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New US Secretary Of Defense Vows To Support Ukraine In Its Fight ‘Russian Aggression’

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New US Secretary Of Defense Vows To Support Ukraine In Its Fight 'Russian Aggression'

Lloyd Austin III

The United States is ready to fight against ‘Russian aggression’ until the last existing Ukrainian citizen.

On February 20, new inclusive Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (mostly known to the audience from the epic failure on training of ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria) declared that the US is committed to help the Kiev regime to fight ‘Russian aggression’.

The statement was made during a phone call with Ukrainian Defense Minister Andrii Taran.

Translating from the language of diplomatic statements, this means that the Biden administration has taken course on pushing the collapsing Kiev regime towards an escalation of the military situation in eastern Ukraine.


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Great Khan

hahaha this new monkey support Jew Ukraine…..Russia brother need to make kishmish of Ukraine….hahahhaa

Kenny Jones ™

Jewkraine or Jukraine

Freemon Sandlewould

another affirmative action hire at the Pentagon. And because of this you can be sure he follows orders.

Ralph London

Tell it like it is: it’s actually the pentagram.


Indeed,that prick is a real racist.

Steve Standley

He’s engaging in the very behavior we despise of Zionist Jews. Racism. Self-exaltation over another people. It’s wrong, and most of us posting here know it.

Ralph London

Disrespect??? There’s nothing worse than disrepecting someone…by DELIBERATELY murdering them!

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Islamists wholeheartedly want to go to paradise. What’s wrong with helping them get there?

Ralph London

You fuck off you pile of ignorant, delusional useless shit. The satanic usg & Israel cares nothing for former Persia, and your map of Greater Israel is wrong.

Fog of War

How many Blacks are in Iran ?

Fog of War

I’d like to see photos if you have any. Also, are they Muslim ? I assume they are.

Fog of War

That is not an African my Iranian friend, not even close.

Fog of War

Dont get defensive. I’m talking about full blown Black populations in substantial numbers. For instance, like the US, France, Sweden, etc…

Every nation has few scattered ” mixed ” individuals. Thats not what I was talking about.

Fog of War

” The number I mentioned (100s of thousands) was just a guess because I couldn’t find a number on the internet. ”

Dont take this the wrong way, but the mere fact that you, an Iranian, is unsure of their numbers in your own country tells me that the Black population in Iran is inconsequential. If it was, you would see them everywhere, just like in the nations mentioned.

johnny rotten

There is no Russian aggression, and there has never been one, but if there is, no one will go to the rescue of the Ukrainian Nazis.

Ralph London

It’s inversion: the satanic shit usg, pointing ONE finger at the victim, while pointing THREE fingers back at itself.

Laurent Parodi

Ukraine will just spend money it doesn’t have to buy old US stuff.

Just Me

Actually, US is arming Ukraine by stealing Iraqi and Syrian oil.

Ralph London

There is virtually a bottomless pit of money, courtesy of the satanic, us run imf.

As it is, according to the very good Oleg Tsarev, ukraine has 20 million hectares of agricultural land. The kiev colony of the usg has been ORDERED to sell its land, at a pathetic price of $2,000 per hectare. In Europe, a hectare of agricultural land costs €50 000. This means that ukraine could get at least $1 trillion for its land, but instead gets only $40 bn. Not only that, the ukrainian currency was deliberately crashed by the West to about one quarter of its price 8 yrs ago, meaning that foreign shits, including from germany, uae and saudi barbarians etc, will be able to buy it on the cheap.

Just Me

Russia really needs to take these flagrant US threats seriously as the Jews who now totally run US government are hell bent on Balkanizing Russia by using the 5th column inside the Russian Federation. Bill Burns and his Jew boss Blinken consider themselves to be “experts” on Russia and their stated aim is to carve up Russia and plunder its immense resources. It is good that some of the Russian military leaders are thinking proactively and creating alliances with China and Iran, however the Donetsk People’s Repubic forces need to be strengthened and activated again. The US views Russia as a easier target.

