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In Video: Syrian Army, Russian Aerospace Forces Annihilate Turkish Forces Around Al-Nayrab

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On February 21, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) released a video revealing the catastrophic losses the Turkish military and its proxies sustained during their recent failed attack on the town of al-Nayrab in southern Idlib.

The attack saw the direct participation of the Turkish military, which provided al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the National Front for Liberation (NFL) with heavy weapons and fire support.

The SANA’s video, which was filmed by Syrian and Russian drones, shows how the SAA and the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) annihilated most of the attackers.

Syrian and Russian strikes destroyed four M60 Sabra MK II of the Turkish Armed Forces, as well as several vehicles, including ACV-15 and M113 armored personnel carriers (APCs). Some of these vehicles were being operated by HTS and the NFL.

Earlier today, the Syrian state TV revealed that more than 250 Syrian militants were killed in the failed attack. Turkey, from its side, acknowledged that two of its service members were killed. The new footage suggest that more Turkish soldiers may have lost their lives.

Despite the catastrophic losses sustained by its army and proxies in al-Nayrab, Turkey may attempt to launch another attack soon. Ankara is apparently desperate for any achievement that could improve its political stand.

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The way things are going Erdogan’s only chance of glory now is to strap on a suicide vest and release the button in the Turkish General Staff Room


Sadly no matter the outcome, the turkish media will write it off as win, the Erdogan voters and even many in opposition to him will believe the lies, and Erdogan will gain nonetheless. That is what he always does. Like Goebbels, he loves the big lies, the total lies, where most people would never believe someone could be so boldly lying. His followers believe in him like his Jihadi mercs believe in their virgins. No reality is gonna change that. And be sure he already planned who to blame for any of his failures.. “FETO”/Gülen, Putin, Assad, Kurds, Europeans.. They always believe to be victims, and never are at fault. This mindset is immune to reality.

Xoli Xoli

It shocked me when I read Turkey news.Apparently Turkey destroyed and push back Syria and Russian forces.



Ricky Miller

Absolutely. I mean the way the Turkish media has presented it all the Turkish public is fine with supporting terror groups in Syria and even are fine with stealing seabed resources from Cyprus. Turkey is just following the U.S. lead here. Say a lie, repeat it, but do what you want, all the while spinning the information to shade the news cycle. Repeat. It’s so successful that U.S. and NATO people can say things like “rules based international order” with a straight face even while breaking treaties and violating mutually agreed upon standards of conduct en masse. We are living in corrupt and heartless times.


A sad but true assement IMHO. But the upside is: In those times, truth becomes the ultimate weapon. If one manages to get a big enough platform and audience, or supports those who have this, AND has the will and stamina to speak the truth, then most people would ultimately reject the lies. Only when all information the masses of citizens get is distorted, then lies win. If one could bring what we learn in alt media to all those TV watching, MSM reading citizens, then the whole web of lies falls apart.

And just like the WMD in Iraq, the lie will be exposed to everyone. We need Alt Media to have the reach and resources of MSM, while delivering all those values the MSM has betrayed: Neutrality, Democratic values, informing instead of spinning, and enlightment instead of propaganda. Then, and only then, the lies can be defeated. It may be a long way to this chance, but it is there.

Sadly Alt Media betrays its promise too, with often a black and white worldview, not transparent financing by shadow owners, and opinion peaces, plagarizing, and few true original reporting. That is just another kind of trap as MSM sadly. But the chance to become a true alternative for the majority of people is still there.

Tim Williams

how much of stranglehold do the TURKS have on the internet ?


Well if I remember correctly, the Turkish government shuts down all major social media sites whenever it wants to prevent inconvenient news from reaching it’s citizens. So quite a stranglehold.

