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Russia & Ukraine Both Claim New Victories In Donbass

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Russia & Ukraine Both Claim New Victories In Donbass

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Russia & Ukraine Both Claim New Victories In Donbass
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Russia & Ukraine Both Claim New Victories In Donbass

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to info@southfront.org , southfront@list.ru

Amid the ongoing positional battles along the front lines in Ukraine, new victories have recently been proclaimed by the warring sides.

In the Kharkiv region, the front line have reportedly changed. The Ukrainian military launched a counteroffensive and achieved some success. After several days of fighting, units of the DPR, LPR and Russian Guards left the town of Russian Lozovaya and other nearby villages. The AFU established a stronghold  in the village of Stary Saltov. It is reported that the village was occupied by militants of the notorious Kraken special forces unit of the Azov nationalist regiment, who are known for openly conducting a “hunt” for civilians with a pro-Russian position in the Kharkiv region.

The AFU continue sabotage operations north of Tsirkuny village, and are actively strengthening positions in the Chuguev area.

In turn, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are strengthening their positions in the area of Cossack Lopan. Clashes are reported in the Kurulka and Pashkovo areas, as well as near Bolshaya Kamyshevakha

In the area of the city of Kharkiv, there is a fairly small grouping of Russian forces, which for weeks continued to repel the Ukrainian counter offensives. One of their tasks in the region is to divert enemy forces from the active operations in the Izyum region, as well as to protect the supply roads.

It is reported that the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has transferred 3,000 soldiers and more than 100 units of heavy weapons to unblock the 93rd brigade, which fell into the operational environment in the area of Izyum. The AFU do not abandon attempts to force the Seversky Donets and hit the flank of the Russian grouping in Izyum who are advancing on Barvenkovo and Slavyansk. The AFU are trying to break through near the village of Protopovka, but so far without success. Russian artillery is delivering massive strikes on Ukrainian positions.

The battles for the town of Liman have been going on for several days. Russian troops and units of the People’s Militias of the DPR and LPR are storming the city to further advance to Slavyansk.

In the area of Bakhmutka, Russian troops took control of the village of Svetlichnoye, fighting is going on in Nizhny.

In the area of Severodonetsk-Lisichansk, Russian forces have almost completely established control over Rubezhnoe and nearby areas. The AFU were repelled from the forests in the Kudryashevo area.

Fighting began for Voivodovka, located between Rubezhny and Severodonetsk. The head of the Chechen forces who were deployed in the area, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that the AFU were knocked out of the areas to the north and northeast of the village. Fighting continues in the streets. Control over Voivodovka will provide an opportunity to blockade the city of Severodonetsk from the north.

In turn, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the beginning of a counterattack in the Luhansk direction. However, at the moment, no success has been achieved. The main hotspots remain in the areas near Popasna, Kremennaya and Torskoe.

Russian troops continue to storm Popasnaya. The People’s Militia of the LPR controls half of the city.

In the Donetsk People’s Republic, on May 5, Russian forces took control of the village of Troitskoye, located 14 kilometers north of Yasinovataya. The People’s Militia of the DPR stated that the first separate mechanized battalion of the territorial defense of the DPR, with the support of special forces, moped up the resistance in the village. At the same time, the Ukrainian artillery continues to fire at the village from positions in Novoselovka and New York.

Positional battles continue on other fronts of Donbass and in the southern regions of Ukraine but no changes were reported on the front lines.

After the ceasefire regime established on April 30 and May 1 resulted in the evacuation of about a hundred of civilians, hostilities resumed on the territory of Azovstal in Mariupol. Ukrainian militants open fire in an attempt to find any weak points in the Russian positions around the plant. In their turn, Russian forces suppress the Ukrainian firing points with artillery, aviation as well as during the clashes in some areas in the facilities, in order to secure their positions and civilian areas nearby.

In order to suppress the firing points of Ukrainian militants, Russian naval artillery was involved, which inflicted a large-scale blow on the plant.

