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Newly-Formed Idlib Militant Coalition Carries Out First Attack On Syrian Army

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On June 19, the newly-formed Fa Ithbatu militant coalition in Greater Idlib carried out its first attack on the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

According to several opposition sources, the terrorists destroyed a bulldozer of the SAA while it was building fortifications near the town of Tanjarah in the northwestern countryside of Hama. The bulldozer was targeted with an anti-tank guided missile.

In what appears to be a response to the attack, the SAA artillery pounded militnats’ positions around the town of Benin in southern Idlib.

Newly-Formed Idlib Militant Coalition Carries Out First Attack On Syrian Army

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter, Via Google Maps – TerraMetrics

The Fa Ithbatu coalition was formed on June 12 by Horas al-Din, Ansar al-Din, Ansar al-Islam, Liwa al-Muqatlin al-Ansar and Tansiqiyat al-Jihad. Fa Ithbatu succeeded the so-called wa-Harid al-Mu’minin coalition.

Horas al-Din, Ansar al-Din, Ansar al-Islam are affiliated with al-Qaeda. Liwa al-Muqatlin al-Ansar and Tansiqiyat al-Jihad, on the other side, were formed by defectors from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

The coalition was apparently established to sabotage the March 5 Russian-Turkish agreement as well as to challenge HTS’ authority in Greater Idlib.


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Lone Ranger

Time to drop a few FOABs…

Lone Ranger

CIAisis rat infastation again…

Liberal guy

So now what new offensive and new defeat for the scums


Everything thanks to Russia-Turkey cease fire agreement. WOW !

Icarus Tanović

Time to drop some FOABS and Napalm on the snakes and Wahhabi monstrosities.

Liberal guy

The saa got large reinforcements recently lets c what happens in these 1 and a half years

Peter Jennings

With all the terrorist infighting it’s a wonder they have time to launch attacks on the SAA. They consider an attack on a lone bulldozer a victory. How the mighty have fallen.


With all the defeats and infighting and a lot of them being shipped to Libya I’m still amazed they have the manpower to form new groups and coalitions.

Astar Roth

Because they’re coming from all over the place. But that won’t help them…Situation was much worse back then…

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