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MARCH 2025

Philip M. Giraldi: “News Stories Avoid Naming Israel”

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Philip M. Giraldi: "News Stories Avoid Naming Israel"

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Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

There are two stories that seem to have been under-reported in the past couple of weeks. The first involves Michael Flynn’s dealings with the Russian United Nations Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. And the second describes yet another bit of espionage conducted by a foreign country directed against the United States. Both stories involve the State of Israel.

The bigger story is, of course, the dismissal by Attorney General William Barr of the criminal charges against former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn based on malfeasance by the FBI investigators. The curious aspect of the story as it is being related by the mainstream media is that it repeatedly refers to Flynn as having unauthorized contacts with the Russian Ambassador and then having lied about it. The implication is that there was something decidedly shady about Flynn talking to the Russians and that the Russians were up to something.

In reality, the part left out of the story is that the phone call to Kislyak on December 22, 2016, was made by Flynn at the direction of Jared Kushner, who in turn had been approached by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu had learned that the Obama Administrating was going to abstain on a United Nations vote condemning the Israeli settlements policy, meaning that for the first time in years a U.N. resolution critical of Israel would pass without drawing a U.S. veto. Kushner, acting for Netanyahu, asked Flynn to contact each delegate from the various countries on the Security Council to delay or kill the resolution. Flynn agreed to do so, which included a call to the Russians. Kislyak took the call but did not agree to veto Security Council Resolution 2334, which passed unanimously on December 23rd.

In taking the phone calls from a soon-to-be senior American official who would within weeks be part of a new administration in Washington, the Russians did nothing wrong, but the media is acting like there was some kind of Kremlin conspiracy seeking to undermine U.S. democracy. It would not be inappropriate to have some conversations with an incoming government team and Kislyak also did nothing that might be regarded as particularly responsive to Team Trump overtures since he voted contrary to Flynn’s request.

The phone call made at the request of Israel was neither benign or ethical as the Barack Administration was still in power and managing the nation’s foreign policy. At the time, son-in-law Jared Kushner was Trump’s point man on the Middle East. He and his family have extensive ties both to Israel and to Netanyahu personally, to include Netanyahu’s staying at the Kushner family home in New York. The Kushner Family Foundation has funded some of Israel’s illegal settlements and also a number of conservative political groups in that country. Jared has served as a director of that foundation and it is reported that he failed to disclose the relationship when he filled out his background investigation sheet for a security clearance. All of which suggests that if you are looking for possible foreign government collusion with the incoming Trumpsters, look no further.

And it should be observed that the Israelis were not exactly shy about their disapproval of Obama and their willingness to express their views to the incoming Trump. Kushner went far beyond merely disagreeing over an aspect of foreign policy as he was actively trying to clandestinely subvert and reverse a decision made by his own legally constituted government. His closeness to Netanyahu made him, in intelligence terms, a quite likely Israeli government agent of influence, even if he didn’t quite see himself that way.

Kushner’s actions, as well as those of Flynn, would most certainly have been covered by the Logan Act of 1799, which bars private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments on behalf of the United States and also could be construed as a “conspiracy against the United States.” But in spite of all that the investigation went after Flynn instead of Kushner. As Kushner is Jewish and certainly could be accused of dual loyalty in extremis, that part of the story obviously makes many in the U.S. Establishment and media uncomfortable, so it was and continues to be both ignored and expunged from the record as quickly as possible.

The second story, which has basically been made to disappear, relates to spying by Israel against critics in the United States. The revelation that Israel was again using its telecommunications skills to spy on foreigners came from an Oakland California federal court lawsuit initiated by Facebook (FB) against the Israeli surveillance technology company NSO Group. FB claimed that NSO has been using servers located in the United States to infect with spyware hundreds of smartphones being used by attorneys, journalists, human rights activists, critics of Israel and even of government officials. NSO allegedly used WhatsApp, a messaging app owned by FB, to hack into the phones and install malware that would enable the company to monitor what was going on with the devices. It did so by employing networks of remote servers located in California to enter the accounts.

NSO has inevitably claimed that they do indeed provide spyware, but that it is sold to clients who themselves operate it with the “advice and technical support to assist customers in setting up” but it also promotes its products as being “used to stop terrorism, curb violent crime, and save lives.” It also asserts that its software cannot be used against U.S. phone numbers.

