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MARCH 2025

New Syrian challenges for Erdogan

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New Syrian challenges for Erdogan

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Written by Damir Nazarov

The Turkish advance through its Syrian proxies towards the capital of the self-proclaimed Rojava has noticeably slowed down, and it is not only due to the lack of support from Tahrir al-Sham and the stubborn resistance of the SDF units, the collective West and Zionism are directly talking about their readiness to support the Syrian branches of the PKK if they are threatened with collapse.

France, Germany, the regular statements of the Zionists and the two-faced behavior of Trump, who one day praises Erdogan, but the next talks about the Kurds of Syria as important allies, all this throws Ankara’s plans into disarray. But what is most surprising for the Turkish leadership is the behavior of the former Syrian al-Qaeda, which since seizing power began to create various pretexts to avoid direct participation in the Turkish campaign against “Rojava”. For example, the jihadists organized an operation to “eliminate the remnants of the regime on the coast of Latakia”. “Concerns” about the presence of weapons in the hands of most factions of the former opposition are also a cause for concern for Syrian al-Qaeda. The absence of a number of important figures of the former insurgents of the south and north of the country in the list of factions that expressed a desire to create a common army for the new regime is also a subject of “concern” for Ahmed al-Sharaa. But in reality, all these reasons for “headache” for Damascus are artificially created by the jihadists themselves, in order to demonstratively avoid participation in Turkish plans. The motive for such behavior from Tahrir al-Sham is the fear of angering the West and receiving personal sanctions.

The new dictator of Syria has already met with the delegation from the SDF several times, where he assured them of the need for peaceful coexistence, and against this background, immediately after Erdogan’s threats against the Syrian branch of the PKK, Hakan Fidan indicated that if the new Syrian government does not solve the PKK problem, then there will be a need for a new military operation. Here are the first significant disagreements between Ankara and the Syrian jihadists. The Kurdish crisis between the parties has begun to manifest itself even on the battlefield, where, due to “local chauvinism”, the Arab component of the “national Syrian army” was noticed going over to the side of HTS.

New Syrian challenges for Erdogan

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The Turkmen dominance in the leading positions within the pro-Turkish factions is beginning to irritate the Arab majority, the Turks understand this, so talk of introducing their troops into Syria under the pretext of fighting the PKK and ISIS is becoming more and more frequent on the part of the Turkish establishment. The distrust of Arabs in the highest echelons of the Turkish Ministry of Defense is colossal. The question arises: how did the Turks plan to create a Syrian army from scratch when even on the united anti-Kurdish front there are differences along ethnic lines?

In terms of strategy, Turkey has already won in Syria. After all, the Qatar gas project is already on the table and waiting for its time, the EU urgently needs new suppliers of hydrocarbons against the backdrop of problems with the Russian Federation. Among other major projects, the revival of the railway through Syria from the times of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, a possible Turkish intervention should be considered not only as a way to fight terrorists, but also as protection of the Syrian mechanism of the Silk Road. Based on such plans, the Zionist threats to occupy part of southern Syria and the designation of Turkey as a “new strategic challenge” can be seen as an American-Zionist attempt to disrupt the Chinese plan to revive the “great caravan route”.

Therefore, despite the success, Ankara paints a picture of its victory only in the media, while on the ground there is still much work to do to make the “theoretical victory practical”. In addition to the Zionist expansion, the probable Syrian feud may postpone all Chinese-Turkish-Qatari projects for a certain period. Therefore, the paradox is that Turkey has won, but is not sure of its “victory”.


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the new dictator of syria does not want war with the jews but that supporting them so as not to anger the all-powerful american jesus


jesus didn’t speak english.


he spoke greek .not latin.


he spoke aramaic that was the language spoken in nazereth and capernaum but with a local dialect , for religious purposes he also spoke hebrew -greek was forceably introduced at the time as was their practices (gymnastics ) ,the bible was translated into greek as that was the intellectual language of the time.


hesus, the magic jew was invented about 200y after year 1 ad. no writings from the roman occupation of palestine ever exist about said character, unlike writings about the pontius pilate, and the romans were well known to document everything.

Shlomo's little weenie

it’s a garbage word salad joo troll-bot that you’re replying to. it’s sole task is to mess up the comments thread and elicit responses. anti human behaviour is what motivates it’s “creator”


jesus wasn’t caucasian either.


jesus was speaking in tongues so that everyone could understand.sometimes in pikilili africa so that citrus ramaphosa could understand.


get rhe facts sorted pharoah via secret societies enslaved russia china korea then liberated russia to divide that union and weaken russia,itself. the jews rejected pharoah and created the first democracy with moses as government of the people for the people by the people under god .wake up .”set my people free “

Last edited 2 months ago by Annon

thats if you believe moses existed – over 150 years no egyptologist /archaeologist has excavated any hieroglyphs mentioning moses yet the egyptians kept good records of all their wars and trade transactions over thousands of years .

the hyksos existed but they weren’t hebrews and ruled egypt for 200 years.


it may be true that the ancient hebrews did not build the pyramids, but informed sources believe that they held a second mortgage….


i like that it made me laugh.

Yuri Mulatov

now it us time to throw the imbecile under the buss, because he did ehat they wanted him to do – to destabilize and destroy syria. now turkey will become another pakistan, a fuckhole, wahhabi glory holey.


nor would they admit it, even if they found it, and you know that’s true.

as for the hyksos, they are indeed the hebrews. that is to say whoever you think the hebrews or hyksos are, they are them, one and the same.

that does not mean all east asiatics at avaris were hebrews (though abar is in the word avaris) or vice versa: all hebrews were not hyksos (i.e. mixed multitude), but the stories of the two peoples are the same. better, they are borrowed/shared.


one other thing, if you read who the hyksos are, they are shemites, shepherd kings and sethos revering…that’s israelites. some posit further that infamous 15th dyn. hyksos king salitis is joseph himself, based upon the word salit from gen 46:10….


two faced hahahaha how ridiculous .

