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MARCH 2025

Nine Hezbollah Fighters Killed In Turkish Strikes On Northwest Syria

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Nine personnel of Lebanon’s Hezbollah were killed in Turkish strikes on northwestern Syria, the Reuters news agency reported on February 29.

A commander in the regional alliance backing the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) told the agency that Turkish strikes targeted Hezbollah headquarters near the city of Saraqib in southeast Idlib on February 28.

Lebanese sources identified four of the slain fighters as ‘Isa Ali al-Burji, Ali Isa Qasim, Muhammad Jamal Tarshishi, and Ali Ahmad Abu Khader.

Nine Hezbollah Fighters Killed In Turkish Strikes On Northwest Syria

From left to right ‘Isa Ali al-Burji, Ali Isa Qasim, Alaa Njmah, Ali al-Zinjani

Among those killed there was also Iranian commander, reportedly from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), who was embedded within the ranks of Hezbollah. The commander was known as Ali al-Zinjani.

Nine Hezbollah Fighters Killed In Turkish Strikes On Northwest Syria

Ali al-Zinjani

Turkish drones carried out dozens of airstrikes on Syrian forces and their allies in Idlib’s southern countryside and the western Aleppo countryside on February 29. The intense airstrikes inflicted heavy losses on the SAA, which reportedly lost more than 40 service members, including at least five officers.

The strikes were apparently a response to the killing of 36 Turkish soldiers on February 27. A series of Syrian airstrikes on southern Idlib claimed the lives of the soldiers, who were reportedly from elite commando units.

The devastating Turkish strikes will likely lead to more escalation in northwest Syria. Hezbollah is known for responding to any attack on its troops in Syria.

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I wonder on how the Iranian going to replied to those in they ranks by Turkish strike,the law is they must be avenge.


LOL…like they have done for years when Israel blows them away. With brave and forceful catatonia.


Ooh they have something in store for Israel trust me on that. They big brother United states of America and they litte Saudi Arabia wont be able to help them forever. The tie they trying to build with Indian wint help them as well.


Let Iran take its revenge on the US.Turkey has shown and will continue to show what it can do for the sake of its martyrs. So what is Iran doing now, sitting quietly and doing secret things?

Iran doesn’t even want to see eye to eye with Turkey.!

Free man

The cowardly Iranians will do nothing. There are many in Syria who are angry that the Iranians have not, to this day, condemned the Turkish attacks.




YEP! Dead Hezbollah and Islamist Iranian commanders are worth cheering about. Hope there are a lot more.

Lone Ranger



That’s worth 2,000 times the 25 Kopecks you get paid, Igor. You need to organize a Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll Union.

Lone Ranger

I know it’s a radical concept for you, but not everybody is a paid troll ;) Mossad-Isis best buddies ever…


Not all, but a great many on these sites. And when they are not a lot tend to be escapees from the Daily Stormer nut house.


+1 Refregerator

Lone Ranger

Wrong country…


Another good day. And those Islamist Iranian commanders just can’t stop dying. Hezbollah will retaliate? Great, Turkey will wipeout more of them and Israel might give them a helping hand.

Lone Ranger

+25Shekels… Don’t spend it all on matzo ball soup…


+1 Copper wiring

Lone Ranger

+25matzo balls


ding ding ding the whinner takes it all…

Islamic Power

They would’ve been better off as fashion designers, no offence lol


Turkey has started to use the Air very effectively. The SAA is inflicting heavy losses and looks like it will continue to do so. The costs of Syria confronting Turkey are slowly weighing heavily.


From Russian Journalist Maxim Suchkov: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/02/russia-turkey-idlib-putin-erdogan.html

Ret. Col. Mikhail Khodarenok: Turkey has enough military might to overrun the Syrian army within days. “Should Moscow choose not to intervene it will be a political-military fiasco. The Kremlin as a geopolitical player in the Middle East will be done,”….

Yet he equally cautioned against open Russian military engagement with Turkey, warning, “Turkey will have an overwhelming superiority in personnel and military hardware. Russia is too far from the theater of operations and won’t have the time or logistical capabilities” to bring in the personnel or equipment needed and “In order to win this war, Russia would need to transfer a phenomenal amount of aircrafts, fuel and ammunition.”