Tim Williams

explains why the usual TURK trolls are not spouting off of how glorious a victory it was for them yesterday

Josiah Isaboke

Actually a majority of these trolls know the truth…They know thta it’s not just 15 Turkish soldiers killed and 20 wounded BS. That’s why they are not here but finding solace and comfort in their latest cry for ‘NATO COME HELP US…WE ARE NATO!’ …They are desperate for help and once they are assured that their sitting Turkey ducks(No offence to the ducks) are receiving support..They will be here gloating and trolling in full force. For now join them here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DLjs30LT1c&t=1s


During and after the coup attempt on Erdo, it was shut down for a while if I recall correctly.

Zionism = EVIL

It was a staged coup to increase the goat fucker Erdogan’s political life and purge the military, educational institutions and bureaucracy of any dissidents.


“if one could bring what we learn in alt media to all those TV watching, MSM reading citizens, then the whole web of lies falls apart.”

Twenty years ago or even less, very few of us would have had fast access to news and views from various sides of events.

The costs in time and money would have made global conversations such as we heve here an impossibility for 99.9% of us I would think.

The ability to see instant images of events is also a powerful tool to expose inconsistencies in imagery in the media.

This is why our knowledge is feared by the liers. :)


And we’ve all come to our senses despite Murdoch and co. Geo-political views like ours are now common. Even people who watch the MSM now doubt the truth of what they see.


Yea but the thing about the wmd lies is few people learned the lesson of that episode you will be surprised at how many people don’t see the seriousness of these lies like I will point out to people that the Australian military was fighting for Isis in Syria and they don’t seem think it’s much of a problem when really it proves our government is rotten to the core and needs to be replaced with something else what worries them is invented rubbish like climate change

Stephan Williams

Anyone who knows anything about Goebbels could not have written what you did. Goebbels didn’t like liars. He believed the best propaganda was the truth. All his statements regarding the BIG LIE were criticisms and descriptions of the All Lies propaganda – not an admission that the Germans engaged in the “BIG LIE” themselves. Read David Irvings biography of Goebbels – it will help free your mind from the nonsense you and I both have been fed by our media, governments and schools from the first moments we could hear and see.


I have a few signed copies of Irvings books.

Traiano Welcome

The best liars lie by telling the truth.


Like Goebbels? The guy was incinerated after let his woman assassinate their childrens.


The upside to that is that the Turkish army can get its ass fucked, triple anal style, and that camelfucker Erdogan (no insults to camelfuckers intended) can still present it as a victory to save face and make a deal with the Russians. Because losers that have to face a hostile public opinion can’t make deals. Winners on the other hand can.


The only cure for such people who blindly follow a sociopath such as Erdo wherever he or she treads, is death


If we were to kill every dumb ignorant nasty person out there it would take several lifetimes and would be bloody hard work an easier solution would be to somehow make sure these people never get into power and don’t have access to any weoponry


Still better to get rid of them I think. Drop them down deep mine shafts etc. :)


Misplaced superiority complex perhaps?! They had an empire before and wanted to relive the good old times.



Zionism = EVIL

That was a serious BBQ by Russian AF and a message to the goat fucker in chief Erdogan.


To tease Russians isn’t a good idea.

Erdogan has to think Eurasia !


Erdogan is quite good at liquidating opponents, even if they are armed. As are the governments of Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Hm. Maybe “democracy” is irrelevant to the Levant? It is irrrelevant in North America and Europe too, but the difference is that once you cross the Bospurus, people are either more honest or less hypocritical. [But we have elections, WAH WAH and don’t jail opponents]. Yeah, ask Eugene Debs, Gus Hall, Bobby Seale Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and real opponents of capitalist “democracy” about that difference. https://media3.giphy.com/media/QW5nKIoebG8y4/giphy-downsized-medium.gif

Tim Williams

and only 2 TURKS died yesterday ?


Not way at all my friend, and this is obvious.

Tim Williams

Parents will be notified over the next several weeks of a training accident, likely involving a staged plane crash with all the victims burned up


Yeah, they copy their Usrahell masters!

Tim Williams

NFL … In the USA that stands for National Football League


They should sue for Trademark infringement …

Xoli Xoli

Attack all Turkey terrorists observation bases kill all Turkey soldiers.

