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New York Time’s Exposé Details Expansion Of CIA Secret War In Ukraine Over Decade Ago

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New York Time’s Exposé Details Expansion Of CIA Secret War In Ukraine Over Decade Ago

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Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

The US “has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership” with Ukraine “for more than a decade”, and it “has transformed Ukraine” into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin”. In the past eight years, particularly,  a CIA-backed “network of spy bases” has been created, and it includes “12 secret locations along the Russian border.” Moreover, in 2016 the Central Intelligence Agency even started training an elite Ukrainian commando force which captured Russian drones for the agency to reverse-engineer them. This is no “Russian propaganda”, but a recent New York Times story by Adam Entous, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, and Michael Schwirtz.

Maybe top Russian officials have known something about it for a while. One may recall how Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the US of having played a major role in the 2014 Maidan revolution in Ukraine – naming the CIA particularly. Well, considering the aforementioned NYT exposé, if one looks at the timeline, it would be difficult not to wonder how much involvement the American espionage agency had with Maidan or with the training and funding of the Azov battalion, the far-right militia turned National Guard regiment in Ukraine.

This is precisely what Mark Episkopos, a Eurasia Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft reasons: “within days of the February 2014 Euromaidan Revolution that culminated with the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych and ushered in a firmly pro-Western government, the newly appointed head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, reportedly proposed a ‘three-way partnership’ with the CIA and MI6, the UK’s foreign intelligence service.”

He adds that a “graduate of one such CIA training program, then-Lt. Col. Kyrylo Budanov, went on to become the chief of Ukrainian military intelligence”, and that “Kyiv-CIA partnership deepened under the Trump administration.” Here, some context on the US agency is needed.

Far from being a mere “spy agency”, with a focus on HUMINT (human intelligence), the CIA is actually known for years to also play a “central combat role”, having for instance organizing a “hidden war” in Afghanistan, “with secret paramilitary units on the ground”, according to a 2001 Washington Post story. Through its Special Activities Center, the division tasked with covert and paramilitary operations (carried out by the SOG – Special Operations Group), and with covert political action (conducted by the PAG – Political Action Group), plus other departments, the Agency coordinates training in torture to foreign groups, promotes false flag terrorist attacksassassinations of foreign leaders, “regime chances” (a code for coup d’état) and much more.

In Greg Grandin’ words (a professor of history at Yale University), the CIA has, for the last decades, used terror to fortify “illiberal forces”, and “militarized societies”, particularly in Latin America. It has been described as being involved in drug trafficking by the likes of professor and diplomat Peter Dale Scott, historian Alfred McCoy, and journalists Gary Webb and Alexander Cockburn. It is no exaggeration at all to describe the CIA as one of most (if not the most) dangerous organizations on the planet today.

It would make a lot of sense for the CIA to have helped orchestrate the ousting of Ukrainian President Yanukovych and set up a new regime in that country – because that is precisely what the CIA does.

Referring to NATO expansion and the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member, Putin once famously asked how would Washington react if China decided to sign a military pact with Mexico and established military bases near the border. Likewise, one could rhetorically ask: what if the Russian FSB mounted a network of spy bases alongside the US-Mexican border? Well, Washington has been doing precisely that, for years.

The aforementioned expert Mark Episkopos wrote this week that

“Moscow repeatedly warned — for many years before 2014 – that it was and remains prepared to take drastic action to prevent Ukraine from being used by the West as a forward operating base against Russia.” He adds: “Yet that, as recounted in lurid detail by The New York Times, is precisely what has happened over the past 10 years.” Thus, he argues, Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine (launched in 2022), whether one agrees with it or not, “is also not without its context, which includes a litany of grievances that,  however unjustified from the perspective of the West, constitute what the Kremlin saw as sufficient provocation.”

Many people have written on the important topic of NATO enlargement, which is all about the militarization of Europe and the encirclement of Russia. It is about time to talk about CIA enlargement – which in turn is all about assassinations, clandestine and covert actions and paramilitary activity. The CIA role in the Ukrainian crisis is yet another thus far untold part of the story of post-Soviet Eastern Europe.


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there is not a single new item in this article. cia’s relationship to ukretardish ultranationalism has been well-established for decades. they’re the equivalent of miami cubans in canada, or ustase in australia. the relationship of cia to organized crime is at least as important as their relationships with far-right and “moslem” groups across the globe.

Guy Metdrapedes

shalom, mr. clyde.


cia is just an extension of the jewish mossad. in jewmerica – 90% of the congress are khazars.

Last edited 1 year ago by Argan

the cia is a dirty rotten cockroach that needs to be exterminated.