Certainly Turkey’s geopolitical position is very important.


Yes but not that important for USA to start a nuclear war for mad sultan


Neither will Russia start a Nuclear attack for Idlib ? And a conventional war as mentioned in the Article by Retired Russian Colonel is not that easy.


True that but what about their Latakia bases? Turkey’s allies can’t wait to swarm drones in that direction and Erdogan can’t stop them.


Yes and in case of war Turkey has the right to close Bosphorus. It can just lay Sea-mines. Latakia and Tartus Base would need to supplied by air!


You mean someone may finally call Putz Putin’s Greater Russia Follies bluff? Sounds like a great plan to me.

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt… No Greater Israel Project for you ;)


Nahhhhhhh…just would like to see Putz Putin and his RF join their thankfully dead Russian Soviet Empire in the dustbin of history. Oh, I’ve always supported a two state solution and still do, even as the Palestinian leadership keeps finding ways to assure their potential state just keeps shrinking.

Lone Ranger

Keep dreaming Shlomo… We all know you want genocide. Don’t sugarcoat it.

Lone Ranger

Tactical nukes…


For Idlib? Nah…to costly for Russia. Russia has each year surplus of 20 billion Dollar Trade with Turkey. The west would sanction Russia harder then ever if it uses Nuclear weapons.

Lone Ranger

Not Idlib, for Syria.


Not even for Syria would Russia do this! Why is Russia in Syria again? Because of Tartus Naval Base. What happens in case of war with Turkey? Bosphrous will be closed and mined! So what is gain for Russia here beside loosing an important Trade partner like Turkey?

Lone Ranger

That base in only a part of the story. For once Russia and Syria has a defense agreement for many years. Second Israel wants to genocide all countries in the region for the Greater Israel Project. Third if Syria falls Iran is next, when Iran falls Russia and China are next. You don’t know Russian mentality if you think they won’t use nukes if needed. They don’t give a shit about sanctions and the U.S. won’t start WWIII because if Turkroaches.


Yeah if needed to Protect their Country but definitely the cost is not worth for Idlib. If things stay as today, rest of Syria and their Base is secured.

Keep dreaming if you think Russia is ready to take heavy Sanctions like Iran and loose Turkey as a Trade Partner.

Lone Ranger

Problem is Turkisis is on the offensive and was for months. In the past two months there were 2000 attacks on SAA and Syrian civs originating from Idlib. I think Syria and Russia would give up on Idlib, but not at the price of dozens of attacks every day

Legis Legis Juscius

hevay sanctions?some nATO countries vetoed support for turks, macron and merkel hates erdogan, also trump dont like erdogan, without russain tourists and food export banned to russia, turkish economy will be devastated, turkish curency already dropped by 11%, france and germany have weapons trade embargo on turkey, they support kurds not turks


Last time it looked like Turkey looked to close the straights, 2 ships with nuclear weapons were at either end waiting to reopen it..


End of the world. Get real.

Lone Ranger

Why would it? Israel will stay out, so will the U.S.

U.S., Russia and Saudis all used tactical nukes and neutron bombs in recent years. We both know that…


Ok…Jake321, i think we are talking to a naiv child here…

Lone Ranger

Truth, hurts, try to handle it Shlomo ;) Mark my words, Syria won’t be lost. No Greater Israel Project anytime soon…

Lone Ranger

NATO is nothing without the U.S. And you can bet your left testicle that Trump won’t start WWIII, especially not for Erdogan especially not in election year, it just won’t happen

Legis Legis Juscius

No chance for turks, better listen to this expert why



I’d bet good money that Erdogan (apart from being a Freemason-Muslim-Brotherhood type) is also a Sabbatean


Oh really??? Can turkey handle thousands of dead soldiers in days and tens of thousands in weeks??? You really think turkey can over run SAA that easily?? SAA were facing over half a million terrorists that turkey managed to send into syria..

You can expect half of those turkish soldiers to never go back to turkey like the terrorists..

