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UPDATED: New Wave Of Airstrikes Hits Iraq Capital (Photos)

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UPDATE 2: The US-led coalition officially claimed that it had not conducted strikes near Camp Taji.

Shubul al-Zaidi, commander of the PMU’s Imam Ali Battalions denied reports about his death. The PMU released an official statement saying that no PMU convoy was targeted. The situation remains unclear.

Update: Pentagon officials told Newsweek the operation was targeting Imam Ali Brigades with a “high probability” the strike resulted in the death of its leader, Shubul al-Zaidi.


Several airstrikes targeted early on January 4 three vehicles of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) near al-Taji camp north of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

A source in the Iraqi military told the Reuters News Agency that two of the three vehicles were found burned. Six burned corpses were also found in the airstrikes’ site.

Initial reports claimed that the airstrikes killed senior commanders of the PMU, including Shubul al-Zaidi, Hamid al-Jazrawi and Ra’d al-Kwrawi.

These claims were denied by the PMU, which revealed in an official statement that the airstrikes targeted one of its medical units. The Iraqi Shi’ite coalition didn’t provide any additional details.

According to several Iraqi sources, the airstrikes were carried out by U.S. warplanes. This is yet to be confirmed.

A day earlier, similar airstrikes claimed the lives of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy Commander of the PMU, and Iranian Quds Force commander, Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani. The U.S. claimed responsibility for the attack.

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WTF is wrong with this US coalition is their brain on fire. They really really want a real war. LOL.They will make the Iranians broken to a point where there is no return. Ah Trump you crazy piece of shit. WTF is with you.


You have to understand US and Zionist mentality, they are bullies and thugs and will keep on pushing Iran and the Iraqis until there is a reaction. So far Iran has proven weak, confused and vacillating with a very incompetent President and FM who have failed its people. As any rational person would know weakness begets aggression, US and Zionists are now emboldened enough to attack Iranian mainland or even Khamenei’s home unless Iran fights back.

Albert Pike

‘President and FM’ – They are both members of the masonic ‘Hojjatieh Society’, the FM is also proud of a book he got from Henry Kissinger: https://newrepublic.com/article/116167/mohammad-javad-zarif-irans-foreign-minister-religious-zealot


An Iranian academic friend of mine said that Zarif has been on CIA payroll since teh 80’s when he was a student in US and all his family are American citizens or green card holders. Rouhani is corrupt to the core and had a fake degree from a Scottish “university” arranged by the MI-6. Rouhani has millions in UK along with his familiy members. The corrupt mullahs suit the west as the average Iranian pays the price of daily sufferings and now global humiliation.

Albert Pike

The masters who rule this planet have always had all their ducks in a row – especially when they go to war. And the objective of those wars (which they ‘sold’ to their people) seem far away from the outcome of those wars. Best example is the ‘holocaust’ of ‘Adolf Hitler the founder of Israel – Israel in war with Jews’: ‘Kardel’s book presents events leading to and the people responsible for the World War II, the Holocaust, the creation of the State of Israel and other historical events. It also shows in great detail the reasons and explains how and why it was possible for those events to happen.’

So if it’s the same, same, and if it is anything to go by – the one who brings the cause forward (which was last time the Fiihrer), gets burnt the most. May be for that time, when America will lie in ruins, the UN is looking for ‘DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION AND REINTEGRATION OFFICER, P4’ http://archive.is/u7RMj#selection-317.0-317.57


I wouldn’t call Hitler the Father of Israel – far from it. He was either a dupe or a pawn in complete admiration with Britain. See Manual Sarkisyan’s ‘Anglo-Saxon Roots of German Nazism”: https://orientalreview.org/2011/07/06/anglo-saxon-roots-of-german-nazism/

Albert Pike

Thanks for the link (and yes every link send to me, I do read, especially about ‘you know who’). Hitler has for me over time transformed into something were one can explain the hidden workings of the world. My dad was a Hitler fan, and I had endless arguments with him about ‘der Fiihrer’. Usually we didn’t speak for a day or two afterwards, he telling me that I am a complete moron, having allowed to be indoctrinated by the victorious forces, and me telling him that he was to young at that time, to understand a thing. Today I do know that we were both right – and that AH is a complicated matter – and that especially his obsession with the Windsors came from the philosemitic masonic sorroundings of young Hitler in Munich, and from his blood. Which seams linked to the Windsors – if one follows, what the zoharist sect of the Frankists write about themselves: https://zohariststories.blogspot.com/2019/09/the-seven-daughters-of-jacob-frank.html And no -very weired indeed- but if one would go down that rabbit hole, you would see that the author of this site – which is Aron Ben Gilad, only tells half of it – and that he, and his movement the ‘Hebrew Catholics’, is supported by cardinal Burke, the guy who gave, and gave not, that italian monastery to Steve Bannon: http://callmejorgebergoglio.blogspot.com/2017/10/hebrew-catholics-make-up-false-religion.html

What does that have to do with AH – well the same what Josip Frank from the Croatian facist Ustashe has to do with the sect of the Frankists (a hasidic sect related to Chabad Lubavitch) – the jumping of jews into the religions of the goy, to undermine them, leading to a Frankist Hitler of Jewish descent (leading to a Frankist Trump?): http://disq.us/p/26bcet0


Wait a minute, I do not see how Mohammad Javad Zarif could be (or was) a CIA element. If you have any evidence about it, I would appreciate you post it. On Other hand, he was the person who avoid the destruction of Iran thanks to the nuclear agreement made with the main powers. In additon, it looks like he has been supported a lot the development of missiles systems in Iran.


