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MARCH 2025

Night Of Chaos: 4 Stabbed, 23 Arrested After Proud Boys & Antifa Clash in Washington

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Clashes between right-wing Proud Boys and left-wing Antifa were seen Saturday after the second “Million MAGA March.”

At least four people were stabbed near the intersection of 11th Street and F Street. WUSA9 reported that the stabbing victims were taken to “hospitals in the area with critical injuries.”

Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia also reported law enforcement officers were hurt during the clashes. It was reported that police arrested at least 23 individuals.

According to The Epoch Times, “It is unclear which authorities arrested individuals, but videos by reporters on the scene show alleged Proud Boys protesters and “counter-protesters” arrested and escorted into police vans.”

The chaos between Proud Boys and Antifa was caught on video.

Here’s a video of “at least one proud boy stabbed after random lone protester fights with multiple proud boys.”

Clashes between both groups intensified into the night.

“However, as night fell, the sides splintered into smaller groups and began roaming the streets of downtown Washington, picking fights with their rivals, pepper-spraying each other, and getting pepper-sprayed by the cops,” RT News said. 

Newsmax contributor James Klüg tweeted a video of an ambulance pulling up to the scene of where a Proud Boy was “allegedly stabbed” after a fight.

Another huge fight with someone else claiming someone else was “stabbed.”

Antifa hurling dangerous projectiles at police.

Antifa chucking fireworks at police and Proud Boy.

More fighting

Earlier this month, billionaire Ray Dalio laid out that the “US is at a tipping point in which it could go from manageable internal tension to revolution and/or civil war.”


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“Chaos”. If that would happen in fragile Russia, in few hours the roads were blocked by tanks.

cechas vodobenikov

you confuse your gypsy USA colony with advanced society


I want to laugh today. Tell me the name of that advanced society =D

Rhodium 10

Russia have more University students per inhabitant than USA…


That’s very good for USA since the best of them emigrate there. As for human valuess, generally I would prefer to work for an American without high education than for a Russian with many degrees.


Even if you were frying eggs on a zero hours contract ?lol!! leave it out.


No seriously, I worked with people from many nationalities, Russians are very ok as work mates but a nightmare as bosses.


Orthios,upright,allways standeth taller in the end,turn 6ft4 natos to 7 inches:


CHAOS (ΧΑΟΣ) is a Greek word, which if you transform it gives you the word ACHOS …


I know Chaos is greek and many others. Btw achos sounds like sneezing


The word ACHOS is a property/quality of light and means NO SOUND..light and sound ..the two properties of the “god” Apollo. Astrophysics is the whole mythology of the Greeks … as long as one can be able to decipher it.


Thank captain Parmenion. Did I say correctly?


what would you say about some music from captain Parmenion.



Thanks again. I know the clip, big fan of WT here, I’m pretty good at this game, have all jets of the main nations, but I still play biplanes sometimes to kill poor noobs because basically… I’m a jerk :)

Simplekindof Man

“Ch” is pronounced like the Spanish “J” as in Juan,ect. That applies to most translated to English Greek words.

Captain Freedom

woulda, shoulda, coulda… This doesn’t happen in Russia for a good reason, since Soros is banned there


Each totalitarian regime found a boogeyman to accuse opposants of treason, because deep inside the dictators are the most scared people.

Captain Freedom

They do that to keep the populace distracted from the country’s own shortcomings, as it’s done in USA, Israel, Europe. A wise man once said: “if you know who the villain is, then the day has structure.”


Who is the boogeyman in Europe, Brexit? :)

Captain Freedom

Brexit is so 2016. Now it’s the nazis, the covidiots, the climate deniers, the nazi-covidiots, the climate denying nazi covidiots, or in a nutshell: WHITE. HETERO. CHRISTIAN. M E N


I stiil see a lot of people protesring in EU, while freedom loving Russians can get 5 years in prison for protesting. They got so pussified that call protesting chaos and madness. Their parents from 90’s wouldn’t recognise them. Probably they put feminine hormones in their water too, to be good boys not bad boys.