Tim Williams

give them a chance to vacate .. if they refuse … light them up

The Man

Have to disagree… they’ve had their chance. Start the Turkey Shoot and pick off as many Turkish Turds as possible. Turd kebabs!!!!

Louis IX

This video is amazing, failure of Erdogan is total.


Its great, but I do love it when they get the tanks before they make it off the trucks.

Tim Williams

I like to give my targets a sporting chance


As long as they’re gone, and the ferris wheel still running.

Xoli Xoli

If Erdogan comes to Sochi or Moscow Putin close protection must search Erdogan.

Tim Williams

suicide vest


how those hits were done? By same uav that records the videos?by second uav or it gives target to airforce or artillery ?

Rhodium 10

Fighter jets are on flight..drones give them Glonass coordinates( SVP-24 system)….sometimes there are drones attacks and guide artillery ( Krasnopol)….

Ricky Miller

If the Russian equipment is in the same ballpark as U.S. drones than they can laser paint a target too.

Tim Williams



Laser paint is at least 20 years old tech.

Ricky Miller

Which, without a doubt means Russian drones can target a ground object for a missile to strike.

Mattias Dahlström

Noted several double bombings : wonder if Gefest does that when CEP error is large?

Rhodium 10

maybe because there are some jets on flight…and pilots receive coordinates…its possible that 2 jets have the same coordinates and bomb 2 times the same targets!…SVP-24 can store many targets and automatically direct the planes towards the targets…usually one by one…while another plane are waiting…


that krasnopol is game changer. Guided shells in all calibers is the future

Zionist Internet Warrior

$20,000,000 worth of turkish M-60 sabra tanks turned into metal kebab in under 10 minutes by SU-24?

Good work Russian Airforce. Invincible jewish tanks?

Donald Moore

Only two Turks dead, not so, you can’t turn tanks over to anybody (terrorists) and then they use them. The M-60’s different then Russian tanks and even different from normal M-60’s. These have been upgraded and some use the short barrel 120mm. The terrorists would have to be trained on them before using them. No they had Turk crew and that’s 4 per tank!


Only four? Arghhhh..

Zionist Internet Warrior

liveUAmap ukrop jihadmins are throwing temper tantrum deleting comments since they’re very butthurt after turks got obliterated by Russian Airforce, so southfront is the refuge :)

Concrete Mike

They will come out in 4 to 6 hrs, you watch.

Tim Williams

if at all

Tim Williams

got banned from them 2 weeks ago .. f that jihadi mother …

Zionist Internet Warrior

these are the 2 retards who run liveUAmap. ugly virgins they are https://liveuamap.com/about#team


Jews aren’t zionists you berk.


“Like Goebbels, he loves the big lies, the total lies, where most people would never believe someone could be so boldly lying.”…


Goebbels NEVER said that. Hitler and Goebbels described how the Jews lie. The Jews later twisted it into Hitler, Goebbels were advocating for such lies. They never ddi!

The Man

Read his post clearly you retarded fuckwit Yid. He said “Zionist Jews” which means, of the filthy Jews that exist, there is a cancerous subset of these Jew scum, these are THE ZIONIST JEWS!


They are criminal Zionists, OK!

Zionism = EVIL

Actually Jews, parasites and Zionist scum are all mutually inclusive.

Traiano Welcome

Why is there so much broad support of Zionism among the Jewish diaspora?


There isn’t, Jews follows the religion, zionism is inimical to Judaism, that’s why Herzl and his cronies invented it. You don’t get more antisemite than that.


I don’t know about that there are some links in the old testament to the Babylonian shit the zionists follow


Lots of zionists claim to be Jews but a comparison of the requirements of the religion and the requirements of zionism such as crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and war crimes show that they are inimical.

Zionist Internet Warrior



Dont get too excited…


The Man

BS dude! These Yankee planes fly all over the place especially when they’re transporting dead Americunts from Baghdad after the Iranian arse-whooping they got. Plus, in one of the later pics you posted, RCH516 did a U-turn!!! ha ha… That was plane number 6 in the… wait for it… 5 plane convoy!!! of yours So, more than likely, they shat themselves… again… and went to change their nappies.

