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MARCH 2025

No Concessions From Russia: ‘Easter Truce’ In Ukraine Rejected

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No Concessions From Russia: 'Easter Truce' In Ukraine Rejected

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UN Secretary General Guterres called on Russia and Ukraine for a four-day truce on the eve of Easter for humanitarian aid and the withdrawal of citizens. Previously, all joint attempts to secure humanitarian corridors were thwarted by the Ukrainian side, as a result Russian forces are providing evacuation from the war-torn cities and villages by their own means. 

On April 21, the Russian side rejected the proposal for an “Easter truce” at another meeting of the UN Security Council.

The Russian representative said, “Calls for peace are false and insincere. The respite period will give the Kyiv nationalists time to regroup, obtain new weapons and publish fakes about the actions of Russian soldiers. The Russian Federation will separate pseudo-calls for peace from a sincere desire to help Ukraine make the only right decision. The sooner Ukraine does this, despite the EU’s desire to profit from the war, the better it will be for the country. Therefore, the goals of a special military operation to liberate Donbas and demilitarize and denazify Ukraine and eliminate Russia’s threats will be accomplished.”

Active and indirect actors in the conflict do not agree to a ceasefire regime. The U.S. is actively discussing the future supply of Ukraine with more and more weapons, and new countries are increasingly involved in the discussion of arms supplies.

In turn, deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev commented on the inconsistency of Western rhetoric:

“The UN Secretary-General proposes to declare a four-day “Easter truce” in Ukraine.

An hour later, German Chancellor Comrade Schultz calls for increasing the supply of weapons to Ukraine, including heavy weapons, so that Russia, as they like to say, will never win.

A very consistent position of the international community.”

Russia reportedly began the second stage of the military operation in Ukraine. While fierce clashes continue, Russian troops have managed to advance and take control of some new areas. Meanwhile, in Mariupol, Ukrainian nationalists from the Azov battalion are besieged at the Azovstal plant, demanding their evacuation. A four-day truce would allow the AFU to strengthen its positions, transfer more weapons to the front line and launch another information operation, for example, aimed at freeing the Azov militants from Mariupol by any third party, but not at evacuating civilians who have been held hostage for months in war-torn cities. For example, the mayor of Kharkiv has confirmed that civilians should stay in the city and no mass evacuation is needed.


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Clown of Kiev

No matter, I’ll still be able to color my Easter eggs in the bunker. Until the last Ukrainian! Slava Ukraini!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace





No this is the best artillery salvo



Not too many Uki trolls here today mate LOL


Exactly. Fewer than before but very loud and without any substance. A ‘dying candle’ syndrome :)


i would cave towards the basements of Azovstal with a team of excavators

Omas Bioladen

Good idea. A hughe drill would also be nice.

Tomas Sawyerovski

The DPR want the trapped NATO embed advisers. They are valuable for intel and ransom. Otherwise they would either just flood them or use bulldozers to pile concrete over any entrances.

jens holm

So far they have fund none.


FOUND you moron !! “fund” is to finance yu dimwit….

Pamfil Military Academy

Exactly. Putin cancelled the attacks on the last remaining nazi rat hole, Azovstal and just besiege it. Sooner or later they will capitulate. Paulus 6’th army pattern. Agree about foreign instructors. There are around 300 of them, different nationalities and would be a phenomenal propaganda asset for Kremlin.


Don’t be sad, Pute-in will created some with that drunk or put an uniform on a drunk Russian soldier just before they excecute him because he refussed to rape a women.

John Tosh

Do you mean NATO wants its own citizens it sent to Ukraine dead just to cover up the crime ??

This is not Bucha you know where Azov pulled dead bodies into position for the Cameras.

Zelenskyy is an actor. He will continue to perform now that the West has paid him over $20 million and offered him Hollywood contracts to act in movies as soon as Ukraine is destroyed!

Zelenskyy has been waiting for this opportunity to act in big Hollywood movies for a long time. All he needs to do is get a few Ukrainians he does not know or like to die!

Talk about a deal with the devil!

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh
jens holm

Putin certainly unite the world more then Biden.

Much as muslims had their behinds Mecca 5 times a day.

Pamfil Military Academy

No man, he wants to grab them, align them on some wall and film ALL when they ask the question: Name ? Country ? Age ? Military status ? Better propaganda can’t be found anywhere.

hans raus

Lets finish russian child rapists and civilian killers, everything is possible with advanced toys from NATO brothers. Glory to NATO and Ukraine HOOAH

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace



You’ve got it all mixed up again, with Ukrainian child rapists and murderers of Donbass civilians, everything is possible with advanced toys from brothers from Russia. Glory to Russia and Shame to NATO and Nazi Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey
Ashok Varma

Indian state TV paused its regular programs to announce that RUSSIAN FORCES HAVE LIBERATED MARIUPOL.

