADE !!!!!

It was so awesome to see him cry and tell the same civilians he had killed to help them on twitter! He got liquidated? Music to my ears :) Funny how they vowed they would be ready to die as martyrs and then when ‘that life’ was actually upon them, they stopped ‘being about that life’ soooo damn quick!!! Waaaa waaaa help me please help me waaa waaaa!!!!

Now where is Andriy Biletskiy and that SICKO Mailar at? They should be executed by firing squad once captured and all relevant questioning and intelligence gathering is done!!!

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Firing squad are to nice. Better to let me disassemble him as far as possible. Need a few days at work and in the meantime I will serve him a good soup with a lot of meat in it. I want to save an eye so he can see what his endpoint will be. Will deliver him in a backpack for further treatment.

Should Zyklon B them. They chose to flirt with Nazism, then they get the Nazi horror punishment.


Any links? Google is actively removing all info from Russia or Russian posters. Only info available is from cnn, bbc and dw. In all of them, Russia is on Vietnam and riots are all over Russia to oust Putin from power.


is ok? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtLSFth5ri7VVqvOBEj_xUg




But wait, the mainstream media told us that Russian army has lost 20-25000 soldiers? Russia has no weapons left they said. Russians are running out of fuel and food they said.

Ukraine was winning this war they said. 😂

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88

I know. The western prestetutes are trying to say the Russian war machine is out of fuel?!? Like if there is one thing Russia has it’s fuel and lots of it. So we know it’s all lies. I’d say the UAF are close to being on their knees.


Russian casualties est. is too high. Probably much lower.


3500 KIA for the allied forces!!! That’s a big number, are you sure about that?


Easy jobs just encircled them bombs by aircraft. The same as US did in Iraq.


First video, mercs are mutilating and burning their dead so that they could not be identified or are those nato ?




“as well as bodies foreign mercenaries” – nice…. more oil and gas for future generation, courtesy by foreign mercs.

Russia is a paper tiger

Wagner group is burning their dead? Makes sense, russian army is also burning all of their poor deadbodies since they do not want to claim them

Zelensky theJew faggot puppet show

Dear EU/NATO please send more lube my ass is getting very sore now, these Russians boys play rough!

Porc halal

Good, perfect! … but…Man, if the Russians will not take any actions to stop the influx of the NATO weponry sliping in Fuckraine, its goind to dry out the Russian resources after a while, therefore they have to do something about…and soon

Adam Kafei

As long as the Russians can develop appropriate countermeasures it might be better for them to draw this out a bit. Russian equipment is significantly cheaper for similar specsheets so even where they do have to trade it’s not an econmic loss for the Russians especially against all these shiny modern missiles NATO is dumping into Ukraine, NATO is similarly paying an economic price in many fields that Russia can be selfsufficient in if they aren’t already.

I would prefer, if this is drawn out, for it to be done away from the cities but this is an ideal opportunity to drain the west of their economic, military and human resources while simultaneously gaining real world wartime experience, first hand feedback on military equipment and a better idea of how much the Russian military needs to spend (both in financial and material terms) to maintain a war which will better inform the military budget going forwards, I would not be surprised if there is a fairly significant shift towards expanding and maintaining ammunition stocks and related logistics in the near future.

Arzt Injektion

We have no idea what is getting through, if it is getting through, but I agree, something has to be done.


Little dotard,civilians are fleeing like insects from Ukraine.Once the major population leaves, Ukranian army will be open target for Russian strikes then you will watch the brutal losses of Ukr.Now be a good Russian bot and do not forget to masturbate when these occurs(Without soap please).😃


NATO is only supplying Ukraine with defensive weapons as they have stated so many times. Defensive weapons means that they are not effective offensively. You cannot attack a country using small arms and NLAW’s and javelins. Why would anyone not be in favor for a military not having the necessary equipment to defend itself from an invader? Should we not judge Russia for using Belarus as a staging ground for its ground and aerial attacks? How would you feel if Ukraine would use Polish airfields to launch air strikes on Russian tanks trying to get into Kyiv? Double standards much?


Those bases in Poland would be incinerated,Putin said that,thats another red line i hope they are not stupid enough to cross.


The Poles are quite stupid, don’t sell them short.

Last edited 2 years ago by Befree
Michel LeBlanc

14000 dead civilians in donbass.

You can shove your double standards up your ass son!


