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MARCH 2025

Night Attack Of Ukrainian Warplane In Russian Belgorod Failed (Videos)

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Night Attack Of Ukrainian Warplane In Russian Belgorod Failed (Videos)

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The AFU forces continue regular attacks in the border regions of Russia. In particular, shelling intensifies in the Belgorod and Kursk regions. The AFU mainly conducts missile and artillery strikes, as well as sabotage attacks. These attacks are largely attempts of the Ukrainian army to hide military failures on the front lines.

On the night of May 2, explosions were reported over the city of Belgorod. Russian air defenses intercepted Ukrainian aircraft. The videos from the area show the warplane fighting Russian missiles with heat traps.

However, a little later, a decree by the governor of Belgorod was issued denying reports of air defense work on the Ukrainian plane over the city. According to him, there was a shooting of thermal targets by one of the Air Force aircraft.


Local shelling of border territories is still going on. Such attacks on Russian territory will likely continue in the future. Nevertheless, local authorities try to keep the situation under control. Such attacks on the Russian territory have no strategic consequences and do not influence the ongoing military developments on the front lines in Ukraine.


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Russia is a paper tiger

But but but i thought Ukrainian air force was no more 🤔

What about those air defences? Are they worth shit?


Does it look to you like the $3 billion US already dumped into the failed Ukrainian CIA project is producing wins on the battlefield? Donbas reverting soon to Ukrainian control? How about Crimea? Do you suppose that a single mission from the Ukrainian air force means that it hasn’t been almost completely degraded? But, but the Ukrainians have no capacity whatsoever to push out the Russians, despite the NATO arms dumps, advisors, etc. The Russians have achieved all of their strategic objectives, with the only question remaining being the frontiers Russia determines.

Russia is a paper tiger

Russia lost this war the moment it started, they have no offensive capabilities to mount a large invasion, only limited and cirurgical operations. Their army and command is a joke and airforce is a no show. Time is on Ukraine side, always was. Their is NO possible outcome in wich russia wins. Even if they manage to get donbas, and is a big if, they will exhaust themselves and ukrainians will keep coming with a vengeance and eventually with the western big toys and training. They only manage to lose those sympathetic to them and unite the ukrainians. They will never manage to hold anything.

If ukraine joins europe ukraine wins , and for the first time in their history there is a clear path to the west.They are now united and will have unlimited supply of money to build everything from the ground. Marshal plan for a single country backed by all of the western world. Europe divesting from Russia energy will be its demise, just a matter of time, they will lose its regional power in this war, more likely than not even break in different republics in less than 10 years time frame. It s a point of no return

On the other hand I still remember you talking about Kiev encirclement, army pinned and cuttof, no fuel, and then suddently was all just a feint, but the UAF is sending their army to the east and south no problem, air attacks are increasing even in russia, the west is sending weapons with impunity, ukraine has more tanks now than before lol so much for demilitarization, lavrov just said that they will not denazify kiev government anymore…

What a fiasco…

Last edited 2 years ago by Russia is a paper tiger

Lol you are so deluded like the ghost of kiev


The Russian goals were the elimination of the capacity of the Joint Operations Force to continue or escalate the ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas. This also entailed the elimination of the capacity to implement the kooky Banderite Ukrainina ideological program in Donbas. Done. There is no capacity in the Ukranian forces whatseover to counterattack and drive the Russians out. NATO will not be setting up in the Ukraine. So that Russian goal was also met. As if it matters to anyone that the Ukrainians “unite”. We’ll see how united they are in the post-conflict economic wasteland. There is no Marshall plan. It’s 2022 and any money that goes to the Ukraine will be part of the program of permanent debt penury implemented over the last twenty-odd years. The whole reason for the 2014 coup was the inability of the Ukrainian state to swallow the IMF slavery terms. Rest of your post is strawmen. Kiev was almost entirely encircled, with a token Russian force. The Ukrainians never were able to counterattack and pinch off the Russian spearheads. UAF is sending their army nowhere. They can’t withdraw from the contact lines in the east and south, and the Russians just pound as the little cauldrons shrink bit by bit. If you abandon the Ukrainian fruit-fly perception, and look at what has happened since 2013, it is an unmitagated disaster in the Ukraine. The idea that this in any way constitutes a win for the Ukraine is just absurd.