Joris III

in the middle east nobody trusts anybody. thats why the elites traditionally have circassian bodyguards (outsiders from the caucasus). this is the end of syria as a state, deeply divided ant hurt in the endless battles.

and europe is going there too.


it isn’t just donald who is two faced turkey ruled by erdogan keeps putting peace treaties to russia yet keeps on supplying zelensky with weapons and has american bases there aimed at russia.they probably worship the same “god ” janus.


nato base… dumbo


nato=usa just ask donald his words are – quote- “we pay the highest amount so we control it ” anyway donald is thinking of leaving nato and the usa planes/missiles stationed there will go as well.


sooner the better..

The Kurd

shot down a russian jet (and decapitated the pilots), arming ukraine, supporting the opposite sides in syria and libya… why is russia accepting this? please enlighten me. to get turkey out of nato? they are still part of it.

Last edited 2 months ago by The Kurd
Shlomo's little weenie

the turks are playing from a position of strength because they’re willing to go on the front foot wrt to foreign policy. whatever criticism they get doesn’t diminish the growing realisation that turkey has an effective leadership


russia has to think of the turkstream pipeline supplying turkey and countries in that area ,also helping erdogan build atomic power stations . i understand the kurdish situation while your people are spread over various countries you don’t have your own country but the usa is helping you.

The Kurd

seems like only turkey profits from it, what does russia get in return? i can ensure, if russia threatens to arm the kurds, they will quickly change their tone towards russia. when the russian jet go shot down soon after some pkk fighters shot down a turkish helicopter with a ilga. erdogan quickly changed his policy towards russia. unfortunately russia then played ball and even pulled out troops in afrin so the turks could take it. but again, what does russia gain from it?

Shlomo's little weenie

erdogan may as well keep playing that policy then. as far as being perceived as being ‘two faced’ or untrustworthy in view of that treacherous sack of excrement in the kremlin goes, it’s the only plausible policy to have towards him. he’s not worried about this russia at all and good luck to him.


i would like more forcefulness if i ran russia but putin is trying to save civilian lives unlike zelensky who is actually genociding slavs and his allegiances lie in tel aviv.

Arab dick lover erdo

erdo is the best arab dick lover in the turkish history. erdo accepted more than 10 million arabs into turkey, because it wants to convert turks to arab


ask your mom about my dick. i make her scream like anything 😁

Turkish men loves arab dicks

turkish army scares from erdo more than scares god. turkish army dod not makes anything to protect ataturk s republic since 22 years and u wait it makes something for rojova lol

Baran ats

erdogan is filling gaps remember it. as for iran case i guess there should be opportunity to appear soon.

Baran ats

i don’t care which side is, so far iran doesn’t have pmc. western side is far more complicated and they aren’t friendly to middle eastern homies. iraq should be hotspot for case, too bad it’s hard to get involved iraq as turkish national. as zazaki i guess i am genetically close to both kurds and iranians but they are scared of foreigners(like me) principally it would be stupid and meaningless to oppose turkey(kurdish front), so i say i could be friend with either mullahs or shahists.

Last edited 2 months ago by Baran ats
Baran ats

i know eastern european approach towards browns, so that’s “white mans cause” from my perspective. it’s not my fight, never will be.

Baran ats

it’s impressive how identities motivated,organized and weaponized in middle east, i do appreciate both usa’s and iran’s efficiency

Baran ats

war brings opportunities, i didn’t meant to be abusing invulnerabilites of middle eastern people but making use of timeframe we’re in. middle eastern fact is geography and identities is like a mosaic puzzle.

"R" the peace-WarrioR

the ecology of the fertile crescent is getting as contaminated as the ukraines wheat fiellds are. the kurds have no solid “country in boundaries “after four decades plus. is rojava really suuni’s, shias, kurds, and semite speaking arabs and christians? maybe chinese engineers will give peace not found, yet, a good chance.


somehow i think that snake erdogan, nutteryahoo and the jewsa may have bitten off more than they can chew in syria, which was previously a very stable country. now it is a free for all, total chaos. now there are a bunch of vultures picking over the carcass of syria. sectarian civil war. the jews are mulling over a war with erdogan. erdogan is fighting the kurds, there are sectarian massacres all over. none of the millions of refugees in germany and rurkey will be going home any time soon.


get ready for a resumption of the war in south lebanon, northern occupied palesrine and southern syria, maybe going on for 20 years.


like a poorly scripted b movie, this whole syria collapse is some kind of bullshit. it’s a trap, but for who? i don’t think erdogan has a clue what he’s doing, nor does al jullani, aka lev b’tor have a clue how his fakeass script will evolve. annalise bareback showing up is the icing on this clown pie cake cheak frappachino… all we need is more gai flying monkey squirrel mossad terrorist jockeys and israel stealing shit is suddenly ok…


turkiye should man up and kick the usa out of rojava


they wont because they are on the jewish side erdogan is a shabbosgoy jew helper just as is aliyev and putin they all serve the jews.

Last edited 2 months ago by Jewsrunbothsides

ha ha, you and your ignorant love for things like china, turkey, qatar, pipelines and development. i hope you get what you deserve.


erdogon represents turk interests. both us and israeli interests oppose turkiye. other interests—russian iranian etc neither oppose or favor turkiye directly

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