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New Satellite Image Shows Construction Works At Alleged Iranian Missile Base In Eastern Syria

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Construction works are still ongoing at an alleged Iranian missile base located near the eastern Syrian town of al-Bukamal near the Iraqi border, a satellite image posted by Twitter account Aurora Intel on January 10 confirms.

A report by Fox News in 2019 claimed the base, which became known as the “Imam Ali Base,” was being built by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which want to store precision-guided missiles there.

Aurora Intel’s satellite image shows ongoing construction work at a large tunnel located in the northern part of the base.

A series of Israeli airstrikes hit the base between 2019 and 2020. A number of building within the base were wiped out. Nevertheless, the construction didn’t stop.

No air-defense systems are known to be deployed at the Imam Ali Base. However, Iranian-backed armed groups from Iraq and Syria are deployed at the base and around it to counter ISIS, whose cells are active in the eastern and central regions.

Despite the allegations of Fox News and the Israeli media, there is still no evidence indicating that Iranian forces have deployed missiles at the base.


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Jens Holm

It makes sense, but is it true?

viktor ziv

It is.. fuck*** up israely intelligence. wasting missiles on desert storm. hurray for idf. just like serbians brothers fuck*** NATO bombarding … nothing…


Sure … we believed ya … ya f/kn mooslim Sh Xt head

Zionism = EVIL

Desperate JewCUNT huh!



Seems to me the Jews/ Zionists/ Israelis are doing to the IRGC anything they want … hello?

In the mouth … In the rear … in the ear

Right between the eyes … eh?

No answers … from the limp dicks shia

Yossi knows how to handle y’all … lol

The Future is About to Land …

Arch Bungle

I thought jews were supposed to be smart? You must be a “special needs” jew.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist arseholes at scared shitless of Iran now as the Americunts are finished. This year the Zionists are in for real thumping.

Kenny Jones ™

Yes despite hundreds of zionist airstrikes, Iran still isn’t leaving Syria, the truth is hard to swallow


Starting from scratch … again and again

The truth is hard to swallow …

Zionism = EVIL

You seem to be an expert on swallowing, your mom should have done the same :)

Just Me

Got owned. lol


… next

Arch Bungle

last …


Swallow ye shall!



Arch Bungle


Zionism = EVIL

There have been no “hundreds” of strikes or anything. The Zionist arseholes are shit scared and liars. They have launched million dollar missiles at a few mud huts for domestic consumption. You don’t gain anything by firing off long range stand off missiles, only boots on the ground in large numbers win wars. The ZionistCUNTS don’t have the guts to fight the Axis of resistance which is now at its peak. Just watch this space in the near future.


The Truth hurts … eh?

Axis of resistance?

Failed states are all ya got … pmsl

Just watch?

The Future is About to Land …

Zionism = EVIL

Responding to this idiot is giving his numbnut retarded brain oxygen. I am surprised that he is still here considering the daily rejection. What a loser!


These bases are ultimately going to be built as Iran develops its network and weapon density to protect its bases in Syria or Iraq.

Kenny Jones ™

Iran is preparing for tunnel warfare against the US in the levant, the worst case scenario would be without air defense so they would need underground infrastructure for that


Tunnels to store their weaponry, I see them becoming proficient in air defenses and EW where they can overwhelm their enemies as a regular army.


Proficient in air defences? lol


Tunnel warfare? pmsl

Arch Bungle

You seriously are running out of rational comment these days.


Protect its bases … lol


if the idea is to use these bases to rain a hail of missiles on the jews in palestine I am all for them and if they add another three or four it’s even better. and once the deal between North Korea and Iran is finalized, it should be possible to clean palestine of all jews and in the aftermath deal with the jews embedded as iraqis and syrians and turkish in these countries where they serve as spies for and on behalf of the war criminals in palestine. it’s simple, the jews in palestine better find another home than palestine and they better start in good time.

Kenny Jones ™

The raining on the jews is closer than you think, just take a look at the US situation


Laughable … as he holds his dick

Zionism = EVIL

Hey dickless Jew PUNK, what’s with the TWATZ thingy, suits you dumbarse moron. You are clown, but sound like the basement dweller Iron Zion huh!