Both the Shah and the Mullahs in Iran were brought to power by the same Anglo-Americans. When the Shah went solo and wanted to modernize Iran with a nuclear sector, the Mullahs were enthroned. Coincidentally, the first program the Ayatollah Khomeini shut down when he came to power was the nuclear sector. The Ayatollah Khomeini, who served in the SAVAK, was in contact with north the MI6 and the CIA while in exile. They Mullahs have close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (a British Masonic organization created to serve British interests in Muslim nations). Not long ago, Rouhani slammed Trump for wanting to label the MB as terrorist. The Rouhani also expected/wanted Clinton to come to power – why?

Ashok Varma

No coincidence that the French gave him a platform in the media and sent his cassette messages to Iran and also gave him a free ride on a Air France 747.


Thank you for bringing that up.


The Mullahs were, after all, brought to power in the same way the Shah was – by the Anglo-Americans.

Ashok Varma

Iran is a country with immense potential and the mullahs have retarded Iranian progress towards a modern secular society. Keeping Iran isolated suits the US and Zionist agenda and that is why they prefer the theocratic rule.


Precisely. The Anglo-American-Zionist’s end goal is always to keep competitor backwards. It is based on Adam Smith’s “Wealth of Nations” (read: Theft of Nations) where competitors must be kept culturally and thus economically backwards compared to Britain.

Jens Holm

China is like that. You are like good old days with Chairman Mao.


Not sure how China is like that when it brings a pen to the table to sign commercial/industrial contracts that benefit everyone while the Anglo-Americans bring their army/navy/mercenaries.

Equally not sure how I am like Mao. It sounds like your usual raving. You might want to know that Mao was like the Ayatollah Khomeini: serving the Anglo-Americans to keep the country backward.

Jens Holm

Sorry. Chairman Mao was a nasty one. What I meant was the many million poor Chinese still are there even its alos correct the rest is well affiliated with he Western Economics.

Mabee I only should have written, You at least should have used Marx and Engels explaining things and Adam Smidt is too too old.


Agreed, Mao was nasty. Why do you think they got rid of Sun Yat-sen? As far as the level of poverty in China goes, you should refer to better sources. Millions have been lifted out of it but – no – it wasn’t the result of “Western Economics” (at least not the deregulated version of it).

I don’t understand the relevance of either Marx or Engels here. Marx – who wrote his essays in the comfort/luxury of London – somehow omitted the private bankers and international trade in his work – why? Regardless, my point here is that the (Neo-Venetian) Anglo-Saxon ruling class has always attacked competitors to keep them divided and thus weak and vulnerable to exploitation. I brought up Adam Smith since he advocated such modus operandi.

Jens Holm

Hahaha. Many versions of Marx and Engelss descriptions.

I see Marx and Engels as a result made by Adam Smidt and Co When so many were poor by THAT Adam they explain it very well in systems including all people and proposed solutions, where the greedy ones was taken away because one vote for each human being was moree important then few deciders with too many rights.

I do like the idea but not the solution.

Communisme split up and we were lucky or clever here having succes for the “Socialdemocrats”. They looked at both sides and found solutions in the middle.

By that we had no riots and instead more fair agreements between the ones becomming rich and the ones being poor.

Our good base today is income tax. In one hand we all do pay a lot of tax and the rich pays more then us.

In the other hand that tax gives equal right for schools, hospitals, roads and minimum pensium as well as we move greta sums to the poor parts if they cant work or study or are children.

We can decide as we wish by the parlament, that tax and other things are very flexible but all feeling safe and united is very important. And we see it. We are among the Countries in the world havig the most trusted police, court system and even politicians. We do have corruption but not much, We do have free speach and made for good and bad ideas are visible. Nazis and Communists all are in the open.

Its not because I wil say Denmark is the best country in the world, but there are several possible good solutions, where the MUST is to include all You can.

We by the way also has a very low crime rate and thats because we instead pay a lot to prevent crime happens and whwn it does, we try to educate those criinalks, so they dont need to make more crime.

We even invented a word for it in EU and its named Flexicuiry.

Its easier for us to fire people from jobs even they are good at it, because we help them well until they find some other job. With many unimployed we invest in Goverment jobs and take the top. If things are too good we at least try to not help and make a 2008 bubble.

So thats why I took the contrast to Adam in. No starving people in the streets and visibility does it too. We try not to hide.

We are known for being too open and ironic. Trump wanted to buy Our Greenland and Our Premiere Minister replyed in Danish thinking. We have less respect even for an American President then many others. The wrong thing in those matters was President Trump think he is protected and immune with his titel. We are depended and allied but we are not bought for nothing.

Maybee next time we will say OK, we trade for Manhattan:)

I only see China at the time of Sun Yat Sen came from almost total dark and he was a vital step for needed changes. None could expect more. Nowerdays we will name him as an important influencer.

So he was a step and the rest of China was as a football field not even having a small hill. He inspired and Chiang Kai Sheck became a too great succes overestimaring possible changes, which were impossibe for big parts of the rest.

And that was why sommunisme no matter what became a succes. At least thats how I see it in a very cvery short version. Some might remember so many at the same time wanted to eat parts of China and did.

Some few danes made a new step by inventing windpower by big turbines. Windpower is a very old thing, but using turbines was new and possible because of new materials and equipment.

Some tradionel danes even laughed. Hahaha. Turbines are for water only, but they said that jets use turbines in air and are doing fine.

Now 50% of all electricity is made by windpower and we build more and improve and will need more and more for electric care as well.

So many has made those many steps and very fast. Now windpower is like cars having many very different producers for sea, flat terrain, mountains and a lot of wind for short periods as well as at little wind every day.

They also can be very small for islands, smaller vessels and lighthouses, but also covering many 1000 houses or industrial parks.

So we were a kind of Sun Yat Sen having 2 big factories for windpower at the sea and a factory for small local turbines for about 20 houses.