Fog of War

” Russian military leaders are thinking proactively and creating alliances with China and Iran, ”

What alliances ? China doesnt lift a finger to help its ” allies ” while Russia wants Iran out of Syria at the request of Israhell. If it was a true military alliance the ZioAmericans would be at home shaking with impotent rage.

Hasbara Hunter

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…this shit is gettin’ funnier by the day

Just Me

This latest uncle Tom was responsible for “training the moderate headchoppers” and $500 million of the funds just disappeared. He is a corrupt lackey.

Tommy Jensen

You would do the same grabbing dollares. Just jealous.

erwin vercauteren

a real jewish mentality miserable bpos

Ralph London

Fuck YOU, we wouldn’t, but obviously YOU would.

Hasbara Hunter

He’s jokin’….take it with a pinch of salt…;)


Same old bullshit…fight to the last Ukrainian and selling them stuff US military wants to throw away…

Only those retards from Ukraine are falling for the same nonsense again and again expecting something different to happen.


Read from msm that this is the same guy who handled US conquest of Iraq,Afghanistan and Yemen and because of that he’s experienced. In what, losing?

Hasbara Hunter

US War-based Economy:

The MIC saw the Vietnam war (Khazarian Mafia Drugstrade: Heroin) as a great victory and a template for the future success to their objectives. Since the Vietnam War, the MIC has urged the government to enter into as many ambiguous and unwinnable wars as possible, since unwinnable wars are also never-ending. Never-ending wars equate to Never-ending Revenue Streams for the War industry…

Ralph London

Capitalism at its finest: costs for the MANY, profits for the few.

Ralph London

Experienced in talking SHIT, and getting OTHERS to do the fighting, as in to the last ukrainian, & throw in some isis shit too.

Lone Ranger

If there was Russian agression there would be the Russian flag flying high on top of the Rada in Kiev. There is U.S. agression tho… Always blame the other side with your own crimes… CIA protocol 101…

Ralph London

Nope, the rada would have been flattened, if not cratered.

Supreme Blyat

Iconic photo https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/077b651d9c8f427a1d6c4aada81ac28e0b2772164ee58125547aff8a866dde2c.jpg


Grozny 1994 first chechen war

Supreme Blyat

No, on White House.

WW Conkright

Occupied USA / DC by communist usurper illegal Biden regime. Americans did not elect Biden. His regime stole our votes How is that for democracy How would you like an usurper in your country

Supreme Blyat

On the streets of Moscow


Biggest terrorist organization in the world is preparing Ukraine to attack LNR and DNR.. Soon i guess..

AM Hants

Read somewhere that they were using the phosphorous bombs, on the people of Donetsk, yet again. Anybody know if true?


yes.. they used it.. They used everything apart from nuclear bomb.. Regime that use Tochka tactical missiles in populated areas will do anything.. edit: i have seen videos of phosphor bombs used back in 2014 -2015

Tommy Jensen

Assad used it in Donbass on innocent citizens who insisted on freedom.

erwin vercauteren

Assad in Donbass ?? geography is noth your thing i suppose miserable pos

AM Hants

Assad – Donbass????????

Poroshenko used it on the people of Donbass, back in 2014, fully supported by his Western mates.

White Helmets, funded by the West, were the ones using CWs over in Syria, not Assad.

Ralph London

You’re fucked in the head, MORON.

Ralph London

AM, that is as reported by the DPR officials; I would believe it’s true.

Harry Smith

Some Telegram channels from there wrote it.


I hope they do,then Russia can show those bastards what aggression looks like.

Harry Smith

After new language legislation, it will be considered by most of Ukrainians as liberation not aggression.

Kenny Jones ™

Whitest man in Ukraine

thomas malthaus

A mysterious explosion removes a makeshift Dnieper River dam which heretofore obstructed water supplies to Crimea. Peace is averted.