Just Me


Zionism = EVIL

Just putting the arsehole in his hole :)


So scary … lol

What’s that buzzing overhead? pmsl

Arch Bungle

You sound more intellectual than normal today …


The Zionists need to be obliterated for the sake of humanity.


You’re a f/kn anti-Judaism Hater … of course YOU hope ‘to clean’ the Jews from Israel?

That’s called ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ … hello?


Zionism = EVIL

You the latest hasbaraCUNT lol, dumbass you motherfuckers are about to hit hard. WE SEE YOU AND PISS ON YOU . The Americunts are a basket case now.


And dafuq is an anti-Judaism hater? He hates anti-Jews or somethin’? That’s awful!

Hello! Ethnic cleansing, like Ashkenazim ethnically cleansed the occupied Palestine?

Not in a hurry for the next customer, eh? Come on, earn something.


You ain’t seen nothing yet …

Arch Bungle

Neither have you.

Arch Bungle

There is no such ethnic group as “jews”.

Judaism is a kooky European religion.

Nobody gives a shite about cleansing joos.

Destroy the European Occupation of Palestine!


You keep trying … ya f/kn Judaism hater

I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?


Zionism = EVIL

The general consensus in the region is that the dumbass Americunts are now an official banana republic and the Zionist parasites are not going to survive. The Axis of Resistance now is at its peak and Iran is a defacto nuclear power with at least a dozen nukes. Why do you think even a barking mad coward like Trump was able to do fuckall and now faces impeachment and jail time. Iran is in a class of its own.


sure as a clucking bell the jews in palestine are toast, just a matter of time before they are kicked all the way to hell never to be heard from again and never be missed one iota by anyone.

Sonna Jackson


Peter Moy

Iran should just tell the slack jawed, mealy mouth Kosher chicken hawks at KosherFOX (the vast majority without any military service despite the US being at war since 2001) and the HeimyZionazi media that “we are just supporting our partners against a common threat and looking after our strategic security interests.” That’s the type of horse dung that the despicable, hypocritical, evil, murderous scum in Washington, DC would use.

chris chuba

I hope they figured out how to dig ditches and build worthless but scary looking plywood buildings.


They are Chris, rest assured and they also use scary looking metal tubes (beat down and rusted barrels, mostly) in those decoys, plus strategically placed warmers and heaters.

Zionism = EVIL

HAPPY NEW YEAR children, I have not posted in a while as have been traveling the Stans, they are quite bizarre and some are real shitholes. Will post later on my impressions. In any case, things are going very well for Iran and the Axis of resistance and the JewCUNTS are up the creek. If these fuckwits thought that Iran would be intimated by some parking shed being blown up in middle of a desert, they have thing coming. Iran has expanded its nuclear program by a quantum leap and can reprocess cranium at 90% or more in a matter of hours not days. The good news is that the Zionist scared shitlesscowardlyCunts are going to hit soon. Let me freak them out even more.


That reprocessed cranium sounds good

Zionism = EVIL

For a for Jew fuckwit for sure :)

Zionism = EVIL

I started by Jeep in Tajikistan, which is probably the better of the lot. The rest are absolute backward shitholes and wonder what Soviet Union did for them, fuckall. Bishkek, Almaty look like villages and bizarre scenes like only white cars allowed in Turkmenistan, their leaders are fuckwits and the people are not better by much either. They are zombies. There are no roads and no tourists. I passed through the Wakhan corridor and only that looks a bit like the Middle East. The Soviet rule has been a disaster. Iran is well liked, but the presence at this stage is quite limited.

