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MARCH 2025

New Satellite Images Reveal Targets Of Recent Israeli Strikes On Syria

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On September 3, Israel’s ImageSat International released satellite images revealing the targets of the recent Israeli strikes on Syria.

According to the images, the August 31 strikes which targeted positions in around the capital, Damascus, and in Daraa destroyed a headquarters and a warehouse used by Iranian forces near the Damascus International Airport. The same area was the target of an Israeli attack last February.

Syrian pro-government sources revealed that the August 31 strikes had also destroyed at least four air-defense systems of the Syrian military.

ImageSat’s images revealed that the September 2 airstrikes on the T4 Air Base in central Syria damaged the main runway and an apron. As a result, the air base was temporary placed out of service.

Just like the Damascus International Airport, the T-4 Air Base is hosting Iranian forces, which maintain a large logistical center there.

The August 31 strikes were launched from northern Israel. However, the September 2 airstrikes were launched from the border line between Syria and Jordan, according to some reports.

The repeated Israeli attacks on Syria appear to be a part of a strategy meant to pressure Iran into withdrawing from the war-torn country. So far, this strategy has been nothing but a failure.


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Servet Köseoğlu

Everyone is happy… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/67ba901fd7c6e22a60a747b56c792504b16fadd7dc5b7ca05b4f7c8a4c1992eb.gif


looks like you are an expert in photoshop.

Servet Köseoğlu

no..but ı am expert at c++

Codenamed 'Gordon'

No, you aren’t. But you are a really expert in LOGO

Servet Köseoğlu

yes ı am sugar..

Icarus Tanović

In Lego.


LOL that’s Premiere not Photoshop

Servet Köseoğlu

that guy is still washing dishes by his hands..

Vox Populi

Putin’s father was a cook in the red army.

Icarus Tanović

Gifs can be done with Ps.


Putin is too good for Ps.

Servet Köseoğlu

tell that guy(ıcarus tankovıc)…ı will never unblock him..lmaoo such a sneaky looser.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/07048de08871fe6d45e34d8a3159e2c5379ddc7138e36162c76aeb37e278664c.gif

Vox Populi

It is quite apparent that these increasing attacks on Syria are being conducted with full Russian acquiescence, if not then the Russians are totally incompetent and their much vaunted S-400 are worse than flower pots.


“Syrian pro-government sources revealed that the August 31 strikes had also destroyed at least four air-defense systems of the Syrian military.”

Yes and no. SANA reported attacks, but no destruction of air defense systems. Within Syria, which looks like a zioblock troll site to me, is reporting destroyed air defense systems. I wouldn’t put Within Syria with it’s Jewgle zioemail address in the pro-government sources category.


ImageSat is an Israeli concern. Anything coming from there is Mossad psyop, and could easily be CGI.

“Earth Resources Observation Satellite (EROS) is a series of Israeli commercial Earth observation satellites, designed and manufactured by Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), with optical payload supplied by El-Op. The satellites are owned and operated by ImageSat International (ISI), another Israeli company, with some 35 full-time employees (of IntelSat’s total of 50). EROS A was launched on December 5, 2000 and EROS B on April 25, 2006.”


– EROS (satellite) –



This is better quality proof. IAF F-16 vs S-200, F-16 losses.



That is not enough, like me dear friend LR wrote, we need to target them with 70 missiles everyday to make a real damage. I don’t know why solittle airstrikes here or there, we need to go all in and wipe out all the Iranian bases.

Icarus Tanović

So what are you waiting for?


For you.

Icarus Tanović

If so, let’s just exchange names and addresses and get it on.


What didn’t you understand? I will not give you my name or adress for obvious reasons and I don’t need to end up in jail for you. You can set a date and time to meet me here in Israel, you’ll know it’s me when I come for you.

Icarus Tanović

Choose neutral ground.


USS Liberty freak, Heads up


Let’s bring more incidents from half a century ago, what a clown you are.