Facebook, which did its own extensive research into NSO activity, alleges that NSO rented a Los Angeles-based server from a U.S. company called QuadraNet that it then used to launch 720 hacks on smartphones and other devices. It further claims in the court filing that the company reverse-engineering WhatsApp, using an program that it developed to access WhatsApp’s servers and deploy “its spyware against approximately 1,400 targets” before “…covertly transmit[ting] malicious code through WhatsApp servers and inject[ing]” spyware into telephones without the knowledge of the owners.”

The filing goes on to assert that the “Defendants had no authority to access WhatsApp’s servers with an imposter program, manipulate network settings, and commandeer the servers to attack WhatsApp users. That invasion of WhatsApp’s servers and users’ devices constitutes unlawful computer hacking.”

NSO, which is largely staffed by former (sic) Israeli intelligence officers, had previously been in the news for its proprietary spyware known as Pegasus, which “can gather information about a mobile phone’s location, access its camera, microphone and internal hard drive, and covertly record emails, phone calls and text messages.” Pegasus was reportedly used in the killing of Saudi dissident journalist Adnan Kashoggi in Istanbul last year and it has more recently been suggested as a resource for tracking coronavirus distance violators. Outside experts have accused the company of selling its technology and expertise to countries that have used it to spy on dissidents, journalists and other critics.

Israel routinely exploits the access provided by its telecommunications industry to spy on the host countries where those companies operate. The companies themselves report regularly back to Mossad contacts and the technology they provide routinely has a “backdoor” for secretly accessing the information accessible through the software. In fact, Israel conducts espionage and influence operations both directly and through proxies against the United States more aggressively than any other “friendly” country, which once upon a time included being able to tap into the “secure” White House phones used by Bill Clinton to speak with Monica Lewinsky.

Last September, it was revealed that the placement of technical surveillance devices by Israel in Washington D.C. was clearly intended to target cellphone communications to and from the Trump White House. As the president frequently chats with top aides and friends on non-secure phones, the operation sought to pick up conversations involving Trump with the expectation that the security-averse president would say things off the record that might be considered top secret.

Politico report detailed how “miniature surveillance devices” referred to as “Stingrays” were used to imitate regular cell phone towers to fool phones being used nearby into providing information on their locations and identities. According to the article, the devices are referred to by technicians as “international mobile subscriber identity-catchers or IMSI-catchers, they also can capture the contents of calls and data use.”

Over one year ago, government security agencies discovered the electronic footprints that indicated the presence of the surveillance devices near the White House. Forensic analysis involved dismantling the devices to let them “tell you a little about their history, where the parts and pieces come from, how old are they, who had access to them, and that will help get you to what the origins are.” One source observed afterwards that “It was pretty clear that the Israelis were responsible.”

So two significant stories currently making the rounds have been bowdlerized and disappeared to make the Israeli role in manipulating and spying against the United States go away. They are only two of many stories framed by a Zionist dominated media to control the narrative in a way favorable to the Jewish state. One would think that having a president of the United States who is the most pro-Israel ever, which is saying a great deal in and of itself, would be enough, but unfortunately when dealing with folks like Benjamin Netanyahu there can never be any restraint when dealing with the “useful idiots” in Washington.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is https://councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org.

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Ashok Varma

So-called Israel is a nuisance and like a little inflamed hanging hemmoroid for humanity and needs to be lanced permanently.


Can’t this old senile man die already from a heart attack? he writes garbage anyway.


What are you going to do about it tough guy?

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist cunts are corrupt and rotten to the core and their whole ponzi scheme is coming crashing down.

Peter Jennings

Kushner will be the undoing of the Trumpster, or the making of him, depending on how the Trumpster wants to use his admin. The Trumpster says that he is looking for better relationships with foreign countries. However bending over for the isreali regime and having Kushner sending all his info back to his mentors, the chances of that happening are slim.

The isreali regime just cannot help themselves no matter the country or the support they receive. Theirs is a paranoid world full of spying, lying and assassination. It’s what they do to get their way.

The stupidity of successive USadmins and its warped idea of brotherhood will create an apartheid monster soon to be released on all goyim everywhere.