Zionism = EVIL

The problem I saw was that the populations are very dumbed down due to isolation. Russian is still widely understood and only in Tajikistan they understand Farsi, the old population. The Americunts and Jews have made much propaganda inroads and the usual “terrorism” bogeyman. The governments are pretty much in the Soviet mold and all are bizarre police states. Can’t even buy a SIM card without bringing in dumb secret police. Economies are non-existent. Kazakhstan is still Russian influenced with a large ethnic population, but even Tashkant and Astana are like ghost cities. Seriously, despite 40 years of sanctions Iran looks like a well developed first world state compared to even Georgia and Armenia. The Russian areas around Vladikavkaz are also very underdeveloped and police states. The people in the Caucasus simply do not like Russians and Turkish influence in growing. I don’t think Russia will be able to hang on to them for long. Even in Kavkaz I saw Turkish flags. I have been to Russia many times, but never saw the reality of the outlying areas. Russia is quite primitive in the countryside, still have boat bridges on the Volga and dirt roads that get muddy after rains. Have to use four wheel drive occasionally. Petrol is hard to find and stinks. Still see Volgas and Mosvitch even in small villages. Armenia and Georgia are quite pretty. The Stans are vast steppes.


And there aren’t backward areas of Australia?

Zionism = EVIL

Not as much. The Aboriginal ones sure are, like the native American reservations in NM and Arizona I have driven through.. However, the Soviets did fuckall for the non-Russian areas. There is simply no infrastructure or organized economies. Azerbaijan is the most developed, thanks to OIL and Turkish influence. I try to remain objective, but am amazed that USSR lasted 75 years, should have never been formed.


And where would they be if they were never incorporated into the USSR? Probably not much different then they are today. So if that’s so and the Russians didn’t force development on them. How are the Russians any different from the Australians?

There are remote areas in the US that don’t look much different than remote areas of the USSR.

Zionism = EVIL

The USSR was supposed to bring equality, prosperity and justice, US, Australia, NZ and other colonial outposts never made that claim as the capitalist system is built on exploitation. Russians treated the minorities no different than the US blacks, native Americans or Hispanics. I was surprised at the plight of the Aral Sea which is now a salt flat as the water was diverted for water intensive cotton farming. The whole region is an environmental disaster.


Have you read the US Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution?

All of the great powers of the past few centuries that I’m aware of have committed large scale crimes against humanity.


Frankly, this is a goofy Dutch woman’s version through brainwashed western eyes.

Zionism = EVIL

The braindead westerners have a very bizarre touristy view of these isolated regions. Its is quite laughable at the lack of interest in local political or economic conditions. You see stupid German tourists once in while looking for McDonalds in the middle of deserts.

Arch Bungle

Greetings, old friend!

Zionism = EVIL


On Saturday, the Iranian Ministry of Defense revealed the date for the unveiling of the minesweeper “Saba” and the helicopter “Pirozan”.

The Assistant Minister of Defense and Support of the Iranian Armed Forces and Head of the Maritime Industries Organization, Admiral Amir Rastakari, said that “within the next two months, the minesweeper Saba and the helicopter will be unveiled,” the Fars News Agency reported.

Admiral Rastakari said, “The imposed ban did not impede Iran’s development in the maritime defense industries”, stressing that the “Fateh submarine is entirely Iranian and was designed by Iranian specialists, and is distinguished by the quality, equipment and advanced weapons much higher than the 120-ton Ghadir submarine, which is manufactured by reverse engineering.”

He pointed to “achieving a great leap in the speed of production of military equipment”, saying:” We built the structure of the first destroyer Damavan in 4 years, but now the structure of the new destroyer Damavand took about 12 months to equip, which is an indication of the skill and speed of work.”

A number of countries have applied to buy Iranian naval military equipment despite the threats from some countries to discourage them from purchasing weapons from Iran. It is expected that Iran’s sales of military equipment will reach between $8-10 billion annually.

The Iranian Assistant Minister of Defense also pointed out that there are many requests from several countries to purchase drones and the Bavar-373 air defense system.

On Friday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards unveiled an underground naval missile base on the Gulf coast in the Hormuzgan province, which is part of the Islamic Republic’s plan to strengthen their coastal defences. Iran showcased its long range loitering munitions recently.


Frankly, rolling back Iran’s nuclear program and “removing” it for Syria has sure worked out well for the dying US regime.

Jimmy Jim


Jimmy Jim


Arch Bungle

These are decoys. Decoys are created in plain sight for satellites to observe.

The actual bases are concealed and their construction is concealed.

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