But the ideas has spread. Others are making big turbines for land and mountain use and others do as the danes and several are much bigger.

For China expect a kind of regration and even some declining. Its easy to have only new things. Not they have to learn to repair and keep too s well as inventing.

Best wishes to You and Your cosy Uncle Marx in London.


You obviously missed the point of my comment. I don’t know if you do this to bait people in order carry on lengthy but mostly irrelevant conversation (maybe its the winter up north). I leave you to it. Best wishes to you as well.

Rafik Chauhan

shut your slave mouth of US and Zionist you are RSS terriost .you don’t know anything about Iran history and specially Islam history and also Zionist killer history.

Jens Holm

I agree in his oppinions, so we are many more then too. Telling us we are this and that dont change much.

I will add one thing more. Why do Iran insist in nukes or use it as threat. If they never did, others would feel more safe and take thier guards and antipathy to a more peacefull level.

If You only know the Ayatollah version of the Iranian and Persian history, You should read other version and compare and find a more true one.

You have no patent in knowing Iranian history. I dont know a lot and only some, but I do see the Iraqian history as well as the Syrian and Turkish ones are nationalistic constructions of the worst kind.

So when I compare those having borders, they hardly can be nations as well as being on the same continent.

If You have bad weatherdays as we have here right now – storm and rain – You could give some reading a try.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

thats crazy i never heard of that, but yea iran needs another mahmoud or something

Alberto Garza

iran cannot push back it does not have the means to do it we know everyone will join the gang rape of iran once the u.s. attacks them .( saudi arabia, england, france ..) and the rest of u.s. supporters

Ashok Varma

This is the ex-CIA chief Brenner’s assessment:

Qassem Soleimani assassination: Trump’s new year fireworks will backfire

Those in Washington hoping for a quick Iranian reaction to the surprise killing will be sorely disappointed as the canny Persians continue their long game and keep on whittling US influence in the region.

Trump’s flagrant flouting of international law while eating a meatloaf and ice-cream in his Florida resort not only looks distasteful, however, it will be seen as a gesture that will strengthen his image among his extremist white nationalists and Jewish political constituency in an election year plagued by his impeachment trail. Less certain is whether it will also strengthen the interests of the US and its allies in the Middle East and turn thousands of Americans still deployed in the region into potential targets.




Yes, Israel and it’s neocon partners within the Trump camp will keep on pushing for a war, but the assassination of Maj.Gen. Soleimani was a “hail Marry” attempt. It could be their last attempt to start a war with Iran.

If the Iraqi Parliament votes on Saturday to ask the US military to leave their country, it is all over for the neocons.

Trumps’ actions will now be the major campaign issue in the up-coming election. War with Iran will now be what Bernie Sanders and progressives run against. Democrats can smell the blood.

For the next nine Months Trump will have to defend himself from the war monger label that will lead to a fracture in his base and his ultimate defeat in November.

The long overdue debate is just beginning. And it will be very good for Iran and Iraq and for all of us on the planet.

Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani has not died in vain.

Jens Holm

It also could be the last attempt to avoid a war.

Jens Holm

Oh I forgot. You prefare most of iraq becomes a part of Iran.

Zionism = EVIL

Well, that is for sure as the younger generation of Iranian officers is even more hostile to the dumbass Americunt cowards and their Jew fuck masters. Soleimani was a soft spoken, low key diplomat soldier, albeit a bit too careless on personal safety. His replacements will be far more ruthless and aggressive. The Americunt cowards will regret their act of terrorism.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

yes for sure thats what i said yesterday, his death will not be in vain


But if you don’t want War you don’t go on killing spree. If Trump is been backed into a corner he should refrain himself of killing Iranians, instead he managed to kill in 3 days over 50+ just “NOT TO START A WAR”, how can he go live on TV and say I did what I did, killed who I killed just not to start war with Iran.


Well as Kataib Hezbollah said to every Iraqi servicemen to stay away at least 1 km away from any US base, embassy or consulate after January 5th. It’s going to be nasty, I don’t want to, but it seems NASTY game is only rational game to play with this American Administration.


Real war with who?

Jimmy Jim




Ashok Varma

It looks like US is bombing any Iraqi vehicle as news footage shows ambulances being bombed knowingly.

Al Jazeera has learned that at least six people, including medics, were killed in the latest raid. Reuters news agency reported that three other people were critically wounded.

Taji Road, where the attack took place, leads to a base of non-US coalition forces, including British and Italian troops, according to Al Jazeera’s Osama Bin Javaid, reporting from Baghdad

Jens Holm

Both parts gets, whats expected. So far USA and Co are really nice having made no revenge inside Iran.

You systematicly has put Yourself in dirty propgandized light and think You are bigger then You are.

Iranian herasments has to be stopped. Thats their plan and not to bend over and pray at Qaum 5 times a day.

Ypu morons are no learners. USA has taken Iraq twice and know it very well, so learn.

Let the elected Goverment rule Iraq and let the real demonstraters move away the corrupt and bad people in Iraq, so jobs, wellfare and water can be re-established.

Those are the ones, You are up against, which include the Iraqi Goverment as well as Kurdistan.


And Yes. Iran could put plans and threats about nukes away. That would solve a lot.

As neutral as I can be I will say the coalision outbalance the Iranians and Iranians do have very bad plans for most people living in Iraq. But You are blind. BLIND.

The main problem was, why we were called back. We should not have done that because then You today would have didvided Iraq, where most parts and income by oil was by ISIS and Shiits was in school to learn to be Iranians in Qam style.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Turmp is a strong leader and the new sheriff in town, get over it

Jimmy Jim

Fuck off KIKE fraud PUNK!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

no, you screw off

Jimmy Jim

haha KIKE punk,,,,

Jens Holm

Psycopats need good victims :)


so you’re saying Wohl is a psychopath? he knows 10 martial arts and his daddy is a lawyer. he wont be happy to see you being mean to him

Jimmy Jim

Jens is a fruitloop, don’t engage the moron!