As soon as the fighting resumed, the Azov militants revealed that there were still civilians in the basements of Azovstal. Thus, clearly not all the hostages were allowed to leave the facilities.

The Russian news agency RIA Novosti cited an anonymous representative of the Russian military involved in the operation to liberate Azovstal saying that there could be more than 200 civilians, including women, children and the elderly held in the basements.

The source also revealed that the Azov militants offered to exchange the civilians for food and medicines.

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The ukrainian counter offensive on Kharkiv region is bad but there are just foward posts of LNR troops or grey zones with small russian forces. The great attention is on Luhansk area. If Ukraine gets to fend off LNR/Russian Armed Forces it will be a point of change that it could hamper russian aims.

Michel LeBlanc

Let the orcs throw there reserves in, get them out of their defensive positions and smash them.


russia lost, russia will be dismembered. russia is a paper tiger and putin a retard


Sorry gimp,that will never happen,your sodomised misfits are all getting burnt (period)

Lina Bubulina

Spahii tai Selime au pus mana pe tunuri. Allah ehber! Unde-o fi idiotul de Hasan?

Mariupol was 100% liberated

When? When? When?


It was last week but you couldn’t stand to watch. You was eating Ukrainian bones off a tank Moron.

Alexander Kovalchuk

Слава России 🇷🇺. Keep killing ukro nazis.




I hate the situation in the north, losing ground less than 20km from the Russian border, like Stary Saltov, Russia should never have abandoned all of northern Ukraine, it would have avoided attacks directly in Russia

The maharaja

need more troops. As long as Russia fights a special operation it will go this way. 200k troops started off fighting 400k. Ukraine is now probably up to some 800k plus. They will continue to get arms. Then they will advance like ants at a pic nic. No way to hold it off without going to war. Russia still refuses to blow up the bridges over the Dinper ???? This alone would have stop the counter offensive in the Kharkiv region. They refuse to attack Odessa we can see migs parked on Runway out in the open. They refuse to destroy the leadership of Ukraine and they refuse to raise more troops. They had 70 days they could have rounded up 200K more and they would be ready to go today.

The UAF would not resist if they thought they were losing yet those in the west only see weapons arrive from NATO they see no fighting no losses. The roads are intact the bridges. There should not be a single functioning bridge in that whole fucking country. There are no less than five major rivers that they would be required to cross without bridges it would take 30 days to get to the east with supplies of weapons and they would only trickle in. Russia needs someone to lead who wants to fight, who knows how to fight they dont have that yet. They are going to get a war either way at this point. You cant be a little bit pregnant and you cant be a little bit at war does not work.

Last edited 2 years ago by The maharaja

Like you, I am frustrated at was is taking place. Sure, we don’t know what is going on behind the scenes, but what we are seeing at the moment is not something I can recall reading about in the Art of War, at least not if you want to win. The Russians have the manpower to take this “operation” to the next level, but” slow and steady” is now quite literally “the flavour of the month” or should it be “the flavour of the last two and the next coming months?”

With all the technology the Russians possess, it would not be impossible for them to destroy all the bridges you are talking about, quite easily, and to do so much more to damage Ukraine on all levels. They need to fear the Russians and their strength, but instead Nato is becoming more and more confident with every passing day. And I’m pretty sure that Nato seriously is planning to destroy the Crimea bridge, just like they helped to sink the Moskva. What a great moral-booster that would be for the enemy of all goodhearted human beings the world over.

Putin now needs to take the war to Nato and the Kiev-junta. Passivity is often a deadly sin when waging war. Action does seriously speak louder than words in this situation, and the time for it is now long overdue. Great comment.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar

Only the most braindead shill could trust Putin’s plan at this point.


Nothing is perfect in Gods perfect plan,fuk you too askenazi assflogged!


“And I’m pretty sure that Nato seriously is planning to destroy the Crimea bridge, just like they helped to sink the Moskva.”