Go back to playing rogue one..

There are only 6000 or so SAA in Idlib currently.. Most are not even in the fight and demobilised….


Mistly they are demoralized by losing.

Lone Ranger

Last time I checked Turkey invaded Syria, not vice versa. Aside from that 90% of Turkisis claims are lies.

Rhodium 10

Turkey have lost 54 soldiers and 100 wounded….now needed a propagande machine to save his face!….meanwhile RUAF and SAF are killing every day terrorist in Saraqib…


I would expect the editor to be more impartial. I think he forgot about the other dead by sharing that the Turkish soldiers were dead.


I cant , what would happen with SAA if Turkey would use heavy bombs with Jets…. TAF would probably just steam roll over SAA!


We are likely to see that soon. Bye bye SAA. And there are fools around here who think the SAA could take on Israel.

Lone Ranger

Nobody wants to take on Israel, you can calm your microdick…;)


Guess you haven’t followed these threads too closely.


wtf really ? omg Israeli capital shootings men say Israel will take over: D


Yeah but Putin can’t wait to revenge ;)

Legis Legis Juscius

No chance, russians will crush turkish army there, they said its red line and russains will not let jihadis to take over syria, because they will start to arive in caucasus, so turkey soon will suffer humiliating defeat if they try to invade with full force, thats what all military analists think, not just me

Legis Legis Juscius

we have seen last turkish opreations against kurds, so many soldiers neede and so many casualties for turks, 3 opreations showed, that the turkish armed forces had tough time even with air support against kurdish forces, ehst fo you expect from inexpierenced and conscript based turkish army??You are thinking to good about turkihs capabilities


The SAA is hardly the Kurds.

Legis Legis Juscius

SAA is better expierenced and trained then kurds, SAA still have 3 most elite divisions in damascius in case israeli attack,elite tiger forces who easily tokk saragib are in the south taking mountanous regions, 2-3 days they will regroup and launch ofensive in idlib


What about ISIS? Turkey had to bribe and threaten them to get them to just leave after 3 months..

Islamic Power

Wow these Shia really love the name Ali


Sounds like Russia is waiting Hezbollah to take atitude against Turkey :)


just looking forward to the Russians getting fed up and roasting some Turkey


Waiting and waiting and waiting…you better be very very far sighted.

Lone Ranger

Idlib is almost done, I wouldn’t hope for mossadisis win ;)




Lone Ranger

At least that was funny…


Hey, I don’t like Erdogan, Assad or Putin. I just like enemies doing each other in. Oh, for the SAA to do what you hope they would have to beat Turkey in a major war with the direct support of Russia. Not too likely without risking WW3.

Lone Ranger

There are other options, make it costly enough for Turkey, Erdogan could be toppled, almost happened last time… Or if everything else fails use a few FOABs as warning shots, if still not enough tactical nukes. We both know not a single country will fight for Turkey. You are playing a dangerous game aside from supporting genocide and terrorists….you risk that you will be surrounded by the terrorists you created, and what then? I guess nukes. That’s why letting Syria fall is not an option. You guys are a bit too brazen…or crazy or both.

Have a nice evening Shlomo.


Sorry for your loss…ALL your loses. But again, you surly are delusional if you think Putz Putin will risk the existence of Russia by using tactical nukes on a NATO member. I actually thought you were a wee bit smarter than that. Anyway, it looks like the Putz’s bluff has finally been called.

Joe Doe

SAA learn very little during the 8 years war. SAA obtain heavy losses, because SAA is very poor in war and strategy planning. Looks like SAA did not even took Erdogan threat seriously. Therefore SAA was not even prepare to defend itself and fight Turkey. Allowing Turkey fly drones over Idlib, shows SAA had not even move its Air Defense system(s) to shut down the drones. Allowing Turkey monitor SAA troops movements and look for targets, was SAA big mistakes. Looks like SAA is army of amateurs. In this conflict we can also blame Putin, who got played by Erdogan


LOL…maybe the SAA could beg Israel for help?

Joe Doe

Israel is not that strong, but has very good protector, which is USA


Way stronger than anyone else in the area aside from Russia. And isn’t it nice to have really good friends.