Samuel Vanguard

Biden you will be defeated by Russians

Steve Standley

the new DNC fashioned by the Clintons doesn’t really care about racial equality. It cares about the ruling elites. It merely uses symbols of racial equality, like this guy^, to argue that they are the party of racial inclusion. They will NEVER turn on their donors, who are highly enriched in Jews. Consequently, racial justice to these Zionist democrats means fomenting racial strife and advocating for the common black and white folks to hate each other so that they never look up and see their true oppressors.

cechas vodobenikov

Oreo cookie janitor for king Bezos, queen gates….oreo can’t defend against Cookie Monster…maybe can beg Russia to teach electricity lessons to BLM villagers in Texas

Fog of War

Dont worry Russia will get its fair share of Africans soon. I’m sure you Russians will enjoy their presence greatly. Just ask France, England , or Sweden.

cechas vodobenikov

I suspect they prefer racist amerikans where they fit in w white trash culture—US #1 in violent/non-violent crime/rape per capita of all nations

Fog of War

” US #1 in violent/non-violent crime/rape per capita of all nations ”

Correct. However, look up the US crime statistics broken down by race. You’ll shut your mouth instantly.

erwin vercauteren

that NIGe makes me think on the old movies of planet of the apes especially the gorilla

Assad must stay

this guy should just worry about africa hahahaha

Ryan Glantz

Lloyd Austin is a deepstate puppet for globalist satanic kazarian lizzard people.

Simon Ndiritu

this black guy has allowed himself to be used as a clown, which is really unfortunate. Reminds me of the black- boy Obama bombing 5 black and brown countries like the loser he is.

Ralph London

Not to mention fucking shit colin powell and HIS lies.

Simon Ndiritu

So any time the Anglo-Zios white-supremacist want to commit massacre of ordinary citizenry (of all races/colors) have to get a black puppet to bear the bad news to the world?? Maybe the Anglo-Zios will use it to argue that the Angel of Death is black!

Fog of War

” use it to argue that the Angel of Death is black! ”

Sadly In Rwandan he was.

Simon Ndiritu

How about Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Serbia

Fog of War

Where did I state that the angel is ALWAYS black ?

Simon Ndiritu

You can concede that he is mostly white,

Fog of War

No I cant, because I actually have a historical perspective on things.

Get over your racist victim hood. Your people also have plenty to atone for. No one is innocent on this planet.

Simon Ndiritu

It was for argument’s or common sense’s sake, I don’t understand how it got this personal

Fog of War

Nothing personal, nothing personal at all.

Fog of War

The house negro speaks.

Peter Jennings

It really is good of the Ukrainians to give up all they have for america. They did the same for Stalin and most of them starved to death. Second time lucky eh?

John Wallace

Biden has to support Ukraine to the last American or risk Ukraine telling the world the secret dealings he profited by.

Harry Smith

The secrets are already told. Welcome to the post truth reality, dude.

John Wallace

I have months ago seen the video from Ukraine explaining the breakdown of how money was transferred too Biden. Not many seem to have seen it and even less taken any notice so while the secret has been told I wasn’t talking in a literal sense .. Thanks dude , whatever the fuck a dude is.

Harry Smith

LOL Sorry dude, most of my English is learned in IT communities. Sometimes I can use slang but don’t understand I am using it. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dude

Band Itkoitko

The empire may not have died in Ukraine, but quite likely it can be buried there.

The question is not at all about if or when it will fall. This has already happened. The question is what is coming next. Where will human fallenness and wickedness seek to manifest itself. Any civilization built on a “pursuit of happiness” is built on top of the most rotten and delusional concept and cannot survive, but it can only turn itself into a Sodom of a kind.

cechas vodobenikov

sadly many Ukrainians have succumbed to Hollywood fictions their mitchti amerikanskii. has become a nightmare

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