Captain Freedom

Russia is not a failed state like EU, so no reason to burn cars on the streets and loot shops. Europe is the one known for all the obedient pussies and LGBTQROFLMAO parades, so don’t get me started on that.


EU is not a state, as cor burning cars and riots, West can live wirh that, if that would be in in Russia, Putin would wear pampers.


I usually don’t read your bs nato-bot comments but this one is somewhat true: “Each totalitarian regime found a boogeyman to accuse opposants of treason” – exactly what they did in America with imaginary russian meddling /the most laughable conspiracy theory ever.

Soros financing Antifa/BLM, the Maidan terrorists form Ukraine and scum all over the world is actually true (although Soros is just a screen, the tip of the ice berg), while “Trump is a russian agent!” is just so ridiculous, stupid and laughable beyond belief. Yet they still repeat these completely insane lies again and again, accusing Russia of virtually everything; a pretext for total censorship and open tyranny.


The point is the totalitarian regimes use the boogeyman to ban any protest and accuse the oposition of treason. But you wouldn’t get it even if someone would draw for you.

Kenny Jones ™

Then why doesn’t it happen? Because Russians are actually civilized


It doesn’t happen because Russia has anti-protest law that can send even peaceful protesters 5 years behind bars. Yanukovich copied that law from Putin and got fucked by Ukrainians. That’s why Russians hate Ukrainians, they are gelly on their balls of steel.

Assad must stay

What else is new in america these days? Lmao

cechas vodobenikov

plywood blm/lgbt children…”amerikan parents teach their children to have bad manners; they consider this rebelliousness”. Geoffrey Gorer


Night of the long knives – Antifa/BLM edition. This level of totalitarian terror was not present in the west since Hitler (at least not this openly). Complete and total censorship in media, and now people with different opinion can’t even protest peacefully because hordes of indoctrinated domestic terrorists brutally attack them. Instead of SA they use Antifa (a bit ironic). But tactics and motives are exactly the same: systematic terror against political opponents.

Potato Man

It is not a big deal when comparing it to mass school shooting or you know terrorism but they call it mental illness, because of Covid mass shootings in U.S. plunge. Would this break into bigger fights…no one knows and if did….who cares.

Proud Hindu

Us is funding many anti india groups and whites are generally anti india so the us deserves it.


It is official now, ‘flyover country’ is locked-out of the decisionmaking process at the federal level.

Unless some form of civil war breaks out, from this point forward the US fedgov will now be commanded by coastal elites who hate flyover country; particularly Whites, whom they hate more than anything.

So prepare for the USA to descend to another hypocritical low: lambasting a mythical “systemic racism” at all times, while enthusiastically codifying and enforcing actual systemic racism at all times. It’s the government which cries out in pain while striking you (if you are an unreconstructed White).

It should be noted at this point that the ruling liberal elite are heavily populated by whites; however, they share nothing at all in common with flyover Whites, except the liberal whites who populate their urban outposts in flyover country, the petty-elite.

This is the salient divide in the USA now, urban shitholes vs. the vast countryside.

The United Shitholes of Ameriqua.


This is the link for the Allied Security Operations Group court released partially redacted 23 page forensic investigation report of the Antrim, Michigan Dominion voting machines used in the November 2020 election concluding that they were designed and used for election fraud:



“A forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines and software in Michigan showed that they were designed to create fraud and influence election results, a data firm said Monday.

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results,” Russell Ramsland Jr., co-founder of Allied Security Operations Group, said in a preliminary report.

“The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified,” he added.”

– Dominion Software Intentionally Designed to Influence Election Results: Forensics Report –



“the group asserted that the “results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable,” adding that it’s the result of “machine and/or software error, not human error.”

“The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors,” according to the report. “These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication. [The] high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws.””