Double-standards? The human beings who understand the sacred duty of the Russian forces to destroy the militarized and radicalized fascist US puppet know that the NATO supply of arms for the kamikaze mission has to be interdicted. It’s not a moral question. It has nothing to do with a moral assessment of logistics. Your derping is typical emotionally-laden Anglosphere propaganda. Great success!

Igor Chomchev

What about the missiles and tanks and artillery NATO has provided Ukraine for more than 8 years for shelling Donbass and now to try to contain Russia? shelling Donbass with artillery from the West is not a defensive action right? Why are you disinforming by saying Belarus is a staging ground when Lukashenko has repeatedly been saying he doesn’t want to get drawn into the conflict despite Ukraine trying several times by shelling Belarus soil, you are using a lie to justify an hypothetical situation for Ukraine asking Poland for help; the use of lies like this and lots of disinformation are very very typical of Western media, NATO and US and I can tell also apply to their followers.


Better to wait until there is sufficient hardware to destroy with just a few missiles.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The Russian stock exchange is up and running. The reason is that Putin will only sell oil in rubles. Oil-buying countries must thereby lift the trade blockade in order to obtain rubles.

Or to buy rubles with euro’s and dollar’s which is an extraordinary boost for russian finances. Putin is awesome intelligent.


Mate, for the past 7 years, the biggest weapon supplier for DNR & LNR was AFU. Nowadays, all those NATO weapons taken by RF Army are transferred to DNR forces. Means less operational expenses for RF.


Thy are taking action,they wiped a couple of bases out in the West,i believe some of those foreign fascists were barbecued.


Trophies – DPR and LNR forces need those NATO weapons. They ain’t for the Ukrainian military


Well, if you continue to put toys in the playpen don’t be surprised to have them destroyed. We have NATO using their stockpiles on a proxy war they cannot win, and will suffer greatly by wasting trillions in trying to prop up a failed nazi state.

Canada has ran out of weapons to send, so now they probably don’t have anything to send to Saudi Arabia to genocide Yemeni children with.

NATO has made a huge mistake and they will be left vulnerable after this proxy war operation is complete.

Hungary Guy

Just fire a Kinzhal/ Zircon on NATOstan HQ in Brusselistan.

John McGrew

And do all Europe a favor? Think Putin is that considerate? I almost hope he flushes the swamp on the Potomac with an underwater drone, Trump couldn’t drain it, so flush it instead))

Last edited 2 years ago by John McGrew

Even if Russia does manage to occupy more territory in Ukraine, they are going to have significant difficulty maintaining those gains and finding the necessary political formula to keep those territories under Moscow control. Moscow imposed military administration of towns and villages doesn’t work because army men are not politicians and administrators. If course in eastern Ukraine there still is a significant ethnic Russian population which could potentially help Moscow achieve its goals of political domination. The question is, how many people in Ukraine still hold pro-russian sentiments and see willing to help Moscow assert it’s control over the occupied territories? The impulse too rebel against occupation has been very strong in Kherson, and it will be very hard for Russia to change and sway public opinion to support a pro-russian political class when everyone of those people have someone who was killed, injured, displaced and had their property destroyed their peaceful lives disrupted by the Russian forces. Why would anyone in eastern Ukraine, and indeed in Ukraine in general be pro-russian, after this unnecessary, unprovoked and senseless attack on their cities and homes. Ukrainians have been living in peace for the last 80 years and Russia has brought war to their doors since 2014 to this day. I think it’s fair to say the despite the territorial gains which are marginal in terms of economic value as those areas are fully devastated by the Russian invasion, Putin has gained nothing by invading Ukraine. Each and one of his objectives has backfired horribly. I’m not really sure why the FSB and the Russian political junta still allow him to be in power. He has failed in Ukraine. Remove him, withdraw your forces from the territory of Ukraine, make peace with the world and bring things back to normal both in Ukraine and Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Bla bla bla. I would expect a lot higher standard from CIA/Mi6/soros run ukro trolls. Keep practicing kiddo.