Jens Holm

I am honored. You confirm Yourself very well.

Burnt child dont smell well.

Jens Holm

Yes or at least semi. No one writes like that. He could be like me, when I was 7 to 10 years old, when I made tanks by used matchboxes and fired all ammo with my mouth.

I even had an animal like this https://www.plantorama.dk/guide/dyr/krybdyr/graesk-landskildpadde – a real one.

It was used for antitank building control and very good for the job.

Another thing is true. actually had a very old mirror and by that I could double my forces. Wohl seemes to be like that too.


You look like a villager from Minecraft XD https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/06ab3c07b86d06fff6ab33545adbfa254579e584372740d7907aef338553d1b6.jpg

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

I still get all the girls


in virtual reality maybe :/


He still wont take the chance to attack Iran directly so far its all in Iraq or Syria.

Concrete Mike

Shut up.benchpress, your in over your head now. Stupid israeli bitches.

Zionism = EVIL

I have been monitoring Iranian media, especially those close to the Sepah, I believe pressure is on to take some asymmetrical action in the region. The orange fat coward may regret the state sponsored Americunt terrorism, the Jew arsewipes should wipe the glee off their rodent faces too.

Jens Holm

I You put Your dirty hot air in a blimp and clean it a lot, You soon can sell it to Nord Stream 2.

Mehmet Aslanak

Trump can no longer stop US ruling elite carried out attacks in gulf or carrying out now in Iraq. He is troubled with the impeachment. Perhaps impeachment was created to stop him trying to prevent a new gulf war? We would never know.

Peter Jennings

There are some online who are reporting that the Trumpster neither knew nor ordered the attack on the Quds Force commander. They are saying that the pentagon did this on their own and without informing the president. If there is any truth to this report, then it obviously means that the US is out of control. They have noone at the helm but rabid zionists. The US has returned to the days of Dulles, and other loonies, in which pentagon officials get to order strikes on sovereign countries to aley their paranoia and inbred hatred for anyone who doesn’t espouse american values.

The US attacks on other countries are not only international crimes but also hate crimes.

Albert Pike

Well Pompeo said long before, before he said that the US want’s no war with Iran/Irak, that he is a liar and a cheat. And he didn’t lie…


Anyone who believes a word the US says is either naive or simply has not read the devious US history of lies, genocide, slavery, deceit and breaking any treaty. US lacks any honor or integrity.


I’d rather doubt that Iran will do anything of what they are saying now


I don’t believe Iran has much capacity to respond. I visit Iran, it is a isolated country without any major allies and Russia is in Zionist pockets and China is only interested in money and economy. Iran’s fatal mistake was not to produce a nuclear weapon and now it is perceived as weak and hollow, so in essence I will agree with you. Nations are respected if they defend themselves regardless of cost or sacrifice. Tiny Armenia defeated Azerbaijan despite it being oil rich and supported by Zionists and the west, because Armenians were willing to fight.


Its has plenty of capacity to respond it has a network of proxies all over the ME that it has armed. Asymmetric tactics has to be the way, using proxies, drones, car bombs, sabotage, arming Taliban to fight US etc. US personnel world wide will be on the defensive never knowing when, where, how an attack might happen. Look at the 1983 Lebanon marine barracks bombing, that was one guy in a truck killing over 300 marines.


That was like 40 years ago, I remember all the classy spicy senioritas and no Tinder

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

they do have the capacity definitely, and i doubt russia or china would sit back and let US and its vassals attack iran, because they know they are next, they just had a navy war game/drills the other day

Liberal guy

Pandora box is open

Prince Teutonic

Not really. Unless Iran responds…

Liberal guy

Let’s c BT this is more then zio limit s

Liberal guy

ZIO scums

Prince Teutonic

Sadly U.S. intelligence found out Iran is a Paper Tiger… They are too afraid to wage a full blown out war with U.S.


There is some truth to your assertion, Iran should have struck the Zionists in force in Occupied Palestine when they killed Iranian scientists and then four senior officers on the Golan. It is also quite perplexing that Iran has not provided air defence weapons or ATGM to its Iraqi allies. Unless Iranians and their allies react, the US will bomb Iran, it is now just a question of time as the US election nears and Trump’s impeachment trial begins.


Agree with you 100%; Iran too slow to react or react at all. Words don’t do the job and trying to be logical is only a show of weakness with states like the US. Rouhani is no Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Rouhani is all talk and toes the western line whereby Ahmadinejad doesn’t and he would have acted decisively by now. Those assassinations of Iranian scientists occurred between 2010 and 2012, final year of Ahmadinejad reign and a number of Iranian dissidents involved were arrested.


I will remain objective as many of the comments here are by Zionist hasbarats and American armchair playstation warriors and trolls not worth responding to. As a regular visitor to Iran and understanding their internal situation, it is indeed quite perplexing how Iran has remained passive in face of repeated US and Zionist aggression. Part of the problem is relative Iranian military weakness and a confused nuclear policy. Iran started a nuclear program ostensibly for “peaceful purposes” but that gave the US and Zionists, its eternal enemies an opportunity to pile on additional economic, political and military pressure. The US used the vassal UN as a vehicle to isolate Iran successfully with full backing from Russia and China. Now Iran is in quandary as the clerical regime is in a corner and does not know how to respond. Rouhani and Zarif are totally compromised failures. Iran would be better if the military took over, as if the same lack of resolve takes hold and there is no retribution, I am afraid US and Zionists with full Saudi, Kuwaiti and UAE support will attack Iran. Iran, if it has the capability should test a nuclear weapon.