Yes, of course. No doubt, America is training and preparing to give Ukraine long range Tomahawk cruise missiles.


Junk,you can’t stop russia,your are too woke and too weak and too dumb!


Even so, Russia has made small advances AND NATO and Ukraine are trying to up the ante. Then the Poles and US from Poland will be coming in. That is when to go All out Crazy. Russia has been grinding down the Ukros. It will become apparent that this is not a battle against Ukraine or against Ukrainians but against Poland US UK F. Russia can go at them all on Ukraine soil. Geologists should help to ascertain where Russia can send big missiles to in the US so that earthquakes happen.


Yes, they can because they are not Ukrainians, but foreign troops on foreign land. Hitler, of course, made a major blunder when he let the English army sail back to England from Dunkirk when he should have finished them all off when he had the chance. Maybe Putin is planning to make his next grand entrance into the war when the overconfident vassals of Nato cross the border?


Hitler was a cuck like Putin. We need leaders who KILL THE ENEMY FIRST SECOND AND LAST.


Russia stocks urrp,no future in fascism nor your lgbtq libby incests!


What lame empty bravado.


Id rather see me blurd brothers deal with that on the ground,proud of them, meantime you got a severe weak issue and lgbtq cannot ever cut it(period)


Need more troops for what? To sit down at Donbass and not move? Where are the troops from the north, are they peeling potatoes in a basement or something? Because at the battlefield they aren’t.

Your assessment is correct. This half arsed approach of Russia is disgusting. The russian government is too coward and compromised. They still have hopes of being good friends with the west. They are even still paying their foreign debt in dollars, despite being cut out from external financing, economically blockaded and having assets seized. They can burn money donating it to western banks but a mobilization is “too expensive”.

Expect more embarassment like this in the next months/years. As for NATO, don’t worry. China is not ruled by a gang of traitors planted by CIA and will know exactly what to do when it is time to have fun in Taiwan.


“They (the Russians) still have hopes to be good friends with the west.” Exactly right.

This is, I believe, something Putin still hasn’t fully grasped : that Russia never will become friends with the west. Never! Or at least not as long as Nato, the US, the UK, the EU and all their combined vassal states are controlled by the youknowwho.

Putin needs to read a good history book about, for example, Dunkirk. Maybe he will then realize that Hitler was a naive fool thinking that the English would thank him for sparing their army, when the opposite was true, they hated him even more.

The situation then for Hitler is very similar to Putin’s today. So I will repeat what I’ve said several times before : The only language that Nato and its band of murderers can understand is the language of EXTREME VIOLENCE! Nothing else will do to make them back off! Nothing!

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar

Putin and his supporters are the liberals in Russia. That’s what most people here don’t understand.


Yes, I’ve heard that mentioned before, And I think you may be right.


Anything but neo liberal duddo,they rank last approx a weeny 2%,drr!


Putin is balance,best leader in the world today with the runs on the board to prove it too,these are mainly russian christians,then you got also mainly russian christian communist party #2 = NO LGBTQISM!


Until Russian men stop being so passive and afraid to speak out, things will get much worse. Cruise missiles, many thousands of drones etc. are coming soon.


just about all to date have failed,so no,you dont scare russian fighters sissy

Edgar Zetar

Guess you are missing something important.. the hammer is preparing inside Russia right now thats why Russia is waiting, not because they are weak, they are waiting getting intelligentsia, analizing the field and the NATO forces, they are developing strategies… you should wait and see… remember WWII what happen to Operation Barbarosa army? remember what happen to Napoleon army right?… wait and see…

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Appear weak when you are strong… I think everyone would prefer Russia NOT appear weak but…

Arzt Injektion

Exactly, stop with this bullshit already. No more vocal supporter of Russia than me, but you have to call a spade a spade. Kharkov has been lost and it is right up to the border with Russia. Watch what happens when Ukraine takes full control. They will start shelling Russian territory again. Why not? I would. Russia made another lame threat about targeting decision makers which was total bullshit. Ukraine and NATO is emboldened.