NATO is laughing at you


Peter The Ungrateful

Getting ever more nervous that laugh, does it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
NATO is laughing at you

Why would it?


He ran out of letters because they banned them all. lol


Peter The Ungrateful

LOL, BTW I am still looking for that picture of a Russian supply convoy that had the whole Latin alphabet written on it. Saw it on Alex Chrisophorou’s YT channel the other day but could not find a copy yet.

NATO is laughing at you

Dude the russians couldn t advance 10 m outside Donetsk In 69 days of the very special sideways operation…

You have been wrong since day One. How come? Are you dumb? Ill informed? Or you just delude yourself?

The maharaja

Dude, Go pull up a map from the day before the conflict started to today. If it were to stop right now the DPR will be four times the size it was before the war. While it is true there has been little advance in the front line facing Donetsk it is what it is. That day will come hence the continued fighting. The fact is they have taken a massive chunk of territory. It will be way more costly for Ukraine to try and take it back than it was to defend it. At this point you think that one UAF aircraft over belgorod is a huge victory, every day there are hundreds of aircraft over Ukrainian cities so if this is your measure of victory you will have to swallow that bitter pill! Dude. Bro, face it by your own measure Ukraine is screwed hundreds of Russian sorties a day and 99.9% of the fighting is in Ukraine not Russia. 99.9% of bombs fall on Ukraine 99.9% of dead are in Ukraine. But no Bro you have a video of a Russian tank blowing up or a patrol boat. War is over……..right bro.

Peter The Ungrateful

“If it were to stop right now the DPR will be four times the size it was before the war.”

Not exactly, the territory of the DPR, the former Donetsk Oblast, hasn’t changed. It just so happens that enemy troops are still occupying some of it.

BTW, some people, like Scott Ritter, Gonzalo Lira, The Duran guys etc. talk about Mariupol going the way of the DPR, declaring independence and all. They fail to understand that Mariupol has always been part of the DPR, it just got liberated from the occupying forces.

Just saying.

Nato is laughing at you

My own measure? if you reply to someone try to read next time before making up stuff

And no you are wrong DPR would not be 4 times bigger than before. Try to don t make facts up from your ass, will serve you better in life

jens holm

Putin has gas

jens holm

I take the kind of defence for You too.

If Russia use all their troops in the front and they are eroded away, there will be no troops all the way to the Russian borders or some few third class ones with T55 in malfunction.

Its an erosion deep defence.

You kind of see the classic well prepared counterattacs as germands often did well in WW2.

Ukras simply dont have weapons for that. The russians simply has firepower against it, if the see it comming. Russians has no lack in fx heavy artillery.

Ukras by that only has made small counterattacks, where several seemes to be fiascos. But they are forced to. It binds Russians troops. The Russians has to dig and regroup a.s.o.


Wrong about what? The Ukrainians are somehow winning, with tens of thousands of Russian and allied troops on the territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project, and no counter-attack of any kind occurring in the last two months? Are the Russians holding thousands of sq km of former Ukrainian territory, or are they not?

San Francisco

You’re stupid, Clyde.

Rick Jefferson

Because the coward Ukes surround themselves with civilians, it will take longer to eliminate them.

jens holm

We know. They even organize them as football teams. Hard to see the cowardisme playing football under those conditions.

Its not named football. It named HIT PUTIN.

Michel LeBlanc

No but the russians took the black sea and azov ses coast. It was a good move tonlet the donbass troops rot in place. We will kill them from behind soon enough.

Crimea is now safe from orcs like you.