Israel is not Bibi, and all of you will understand it soon.


haha turkey get all nato help behind them wait a little bit and we will see if russia don’t give full suport to syrian army it’s logical that they will loose in conventional war

Joe Doe

Russia will not get to far. Russia even control what king military hardware Syria gets and usually is the old or not very good. As example MIG-23 has very poor reputation and this is what Russia provided to Syria. S-300 is old, Turkey got S-400, which is more modern.

Christian S

Turks runn by muslimbrotherhood erdoganmaffia wagin war with axis in favour of the ZOG entity. Gulfstates failed to achieve any succes in supportin aipacs jihadist but turkey makes this failure all up to as new wardog by attackn the axis. Are turks ready to fight on 4 fronts? All for the promised land, idlibstan


Seems they are. And the SAA and Islamist Shi’a friends there will fall like flys while Putz Putin watches the falling price of oil and does nothing. And as Israel’s Islamist Shi’a and Sunni enemies go at each other, they just smile and pick off lots more of the Iranian ones themselves with impunity. Pass the popcorn.

good american

Pity those who enjoy the death of their brother, eh?


Those who want to kill me and my family and friends are NOT my brothers. At best they are my bothers who must be dealt with.


you go looking for trouble and trouble will usually find you..

Christian S

33 , is also a masonic number, muslimbrotherhood are controlled by ZOG entity, hm…seems they are granted to get an important part in the endfight over Jerusalem. I never thought Turks would be really used to fight the resistance, If they are theyre probably be granted to invade Europe next and deal with NATO with the comming chaos and quarantines in the West. Then Zionist will have an easy enemy left that will go down in the last round for them over Jerusalem.


It also confirms that Zionist regime and Turkey are coordinating their polices as Hezbollah and Iranian units operate independently and have separate headquarters and bases. Turkey is escalating the conflict and if there is no cost imposed will attack Russian units as Erdogan has threatened.


Just in: mujahideeen are recapturing territories in southern idlib. I have said a few weeks ago that Allah is preparing a trap for Russia by Turkey. Turkey is unleashing hell right now. Allahu Akbar.


next turkish plan… trying to besiege aleppo, turkey went rogue and russia seems it can do nothing about it, very difficult days a head as syrian army lost a lot of villages in the southern pocket hts are about to recapture kafnubul …https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7786d163ffdb5c65190ce9084c4cd419a1d4056278b8f633f296f3ff031127e9.jpg


Hmh, this explains why Erdogan seemed so happy today on Media. Probably he made a secret deal with Putin. Russian aircraft are not really active since 24 hours.

Legis Legis Juscius

dont worry, information has leaked that putin neither forgot or will forgive su-24 and ambasadors death, he is luring turkey in to a trap, he knows erdogan doing everything from emotions


What information “has leaked”? If you posts such a comment, provide evidence.


Anyone noticing the lack of RuAF over Idlib today as rebels are counterattacking? ;)

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

I think the Russkies are scared of being smacked by the combined air power of Turkey, USA, France, Britain, Germany, Italy and Israel :D


I think Putz Putin’s bluff has finally been called. At least I hope so.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I think you missed the NATO message of duck off to Turkey you Jewhadi muppet.


Poor baby loser…


Check the comments as an observer. The trolls have gone bananas. Something is making them sh#t scared. Enjoy the show from a different perspective. Watch them. Have fun.


You must be referring to the Putz Putin Trolls.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

They have been going crazy, no doubt. They are filling pages with stupid repetitiveness, and they are sheet at it. The jewhadists are in meltdown. lol


It show their true sick nature.


Wrong Nato has already said they wont get involved with Erdogans foolish adventures in Syria


sure… al queda lost 20,000 men in trying this.. 10,000 each time.. Do they even have 10,000 men to lose right now??? They have gone from an army of over 50,000 to not even being able to hold a single town they held for years..


May Allah destroy the oppressors


It has always been noticeable that the demeanour of the Syrian soldiers, and those of the Syrian allies, is largely regal. Their eyes especially , are full of life.