Bla bla and blablabla and blablabla it is aller you can do. Poutine is wining.zelotsky, Zelensky loose the war. Hé only work for the USA bidet and the zionist entity to the World war

Mattie J

You have relied on wrong sources of info about this war. This is not about Russia trying to occupy Ukraine. Russia have 2 goals about this opeation 1) de militarize Ukraine and 2) denazify Ukraine

This operation wasn’t unprovoked, it came after 8 years of civil war in Donbas(Donetsk and Lughansk People’s Republics) and also after Russia tried for 7 years to have Ukraine implemt the Minsk accords, this led to the ultimatum letter being sent to North Atlantic Terrorist Organization on 16th Dec 2021 and when USA refused to sign it, Russia respnded by aknowlegding both republics as independant states, then a few days later they asked Russia for military help to defend their republics

Russia will not stay in Ukraine longer than they have to, they most probably will take the entire seaboard and attach it to DPR, so to landlock the remaining Ukraine. They might even take Kiev and attach it to LPR, so to have control over the entire Dnipr river. The central Ukraine they will leave alone, coz that’s where Ukraine grow their wheat and other crops-

The western part will be attacked heavily till all remaining nazi elements are gone.

What is mot likely to happen is that Ukraine will be partined in 4 wester, central, LPR and DPR or Poland would take what they mean belongs to them, Germany get their areas back, and Hungary and Romania as well.


You’re contradicting yourself. First you say that this is about denazification and demilitarization, whatever that means, as Russia didn’t manage to come up with a sufficiently clear definition of what they mean by those two terms. Then you’re saying that Russia’s occupation of Ukraine is temporary but they do want to annex at least part of its territory and turn it into a landlocked country. I mean at least come up with a believable story using clear language, and not use nonsense words then keep changing the goals of this invasion. Let’s just say it how it is, denazification and demilitarization don’t mean anything to anyone, this is a clear war of aggression, an invasion by Russia of a neighbouring country, and they aim to annex at least part of the territory of Ukraine, violating it’s territorial integrity recognized by every other country in the international community. I mean everyone can see the Russia is lying but they keep doing it.


Sorry Baghera, you watch too many time Book of Jungle motha fucker racist filth. Russia will prevail no matter what. In all aspects. The decease act of the US hegemony is signed NOW, with this war. The chinese today meet afghan officials for economic and trade treaties. Afganistan is full of resources and China is plenty of money….they will rebuilt Afganistan and Afganistan will boost China economy. The Empire of Lies, ‘the biblical ‘Great Whore of all abominations’ is doomed. Its final DAYS came now. Long live Russia, Victory for Russia !!


Let’s not exaggerate, the Whore was the Jewish priesthood.


What is the Ukrainian strategy in this conflict? They cannot move large formations. They cannot supply encircled forces. They cannot mount an organized counter-attack at even battalion level, let alone brigade or divisional scale operations. What kind of state, with the third largest conventional force in Europe, moves to asymmetrical warfare within days of the start of a conflict, after eight years of NATO training, support and supply, and then claims to be winning? Just relentless babbling about Putin. Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin. Paper thin Anglsophere propaganda, uniform from the Economist right down to Web-tards like you. Pathetic.


More 🤢 🤮 propaganda from 💩 for brains azovisis troll. You simply can’t wish a russian defeat into reality, haven’t you understood this yet?

And last week you were praising javelins, nlaws and bayrakyars, now that mariupol is fallen ‘you can’t win using defensive weapons’

Cry more


halfwit pedophile from arkansas has difficulty finding meth in your trailerpark—now too ugly senile to trade for lgbt sex


Putin will not let NATO keep drawing the noose tighter.


NATO giving missiles, targeting data, satellite imagery etc. to those trying to attack Russian forces is almost as bad as them directly hitting Russian forces themselves and demands a similar response from Russia. Will Russia provide all the technical help and equipment necessary to allow Iran to track and sink American carriers in the Persian Gulf?


You can bet they will. Aside from that foreign mercs are dying by the hundreds each day.

SBU are gay


Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

In 7 weeks, Ukrainian soldiers will wear Russian uniforms and be ready to fight against US-NATO if the Western powers want further war. The winner takes everything and writes the story as usual after a war. That is the prize for victory.

Last edited 2 years ago by Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and Azovisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


Force Russia. The only nation in the world capable of stopping NATO and its imposition of order and subjugation to countries that are not at the economic center of the world. Fry the Nazi supremacists.




When you hear Allahu Akhbaru’ ii is better to let down everything and run for a life !!! There are no better soldier in the world than the muslim ones….Americunts learned on own skin that in Irak, Syria, Afganistan, etc……only the japanese ww2 troopers were something equivalent but a bit less motivated.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil

Azov are burning the face and hands of some of their fallen men. To make it difficult to ID foreign mercs and alphabet black ops.