Russia is putting more fucking resources into a fucking parade than they are in Ukraine. This weakness is embarrassing. For those that are curious in addition to having no military experience at all, Shoigu evaded military service altogether. This is who we have at the top of the military.

I really hope Ukraine destroys the Crimean bridge on May 9th. Better yet, rain down ballistic missiles on Moscow for the fucking parade. Only then might we get a true military campaign. If I was a Russian military commander I would destroy bridge myself or hit the parades if I thought I could frame Ukraine.



Nato is laughing at you



Gay cope. Strategies need to be ready before the war starts.


Putin and his elderly, neoliberal, ex-USSR apparatchik ministers are incompetent and need to be replaced. They don’t care if Russians wins or loses the war, as long as corrupt oligarchs whose families live outside of Russia are protected.


what for? so the others can be bought by biden,dont insult grown intellects loser!

Arzt Injektion

It is not the number of troops you have under arms that is important. Recall Iraq’s million man army. No question that Ukraine has already lost its best top line troops. Throwing meat at Russian Artillery is just going to bleed out Ukraine.

However, the rest of your points are perfectly valid. Leaving the bridges up makes no sense at all. Not taking out leadership. Again, inexplicable.

If Russia carries on like this, they will lose. Something has to change on May 9th. They say there will be no mobilization, but if they keep the status quo, eventually they are going to be run out of Ukraine. Recall when they withdrew from in and around Kiev. They started to lose territory. Well, we see the same thing happening around Kharkov. 40 km from Russia’s border. The reason? These areas are lightly defended. What the fuck? Why are reinforcements not sent then???? Now you expose your flanks to encirclement in Izyum. Clown show.


You say you support russia yet to date never understood russian method,drr!


“Ukraine is now probably up to some 800k plus.”

Not even close. Total numbers were 250 thousand troops in february. Few month before the operation Kiev regime announced rising up to 350 thousands. Military reserves of first raw (most valuable military specialists among civilians who came through military service) are 125 thousand. Many of them left their homes as refugees before mobilization. Others is cannon fodder, because no weapon, no ammunition, not enough officers for them. There is no sense in 800-thousand army, if you can’t supply them, they will die in their first combat, lucky ones will be POWs, many of them we can see at videos — 40-50-year men with sad eyes and poor equipment. So, total numbers of nazist forces can be around 350 thousand. In april RusMoD announced over 23 thousand people killed in Kiev regime forces. Number of wounded is unknown, but in common it’s 3-4 times more than killed ones. Plus ~7000 POWs, so they already lost near 100 thousands. 1 strike of “Caliber” to barracks = minus 100-200 participants of military actions. Last day’s losts — 280. It’s real meat grinder. Putting 500 thousand unequipped men to the front will change nothing, except more graves. Morale is low even among nazis, not many want to die for nothing, that’s why many civilians prefer to hide from mobilization. Some brainwashed people still believe that Kiev regime is counter-attacking everyday and will take Kamchatka in next week, but after 2-3 days at front-line they lose all their trust in ukrowermacht.


Thats because russia is a paper tiger with a microdick army, its seriously small, i don’t understan how russia peple do nothing you are basically like germans in the third reich, you will know how utterly stupid and weak your country is when nato tanks level your cities. retire from ukraine, and dismantle your army and nation accept the power of the west a be a good vasall because you arent on the big leagues fake shit country. russia died in 1991. just like Germany you where defeated.


Yeah, yeah… wake me up when Ukraine and HATO reach the Russian border.


Ukraine died never russia dementy gimp!


Putin is a cuck.


That must be a good then,because if putin dont piss soros punks off hes then the punk!