“Mariupol has been liberated by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the forces of the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow” and Russian Forces are pressing forward . http:/doordarshan.com

Hansy Pansy wants to Come Out of the Closet

Lets finish neo-fascist Ukrainian proven civilian murderers, everything is possible with advanced toys from Russia brothers. Glory to DPR/LPR and Russia. HURRAH.

hans raus

Zieg Heil! \o

Omas Bioladen

Germany Chncellors name is Scholz, not Schultz whereas Schulz was another hopless loser candidate for chancellor of the SPD.



hans raus

dream on you russian loser and primitive creature.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

The Ruskies just tore you loser Krauts another arsehole raus , raus with the lube job.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace
Hansy Pansy wants to Come Out of the Closet

Chancellor Scholz is reversing on supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine. See Bild media.

Omas Bioladen

Russia schlould seal all entries with a 4m layer of concrete anlet them be.

jens holm

They tryed. Untill 1991 there was such a kind of wall, so DDR kept even Russian for leaving.

Thats the difference. We try to keep people OUT.

hans raus

German self-propelled howitzers panzerhaubitze 2000 are on the way to Ukraine….time to roast some russian terrorists ….hooah

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

They will be useful to the Russian army when it captures them. Time to fry the Nazi asses!)))

hans raus

just like in kiev region ? russobots getting more and more dumb ^^


Stupid Nazi bot, as in the Donbass of course. Ukrainian Nazis from the territorial defense have worked in the Kiev region.

Last edited 2 years ago by Andrey
jens holm

I hope they can defend them well.


They will be useful to the DPR and the LPR, you can be sure.

jens holm

we will see.


Actually the Russian got the Serial Number of each piece and entered in the inventory of Russian Arty….. The Ukro-Nazi Faggs are selling all the shit for Rubles….

Hansy Pansy wants to Come Out of the Closet

There is not enough time to fully train AUF on new foreign systems, equipped with German language systems. Perhaps Germany wants to send its crews to directly fight in Ukraine again, so, how did that work out for them last time around…? However, in reality the only way to transport these across Ukraine is on railway lines that Russia is now bombing. They won’t even get across the cross the Dnieper, since AUF dropped most of the heavy load bearing bridges. These will end up shunted around training camps in far west of Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hansy Pansy wants to Come Out of the Closet
jens holm

All Nato things are in standard english too. I also see a lot of the inccomings as replacements. They might have the crews, which might learn from something.

The logistics might be a problem. But they do have wheels. Some heavy nowitzers has seperated barrels. Most might assume they send, what can be used.

None says the front for those canons are, where the hard fightings are rigt now. I might make sense later on to guard Dniepr 10 to 20 kilometer.

Dick Von D'Astard

Azovstal plant is now Azov Penitentiary. Life sentences.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard
hans raus

since 24.02 ? 100% or 99,6556454565% ? russobots must be in desperation mode ^^

Dick Von D'Astard

Judging by the frenetic hysteria coming from the CIA/MI6-Nazi camp it looks very much the other way around.

Hansy Pansy wants to Come Out of the Closet

since 2022, 100% or ALL, Ukrobots ARE certifiably in full desperation mode^^

you are living proof..irony, it’s a bitch

hans raus

but i love sucking cocks

Peter The Ungrateful

“A little less conversation, a little more action, please…”

Ashok Varma

Indian SAIL and Mittal Steel have offered to completely refurnish the Azovstal, the largest steel works in Europe. Russia/USSR set up most of our steel plants during the 70’s and 80’s when India underwent huge industrialization thanks to our Russian brothers, now Indians want to repay the debt for all the years of Russian support. Russia will become number 1 in steel production. JAI RUS! JAI PUTIN!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
jens holm

It might be a recycle facility.


Bet he will have to discuss with Ukraine.

Peter The Ungrateful

More like DPR.

Pamfil Military Academy

JAI Hindu ! Fuck NATO, the terrorist organization !

Omas Bioladen

Hey bunker-ukrops,

Putin has ordered for you a fresh pizza deliverey here with smoking pizza hawaii, fughi, salami and bacon. Plenty of side dishes and hot coffee too. Tell us where you are, we will send it to you as a sign of respect and in good faith.



Do not be afraid about the Pizza guy not looking Italian but Russian speznaz. He is nice guy, always delivers in time and is deadfriendly.

Peter The Ungrateful

New variant, just for UkroNaZis: Pizza Speznaz.