The conclusion is obvious. Every corpse with burnt hands and face was a merc.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗


I think POWs from Ukraine are now in their thousands,more and more its the fanatical Nazi battalions who are fighting and forcing others at gun point.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

An MLRS a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺


Muslim Chechens eliminated Nazi supremacists from the infamous Azov battalion who use the population as a human shield. Nazis did not pass! On top of them!


It’s very interesting that Russia fears NATO expansion with which it has no direct border but it doesn’t fear the growing political and military power of China with whom it has a direct border. See, the Chinese can see through the Russian bullshit. Probably Xijinping is thinking hey, if Russia invades Ukraine today, they might decide to invade China tomorrow. They might attempt a coup in Beijing. Ukraine was never part of NATO. This narrative of fearing being invaded by your peaceful neighbours is so weak intellectually that I’m not sure how anyone in the world is buying it. But of course, Russia is doing exactly the things that is blaming other countries of doing. And people here can’t break through the blatant logical contradictions of the Russian narrative. I’m not sure, is it because putin is so smart or because they are so dumb? Vladimir “small dick narcissistic aggression napoleon” poutine is not as smart as he would like the world to believe

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin
Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

All countries want a neutral country between them and hostile powers. When a neutral country chooses to join a country like the United States that exists only to wage wars and sell weapons, then there will be unrest. Simple logical thinking.


That’s a false statement. Russia is the second largest weapons exporter in terms of volume of sales but it’s the top exporter in terms of absolute numbers. In other words, the US is selling high tech weapons like planes and missile systems. While Russia is flooding every poor country with cheap small arms, grenades, mines, armoured vehicles and tanks. Russia has done more work to supply the world with arms than any other country and has been the number one exporter during Soviet times. The Soviet armaments industry was so large that after the breakup of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was within the top five exporter for a long time. But again, you’re accusing the US of the same things that Russia is doing.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The United States has always had a war going on somewhere on the planet. Do not see anything wrong with Russia helping the countries that are exposed to US aggression.

Zelensky is a CIA cocksucker

When dud china invade a country in recent times? And how many did NATO. Duh.


Answer to that is, China does not seek for hegemony and dominance, and they will not be a threat even if they outgrow US GDP 3 or 4 times. It’s a different culture. It’s more of a question how China is comfortable with Russia, knowing that they already took a part of Chinese lands in the past. But they are both percieving a far larger threat in western hegemony, so until that is overthrown, things will go as they are. China and Russia may not have same ambitions, but their short time goals are.


The reality is that it’s Russia itself who seeks hegemony within the Slavic world. But Russia has been an aggressor in the Slavic world for the past century and has waged war and brutalized the Slavic states, engaging in territorial annexation, genocide, and regime changes. Russia wants to be in control of the Slavic world and have this sense of entitlement but they only know how do do that by force because let’s face it, Russia has the worst diplomatic tradition of any country on this planet. They simply lack the necessary skills. The Russian method is to get the army in and establish regime change which is favourable to Moscow. That’s exactly what they’re doing in Ukraine right now

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin
Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The priority of the CIA has been to change regimes in the countries in which they have interests. Many of these countries are former Soviet republics. In European countries, they have had power over governments since WW2.

Last edited 2 years ago by Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The reality is that the US works to destabilize Russia as it cannot tolerate a potential economic rival on the Eurasian landmass. The US controls Europe and as the US Empire’s decline continues, it is more desperate for stop-gap measures to prevent things like Belt-Road or Nordstream 2. The US is in late-stage capitalism, where all the excess productivity is pumped into complex speculative financial instruments rather than productive means. They have no answer to China except sending Special Forces all over the world and fostering maniac puppets like the Ukrainian failed state. You want diplomatic tradition? The US has attacked over thirty countries since 1945, and has overthrown sixty governments. They have Special Forces deployed in a minimum of seventy countries at any given time, because they don’t have the money that the Chinese have. The Ukrainians are trapped in 1922, and the US fully takes advantage of their delusions.

John Tosh

China would never topple a government the way Victoria Nulan and her CIA clowns did in Ukraine. The CIA was going for Crimea to control access to the Black Sea. The CIA had 32 biological weapons labs at Russias border plus the CIA was sponsoring Navalny and his group of rioters in Russia to do exactly what they did in Ukraine and Libya.

Russia is not that stupid you know. China is the bonafide future leader of the planet. Russia knows that and China knows that. So China will not stoop to the low level of the CIA against Russia.