Zionist Internet Warrior

never landed in turkey, went strait to Kuwait

Zionist Internet Warrior

plus if turkey used patriot against Russia, they would be destroyed by the RuAF instantly. So you shouldn’t get your hopes up

Daniel Martin

If Erdogan wants to reduce the size of his army, there are more humane ways of doing it, this was just to cruel man. ? ☠️



Harry Smith

It is much more complicated. There is Misak-I Milli. Here is brief description of it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misak-%C4%B1_Mill%C3%AE But try to google images for misak-i milli and look at the maps it will show you.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Wow. They had no chance.


Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Fire Woman?? lol (Great band, btw!)

How about Sepultura – (War For) Territory? (Heavy song, cheesy lyrics)


Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

;-) Ok, the old man got carried away. Sepultura works. My tastes generally run more toward folk rock and late ’60s to ’70s rock but with intelligent lyrics. However, I occasionally like just straight ahead, solid rock and roll.

You have an uncanny resemblance to Frank Zappa. Amazing….

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Hai! Hai! Hai! Is actually a picture of Frank, one of my favs of his. Maybe some Steppenwolf, Grand Funk (Red album era), Atomic Rooster, Blue Oyster Cult, Budgie, Jethro Tull, Love, Motorhead, Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, Van Halen (Fair Warning), Captain Beyond, Cream. Are you familiar with Porcupine Tree? Just learned of this band from late ’60s called, Josefus – Dead Man, the album.

Savoy Brown have a good vibe. Crosby, Stills, Nash (and sometimes, Young). Saw them live a few times, with and w/o Neil. Crosby’s ‘If I Could Only Remember My Name’, amazing album! Was listening to the 2015 MFSL SACD of Chicago – Chicago Transit Authority earlier. Sounded nice. I prefer audio sourced from quality vinyls, preferably original pressings taken decent to good care for, properly cleaned and captured/post-processed digitally with quality gear and experience each step along the wave. Now you got me in a blues-funk-rock mood!

Want to freak out, put on some early 70’s Japanese Psychedelic Rock classic by Flower Travellin’ Band – Satori (album). This one has crankability factor built-in. Oh yeahh!!! Go Tigers!!!! Get ’em!!!!!!!


Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Yeah. You have good taste in rock and roll.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

War Ensemble – Slayer (Live at Castle Donnington, ’92)


(another video w/ better audio quality)


Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

:-) Probably more fitting. Have a good one.


I knew erDOGan was stupid, but I could not imagine he was this stupid…

Tim Williams

he is a very special kind of stupid …


I would imagine that Erdo lives in a sycophantic ‘Echo Chamber’. Most despots anywhere do, in all walks of life.

namulit emperor

Attention, very graphic… https://zonadeguerra-warzone.com.mx/2020/02/20/siria-mas-de-200-terroristas-apoyados-por-tuquia-fueron-aniquilados-por-el-ejercito-arabe-sirio-saa-y-la-fuerza-aerea-rusa-imagenes-18/

Tim Williams

such nice looking young men … they had so much potential ….


doctors and engineers..

Tim Williams

that’s what I was thinking as well


Immigration Points System winners then, Tim.


Yes, as US Drag Queens in junior schools on LGBTQ educational visits.

I jest you not, this is actually happening in the US,

Tim Williams

USA is looking grim for the future


Potential for what? For being able to fight some more for Greater Pissrahell?

Hasbara Hunter

Now that’s the way to deal with AngloZioNazi Parasites..


The more the merrier as well, HH :) Have you been on Walk About again?

The hasbara rats are soooo sad these days.

Hasbara Hunter

Hehehe Hasbarats always were a sad bunch of sore ass losers…but the pathetic little Parasites for sure ensured a steady flow of Information here inside SF so can thank the Cunts for that…that is why these Loudmouthed Chickenshit AngloZioNazis Continuously are defeated on all fronts…they are done!