Dude they were parked outside of Kiev and they didn’t even intend to take it. Russia has it’s hand on Ukraine’s puny head as Ukraine swings at Russia without any effect.

jens holm

Not even unborn children believe that.


Those are just fact-denying Ucrap or CIA trolls,

Only facts


Goals are were:

1- Demilitarization, status: failed,

ukraine has now even more weapons than before, and will received more and better with time . 33 billions ONLY from the states and training occuring at this moment in nato countries. Whithout Control os western ukraine and government decapitation, thís goal can not be achieved

2- Denazification, status: failed

Lavrov Said at the same time yesterday that Rússia Will not Change government in ukraine ( they are not able to) and zelensky is a nazi. So denazification os virtually Impossible from thís statement Alone. Nazi government, azov batallion os MARIUPOL still Alive and not captured, many more Battalions around… But basically if government do not Change how Will it be possible for the “nazi” policies Change?

3- Neutrality ( nato threat, status: utter failure

Ukraine yesterday that they Will not agree for Neutrality whithout full territory recover ( donbas + crimea). This is a major development from previous negotations and signals that ukraine thinks can win this war. West is now fully supporting also with heavy weaponry, nato armies are rushing to the eastern borders, and europeans are now finally stepping up the budgets for defense while sanctioning Rússia ability to rearm. Sweden and finland are also joining nato. Só nato is now stronger and more threatning than before and Rússia os weaker and in the Middle of a prolonged conflict that Will not be able to win. How long Will be Rússia able to hold on east ukraine?

4- DPR and LPR support and Liberato of Donbas, status: failed for the moment

After 70 days of war russian army and allies couldn not reach the Geographic and administrativo limtlits of the donbas region states as a goal. The Ukrainian defensiva line is still holding, no promised cauldron yet and strategic cities like sloviansk still on Ukrainian hands. Só what was the strategic.acomplishment of phase One? Even MARIUPOL was not completely cleared as promised and the azov fighters are still holding which is a major symbolic defeat.


Utter nonsense. NATO trained and supplied the Ukrotards since 2014, resulting in the spectacular failures of 2014-15, in which NATO advisors had to be smuggled out of places like Debaltsevo. There is zero capacity left in the Ukrainain military to continue, or expand, the failed ethnic cleansing/Nazification operation in Donbas. NATO is weaker every day as the economies of the various members succumb to the conditions of late-stage capitalism. The Ukrainians are getting weapons systems that were designed before I was born, and I am an old man. The Ukrainian defensive lines were established over eight years, and are being slowly but surely enveloped. There wasn’t much of a devence of Mariupol, simply a retreat from one civilian area to the next, culminating in the rat-burrow at Azovstal. Other than being wrong on every point, your post was super fresh awesome!


Our western economies are going to experience an extreme degeneration. Inflation like you can’t imagine and food and gas prices SOARING. What we see now is NOTHING compared to how bad it will get. Then no one will care about Ukraine. And if Biden or other western leaders attempt to send billions of dollars, the citizens of those nations will protest like you can’t imagine. Time is NOT on Ukraine or the Wests side. Thats one of the reasons they had to provoke this war in the first place. Russia is being patient and methodical. And there is so much lies and distortions coming from Ukraine.

jens holm

Here You have written twice You have idea about how the Ukras fight.

Here You also dont see the Ukras already are fighting as a very good Nato defence army, which now is supported by 40 countries.

Maybee Your winners are the 50.000 dead ones. They finally has peace.

Maybee You understand spearheads as seamen. If they have no tail they dont svim and die. Ukras destroyed the tails up there.

Its about the same in east and south. But its more difficult. Both has many more troops. Ukras has to do well organized retreats. They has to cut in the longer and longer tails as well.