Does this clear your confusion??

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh
Mattie J

Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Norway all right on the Russian Border and are members of the terrorist organization called NATO, if Finland join, you will have 1 more country bordering Russia

Why would Russia attack China? the 2 countries have always had a good relationship, Russia even gave China land back in the times. You see, USA have driven both countries further into the arms of each other with the geopolitics they’re performing right now, they’re even driven India closer to China. India and China have traditinally been competing powers in East/Central Asia


First of all Nato is not a terrorist organization by any definition that’s just false. Secondly, Finland was previously invaded by Russia and has lost territory to Russian aggression. They have every reason to distrust them, and now even more so, as is clear to everyone that Russia has renewed it’s territorial ambitions. Finland can do whatever it likes, it is not up to Russia to dictate their international policy. But Finland has the backing of NATO which would not allow an invading force on EU territory. Also Russia and China haven’t always been friendly, they have been at war multiple times in the past century, 1969 the earliest.

Michel LeBlanc

NATO is a terrorist organization, it uses violence to acheive political means.

Thats the excact definition fuckwit.

Explain the Libyan agreassion. Go on enlighten us.


NATO is without question a terrorist organization. This runs the gamut from Gladio-type operations, the global counter-insurgency developed by psychotic imperialists like Ed Lansdale, David Galula, and the Limey demon midget Frank Kitson, and coups in the Ukraine, right up to full-scale criminal wars against countries like Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya. The criminality of NATO is unparalleled since the end of the global war in 1945.


Stop wasting your time with trolls like *BangderaSteponPutin*

No matter how many facts you present to people like him, they will always paint Russia and China as evil and the US warmongers as the good and righteous in this world.

I bet you there are paid CIA trolls/ disinformation agents who job is to deride and silence those who is of different opinion and don’t buy into US double standards, fake morals and hypocrisy.

I mean since US and it’s vassal states controll the western mainstream media through the six mega-corporations, surely they would have some paid people out there shutting down those who are waking up to the truth.

Don’t fall for these paid cia trolls. What are they doing in sites like these?

Seriously are they here to save us from bad Russia and China?

Last edited 2 years ago by DSB88

That would only be interesting to an ignorant moron. NATO exists to apply US power on the Eurasian landmass, particularly to prevent the rise of an economic rival and to maintain control of European vassals. That’s why they conducted an illegal assault on Yugoslavia in 1999, and then numerous illegal wars in places like Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. They’re literally an international criminal military force. The Russians have had to fight US-instigated border wars and deal with CIA jihadis since the dismantling of the Soviet Union, whereas the US smashes countries thousands of miles from the US. You’ll notice that the Americans have used strategic bombing steadily since 1941. The B-29 was used to kill 20 to 30% of North Korea’s population. Then the B-52 was used to devastate Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, and was still killing people in Syria fifty years later. There is nothing like this level of state criminality by Russia or the Soviet Union. The Tu-95, of similar vintage, was never used in combat until 2015. There is nothing in the modern world to compare to the unbridled criminal aggression of NATO, which may why it held such appeal for full-blown Nazis like Parubiy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Clyde

No, it’s because NATO and the US have repeatedly promised not to expand, and then lied and broke their words. This has gone on years and years. USA speaks with forked tongue.

The Chinese and the Russians rely on honesty, mutual respect, and decades of trust building; and that’s why they no longer fear each other.

Zelensky is a CIA cocksucker

Hi :)

Zelensky is a CIA cocksucker

Ukraine was gearing up of WWIII. They had more weapons than all of European NATO combined. From the S-300 alone they lost at least 40. 1500 tanks, 240drones. 1000 trucks and APCs. 200+ MLRS. 160 heavy artillery 114 jets 48 helos Not mentioning the ATGMs and ballistic missiles.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zelensky is a CIA cocksucker
Yamil perez is a gay faggot

UKROP air defenses as of 2021: (largest in Europe after Russia, larger AD than any NATO country) 250 S-300PS launchers (31 battalions) 72 BUK-M1 launchers (18 battalions) 100 TOR-M1 (25 battalions) 32 S-125 Pechora-2M (4 battalions) Not to mention 10,000+ Stinger, Starstreak, Polish Igla

This is why RuAF is only operating at 10% capacity. Yet still 25% of Ukraine captured.