King David Hotel? Phosphorus bombs on unarmed people you stole land from and continue to steal land from. You should be ashamed if you were half a Human being(which you aren’t) Beware the clowns !


I don’t feel ashamed at all, I feel proud that we have a home for the Jewish people and this is where we belong. Everything has led us to this point, the Palis can accept a peace deal or live a miserable life.


You should be ashamed for being murderers, liars and theifs. You aren’t even Hebrews, so you are fake Israelis. Go back to the Ukraine if they will even take you. Get out while you still can because a harsh judgement is coming upon you.


Again with this Ukraine and Poland crap? do you even know what my origin is? so what are you talking about? I’m not wasting my time on you.


Most of you fake jews that live and claim Palestine are Ashkenazi fake jews as most of the real Hebrews were killed in 70 a.d. by the Romans The ones who weren’t are probably the indigenous people who you are killing and stealing their land. Get out while you still can, because something is coming on you that is beyond your ability to understand. It will come at a time you least expect it, the same as what happened to the original Hebrews. There will be no escape. Calling yourself a jew is theft as you are taking something that doesn’t belong to you. You are of Japheth not Shem.

Icarus Tanović

He’s not a Jew, just a Zionist.

Alejandro Bonifacio

that is never going to happen, israel is playing like a child with their iranian “friends”, pure circus

Alberto Garza

they are forgetting the 6 day war …


Once again, proving me right time and time again in regards to what you are. Funny!

Vox Populi

You are a very brave teenager on the internet. You are a source of great amusement.


What about the USS Liberty freak. The goyim know and vengeance will be coming.

Rhodium 10

As usual Israel launch 10 or more cruise missile..and damage are minimal or they attack one warehouse among thousands in Syria( after all cruise missile have been shot down )and told that is “an Iranian missile silo” or even fakes photoshop…


I would not be surprised if some of these warehouses are empty or even used as decoys


I can’t wait for October 18th when Iran will be able to purchase and sell weapons as they please. Bad news for the US and Israel but great news for Iran, Hezbollah and Syria.

Fog of War

I dont think they’ll get a chance too. Israhell forbids it.


Israhell can only get what they want through the US but, this time, they were both defeated thanks to the JCPOA and the UN not bending over under US pressure. I believe China will sell a lot of weapons through an oil deal and, as a plus, will not interfere like Russia does in Syria once those weapons are used against Israhell.

Fog of War

Hope springs eternal . Sadly, China will back down as soon as massive US sanctions are announced. This has been proven time and time again.


Remember that China can and will play the same game just as they did with Trumps moronic trade wars. Furthermore, China continues to laugh at US sanctions in regards to purchasing oil from Iran by playing games skirting those sanctions as they please. I seriously doubt that China will stop purchasing oil that they dearly need no matter what the US says.

Fog of War

Of course China will purchase oil, its a matter of survival. However, it needs to export its goods to other countries. Will they continue importing after threats from Uncle US and its Shlomo overlords ?


Whatever other countries need, they will purchase it like they always do but without using the dollar. The US cannot sanction the entire world although, I’m sure, it’s a wet dream for them. Europe gave the US the finger quite a few times in the past year alone. They are now using banks that the US cannot touch or threaten and slowly but surely, are using Euros instead of the dollar. Even Japan exchanged currencies with China to completely bypass the dollar and sanctions when needed. In other words, the world will not stop spinning because the US says so. It’s easy to economically attack smaller countries but not so much with more powerful ones.

Fog of War

” the world will not stop spinning because the US says so ”

Practically the whole world commited economic suicide simultenously, including Cuba, China, and Iran. Who gave the order ? Why did they comply ? Why are they still complying ?

Reality is not as straight forward as you think. There is a much, much, larger ” game ” afoot.


Hmmm, of course but those behind it all are mainly for the money. Did you watch Plandemic? If not, you will find the link below. It will answer many of your questions.


Fog of War

I know of the video and it wont answer much as I’m already aware of the information it presents.

So Cuba, China, Russia, and Iran did it for the money ? Explain your logic please.