I assure you that I am no American, troll or otherwise. Like you I have been to the ME and resigned my commission because I disagreed with what is happening there.


I was not questioning you per se or discrediting your factual assertion, it is usual Hasbara Zionists that troll here and gloat over human suffering and death that I reject and others should too. Your comments are mostly sensible from what I have read.


I was posted to the ME in 2015 and resigned. Didn’t agree with what our agenda was supposed to be. You are correct regarding the trolls and zionists. Iran is a nation to be respected, they have earned it as has Syria and I sincerely hope that Iran won’t do anything rash, hold back and strike when the opportunity happens but Iran must protect herself and stop relying upon a favourable association with the West which is not going to happen until China, Russia, Iran activate the Silk Road project.


The only option for Iran since it is under a total arms embargo and Russia is colluding with Zionists and China has no global vision or interest, Iran only viable low cost option is to test a nuke and let the chips fall where they may.


Was a pleasure reading yours and Issam’s responses here. This website used to be packed with quality users like you but for some reason in the past couple years, tons and tons of turkish and zionist trolls have appeared. It is at a point where almost 85% of comments I skim through are from those stupid neanderthals. Sometimes it seems like these assholes are the same person.

Ashok Varma

The Zionist trolls are scoring home goals as their agenda is one dimensional and most adults see through it. There are some intelligent posters here.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

lol yea probably because of southfront’s increased popularity theyre trying to infiltrate it now

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

do u think they have a nuke already?

Jens Holm

Those transportzones has nothing to do with You and never will.

But as usual its a new very good excuse for insist in no change. The only change might be Your blames has to be in Chinese and they say the same as many Westerns and Jews.

Those people still cant even read their Choran in their own language and certainly not in Old Arabic. Urigurians in Mongolia has much better human rights then any muslim in ME.


By the way, have a Happy and Prosperous NEW Year.


Thank you and same to you and hopefully we will not see more deaths and destructive wars. Iran is indeed potentially a great nation and most of its people are decent, but the Zionists see Iran as a impediment and and got the gullible and brainwashed US involved. The Zionist entity is the biggest threat to America and the world.

Jens Holm

Now this is a Jewish site too :)

Whats next ? A hand for a foot :)


Iranians are not rash and foolish, they always prepare for the worst case scenario and that will take them some time. I highly doubt we will see a response until the end of mourning in Iran and after the funeral of Qasem Soleimani in sunday.


I would hope so, otherwise the US will be more and more emboldened. Iran should have had the strategic vision to see what was coming. Most rational people have been posting the US and Zionist agenda here on Southfront and other independent blogs for years and it is amazing that Iran did not foresee this and was naive or reckless enough to send their chief strategist to Baghdad without any precautions in to the vipers nest.


Well, from what I hear, Soleimani always exposes himself on the front lines, whether in Syria or Iraq because he is not afraid of dying and His official visits are known in advance which why he doesn’t care for his security much, and targeting him is one of the stupidest mistakes one would never expect, people are not sad because he is dead, people are angry because he has been killed. Iran is definitly not in a corner, but because it is a period of mourning for the people, once it is finished, blood must be shed. These would be the appropriate terms to use.

Prince Teutonic

If Iran doesn’t respond it will be seen as weak in the eyes of Hawks in U.S . administration and more assassinations will took place!


The decision is already taken, 16h ago “Iran For the first time, Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei leads the National Security meeting “study the options of response” against the US for the target assassination of Brigadier General QassemSoleimani killed in Iraq.”

Ashok Varma

If Iran does not react, the next US attack is almost guaranteed.

Mustafa Mehmet

What with mulla will respond? always threaten never seen any action.. maybe this time ?


That is fine, yet flying private jets into Baghdad airport is still we reckless beyond imagination. He could have used more covert travel methods knowing full well that both Mossad and CIA were after his head for so long.


Agree, but who knows why?


Let’s see if Hezbollah gets the order from Iran to attack us, if they do, it’s party time :-)

Ashok Varma

Iran is being forced to react to murderous provocations.

Ashok Varma

The US action has been deemed illegal and state sponsored terrorism. They killed a respected Iranian soldier statesman, an official representative of his country that is a member of the UN and with which the US is not officially in a state of war. He was killed on the territory of a third country under US occupation i,e Iraq.

This is not an undercover struggle of intelligence services but cold blooded murder. The US has thus openly committed an act of vengeance and is taking pride in this ‘achievement.’ It is testing the reaction of the international community in general and Iranian leadership in particular. Following failures in Venezuela, Syria and over talks with North Korea, after losing control of the situation in Afghanistan and ceding Iraq to Iranian militias, the rogue US leadership has moved to raise the stakes and push Iran and the region to the brink.

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

There we go again – Science fiction. Those jews are not like that. Their citicens are not spendables.


“to wage a full blown out war with U.S.” It cuts both ways, are you serious?

Prince Teutonic

Israel and U.S. are fully committed and seemingly prepared!

Ashok Varma

Israel’s agenda is quite transparent and insidious, they want to spill American and western blood to destroy their enemies and their PR machine has brainwashed the west for too long.

Jens Holm

We are not brainwashed and has almost exact the same medias as You TOO.

If anything is true, its we dont see ME as the bulls eye of the world. We even can compensate for oil.

So many right here behave as our belowed pigs did in the old days.

Now they are raised well, are very clean giving the right condtions and hardly smell. So we eat them and not You.

Those pigs were the first refugees from Your Region. You even paid a lot of Dirham silvercoins from Iraq


“We even can compensate for oil.” Wake up to the real world Jens. It is not about having a few pigs and a wind mill off your coast !

Jens Holm

So far we cover 50% of our electricity by windpower and also has to have for the new cars which will come.