You are as deluded as zelenski, time is not on Ukraine side, remember Russia wanted only Donbas , now they have Mariupol and Kherson and soon zaporizhia, in Kherson they use roubles now instead of hrivna. Russia is not going away from there. Once they are done with Donbas they will turn to Nikolaev and Odessa. Russia has been rotating its troops unlike ukkies they are rested. You should see how the Ukrainian pow look , they are really desperate and exhausted from constant fighting. Western toys are pretty much useless against Russian defences. Reason ukkies scream for more weapons is cause Russia has destroyed most of those , the desperate incursions into Russia make a lot of noise but are pretty much useless. Russia will take her time , just pound ukkies with artillery and aviation until they retreat or give up, move to new location a repeat , many losses among ukkies and almost none among Russians. Slow grind. West of Ukraine might get annexed by Poland, east will go back to Russia and the only left will be Kiev with some space around it. Like I said ukkies winning the media war Russians the real one and the economic. Say hello to ghost of Kiev for me, lmao

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Phase two already Started yet?


Where is the “Alive” Canadian Super Sniper Wali ??? Where is the Bitch Lt General Roger L. Cloutier ?? Nobody in Turkey knows about him !!


Why ? Are you late for something ?


Yes. Less than a week for Victory parade


Hes being held hostage in the Azovstal basement homo dungeon.

Peter The Ungrateful

As I said above, Mariupol belongs to the DPR, always has. The DPR is basically just the former Donetsk Oblast, which Mariupol belongs to.


@Riapt… Getting paid in shekels are you?

Arzt Injektion

The same fucker posting under different names.

Captain Hohol

And those weapons being sent are being handily captured or destroyed.

The west can’t send shit fast enough to end up in the hands of the enemy or burnt to a crisp.

Ukraine nor the west can win a war doing night sorties in some far west Russian border town.


Russia only came into Ukraine for a military operation to defend the peoples of the Donbass. NATO wet their knickers and all of the world is sanctioning Russia and Russian people, sending weapons and special forces and commanders, TOP military and mercenaries and the best weapons…to Ukraine. Except they were ALREADY there, before Russia came in. They were already there, already training them even before 2013 and 2014 when the war in Ukraine began. The satanic filth of our world have been in Ukraine training and indoctrinating Nazis since before it broke away from Russia, since DURING WWII. The filth in the CIA carried on with it! The satanic deep forces who ARE OUR GOVERNMENTS and civil service, secret services THEY are doing it all!


I have one word for you B I T T E R

Russia is a paper tiger


Lol im following the conflict here and Russia position is getting worst by the day, look at the map from One month ago and compare

But i was wrong indeed, i thought they were a papertiger but instead they came to be a foam pussycat. Meow!

Last edited 2 years ago by Russia is a paper tiger

They fooled you. Their initial incursion into Ukraine was to draw in AFU forces as to keep them away from other areas. It was a strategy of maneuver. Now they are working on their true goal whereby once it’s wrapped up and all the Ukrainian forces in the east are grinded down, they will move on to the bigger goals like Odessa, that is if there isn’t a peace deal before then. Personally, I see a possibility of Poland being a middle man in some sort of peace deal. Odessa becomes under the supervision of Russian, Polish and Ukrainian peacekeepers. This would be an incentive for Poland to gain limited access to the Black Sea and NATO wouldn’t be directly involved. It’s a perfect play but that’s just my opinion.

Martin Rapavý

Time is not on Ukraine’s side. Ukraine is losing more and more territory. Over 5000000 Ukrainians have already left Ukraine since Ukraine started this phase of the war on 16 February 2022. Ukrainians will not be coming with a vengeance, but with fears of repercussions while the Kievan government is desperate to field their largely untrained citizens up to 60 years of age. No, Ukraine will not join Europe any time soon, and you you know why? Because, after all the brainwashing subsides, people in the EU will see how the Ukrainians who have invaded their lands behave… and they will not be happy. They will want less of their nationalistic crap in their countries. Even now Western politicians are already getting fed up with Zelenskyj and his manners. All the sympathies that you rely on are vanishing. More and more people will are seeing through your crap and will eventually learn that Ukraine is to blame for everything, for waging this war, for Ukraine’s reluctance to negotiate in good faith, for all the destruction provoked by attempts to re-annex Crimea against the wishes of its citizens. Because the people will have to foot the bill of your war and they will not understand why they have tu suffer and have their country ukrainized so that the “non-Nazi Jewish” government in Kiev could have the freedom to kill their fellow citizens with impunity.