Funny how little Israel has managed using the US as its obedient bitch for decades! And fascinating that every American politician boasts of fulfilling this honorable role better than everyone else!


they murdered John F Kennedy they murdered Robert F Kennedy they murdered 34 US Sailors on the USS Liberty they use American Taxpayer dollars to bribe and buy every western politician their abuse has no end their greed has no limit their evil has no equal


For the record, moron, a paLIEstinian killed RFK


for the record, Pussy, the Jews were behind it.


It’s cute that you think you’re tough hiding on the internet, but if you want to test that theory about me, just say when. Pathetic how weak you must be since we control everything, what a you must be


Jared Kushner is the true definition of corruption with Khazar Talmudic flavor


Suck it, loser.


mouahah its that your father eh? stupid dirty Yiddish


I’m not a European Jew, you little imbacile.


Well doesn’t matter Sephardi,Ashkenazi same shit in the end you are an dirty Shylock .


The jewish predigree comes from their mothers side, thats why they are all PUSSYS


Easy for you to write on a chat board. Try saying to one of us directly…..


I am Pussy


So, clearly, your stupidity is on display for all. An anonymous chat board doesn’t count, little girl. Try face to face. See what happens https://media3.giphy.com/media/8ZkfimIBeq8g0A0BUD/giphy.gif


lol clearly you got some jew very mad hahah


not mad. I don’t get mad with weak minded losers. See, he didn’t respond or accept my invitation. That’s what cowards do. Run away when the light is shined upon them


Yeah right stupid Polish Ghetto rat. You are so mad that you are inviting people to call you what you are? a dirty jacob.


a dirty jacob? What, is that some kind of insult in the disease ridden, poor, crappy third world place where you live? Oh, not polish. You can call where I live a ghetto, but where the median income is close to 7 figures so I’m ok with that (keeps out the trash like you) and a rat. Somehow you think that you – an irrelevant and insignificant nobody calling me a rat is going to bother me. You do realize, you could disappear tomorrow and nobody would even notice. You simply don’t matter. To anyone. Anywhere.


Me living in a third world now lol like you know me dirty jacob. You need to replay with a full paragraph ahaha. the kike is mad lol


Well, you didn’t deny it, you just laughed about it. Clearly I hit a nerve. (If it’s not true where do you live – be specific). Still not mad sweetheart, i’m amused – you’ve become fodder for all of my friends. (look below and that’s you)


huh look this kike want to know where I live lol. And why I should tell you that fucking Shylock. Ask you kike friends from Aipac


Look at little simba mewing like he’s a real lion. I said you live in a crap ass third world neighborhood. You said you didn’t – prove it. Otherwise you’re a typical muzzie taqqiya liar. That’s why pedophile worshiper


I have nothing to prove to a jew cunt .You are more mad now go eat your kippah


Sure you do, you are inferior and that’s why you’re still here after my constant insults. And my kippa is better than your camel piss



lol the kike is getting very hysteric. Why you don’t ask your friends from aipacs.Or maybe use your filthy Jew’s nose noose lol


I think you’re drunk on camel piss. What’s hysteric? And what’s a nose noise? Listen, you’re only embarrassing yourself when you write things that don’t make sense, like aipacs. What, is there more than one? I mean, you make more sense thinking there’s black eyed virgins waiting for you when you die. I mean, really? Was the the way king pedophile rapist got little boys to die for him?


So between Shylock you can’t help each others now lol.you can’t ask your lovely aipacs family .too bad for your now go eat your kippah Jew cunt


You must be having your period. After all, all you’re doing is repeating yourself with the same lame pathetic insults. I know education isn’t important for people who hump goats, but at least try. BTW, Is this you in the video?



ahaha you so mad cuz I keep saying your are dirty jew and you can’t take it lol. If you are not so happy go back to the oven ahah


Thanks, just came from the over where I made chicken, potatoes for dinner. Now, what are you eating for dinner, camel cock?


hey dirty jew is back. how is the oven today lol. filthy kike ahah


Oven is great. Roasted broccoli. rape any kids like Mohamed or bang any goats like your daddy, today? Still waiting for you to prove how tough you really are


filthy kike, like I care just turn on the oven go inside and say until your turn soap haha


Well, dummy, soap is made in a pot. But since your daddy fuked a camel to have you as a baby you’re too stupid to know that. Now – remind me again of how mohammed raped a 9 year old


who cares you are jew. the oven is your home. dirty little kike ahahah


That’s right. I’m a Jew. We kill paLIEstinians for fun. We own the banks, media, everything. You are nothing but a slave. Now what, bitch camel fucker?