Windpower here produced 6 Terawatt/hours by 6.200 plants.

Export was 8,1 billion dollars for 2017. We also implemented powerplants here, but not all are danish made.

We sold 15 million pigs in 2018 giving and income at more then 3 billion dollars. We also eat many ourselves.

Jimmy Jim

Post in ENGLISH dumb blockhead LOL

Jens Holm

Its perfect for a normal miccleclass english here and not limitid as if we are lawyers and doctors.

Dont blame me for You arabic or Turkish language limitations. I didnt make the languages and we do write and speak as I do apart from I am being nice and dont use the american way 4You.

You think in Your own language and a translation of that is first class. Its not. The advanced things is not there at all and Your culture is different.

You fx use mixted rooms. We are always in the same rooms all of us apart from toilet and changing clothe.

You follow Your genderdividing by the Choran too. Much of that is illigal here and for jail right away.

20% of our business is family. Yours are 80%. We always are not paid pr familyrelation but by school, education, skills, hard work and pay pr hour. Men and women alost always get the same pay for doing exact same job.

As an example 6 of 12 policedistricts has female Leaders and because they are the best for the job.

Even it might be difficult, You should blame Yourself understanding that little of my normal context. You cant be advanced, if You not even has vocabulary for it. That goes for Leadership too.

Even well educated muslims too oftn font fit in as Leaders or even in the middle as “small leaders”. They only do speak, what I once learned in School and cannot understand a car is not a car.

An updated car has seat belt,persons are protected more, the engine drives more liters, it has ABS breaks and now all has to have airbag as well.

Concrete Mike

Are you kidding me? On our media, on Friday it was israeli peacocks strutting around all day, pushing the narrative.

The war wont start uet because consent has not been manufactured yet. This isnthe beginning of that.

Notice this greasy move was done over the hollidays?

Think about it.

Jens Holm

Thats not “Our media” but Ours too. We see them as You and at the same time too, if we wish for it.

Of course understanding Your languages helps, but we do get translations in text and some even are made by machines.

So dont tell things are “Ours” as some kind of patent, which is dark for us. Its not.

Its like here. We are on exact same media at the same time as You and 24/7 withj no delay.

Out jounalists are with You too, where they are allowed and some live there or are renters of houses, flats and hotels for months. They drive around and see too and mopre then me sitting here several 1000 km away.

And I do remember Jom Kippur in 1973 which made it for Golan and most likely the Westbank and Gaza as well.

Ashok Varma

But no US personnel were killed and it was an expendable drone. They just killed 6 Iranians and there has to be a reaction.


Correction: They just killed 6 Iraqis. Best reaction is that murdering US coalition gets kicked out of Iraq. And also US will be forced to vacate NE Syria before that happens. :)

Azriel Herskowitz

BREAKING: US drone strike targets PMF convoy near Taji, Iraq killing the leader of Kata’ib al-Imam Ali. Mazel Tov :-]

J Ramirez

If there is a war, 100% Jewish filth will be wiped of the map!

Azriel Herskowitz

Still dreaming antisemite?

J Ramirez

I thought you blocked me after the fun jokes we shared.

Who is the most famous Jewish cook in the world? Adolf Hitler ;}


The hasbarats have over used the Hollywood manufactured “anti-Semitic” and “victim” card. They are some of the most evil and dehumanized people on the planet with an agenda of global endless conflict to profit them.

John Wallace

Is there anyone who isn’t antisemite , using your criteria. Probably not one so in effect we are all brothers who all disagree with you. So you are alone in your thinking which normally suggests there is something wrong with you.. Does that come from chasing after your grandparents in the wind.. Anyway a song for you Azriel seeing as it is today wherever you are but yesterday to me.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyMm4rJemtI

Jimmy Jim

Fuck off Jew cunt.

Azriel Herskowitz

enough of the antisemitic rhetoric, Jimmy


He is not even a Jew, he’s another insecure low life criminal. Here’s him admitting creating these fake accounts because he is too insecure about his looks…


Jimmy Jim

Only getting rid of the kikes will save the planet. Pure TRUTH!


LOL…by who? You?


Sure, but first can you tell us why you use a Latino name when you said you’re not one? afraid to tell us your nationality?

J Ramirez

Unlike Jew, I use my real name,


Not your name, your nationality.

J Ramirez

Why would it matter?


Because I find it hard to believe Latinos/Hispanis even care about the Middle East, they mostly focus on the things that happen in the Americas. Mind to tell me why do you care so much about a war that is so far away from you and doesn’t affect you even a bit?

J Ramirez

Simple thing called right and wrong. US and coalition along with Israel and Saudi Arabia and a few other asholes fell it is there right to arm train and defend terrorist. Syria, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and a lot of great people are there to destroy the terrorist and defend Syria’s sovereignty. Every country has a right to defend its self an kill all those who would cause them harm. In the same way you would protect your children. As it says in the bible, Isaiah 17:10 For you have forgotten the God of your salvation


Again, don’t you have other problems to fix where you live at? I still find it weird.


Jacob Liarwitz, you’ve got mail: Flag spam :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/49485dbfae4a375f6e43673e43b99aa5743d71642bd0c7d2ac24ee7ead098473.png


Wrong, he himself confirmed afterwards that he is still alive. Dont spread lies, zionist


There’s always tomorrow.

John Wallace



“The Iraqis consider this to be an act of war because the United States also murdered Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of the … Popular Mobilization Forces that spearheaded the fight against [Daesh] in Iraq,” he said, adding that al-Muhandis and Soleimani “were the ones who saved Iraq from [Daesh].”


Didn’t they know that with Trump no good deed goes unpunished?

Jens Holm

I name him as mainly random. Its as if they have ignored him as weak instead.