It was fear that controlled them…nothing more. Fear has been used forever for gains. China and the US were both complicit to support a narrative that almost the remaining of the world followed. Bill Gates who invested $10 billion in vaccines made $20 billion in profit from around 2000 to 2018 making him the richest man on earth. What are the advantages of being the richest man on earth? You buy everyone to get what you want and what he wants is the entire world to be vaccinated so he can profit from it. Furthermore, he also wants to have all humans with chips under their skin to see who was vaccinated and who is not.

It’s about the complete control of the world’s population. How’s that for logic?

Fog of War

Fair enough, but to be clear , it was fear and money that made China , and the other countries I mentioned , implode economically ? I have to say that I dont buy that. Those nations have have more money the ole Billy, and massive medical and scientifc cpababilities. There is no way they didnt know this ” virus ” was BS. Yet they all played along, especially China. Money and fear are not the causes. This is bigger.



Ok…let me push this a bit further. 5 months BEFORE the pandemic, a group created “Event 201 Exercise” which was a “fictional” scenario to simulate a severe pandemic emergency board. What a friggin coincidence, right?

“Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience.”

The event was funded by: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They jointly propose an action plan which is exactly what was done since last March. You will find the link below stating what they recommended.

Let’s move another step forward…. Both The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and World Economic Forum are also extremely well-funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. So, basically, they simply supported whatever the Gates wanted.

Let this sink in for a minute… Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic that happened 5 months before the pandemic. An event completely done under the Gates rules.

You simply cannot have all those facts about Gates involvement from this exercise, the recommendations which were clearly followed right up to social media deleting everything that went against the scenario not to mention proof that the Gates funded Neil Ferguson and his report claiming millions will die forcing governments to lockdown, as well as the World Health Organization, MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics to support the narrative, and not aiming at the Gates for all of this mess.

In the Plandemic video, they talk about how the US invested in the Wuhan lab coronavirus proving that both China and the US were well aware of this virus. When it was released in China, it was not an accident! Someone was paid to do so. All the preparations were in place thanks to “Event 201” so all they needed was to have that virus out in public. The US blames China while China blames the US and they are both right. Gates are extremely well-connected including being in very good terms with China’s Xi Jinping. Gates has been given one of China’s highest academic honours an accolade which is mostly reserved for top scientists and engineers. Again, very-well connected.

In the video you provided about the Rockefeller plan, it mentions tracking people right up to old age. Who do you think will be behind the tracking? Which company has the money, the technology and the will to get that done? Also, it mentions how it was talked about since 2017 and curiously enough, Gates were working on ‘tracking vaccination coverage and logistics management’ since 2013.

“May 2012 the World Health Assembly recommended the establishment of a comprehensive vaccination resource tracking system, as outlined in the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) developed by the Decade for Vaccines Collaboration.” … the world health assembly is part of the world’s health organization which is controlled by Bill Gates. Also, in your video, they point at Bill Gates as well. Perhaps you need to rethink your position?

Today, everything points at Gates and the same goes for what will happen next with those vaccines. Gates is an evil opportunist and will stop at nothing to get what he wants including using ideas from other people such as the Rockefeller’s.

By the way, the virus is not bullshit as my brother spent 9 weeks in a hospital and came extremely close to die. Can you predict what’s coming next? Is it possible that 5G could trigger more deaths by this virus in a few months? According to many specialists, this virus was manufactured, a weapon used when needed. Why is it that while the world was in lock down, companies were out installing 5G towers everywhere. Not many noticed this but it sure as hell happened.


Fog of War

We actually agree on most things, the only difference is that I dont consider Billy boy to be in charge. Hes just a selected puppet just like Musk, Bezos, the presidents and so forth. Like I said, this isnt about money at all.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran has no income and Israel knows it, so things will only get worse for Iran not better, and God won’t condemn Iran if they open a dialogue with Israel, so if they talk for a while instead of constantly threatening each other who knows what could happen, maybe even a miracle.

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