Roaming free….no more “Systems” for me….


As a kid in the 60’s, I always wondered why the British retreat under fire from Dunkirk during WW2 was portrayed as a British victory.

ALL the British light and heavy equipment of the large British force in France was lost and the dishevelled survivors were no different to any defeated force.

I can understand that using propaganda in order to ‘Put Lipstick on a Pig’ is sometimes prudent in wartime but to continue this long after a conflict is over only serves to create a false image of current military prowess.

Fortunately for those of us who do not relish living under a NATO enforced Zionist police state, NATO is a navel gazing relic.




I had a passenger last night. I took my truck off the road in December when it developed an engine knock. And am now driving rideshare. He was an ex marine and his brother was an ex marine aviator in Vietnam. And we got talking about military aviation. I asked him if he’d been following the Syrian war. And he said not really.

I voiced the opinion that NATO and IDF equipment was approaching obsolescence in key areas. And he practically scoffed at it. And when I started explaining about the Russian 10 year lead in hypersonics with the ability to take out launch platforms at distance, the Russian satcom and anti aircraft capabilities, and that Russia would clean NATO’s clock in a conventional toe to toe. He didn’t say anything.

I think that your average American is clueless, thanks to the vermin Jew media, about how we’ve wasted money on Jew world order conquest and hegemony that would have been better spent on homeland defense, including civil defense shelters, and at a minimum maintaining conventional parity.


I agree, and just consider how much better off the general US population would have been today if the Trillions of dollars wasted on wars and military boondoggles had instead been used to build and repair the civilian infrastructure that benefited ALL if the citizens of the USA.


I completely agree. That’s how Trump got elected. If he wins a second term maybe he’ll actually deliver more of what he ran on rather than pandering to Israel and US Jews and Zionists.


I’m not that optimistic about Trump’s second term. He may pull all stops from Jewworshipping and cause far more damage to America than any president before. I voted for the scumbag.


I voted for him also. Though I wouldn’t again. I do have to give credit where credit is due. The wall is being built and the Afghan deal is real. Though his track record on implementation is poor. If he was serious about getting problems corrected he’d work on Jew extinction.


Hmm, that definitely puts to bed any claims that the SAA is lying about enemy casualties. Most of them seem to have been killed by explosive force rather than small arms fire (although I’m not an expert on battlefield injuries). So it looks like SyAAF/VVS airstrikes and Syrian artillery are ruling the battlefield there.


Thermobarics perhaps. There is a common trauma of the eyes, nose and throat ?

Peter Jennings

Blast and shrapnel? I do believe that thermobarics are being used, although i’m no expert on explosives.

Fortunately, the end results are the same.


There’s quite a bit of impact damage also. And no burn damage to the bodies or ground. A pressure differential could cause the bleeding from the nose and mouth. Maybe the shockwave and shrapnel travel further than the fireball from a 500 lb bomb or cluster munitions.


Could well be, yes,

Saint Russ

Poor guys, what hell makes them to believe in going with this? You have to be very dumbed. For any decent thinker, if you do not like Syria as it is, leave or die fighting for nothing.


Nice photos, thanks.

Harry Smith

These are not recent photos, but from end of Jan 2020 and beginning of Feb 2020.

Simon Ndiritu

Some white, could be CIA or MI whatever. The war has reached a critical stage

Peter Jennings

Thanks for the laughs.


I watched it and somehow I felt zero compassion for these human SCUM. Syria, Russia job well done!

Hasbara Hunter

Kill all them Filthy AngloZioNazi Dönmeh Terrorists turn the Vermin into Dogshit….

Tim Williams

No TURKEY officer would have sent his troops in this way .. broad daylight, no air cover against an extremely talented … well equipped enemy … this video shows you who is actually running the TURK military now … a certifiable imbecile

Prince Teutonic

Like Hitler in April 1945 when Soviets attacked Berlin…

Tim Williams

only a lunatic does this

alejandro casalegno

“Ocalan Steiner” command the operation……………


That’s what you get when you replace experienced officers with yes men.

alejandro casalegno

To be fair,,,,,Arab armies are the pardise of “Yes men” officers.