I already know that your are filthy juden.The extermination of jew is a hoax.So why you don’t drink some bleach and burn aahaha


I’m here waiting for you to try. Take a break from molesting camels and come


aahh the old dirty jew mothers they are all bold wearing wigs


In Iran, weeks after leaders began easing coronavirus restrictions to help the economy, cases are spiking in eight provinces. Health experts attributed the resurgence to the country’s reopening before cases were consistently falling and before Iran had established widespread testing and contact tracing. https://media3.giphy.com/media/3o6gE2ChRhpmuAjtUk/giphy.gif


Well Iran doesn’t concern me at all stupid rat. shylock go back to your chamber now.


Nobody cares about Iran, but eventually one of the countries where your peodphile worshipers live will join Iran. That’s because you’re all backwards inbreeds who don’t understand modern medicine.



You are the one talking about Iran stupid kike hahaha. Are you so scare of them huh. Go hide under bibi bed then


Well, nobody cares about Pakistan, Lebanon, etc. either. Here’s some more good news. Enjoy




You dumb lol like i m gonna read you jew propaganda ? hahahah


Well, I was hoping you might try but you’ve only confirmed that you don’t know how to read. Not surprising since you muzzies live, pretty much in the 7th century where you crap in holes, drink camel piss and sleep in the dirt.


Drink some camel puss, it will cure what ails you.


Dirty shylock you are following me around in every post I comment ahahahah.Did I hurt you so much mouahah.


Not in the slightest. I was bored waiting for my coffee so I took the opportunity to insult you publicly, remind everyone that Muslims are regressive retards who like to drink camel piss


Damn 5 replay in 5 different topics hahahaha fucking jew retard. You are so mad ahaha


Just playing. You’re like a new toy. More like a little cat, batted around by a dog before the dog does to the weak, pathetic little kitty what it naturally does. https://media2.giphy.com/media/9IRX12VhoXoR2/giphy.gif


You desperate dirty ik following me around. Your hooked nose must bleeding by now hahaha.



Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust Hey, I’m gonna get you, too Another one bites the dust https://media1.giphy.com/media/lrDNnVxfnoQE59hBYf/giphy-downsized-medium.gif


Oooops, https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestinians-furious-and-fed-corruption-abbass-mafia-pa

J Villain

Why would Israel possibly need spyware to spy on Americans? They get full unfiltered dumps of all communications captured by any of the 5 eyes countries including the US. Even the 5 eyes members don’t get that.


Because they always want more and thats what happens when you are the biggest welfare queen in history


More money has been spent on the paLIEstinians then all the money spent as part of the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after WW2. Dummy


and all of it was stolen by Israel, Pussy,


You’re so cute when you pretend to have brains and muscles. FYI, your muscles & intelligence are like things in a side view mirror “things appear larger than they are”


Pussy, I think you are describing your brain You can’t mean your penis because you do not have one


Why are you so focused on my penis. Are you gay in addition to being a loser? I think you’re an incel who now hopes you’ll have a better shot at getting laid if you turn gay. Let me help – unless you’re paying some crack whore a ton of cash, You might as well keep renaming your Hands for the variety


giraldi keep up the good work exposing the criminal jews for what they are – criminals and corrupt thieves and murderers engaged in ethnic cleansing in a big way and running concentration camp Gaza as if there is no tomorrow – but sadly enough for the jews, there is a tomorrow and they will be made part of history as an extinct specie, quickly forgotten by the world.


The Worlds Greatest Welfare Queen in History caught once again stealing from its benefactor. The beggar that never stops begging. The thief that never stops stealing The whiner that never stops whining The supremacists who are convinced they are superior to everyone on the planet but always need help. The chosen who believe they are gods on earth but never stop crying about being victims. The haters of christianity and christians The monsters who murdered 34 US Sailors on the USS Liberty 53 years ago in June 1967. The killers who murdered John F Kennedy The killers who murdered Robert F Kennedy The killers who murdered Olaf Palme, Count Benadotte, etc., etc., etc. The killers of the Berlin Disco The international sex-slave traffickers The international body part traffickers The international drug smugglers The international criminals The champions of USERY The 3000 year old pesticlence of the planet. It is past time to put this worthless dog down


‘really’ and ‘iron idiot’ jewish trolls of the jewish leper colony – disregard full stop!

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