He is not and more like a non bright but strong wilderbeest rapidly going from eating grass to kill lions.

Jens Holm

Tempting to compare with Winston Churchill. He did a lot of bad stuff before WW2 as well as under.


The gratitude of every home in our Island, in our Empire, and indeed throughout the world, except in the abodes of the guilty, goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of the World War by their prowess and by their devotion.

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.

Prince Teutonic

Proper response to General Soleimani death would be to sink an US aircraft carrier. That would show the world US is not invincible force many nations are afraid of!


Sure thing buddy they have 3 in the region you pick Iran sink


And there then would not be much left of Iran and a lot of glow in the dark dust and vapor here and there. Any other bright ideas, kid?

Jens Holm

Iran already has a lot of desert and salt lakes…


But these new ones will be so pretty since they will glow in the dark.

Jens Holm

We will see – If we are alive.

I can see the sea from here. Its almost storming and even its dark the white high grey wawes are moving fast and are noisy as rolling thunder.

They glow.


You should go out for a swim on your coast, but try to stay warm. No doubt the green algae will be repelled from Denmark. ;)

Jens Holm

Mad people actually do winterswimming here:) They are a kind of funny. They have a house for changing clothe and come out into water naked.

I understand their next plan building a nice warm sauna.

The coast is very exposed, so we hardly has any algaes. Its salty so there never is any ice. Before I moved to here I was close to a fjord, where we iceskated many kilometers having hot tea and biscuit with us.

Jens Holm

If so USA probatly will bombarde Iran every friday.


US would keeps its ships well out of range of anti ship missiles so theres little chance of any being hit

Kunta Kinte

The MIC in action. WW 2 continuing…

Jimmy Jim

More like WW KIKE……

Kunta Kinte

WW KIKE,,, ???

Jimmy Jim


Kunta Kinte


Kunta Kinte

? Gold climbs wall of worry to $1,550 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiO_NGB7Dd4

King Cliff

if This true than the Iraqi militia and the Iranian will response.

Jimmy Jim

They gots to……


They has to can first

Jimmy Jim

Sell kosher bacon cans to the KIKERS,,,,,,


there is hundreds of these in the internet. https://twitter.com/i/status/1211445526761213953

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

they wont do a darn thing, they are scared to face the USA in open,direct war


Scared or just sensible, you dont go up against a major military like the US head to head & let them use their vast strength against your weaknesses, instead you employ asymmetric tactics. US itself seems reluctant to attack Iran mainland directly


Yes they will and yes they have and yes their pants stink something awful.

Jens Holm

Most likely. Its as if Iranians didnt understand the almost peacefull Tomahawks last time. They also has forgotten Aramco and all the random killings in the northern Iraq.


“Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces umbrella grouping of paramilitary groups said on Saturday that an air strike targeting its fighters earlier hit a convoy of medics, not senior leaders as reported in some media.”

Rafik Chauhan

US want to Revive Daesh that’s why they are targeting PMU . bcuz other Iraqi security forces are in competent to fight daesh


Dead Islamists all around. Shi’a, Sunni, what’s the difference?


This is an acid test for the Iraqi government. If they don’t expell the US after multiple US attacks on the Iraq military and it’s allies in Iraq. Then it’s clearly run by anti Iraq traitors who need to be replaced by patriots who will put Iraq’s interests ahead of those of Jews, the US and Israel.


Any MP who refuses to vote to expel should resign or be exposed as a traitor against his own people

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

The pathetic Disqus employees temporarily restricted by original account for no reason, so this is my backup account. I’m back, everyone!

Jimmy Jim

About to be banned again PUNK KIKE loser :)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

shutup, antisemite!

Jimmy Jim

No such thing KIKE shithead :)


Guess you’ve never seen a mirror, Adolf.

Mark van Bergen

Pulling a Godwin, again? How low of you…

Mark van Bergen

Upvoting yourself, really?!

Why are Jews always upvoting themselves? I mean, really?


You are lying Jacob, I still see your other accounts active. Your picture is getting uglier, looks like you are afraid to show up in court in Riverside. :)


Who are you to call others “ugly”? you sack of shit.


Jacob I’m here to support you bro, glad you’re back! Let’s see if the mullahs are stupid enough to attack the U.S or Israel, we already have plans for that.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Thank you, Iron! You’re a good man. I appreciate the support! Mullah will no doubt soon be squashed by the USAF!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

and blocked again ahahhahahaa


In the beginning they swore, that they never ban anybody. Lying russian motherfuckersfrom FSB, nothjing else. Ruskie bullshit propaganda site full with kremlin disinformation.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl



So apparently the creators of the Minecraft game modeled one of their characters off Jacob Wohl AKA Rocket Nose https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1db215a7a9fbde2a369e38186de9efeea25865d32efc62986f695ef75b3d7140.jpg


The more dead Islamist murderers the better. Yet another good day.

Jens Holm

I already has an internet app for it. You can buy, if You really need.

We started with warwidows and never cheat. They always are added free flashlights with batteries. Very good for western integration with ME.

And for the moment We even have some few longbearded very shy men in Niqab as well. Some even sound like women but are not.

Mail to MissUnderstandingXFactor.


joke321 is an israeli agent so best for everyone is to ignore and ban.


Nahhhhhhhhhh…but I don’t much like Islamists and Nazis, two pees in a pot.

Lazy Gamer

If the US knew of the targets then why was there no effort to capture them? Both cases were inside Iraq, a place which the US has lots of soldiers. It seems, the targets are better dead than prisoners. Was there a body shown?


Obama started the policy that was/is not to capture terror “suspects” but drone strike them out of existence (and anyone inside the “kill box” is considered an associate, i.e. guilty). That way no inconvenient legal wrangles or Gitmo, etc.