Yup. And as the western economies collapse, with hyperinflation, food shortages etc, NO ONE will care about Ukraine. In fact if the politicians attempt to send billions more dollars they will be met with protest and rebellion from suffering citizens who are so used to their status quo comforts. Time is not on Ukraine’s side. There WILL be a peace deal at some point.


Wake up. The people are with the Russians. Crimes against humanity has no future.


People are becoming more aware of who the good guy/bad guy is everyday.


A preview of defanged and denaZified rump Ukropland coming soon. Everything the angloZionaZi empire of shit ever touches turns to….shit! https://www.moonofalabama.org/12i/ukrfumap.jpg Enjoy

Freelance Intelligence Analyst

Lol… best comment today. War is serious things, but reading your text was hilarious. It took like 5 mins to stop laugh so I could thank you here. Please write more or maybe even a comedy book. I will for sure buy it. Love your fun irony! :-D

Freelance Intelligence Analyst

“Their is NO possible outcome in wich russia wins.” Lol… I can’t stop read this. It’s priceless! I’m laughing so my stomach hurt. Please write more about how Russia already lost and how Ukraine will win.. rofl :-D

Russia is a paper tiger

By the way we are already in May were are the Gas for Rubles? Putin threat of cutting the Gas where is it? Now today you have even SF with a piece showing India turning down Russian coal… things not looking good for the zzz teddy bear

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

By the way… the Ruble strengthens every day…Kherson, Melitopol, Berdyansk, Mariupol are the facto Russian cities as well as Azov coast….Natural resources prices skyrocket….Ukraine lose ground everyday like a dune that advances…


The Ukrainian inferiority complex is remarkable. The only hope you express is a massive welfare program from the failing US. The rest of your focus is always on how much the Russians are struggling. Guess what? The whole reason Russia has the Ukraine by the throat and is flailing it around like a dog with a rat is because the Americans put a gun to their head. So unless the Balkanization of Russia occurs as a result of this conflict, and there is no evidence to indicate that, it’s a win for Russia an an irrecoverable loss for the Ukraine.


lol, well actually there are 10 european countries ALREADY PAYING FOR GAS IN RUBLES and those 10 countries are the ones who screamed we will never pay well guess what they are paying ROFL.

Russia is a paper tiger

We are already in May, deadline was end of april, WHERE ARE THE RUBLES?


The Rubles are being paid by 10 European Countries and also by the Ol’ USA, who continues to buy Russian Crude, you Rectum Licker

Russia is a paper tiger

Trust me bro? Show me your sources gayreta. Don t be a pussy :)

Peter The Ungrateful

In Russia of course. The whole point was to have the money where it cannot be seized.


10 member states, including Germany, Austria, and Slovakia, have agreed to use the new payment mechanism, and four have already made their first payments in the Russian currency. The Hungarian government confirmed on Sunday that it had opened a euro account with Russia’s Gazprombank.

Russia is a paper tiger

“trust me bro” lol


Hey you Moron…..you can come to Russia to fill your jalopy gas tank at 1.60 per gallon if 5 or 8 dollars a gallon is too much for you…….

The maharaja

You need to read more. While the gas for Rubles is a bit of BS the gas to Poland and Bulgaria was dumped from deliveries as they refused to pay in rubles. The rest have opened accounts in Rubles. The pipe lines run through Ukraine. The Ukranian government could shut off all the gas yet they do not. Instead they take transit fee payments from Russia who pays them millions to let it be pumped to Europe. So ya ask why your side is so dumb they would attack an oil depot with its one aircraft when they could destroy the whole pipeline? This is why you have Ukrainian officials crossing the border with five suitcases full of american dollars. Its a clearing house for crooks and thieving politicians from around the globe. A laundering of money just like the so called aid they will get from the US they will get 5 billion in weapons and 20 billion will be deposited into Biden and Chronies actts, Piglosie even made the trip to ensure her cut. World would be a better place if the Russians nuked that sh!thole.