The Jihadi’s ,on the other hand, have an indolent and cruel demeanour with the leaden eyes of the walking dead.


But all too often of late, those regal eyes are seen rolling all by themselves down the street.


Captagon doesn’t help. I mourn the loss of these fine and principled young men who fight for freedom.


Just 9? I guess we will do the rest.


The way it seems to be headed, you’ll have to ask the Turks to leave a few for you.


Heh Jake, the clowns here have no idea what’s going to happen to Lebanon and Hezbollah next war. If Gantz is in power, they can kiss their state goodbye. I keep hearing “they have 130K rockets”, well they do, and we know exactly where they are hidden. They will die from their own rockets, and take down their our population at the same time.


It would be nice. But Gantz may not get it. Looks like another stalemate. However, maybe there can be a unity government of the type that will finish Hezbollah and Hamas off and end Islamist Iran’s Nuke program.


There will be a unity government led by Gantz, just a matter of time :)


That might be a nice compromise. A little more muscle is in order I think. But that is from my safe distance of California. Up to you on the front line to determine that.


Israels objective is quite clear start another war with Lebanon just to steal more land they have done it before.


Nahhhhhhhh…it will be to wipe out Hezbollah and any Islamist Iranian influence there. Try to get the basics correct.

Arbaches Glaukus

Turkey! Hmm … Looks like a covert war of NATO, under Turkey label against Syria, and all other supporters of Syria in Idlib. Turkey (NATO) drones are flying unchallenged over the Idlib, and are destroying everything they want, even a moving motorcycle.


But Putz Putin will protect them…all those superior Russian S300’s and S400’s and and and and…


As soon as I read the title I was wondering if it is sohr’s or reuter’s report . Well, both are confirmed propaganda outlets, so this is no news. In between the lines it becomes obvious that the situation is bad for turkey. Good! Very good! Go SAA!


LOL…hey, what you puffing on, Dude?


Think erdo can expect hundreds of soldiers coming back lying down… what an utterly stupid person..


As long as he does the same to the SAA, Hezbollah and Islamist Iranians, just fine by me if he is also stupid.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Major cities of Nayrab, Saraqib, Barah, and now Kafr Nabel all LIBERATED by the moderate rebels with TSK support in under 1 week, meanwhile it took the regime more than 1 month to capture these cities.

Free man

“moderate rebels” with long beards. Moderate like Hamas. LOL.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


Israel and ISIS.


LOL…your hero’s are losing. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. Damn, and Israel doesn’t have to do much at all but watch and smile.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Hilarious, it took your shower 2000 years of begging Christians to get you back into Palestine!

You couldn’t do it yourselves, and you still rely on Christian soldiers and tech to save your apartheid statelet.


LOL…poor baby, doesn’t like to see his heros being wiped out.

Legis Legis Juscius

nayrab and saragib and kafr nabell are major cities HAHAHAHAH thats vilages dude


Ah those imaginary head chopping ‘moderate rebels’

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Kafr nabl liberated by rebels Al Barah liberated All regime’s southern Idlib gains REVERSED by Turkey


There are no rebels just HTS/Al qaeda jihadis

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Major embarrassment for the SHITTY ARAB ARMY (SAA) worst infantry in Earth’s history


Cant be that shitty since it has defeated all attempts at regime change since 2011


Only because Israel wanted to have him stay instead of having total chaos there.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

IDF soon formally offers air support assistance to the Turkish Army/rebels to combat the butcher regime

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

Netanyahu officially pledges firm military support if Erdogan requests it!

Azriel Herskowitz

Turkish drones are raining fire on the regime right now! I don’t see how much longer the regime can keep sustaining these casualties!


Till they lose with Hezbollah and Islamist Iran along for the final ride, at least I hope.


dream on jew asshole – erdogan would rather die than take any help from the jews and if erdogan hates anything more than cia it’s netanyahu who he would like to see swinging from the nearest lamppost.


I think you will find that the Turkish drones being used to wipe out your Assad butt buddies are from Israel or if Israeli design. So are many of their front line tanks and other weapons. It is the Mideast and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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