Russia is a paper tiger

show me your math and these 25% captured? are you counting with crimea and LPR regions from pre war? lol most of the territory is contested now, russians can not even hold their pants


𝗦­𝘁­𝗮­𝗿­𝘁 𝗻­𝗼­𝘄 𝗲­𝗮­𝗿­𝗻­𝗶­𝗻­𝗴 𝗰­𝗮­𝘀­𝗵 𝗲­𝘃­𝗲­𝗿­𝘆 𝗺­𝗼­𝗻­𝘁­𝗵 𝗼­𝗻­𝗹­𝗶­𝗻­𝗲 𝗳­𝗿­𝗼­𝗺 𝗵­𝗼­𝗺­𝗲­. 𝗚­𝗲­𝘁­𝘁­𝗶­𝗻­𝗴 𝗽­𝗮­𝗶­𝗱 𝗺­𝗼­𝗿­𝗲 𝘁­𝗵­𝗮­𝗻 $­𝟭­𝟱­𝗸 𝗯­𝘆 𝗱­𝗼­𝗶­𝗻­𝗴 𝗮­𝗻 𝗲­𝗮­𝘀­𝘆 𝗷­𝗼­𝗯 𝗼­𝗻­𝗹­𝗶­𝗻­𝗲­. ­𝗜 𝗵­𝗮­𝘃­𝗲 𝗺­𝗮­𝗱­𝗲 $­𝟭­𝟵­𝟳­𝟭­𝟱 𝗶­𝗻 𝗹­𝗮­𝘀­𝘁 ­𝟰 𝘄­𝗲­𝗲­𝗸­𝘀 𝗳­𝗿­𝗼­𝗺 𝘁­𝗵­𝗶­𝘀 𝗷­𝗼­𝗯­. 𝗘­𝗮­𝘀­𝘆 𝘁­𝗼 𝗷­𝗼­𝗶­𝗻 𝗮­𝗻­𝗱 𝗲­𝗮­𝗿­𝗻­𝗶­𝗻­𝗴 𝗳­𝗿­𝗼­𝗺 𝘁­𝗵­𝗶­𝘀 𝗮­𝗿­𝗲 𝗷­𝘂­𝘀­𝘁 𝗮­𝘄­𝗲­𝘀­𝗼­𝗺­𝗲­. 𝗝­𝗼­𝗶­𝗻 𝘁­𝗵­𝗶­𝘀 𝗿­𝗶­𝗴­𝗵­𝘁 𝗻­𝗼­𝘄 𝗯­𝘆 𝗳­𝗼­𝗹­𝗹­𝗼­𝘄 𝗶­𝗻­𝘀­𝘁­𝗿­𝘂­𝗰­𝘁­𝗶­𝗼­𝗻­𝘀 𝗵­𝗲­𝗿­𝗲­.­.­.­.http://MoneyLine2.ml/

Last edited 2 years ago by vincentpal0
supratim barman

does anyone know what the Z in Operation Z stands for?


Z -> Zapad (West) – Whether they have some other secret meaning that only the Kremlin knows, nobody will ever find out.

Zapad is also a Russian military radio station that likely commanded most Z marked troops (excluding DPR/LPR)

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Kiev highways need to be cutoff so no way in or out of city. This should be a priority in the northern fronts, but seems very static and little movement. Lack of reinforcements or supplies? RU need to go on offensive and isolate Chernigov and Kiev. This will make the UKROPS cry even harder for a no fly zone.


Nope, that means starvation for citizens. Not now, despite the fact that military I agree.


It’s stagnant because of two factors. Zelensky isn’t there anymore (he’s in Warsaw) and they will move IF Nazi stragglers try to evacuate westward. Because neither of those things have happened they do not need to move yet.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nope
Russia is a paper tiger

lol no your mother is the one on a brothel in warsaw…. How can this people be so dumb. You also believe the earth is flat right? Idiot4life

Russia is a paper tiger

Yeah fatty the only thing you need to cufoff is sugar… Should move to russia is almost sugar free now lolol Be careful with an AVC when Russia will inevitably retreat in an humilliating defeat


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Russia mine field clearing. Settling in for the long term? No matter how this war goes on from now, this was has redrawn maps. Russia is gong to keep control of Kherson and the water canal that goes from there to the Crimea.

Muhammad your Prophet

Celebrating Russian victories by having a battleship reenact the sinking of the Bishmarck.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Is that what the Ukrainians were doing with Hetman Sahaydachniy? Couldn’t find a better use for it, I suppose, as they won’t have a single port by the end of the spring.

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