– Security Group Says It Audited Dominion Voting Machines, Declares Them a ‘National Security Issue’ –



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4f407b4bf09cccd8d2911a147f287a6dc6c21d9c57f93cca87725d735df2274b.jpg https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaking-antrim-co-forensic-report-bombshell-reveals-dominion-machines-set-68-05-error-ratemeaning-68-05-ballots-sent-mass-adjudication-giving-individuals-ma/


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2708a00bc1c45b7502964f97b4db0d2c05b438c64ebf6f0c773edd794ee8f6db.jpg https://www.theepochtimes.com/crucial-logs-missing-from-antrim-county-dominion-voting-machines-forensics-report_3617768.html

Kenny Jones ™

The long predicted US civil war, it’s coming, starting with stabbing attacks, slowly moving to shootings and bombings

John Wallace

Looks like more are holding cameras filming rather than doing anything. Maybe we will see once the shooting starts how many are standing filming then .. certainly not in the middle of the action .




This is the full comment that was removed from a US altmedia site. The people running these Zionist altnews sites are hypocrites.

“Discussion on Natural News 52 comments IT’S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine… RichardD RichardD 9 hours ago Removed I’ll reserve judgement on China’s culpability in the crimes that are occurring. All of the China bashing at a minimum involves a lot of blame shifting away from JWO Jews, Zionists, and Israel’s involvement in the same types of activity that China is being accused of. And a lot of crimes that China isn’t being accused of. Like 911 and the Jew World Order hegemony project subversion and forever war trying to conquer the planet.

I agree that there’s evidence that China could be guilty of some of what it’s accused of in relation to the color revolution and scamdemic. But the same standards of evidence and more could and should be applied against Israel and JWO Jews and Zionists. Far in excess of what China is even accused of. The deep state is overflowing with evil JWO Jews and Zionists far out of proportion to other actors. Including Chinese.

The Chinese cooperated with the JWO to build their economy. Which involves the same types of infiltration of China by Jews, Zionists and their collaborators. As the reciprocal infiltration of the US and others that China is accused of.

There’s another explanation of what’s happening that involves far greater complicity in crimes by the Jews in the color revolution and scamdemic against the US than China. This includes the possibility that China was attacked, as they’ve claimed from the beginning, with a bioweapon by the US deep state/Jew World Order to get the scamdemic and color revolution rolling and blame China for it, not the other way around.

The Jews are up to their eyeballs in the deep state color revolution against the US, and the scamdemic insantiy implementation of technofascism. Not just in the US, but worldwide. That in many instances has little if any Chinese involvement. Jewbook, Jewoogle, Jewtube, etc., are all owned and operated by Jews, not Chinese. Zuckerberg, Brin, Wojcicki, etc. are all JWO deep state Jews. And they’re just the tip of the iceberg of deep state Jews and Zionist Israel firsters that permeate the US power structure who are undermining it and destroying America. That dwarf and outnumber the Chinese and Chinese influence by several orders of magnitude. Using any objective analysis of the available evidence.

Nobody in the Zionist US altpress wants to call out the Jew’s complicity in what’s happening. They’ll name evil Jews, but with rare exception won’t point the finger at them for being JWO Jews and anti American Israel firsters. It’s rare for them to even allow it on their Zionist comment boards. Whether it’s indisputable Jew MSM and Hollywood control that far exceeds anything that China has. Or Jew infiltration of other control functions of society.

It can be realistically argued that Chinese involvement in US media is an effort to clean up the Jew open sewer that has been poisoning America for generations. That China doesn’t allow in China.”




Night of the long knives – Antifa/BLM edition. This level of totalitarian terror was not present in the west, at least not this openly, since Hitler. Complete and total censorship in media, and now people with different opinion can’t even protest peacefully because hordes of indoctrinated domestic terrorists brutally attack them.


“Arizona’s eleven Republican Presidential Electors have convened to cast their votes for President Donald Trump to be reelected.

In doing so, Arizona became the fourth swing state casting procedural ballots for Trump while the states continue to be contested.

The Arizona GOP said in a statement that “as the legal proceedings arising from the November 3 presidential election continue to work their way through our nation’s judicial system, the Arizona Republicans who pledged to choose President Trump and Vice President Pence in the Electoral College convened on December 14 to cast their votes and send them to Congress where they are to be opened and counted beginning on January 6.” …”

– BREAKING: Arizona GOP Electors Join Nevada, Georgia and Pennsylvania in Casting Votes for President Donald Trump –


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