Russia is a paper tiger

Wow Thats dumb. The attack on oil depots hás the goal to disrupt the russian army operations and logístics what hás that anything to do with the gás pipeline? Seriously 🤦

The maharaja

you really must be retarded kid. If you could turn off your enemies exports and sole source of revenue cut it by 60% and you cant figure it out. I was yanking your chain at first thats why I wrote bro and dude but you really are dense class a retarded. Going through life opinionated and ignorant is not going to be easy nor fun for you.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Again what has one to do with the other? One is a direct military target the other is an economical target that disrupts not only the enemy but also your own economy and infrastructure but also your allies in which you rely and are dependent on to fight the enemy. Do you get the difference? I actually did not want to offend in general but the comparison sure is dumb in my humble opinion ;)


Germany is paying in Rubles since the 20th of April you imbecile.

Russia is a paper tiger

Trust me bro? Show me your sources gayreta. Don t be a pussy :)

Captain Hohol

Germany is paying in Rubles.

Peter The Ungrateful

As to the threat, ask Poland, Bulgaria and soon Finland. The first two have just been cut off a few days. Other EU countries are paying in rubles already or are in the process of preparations to do so.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

I guess part of the money went to the Russian ranks vodka since they couldn’t take down the plane.

Anyway if there is any prove that it entered Russian air space, Putin should send a new general in a cauldron.


Not fail be patient be patient now don’t get exciting. Remember what happened in Afghanistan takes time …


Takes out everything ukkies launch

Peter The Ungrateful

Well, not everything, sometimes something gets through. Let’s be honest, no system is perfect, but those systems come pretty darn close.

The maharaja

Technically speaking air defense system look for air attacks, not air attack. The Plural is a big deal as few if any will attack with a single aircraft. The way it was moving in the video it looked to be a cesna !

In addition one requires more than one airplane to have an air force so it may take a few weeks. Ukraine will get some more mig 29s and then some F16s we will see how their air force reconstituted will do. They have also been given parts from Poland and the Czk Rep to repair aircraft that were not working fifty days ago. This will continue, until they actually fly. They do not survive long and they require air fields. They will be heard from again. They will be destroyed again.

Peter The Ungrateful

It was flying way too high to be an enemy aircraft, unless the pilot was an imbecile. And I’d argue that those systems also work in the singular case. Anything that moves in the sky that is not a friend will be shot down.

Captain Hohol

How are we to know that those are even ukrainian planes?

Much of the Ukrainian airforce was destroyed, it would be quite disastrous if it were found out a foreign actor was flying sorties into Russian territory on behalf of Ukraine.


Poland is sending them over.


Those Russian defenses shoots missiles up your wife’s arse



The Saint

The Ukraine military are completely out of contention on the battlefield and in the air, which is why they attempt these pitiful acts of vandalism. It’s a bit like a pathetic individual walking down the street and throwing a stone through someone’s window – it’s annoying and makes a mess to clear up, but ultimately of no consequence.

Loser orcs

TB2 drone just blew up 2 russian patrol boats near snake island


Is that the reboot of Fantasy Island? Who plays Mr. Roarke?


That was on Twitter and not in real life you Shit Head….

NATO is laughing at you


Orcrainians are white ISIS

Orcrainians operate from ZATO airfields. IT IS TIME TO ATTACK THOSE FIELDS WITH KALIBR!

Peter The Ungrateful

That would not make any sense at all. They are even further away from the front and the operational range of their jets is not unlimited.