Dick Von D'Astard

Russian Defense Ministry announced on Thursday that the military took control of the city of Mariupol, as informed by the Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

However, at the same time, it was reported that Putin called the raid on the Azovstal industrial zone in Mariupol inconvenient and ordered to cancel. “I consider the proposed assault on the industrial zone inconvenient. I order to cancel it,” Putin said. In addition, the president confirmed that the lives of those who surrendered would be guaranteed.

According to Defense Ministry figures, during the “liberation of the city, more than 4,000 were killed, 1,478 surrendered, and the remaining group of more than 2,000 was blocked in the Azovstal industrial zone.”

Ashok Varma

Indian TV announced this great Russian VICTORY! The Russians and their allies need to wholeheartedly congratulated. They fought with the ferocity of Siberian Tigers. JAI PUTIN, JAI RUS! Hindi-Russi Bhai Bhai!


Putin said that there is no need to go to the catacombs. Nothing else. I’ve heard it from him. Russia can wait for them at the exit or even flush them out. No need to go down there and get killed. I think it might have been a political media stunt from Putin so is not labeled as human shield killer


Last edited 2 years ago by good4u
hans raus

#Ukraine intends to launch a strike on the #Crimean bridge which #Russia uses as the main logistical route for military deliveries.

“If there is an opportunity to do so, we will definitely do it,” said secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Oleksiy Danilov.


very good idea, russobots will cry ^^


Grow up trolls. Russia will simply FOAB or Nuke the Ukis if they try that, even if they could somehow. Ukraine is pretty muck kaput.

hans raus

just like after moskva warship story? ^^ west dont take russian threats seriously, especially empty nuke threats ^^ try harder next time

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
hans raus

cocks in my ass, piss and shit in my mouth

jens holm

If You want to raise You level grab a chair


The Uki fucktards are being driven in the sewers like rats and you are pushing BS from a troll farm, quite pathetic dude.

Peter The Ungrateful

Except for the nukes. Nobody wants the radioactive ash of Ukrops raining in their coffee.

jens holm

Hard to see that destruction as plus or minus. Its a bad one if thart very expensive bridge is out or order. They also has water lacks out there.

Peter The Ungrateful

Yep, they should try and see what happens: https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1517077142215041024

jens holm

Millions are evacuated. Those people are not hostages. They live there. Now they cant and then would like to leave until the attacking enemy is back in its own country.

Putin lost it. They might even see it themselves.

Its the Russians which in eveil destructions and random killings seemes to want Ukra citicens as hostile voters in Russia.

The next Oligarcs in Russia seemes to be coffinmakers and undertakers. That goes for Ukraine as well.

Here the Russias seemes to be more adavanced and in front cheeting. Yesterday their artillery striked a mass grave center, så the inhabitants below must be dead twice.

Pamfil Military Academy

The critical mass of casualties of banderisputas nazi criminals are around 200.000; that means all, KIA, MIA, surrenders, etc…today good news: the 25.000 KIA CIA sponsored ukrop terrorists is reached. TOTAL: around 80.000 casualties. So you can make your own estimate how long will take to eliminate the difference of 120.000. I think that’s the russian strategy, to grind as many neo-hitlerists as can till the breaking point; or somewhat near. Then a swift, powerful blow to chase the nazi rats out of land.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
jens holm

A Ruusian true story:

Some very drunk hit a fast flying duck. How did You do it, they asked. There was so many…

The critical mass is Russian coffins.

mike l hutchings

why stop? it”s not like NAZI believe in God unless Hitler came back

jens holm

2,15% are nazis.


Fucking Commie Jews

jens holm

They keep You alive for experimental use.


Finally Russia stopped giving useless concessions. Just hit them hard, no chance to regroup and resupply.

Pamfil Military Academy

Just last evening a small post in Romania documented that US have 1 BSL4 biolab in the country and peoples were knowing NOTHING about that. Only the intelligence agencies know. It is located in the far east of the country near border with Ukraine, at Tulcea. That already triggered vastconcern in media but I think this will gonna to be a discarded subject immediately when the shithole criminal Empire of Lies will order romanian colony to shut down this kind of news. It happened in the past and will happen now for sure

jens holm

You have to remember foreign facilities also pay for it. There are foreign jails in several countries too.

Even from Denmrk I actually know they have a rela bse there(too) to Ukra help for upgrading the Ukra forces.

Denmark has an almost secret US spy center. Its because we are relative big as Internet HUB. We are allied but they have done things we dont like at all too.


Easter – Jews and Nazis don’t believe in Easter – wake up Russia – your fight is also with the Zionists Jews from Israel.

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