Russian victory equals to world peace, the satan worshipers can try but will not derail the forthcoming God-fearing people of Russia victory, thanx and peace from Afghanistan,


Satan won, Russia is weak, with weak leaders, russia is done for. a lot of small countries will arise easy prey for the satanist west, and all its the faulr of retard putin and the chinese cowards who do nothing, in the real world evil always wins. juts accept it a try to sruvive that’s reality. if not send the nukes, if not stop whining and crying and invading countries with fake weak small armies.


Harden the fuck up dud,you are no god yet to date only minus votes for your lies n crap!


You have kicked off yankees with no help, that’s just great, may Allah give peace and prosperity to Afghanistan at least for decades and together we will create many connections in trade, industry, culture. That will help to create better conditions in Afghanistan. One of such big projects is gas pipe from Russia to India. Afghanistan could have big payment for safe transit. Building new hydro-electric stations will rise domestic production of goods. Yankees know that and do everything to stop peaceful development. Coup in Pakistan against Imran Han is their deed.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Klaus the pig is playing against Klaus the pig so they lost !!!!!

Michelle Obama

It’s obviously controlled by Ukraine, Russians are too weak to be able to capture territory like this, although maybe Putin considers the dead Russian corpses in the streets to be occupants, haha.

Edgar Zetar

Hello Michele? How are you doing lady? Hahaha lol!


stfu blek tranny baboon brains! Go back to your home in the zoo pathedic fried blek nazis!


Withdrawing professional Russian armed units north of Kharkov and replacing them with conscript units from Donbass is really stupid. There are a significant number of Ukrainian elite units defending Kharkov. What is happening now is really predictable, the only thing that will prevent the Ukrainians from reaching the Russian borders is the Russian artillery installed inside Russia. Russian army units were supposed to fix the maximum number of Ukrainian troops to defend Kharkov. Now these Ukrainian units will be able to join the Izium front. To prevent this, the Russians will have to redeploy a significant number of military units to avoid getting caught in a pincer movement. This is yet another example of wasted resources due to the obvious incompetence of Russian strategists


This concept of “fixing” enemy forces in position, for months, with a fake attack DOES NOT WORK. It’s some kind of failed USSR era theory. Only more troops, taking ground and holding ground will win the war for Russia.


Russia refused to bomb bridges and allowed Bandera to re-enforce and resupply. Soon the entire front will collapse. Russia will be treated like Germany after WWII. They will be disarmed and pay restitution.

Nato is laughing at you

but but but phase one? hahahahahahahaha


Yes, I went through the entire article. What the russian victories were?

Congratulations for Putin, for embarassing the country’s army and causing the death of soldiers to spare a few quid not mobilizing. Traitor and scum, just like the entire russian elite. Don’t understand the fixation of westerners in him, Russia will be under the boot of the west for a long this Yeltsin Jr. is in power

Edgar Zetar

Illya, do you belong to the fifth or the six column. Please explain your position?


Putin is a cuck and so are you. Real warriors fight to win and that means use enough troops and bomb the enemy bridges on the first day of the war. You don’t wait or stop to retreat in the middle of a damn war, son. Stop being pussies and bootlickers. Russia is losing all respect in the world by acting weak.

Arzt Injektion

Sixth Columnist like me. Stop saying Putin is a nationalist. He never was, is or will be. He plays that card when it suits him. You know it is not just in Ukraine where Russia labels everyone as a Nazi. In Russia, any populist also gets that label. Putin has any nationalist leader killed, jailed or exiled.

Edgar Zetar

I read your comments and indeed, the way you write its the Sixth Column…. are you Illuminati also? Are you freemasson? Do you workship your alter ego Lucifer and Demons in the Dark? Do you hate so much your country, nation and community to enslave all your people to the NWO and WEF or to any Foreign Power that seduces you?

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

The fifth column is Putin, the cuck handpicked by the CIA who helped his father Ieltsin to reach power and destroy the country.


Чей Крым?)

Arzt Injektion

Putin had Alexander Lebed killed in 2002 or Russia’s future might have been totally different. That is one thing that Putin is good at, eliminating opposition. Lebed would be turning over in his grave if he knew what disgrace the filth in the Kremlin has brought to the Russian Army.