“if you are born a creepy psychopath with serial killer tendencies you are not alone, come join the cia today!” ~ cia ad

captain hohol

if a civil conflict boils out of control in the united states you will see the cia lose their grip, it will be paranoia and animus that drives people to resist any inkling of cia influence if things go wrol/shtf in that country.

people will be terrified of such an agent being inserted into the “rebuilding process” and will behave accordingly.

jens holm

where is cia not. many arríved those days and were welcome.

they cut putins hair, when sleeps too.

the whole world went in to help and for trade,

taliban goat herder

why this moron from dumbmark like little girl stupid immoral americanized slave


your jewish circumcision surely works well for your khazarian propaganda.

Captain Crunch

is this some sort of code that austin sends out, like an ebonics cheese danish?

taliban goat herder

cia amerikan has as much intelligence as the moron monkey jens holm


cia is just an extension of the jewish mossad. it is not american at all. in jewmerica – 90% of the congress are khazars.

jens holm

the yougest khazars are alt least 800 years old.

maybee they only put most of their vodka on their cars.

jens holm taco clown show

my taco brain farted

jens holm

cia are fine ok. they dont like you too.

jens holm taco clown show

after multiple sodomy by amerikan hillbilly i now accept that i am tranny moron

Gneaus the Stupo Saxon

cia tapped our generals then leaked to russkies. they must be running out of ukrainians and decided to begin sacrificing german stupos too.

Gneaus the Stupo Saxon

we overran denmark in three hours in 1941 and they served us schnapps. danes are born lackeys.

taliban goat herder

cia only welcome in colonized moron nations devoid of sovereignty like dumbmark


you better learn about the jewish masters of jewmerica.

jens holm

they have deninied him to be jew.

he as a hindu and scared. not nice hindus next time they dies becomes worms as little one hanging below.

Captain Crunch

jens sounds like an ai program devised in 1854. just a few glitches here and there.

jens holm

i teech litle worms to hang below my arse hairs and make tickles when boyfrend not home.


the whole conflict in ukraine today is of the cia and us deepstates creation. kissinger and zbignew brezinski created this heartland doctrine to prevent germany and russia and europe as a whole to become wealthy and powerful by joining eachoter inside the eu and economic partnership.


a eu with friendly relations with russia and thus its vast natural resources and russia having access to the eu industrial base would mean the continent would be more economic successful then the united states and rival their hegemony over the world. it is cold war thought of the washington hawks they dont want peace they want conflict between us so we mutually destroy eachoter


the whole climatenazi agenda sustainable development goals plandemics with bioweapon viruses from bill gates and the world health organization all serve this purpose.deindustrialization muzzy immigration. central bank digital currency with personal nitrogen budgets. cuck us inti serfdom to play us off against eachoter and and mutually destroy eachoter so the deep state can keeo its hegemony over us


it is time more people realize this and we see a multi polar world is in our best interests if we want peace and prosperity. if the current psychos can continue we are heading for disaster.


this deepstate cold war thought has to end zbignew brezinski and kissinger are long dead who created this heartland theory so is lord rothschild and david rockefeller. its time to end their doctrine and head for peace and prosperity instead of the turmoil they envisioned. let the russian side join in the eu and nato so we can have economic prosperity cooperation instead of conflict.


if the united states would go for economic and strategic partnership with the russian side instead of conflict as was proposed many times by the russian side it would also be better for them economically and for prosperity everything that is now invested in conflict can be invested into economic development and partnership. an end to all the homlessness poverty in the states too.we could focus on domestic issues insread of artificial created conflicts


i agree, but please make a note, that all the bastards you mentioned above – kissinger and zbignew brezinski are jewish.

bill hates and killary clinton are also from the same satanic tribe.

jens holm taco clown show

in my clown show 35% need mental illness treatment cuz we happy be amerikan colony

Shock and Awe

jens holm dying from syphallis, gnonarea and hiv all at the same time!!!! f

jens holm

it all becuz them worms i hang off arse hairs…pet shop say they safe but i prety shure he fool me.

amerikan clown show

jens holm long ago exposed–senile nazi

captain hohol

it seems as if it is largely memory-holed now but throughout the 2016 election year hillary clinton was making wild statements such as that she wanted to start a war with russia, and then simultaneously almost as if it was damage control the deep state media outlets accused donald trump of being a risk for such a conflict.

it’s crazy how many people seemed to have forgotten hillary clinton saying those things in 2016.


sounds like blame shifting and damage control between french, uk, usa and germans at the moment.. its all quite simple the war is 90% produced and managed by the uk, france is a vassal mostly because of the traitor (psycho macron)… usa and germans kind of follow the pack..

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