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New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Terrorists In Central Syria As Death Toll From Clashes Reaches 22

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New Wave Of Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Terrorists In Central Syria As Death Toll From Clashes Reaches 22

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Heavy clashes between Syrian government forces and ISIS terrorists are still ongoing in the country’s central region, according to several sources. 

The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said the clashes have been taking place in the Aleppo-Hama-Raqqa triangle, north of the Homs desert. The region is ISIS’ main stronghold in central Syria.

Warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces provide government forces with a close air support. On December 12 and 13, Russian warplanes carried out more than 70 airstrikes on ISIS terrorists and their hideouts.

According to the SOHR, government troops and Russian airstrikes have so far killed 15 terrorists. Seven Syrian soldiers also lost their lives in the clashes.

“The death toll is expected to rise further as there are several combatants injured, some seriously. There are also unconfirmed reports of more casualties,” the monitoring group’s report reads.

The SOHR documented the death of 601 ISIS terrorists in the central region since March of 2019. At the same period, 1064 pro-government fighters, including foreigners [Iranian, Lebanese or Palestinians], were killed.

ISIS terrorists stepped up their attacks on government force this year in what appears to be an attempt to expand their influence n the central region.

Government forces conduct operations around the Homs desert on a regular basis. However, the ISIS threat in the central region continues to grow.


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Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


Oorrr not good,clusterfkd,soviet munitions jobs done!

The Objective

“The SOHR documented the death of 601 ISIS terrorists in the central region since March of 2019. At the same period, 1064 pro-government fighters, including foreigners [Iranian, Lebanese or Palestinians], were killed”

I don’t understand how ISIS is able to kill almost twice their enemies as the number of ISIS deaths. The regime is backed by Russian air power and Iranian ground militias. How is it they could not defeat ISIS is this small area of Syria? If ISIS can kill over 1000 regime forces and militias against 600 ISIS, then it seems ISIS alone is more than enough challenge for Bashar Al-Assad let alone include Turkey and the U.S. Assad is UNLIKELY to reunite Syria by force of arms, even with Russian backing.

cechas vodobenikov

SOHR=CIA laptop agent in UK more fabrications from subjective

The Objective

I wasn’t the one who wrote that article. I only quoted the author. What’s subjective about that?

opet ja

Russia still has no UCAVs in Syria. Much needed for clandestine bombings. I doubt those aircraft bombings are effective since ISIS always know they are approaching the area, informed by NATO and Israel.

cechas vodobenikov

jihadi amerikans—not ISIS…trump reported to the world ISIS eliminated

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