I too was shocked at the loss of Kharkov. In one village, there was only 100 LPR defending it!?!??!? I couldn’t believe it. It was not even like Ukraine was moving a massive army at them either. Only 2500 by most accounts.

Edgar Zetar

Fifth and Sixth Column together… im really studying your behaviors thoughts and comments hoping to easyly discover your “cast” (race) when I see one and develop tactics and strategies to get them at least at 90% rate of sucess.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Did you see the map? Did you see how hard the battles are? or are you the imposter?


I don’t know what will be left to celebrate next May 9th? Maybe the last celebration? This unnecessary and ego-motivated “Special Operation” starts to look more and more like a pathetic and sad failure…to much blood, too many deaths, too many lives and destinies destroyed, too many innocents suffering from this proxy war and really from both sides. Now there is absolutely no way to go out of this mess, and nobody will win…

Never ever betray your brothers, friends and supports…

Karma is a bitch!

Arzt Injektion

Any Russian President would have had to taken military action. No one could tolerate what Ukraine was doing right on its borders. Fairly certain that Ukraine was going to launch its own invasion in the Donbass and then Crimea after that. It is the way that it has been prosecuted that I disagree with. It should overwhelming force from day one. Had that been done, not only would Finland and Sweden not being joining NATO, but other countries would be looking to get out of it.


The NATO forces’ behavior with the civilians of Ukraine is similar to that of Israel in Palestine. In the Azovstal plant they just release 20 to 60 hostages on each ceasefire regime to delay the Russian advance. If it was Washington, then this operation would be just 7 days long with complete media blackout and with thousands of civilian deaths.


Nato forces..?🤨


In the US and EU nobody knows what’s going on in the world because of complete media blackout. The regimes hide the truth from the world community.


South Front why do your videos keep buffering to the point of my head exploding. Explain.


Azov Battalion using civilians as human shields.


Now they are changing “kilogram for kilogram”: 1 kg of hostages for 1 kg of food and medicine. DAESH did the same.


General Samsonov must be running around somewhere !!!

ALL Bridges across the Dnieper OPEN and UNDAMAGED TWO MONTHS into a MILITARY OPERATION ???

Somebody in Russia needs to DROP this Pan Slavic Ukrainians are our forlorn cousins BULLSHIT and handle this the way a REAL WAR IS FOUGHT !!!


Putin is a cuck liberal bitch.

Arzt Injektion

Why are they still fucking around with these fuckers in the Plant? Truce after Truce, Humanitarian Corridors. It goes on endlessly.

What happened to Russia? Remember Grozny? Oh yes, it was terrible, awful what they did to burn the city down that way. That’s what you have to do when you are at war.


You must be new to this. It was the exact thing in Syria when Erdogan used “humanitarian ceasefires” to play Putin like a fiddle.

I say this as someone who loves Russia: it is time for every patriot and supporter that the current leadership is not up to the task and doesn’t care about the country.


Yeah, Putin is so immature newbie that allows others to manipulate him, ha-ha-ha.


I think you are acting like an ungratified spoilt little girly without a clue=fail!


To get your nato bio lab protectors,arrest them and put it online worldwide


Soros is the cuck liberal biatch

Putin win war must become emperor,not interested in being just the libby loser biatch!


FOOD in exchange for CIVILIANS ??? That is good, they have not eaten the civilians yet….


In the Kharkiv region, the front line have reportedly changed. The Ukrainian military launched a counteroffensive and achieved some success. After several days of fighting, units of the DPR, LPR and Russian Guards left the town of Russian Lozovaya and other nearby villages. The AFU established a stronghold in the village of Stary Saltov. It is reported that the village was occupied by militants of the notorious Kraken special forces unit of the Azov nationalist regiment, who are known for openly conducting a “hunt” for civilians with a pro-Russian position in the Kharkiv region.