Joseph similia

Competing world powers

It’s just as the bible said it many centuries ago. Predicted in Daniel chapter 11, the pull and tug of the King of the north and the king of the south. Two great powers on earth both under satanic influence have been battling for centuries, both have the same purpose and that’s world domination exclusive of God Jehovah’s sovereignty. Furthermore, they want people’s worship as Revelation 13 describes.

These two great powers will come to to an agreement of peace the bible prophecy predicts. When the political system thinks they have succeeded in enslaving mankind, the bible says:

” Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness.” 1 thessallonians 5:3-5.

Satan the devil is behind this struggle of the great powers on earth. His plan is similar to the political system objective, ” rule or ruin”. Diabolical objective is to distract people from the real source of peace and good health, which is no other than God’s kingdom- Revelation 11, 13, and chapter 21.

The Universal issue is: ” who has the right to be rightful sovereign of the earth and universe”.

It’s not really about jabs from pfizer, it’s about total control of the Earth’s inhabitants in whatever means possible and strangle all aspiration and hope of God’s kingdom and it’s rightful ruler for the earth , Jesus Christ appointed by Jehovah God.

We need to pray for God’s kingdom to come soon and judge these beastly powers that disdain Jehovah’s appointed king in heaven, none else but Jesus Christ.

“Your will be done on earth as in heaven, your kingdom come.” Matthew 6.

Thomas Turk

Imaginary deities procreating a human via a virgin, with aid of a ghost. Come on, we’re in the 21st Century, no? Open theyfly.com and get updated/ re-educated by an advanced race.

The maharaja

Who would listen to a a fucking stinky ass Turk! Leave the Christian alone ya fucking half wit. Go spend some time with the retards who are chopping off their dicks thinking they are chics! They will argue with you all day all the attention you could ever want. Ya fucking bigot!

Peter The Ungrateful

Had to dump that UFO turd, didn’t you? I’d almost up-voted your comment but you are just as deluded as Thomas Turk. We live in the 21st century, indeed, so grow up and stop believing in fairy tales.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

Shouldn’t there be a big swastika on that plane with a nude of Freeland on the side. Lol that would even turn Trudeau on.


Paper tiger 🐅, lol. Looks like your a troll and forgot completely about Syria? Or your a Ukronazi snorting to much Crack and antifreeze? Must be desperate to spout such worthless horseshit.

Peter The Ungrateful

I don’t see any missiles in that footage either, so I’ll go with what the governor said. Maybe it was some malfunction in the automatic counter measures of a Russian plane?

P.S.: For that to be an enemy aircraft it must have been piloted by an idiot, as high as that. That is just an invitation for radar detection and SAMs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

SF articles and headlines are just clickbait and lies.

San Francisco

In the US the millions of illegals turned citizen by Obama might proclaim their own independent republics, if Obama has his way. And the one million illegals Obama let in this year will be Obama’s good little fighters.


Well, it’s all about turnover.

Putin’s Bane

Such attacks have no strategic consequences? How about the logistics? Belgorod and the bridge in Kursk have a essential role in providing weapons and munitions to RU in Kharkiv and Izyum.


I love how you guys try to tone it down like Ukraine regularly attacking Russia’s border region is no big deal. Who could have thought two months ago that this would be even possible. What a complete disaster this invasion has been. Nobody in the world could have fucked Russia worse than Putin and his crooks did. Corrupt degenerates.


New improved rump Ukropland post Natostan destruction. Many thanks to USSA and its gimp twisted sidekick the evil EUSSR aka Natostan


jens holm

As usual the Ukras hit nothing.

Its a kind of impressing but also scary, they are able to do so.

jens holm

Latest news: Swedes now are nazis too. It happend yeasterday. There are posters in the streets of Moskva about it.

Roumers there says Putin will be stand up comedian maj 05 at Maidan.

There will be posters of the Babi Jar facility and his own bombardments there. Many of the dead ones will stand up from their graves. Some might see Jesus there too with no skirts or skirts or both.

Wine will be to water to support the many muslim refugees in the world.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x