You are 100 % correct my friend. This is why the Saudi army can’t win from a bunch of mountain men in flip flops, why the Iraqi army folded quicker then wet paper in both Gulf Wars and why Assad almost lost the war. But then again Arab armies are no NATO armies. Turkey’s army was supposed to be several grades above the Arab riffraff. for they were supposed to protect NATO’s southern flank in the Caucasus and on the Balkans if WW3 had come against a Soviet onslaught.

alejandro casalegno

After the coup and the purges, the TAF become “Yes Erdogan”……….perhaps now the SAA become a REAL army now, under russian advice. Some day the Resistance Axis will fight the Zionists in a head on battle,,,,the SAA must be ready.

PD. If you want a book about arab military incompetence…..”Armies of Sand”, of Kenneth Pollack is superb.



Tim Williams

I’m still waiting for the TURK video .. they claim 150 dead SAA … 12 tanks blow up etc …

alejandro casalegno

Sit down………….for a long time…..


First they have to repaint their own blown up vehicles with SAA insignia and equip their ‘martyred’ scums with SAA uniforms. It takes time.


I think Turkey is losing many more troops than it is admitting. Something will pop and the truth will come out concerning this. It will be devastating for Turkey’s push into Idlib. My take.

Tim Williams

50 – 75 likely … huge training accident will happen in a few days … 2 buses drive off a cliff … explode in flames … all bodies incinerated … sorry about your loss Mr & Mrs Turk


Yes, lots of of the wall incidents coming for sure.

The Man

ha ha – love it. they’ll give the parents of the KIA “Turd Turkish canon fodder” a kebab shop to shut them up.

Me&Myself None


Tim Williams

Russian air cover tactics


Tim Williams

S 300 now active for SYRIANS to use at will



Syria’s S-300s are the latest version and with Russian satcom integration are essentially s-400s.


It’s really unfortunate that the Turkish government is sending it’s military to the Idlib terror hub of it’s own creation to die for Israel. The humanitarian crisis in Idlib is of the Turks own management implementing the Yinon plan for the vermin Jew.


Richard the roach, you’re even below vermin.

Concrete Mike

Easy there Adolph, only a fool denies that Turkey’s support of jabhat al toilet is beneficial to Israel.

We also remember that USA and Israel have also supported jabhat al toilet from day 1!

So its.kinda cute you come out defending the 4th reich, the amerinazis, the al.nusrahs and now the Turks???

All yall.doing is cockblocking, that in itself is pretty low, petty.


I dont support any HTS shits, nor do I care about them. But why shouldn’t I support Turkey over Syria? atleast they have never fought against us since 1948. And if he insults me or my religion, I will show no respect to him whatsoever.


The vermin Jew orchestrated the Syrian war. Your evil cult that rapes 1,000 children every week needs to be outlawed.

“metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …

According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”

– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –


– Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Says Oral Suction at Circumcision Is Preferred –



The Jew government that you shill for fully supports the terrorists. https://biblicisminstitute.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/netanyahu-and-isis-terrorist.jpg


– America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars –



Exposing Jew crime and evil shows your blood sucking Jew cult for what it is. You don’t need me to insult it. Your cult’s evil speaks for itself.

The Man

Well f*ck off Jew, and f*ck your Jew religion, and f*ck Israhell you scum vermin.


You’re a truth hater who hasn’t disproven anything that I’ve written.


Turks put their forces on the ground without aircover relying on their mutual agreement with Russia not to direct attack eachother.Which i find hillarious.They paid the price of that naivity like many other middle eastern countries before them,Egypt as an example.Anyways,good luck for them is that the US wouldnt miss a chance to kill some Russians.


Tim Williams

another rat attack coming


Tim Williams

ERDO watching the video



Erdogans boosting the moral of his military


Tim Williams

Up to 400 dead from the TURKEY SHOOT yesterday ?


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