The total lack of concern for the well being of pro-Russian civilians when Putin orders these cowardly retreats is sick. Russia needs younger, nationalist leaders now before this fiasco gets any worse.


What Russia needs would be “liberals”. Violence by Ukrainian forces in the vicinity of Donbass is just a pretext for “war”. Russia is trying to stop the secession of neighboring countries by showing off its military might. The West, on the other hand, is using its economic power to attract neighboring countries and, by extension, the world. The happiness of the majority of individuals is to be able to live in peace and security, and very few would want to live in a country like Russia, where violence is so prevalent. If “liberal ideas” had permeated Russia, if there had been no “toxic masculinity,” war would not have occurred.

As Leonid Ivashov said, there was no “charm” in Russia. Other countries rejected Russia because it was a barbaric country without intelligence or reason. That is all. Russia’s principle of action is the same as a stalker. States and individuals have different influences, but there is no need to think too hard. It is a very simple story.


Ivashov, this old fart was among the first ones with hypocritical slogan “for peace” like all russophobe liberals. He wasn’t trusted before for his pure negative towards army and possibilities of the country, but now lost all remnants of trust.


Ha Ha… liberalism is just a tool to weaken the independant nation states.. it’s aim is to feminize and then eradicate all opposition to globalist yankee/zionist tyranny… ‘toxic masculinity’ is the only thing between you and absolute serfdom..

Putin is like you, an ignorant liberal who confuses civility for cowardice…

and ideology for wisdom…

and the thing about the ‘nazis’ is they have ‘belief’ system… which is a motivating force..

but essentially useless to them and dependent on western gay boy hypocrites… the so called West itself bankrupt and collapsing.. degenerate and failed..

what do you think this shit show is about… do you know? or are you just another gay boy..


Sure,keep your bio lab job running for demented joe hey,scholar of null:


“Russia needs younger, nationalist leaders now before this fiasco gets any worse.” Like ? 🙄


You new gen sodomites hasnt got what it takes to lead anyone out of a turkish brother, how dare you miseducated low iq degenerate weaklings pretend you have the answers where in reality you libby creeps are only in it for 21 gender degenerations,grow up gimp! Perhaps you ought to focus on the real outdated old hags like biden,soros,trump and hellary! fkn drr poof!

Last edited 2 years ago by DEMOCRACY IS =WARS= LITTLE BIATCH

success—on twitter for ukies, otherwise they have been distracted and defeated…nazi Sawyer upset


So far, they’re not doing so bad with defense, they’re even conducting counter offensives and taking back certain towns and villages.


Lies, lies, lies. No single counter-attack, no single captured town. Coming into empty village left by RAF with no fight is not counter-attack, it’s shiny peremoga (false victory).

El sion

Ukrainian soldiers who had been trapped for days at the Azovstal factory raised a white flag and surrendered. Heavy Russian bombing was preceded by a Russian landing in progress

At the same time, a senior official of the Russian forces confirmed that many foreign officers are trapped inside the factory.

“Foreign Officers Are Trapped” The official of the Russian forces mentions in the video that you can see: big news!


Where is the source for this report???


Hodakovskiy said it first, then numerous MSM repeated. iz(dot)ru, rg(dot)ru (official outlet of RF gov-t). But they said not about surrendering, but about few ukros with white flag, looks like negotiators.

El sion

Russia: Azovstal Ukrainian soldiers surrender

Ukrainian forces trapped in Azovstal separated from the Azovites and surrendered.

This is reported by Russian military sources!

“At AzovStal, the Ukrainian army raised white flags and surrendered en masse.



Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

I don’t like to complain and I’m grateful for the transcripts but SF videos do not load on the page, don’t download to disk. This is a longstanding problem, maybe it’s my gear.


Not much reasons for Russian Federation to military masturbate in 9 May 2022 when it comes to “special military operation” in Ukraine. Snail advance or not advancing at all will make military man’s dick limp.


sucking cia sperm has made you senile

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