Mehmet Aslanak

It is not at Trump’s hand. It’s the ruling elite of US.

Ashok Varma

That is also the view many ex-US government officials as seen on CNN and other media. This is the deep state and AIPAC pushing US into a endless abyss.

Jens Holm

There is no “deep state”. We just have advanced structures doing very well, which You are not even allowed to try to understand.

You are kept in selfmade darkness about it. That includes very few can read the Choran, so You actually dont know whats written and whats not. Muhammed Economics is same things. Jews probatly made that to keep You poor and helpless in most matters.

ISIS with its tunnels was the first deep State or was it Tora Bora.

Jens Holm

And they take Iran in operation “Oil for nothing”.

Next step will be Trump sending Mexicans with teqila and pigs.

Mehmet Aslanak

New attacks on Iraqi military ranks will just make Iraqi parliament decide faster to remove US bases from Iraqi soil. Another Vietnam for the US. Afghanistan was already lost to Taliban, where US is seeking a way to make peace with legitimate Taliban government before the US invasion in 2001.

Jens Holm

We will se what the Iraqian parlament dare to decide. They are Leaders of Iraq and elected for it even being corrupt and no good.

The Coalision has supported them after there hardly was any military forces under the Micky Mouse parlament.

I see that parlament trying to be in themiddle as much as possible.

I also see that Militia as well as Iran are not the Governess of the Country – If there is a country,

What I also see are the demonstraters in the streets for jobs, water for drinking use and no more corruption being shot at by that Militia. …………………..

Comparing with Vietnam is impossible. The coalision is asked in and the conflict is between USA/Israel and Saudis and Iran/Hesbollah semihelping Assads.

USA might be motivated hard to hen and egg revenge but they will never let americans die for it and will use long distance weapons. I have proposed USA fx instead could knock out all electricity in Iran. By that they dont kill many. ……………………………..

Finally I think You should mention Russians invaded Afghanistan first and thats why USA and GB created Al Qaida. Taleban was later. The space for them was made by the too fanatic Al Qaida. Actually we have seen a kind of same thing for Syria and Iraq. Al Qaida being not as local as asked for had and has less succes, then expected. ISIS as well as new FSA has local roots. ISIS had succes because of the many Shammars along Eufratt, Tigris and Khabour.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

you know what, i believe general soleimani’s spirit is now watching over us and the war and everything, he is now more powerful than trump or satanyahoo or any of us put together, and he will protect iran and do miracles for them even beyond the grave


Even better, all the people he trained for 20 years are now on the battlefield.


And soon to be six feet under that battlefield?


pffft, you think so? Idiot.


He always wanted to end his life martyred on the battlefield – and that he did inshallah. He died sword in hand and will be remembered a hero. His and Issam Zahreddine’s place is now high up in Valhalla, and like you said most importantly, in every freedom fighter’s spirits. May he rest in peace


The PMU is prep’d, they are going to bomb sand now basically. It looks like the retaliation has started and people are probably being knocked off behind the scenes. That reported hit on the PKK intel chief was interesting no? It’s on.

President Trump is going have a brutal campaign for re-elction. Iran will make sure of it ………. and seeing what is going on now, he is not going to be re-elected because, the fighting will gradually intensify and there could be lots of dead for the US by the time we get to November. He will be living in an hourly felt hell, as will his staff. They are going to go mad.

WTF World_Eye? ……. because some them are that blind. They know they messed up too. The look on the faces of Def Sec, Sec of State and the 4 star USMC general at the news conference are priceless. These people are afraid. Far from everybody in D.C. is on board with this one. I will go as far to say, I don’t think the CIA wanted this, it could almost completely clean house on their assets over there. It could also serve to wreck everything for the so called Deep State, especially the MIC, because the impotency of their junk will be on full display.

Presently the focus is probably on the parliamentary vote in Iraq. If the US gets told to leave, which it looks like will happen, then Syria is done too. One can bet that Turkey, Russia and China will be anything but helpful to US needs on this one. And what about those negotiations with the Taliban, hmmmm?

So, don’t look for something quick, it is going to get nasty and will be a very long slog. Welcome to Pandora’s Box everybody. All that remains is hope. Time to sit back and watch for a while and see how it flows. My take at this point.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

US fucked with the wrong country


these latest attacks is more than likely the squatters doing what they always do – sneak in behind someone else to steal and murder and pretend they are not even there. what to do with them – terminate their very existence in palestine and make them dried wet stains in the sand like stranded jelly fish make on the beaches. and in fact the value of a jew is about the same as the value of a jelly fish- or nought.


OK big mouth try to actually do something about it. Get over there. Your Islamist Iranian and Palestinian friends can use all the help they can get. Of course, it’s hopeless for them but you can give it a try. You can always get that well deserved Darwin Award.


doubt much help will be needed – 80 million iranians against 6 million jews (seen that figure before somewhere) is a non starter for the jews and they’ll be 6 feet under pushing up daisies galore or dried wet stains in the palestinian sand, just like stranded jelly fish leave stains when they strand. and don’t get on about nukes hither or dither because the second they even think so, the rest of the world will land hard on the jews wherever they are. and don’t think trump will sacrifice the world economy for the filthy squatters in palestine!


Israel’s couple of hundred mostly thermonuclear missiles against Islamist Iran’s nada says you are wrong as usual. And if your butt buddy Islamists are as stupid as you, then they would be dead wrong but quite pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor. Get real.


I think the israeli nukes are something that can’t be used and if they dare to do so, the jews around the world will be clobbered senseless by their neighbours never to be heard from again.

Tommy Jensen

They also killed Americas ISIS Commanders who were our assets. Therefore we have right to revenge on their assets.


What’s this “we,” Igor?

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