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No Diplomatic Solution To Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict At This Stage: Armenian PM

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No Diplomatic Solution To Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict At This Stage: Armenian PM

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on October 21 there was no diplomatic solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at this stage.

In a live speech on Facebook, Pashinyan revealed that everything that was acceptable to Armenia now, is not acceptable to Azerbaijan anymore.

“Azerbaijan no longer agrees with what we agree or will agree, which means that at this stage it is at least pointless to talk about any diplomatic solution,” the Armenian Prime Minister said.

Pashinyan also touched on the ongoing battles in Nagorno-Karabakh, saying that Armenian forces are inflicting heavy losses on the Azerbaijani troops. The PM claimed that more than 10,000 Azerbaijani soldiers have been killed, so far.

The Armenian PM concluded his speech by calling on everyone cable of carrying weapons to go and fight for Nagorno-Karabakh.

Despite Pashinyan’s claims, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held separate meetings with the foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Moscow, the press service of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation reported on October 21. Foreign Ministers will also meet U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on October 23 in Washington.

Meanwhile, clashes continue in the disputed region. Azerbaijani forces are making new gains on a daily basis, despite receiving some losses.

Pashinyan’s speech will not likely improve the chances of a political solution for the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. The battle there may continue for weeks, if not months.


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Servet Köseoğlu

The Armenian PM concluded his speech by calling on everyone cable of carrying weapons to go and fight for Nagorno-Karabakh.Dont be ridicilous.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/220d6f81105b043ea5042f54f038e7952271ceed863a5dfff7cdac12d6aca839.gif

John Brown

Looks really bad like its game over Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM Armenians getting their asses kicked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyfriipc61A George Soros is laughing as the puppets he installed in the coup in Armenia are following his orders to destroy Armenia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgflCE7zRpc


yeah but stay away from the russian air base https://eurasiantimes.com/russia-shot-down-a-total-of-nine-turkish-bayraktar-drones-near-its-armenia-military-base-russian-media-reports/

seriously, first Iran, now Russia!!! stop using the GPS and start using Glonass, for chriss sake

Servet Köseoğlu

fake,absurd,nonsense…hadnt happened such a thing…


Don’t know. It is circulating. Certainly Russia has the means to shoot down those drones.

Servet Köseoğlu

9 drones operating at the same time non-sense..on top of that operating Near Russian air-base beyond the belief..absolutely fake…



this is the original source

it looks like it should have happened during 48 hours

also the article says it is not certain, because some drone wreackages show traces of damage by AA missiles

Servet Köseoğlu

После того, как Азербайджан задействовал для нанесения ударов по территории НКР и Армении турецкие ударные беспилотные летательные аппараты Bayraktar TB-2, Россия неожиданно пустила в ход своё уникальное вооружение….ı know russian language but its not a serious source and not serious approach…Россия неожиданно пустила в ход :)))ı laughed hard hahaha..thanks…bmdp livejournal.com is serious source ı advise you..(if you are russian of course)


Well, Putin wants “business and partnership” with the terrorist Ziocorporate globalists, so Russia must adapt to Zioterrorist global geopolicy and can’t live up to any CSTO defense commitments unless Armenia were invaded by terrorist Turks, NATO or something of the kind. Since Russia doesn’t see NK as Armenian territory, the Kremlin will be too busy trying to finish Nordstream2 with Germany’s Ziocorporatists and extending START with the US terrorists to care.

Rhodium 10

Pashinyan dont recognize NK as part of Armenia or independent republic because western countries dont allow him


Russia finds weird reasons to point fingers to the West. The predecessors of this Armenian PM were all pro-Russia and they didn’t recognize N-K either.

Rhodium 10

With pro Russian president ruling Armenia, AZ would never has started this war…this is the similar case of Lukashenko in Belarus…Western started to support oposition when Luka Betrayed Putin and ask for close ties with EU and USA.


So why the Rusofiles leaders of Armenuia, before the war l, didn’t reconise N-K? My guess is Russia always oposed since better with the wealthyer one.

Rhodium 10

Because it was not needed as NK is de de facto part of Armenia and his population have Armenia passport and are nationals of Armenia!…without pro Russian president NK is over!… I wrote it in SF when pro Russian president was expelled and Pashinyan told that Russia-Armenia partner should be reviewed.


Then why some Ruskies ask why current PM doesn’t recognize Nagorno independence? My guess is that would get Russia upset.


No, better with the status quo. You are accusing Russia of not helping Armenia in gaining recognition over NK. But AZ and Turkey are accusing Russia of standing still, turning their thumbs, for 30 years straight, without resolving the NK issue.

Russia had much pressing questions to face.

Europe hates America

Pashinyan looks totally lost with his speech. He’s really not a smart man


He is not capabile of reading the field and he is killing his own people with his stubbornness.

John Brown

What Pashinyan is really saying there is No Diplomatic Solution To Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict At This Stage

with him staying in power in Armenia

And for calling on everyone cable of carrying weapons to go and fight for Nagorno-Karabakh.:

so he might stay in power a little longer and please his lord George Soros with the sacrifice of many Armenia souls for his gods George Soros and Satan

Putin Apologist

Erdogan and Aliyev? You have got to be kidding, the Armenians, over their long history, have had to fight empires, the Babylonian, the Persian, the Roman, the Ottoman, to defend their lands and even for their very survival as a people.

Մահ չիմացեալ մահ է, Մահ իմացեալ՝ անմահություն.

Translation: Death is unknowable death, Death known is immortality.

John Brown

So you want all Armenians to die or just the men?

I am sure Soros will be glad to make Armenia one of the new global sources of sex trafficking and sex slavery of Armenian women and children once all the men are sent off to die as you seem to want.

Ask the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria what that was like.

Putin Apologist

The inevitable death of “all Armenians”? You are too fatalistic, to the point of being a coward. Have you no faith? No man or woman, Armenian or not, dies unless it be God’s Will.

As an Armenia friend of mine recently wrote, “It is said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time-to-time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Armenia’s tree of liberty is once again being watered amply this fall.”

John Brown

I see the tyranny of Satan refreshed with the blood of innocent Armenians.

Why don’t you go to the front lines first and die as you want others to do for you practice what you preach chicken hawk.

I am sure Soros will be glad to make Armenia one of the new global sources of sex trafficking and sex slavery of Armenian women and children once all the men are sent off to die as you seem to want.

Ask the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria what that was like.

This is how it is done and it will happen if Armenia follows Soros and his lord Satan as the wage of Satan is death.

Putin Apologist

We see what we want to see and we fear what we want to fear. If you see and fear Satan it is because you have turned away from God. God will protect Armenia, its people and its lands, if this be God’s Will.

John Brown

Wow what a fool you are.

God helps those who help themselves.You tempt god by expecting god to fight all your battles for you.

Again why don’t you go to the front lines first and die as you want others to do for you, practice what you preach, chicken hawk.


Uhm Soros will get disappointed big time




Harry Smith

The Mofo wants to keep his PM office until last Armenian.

John Brown

Exactly! For him its Fu__ok those stupid Armenian Goyim

Fog of War

Oy Vey !!


Pashinyan will lose his power because of this mess, that’s for sure. But he may be even jailed because treason.

Mr T

he will hang on a tree in Yerevan or on a tree in Karabag. His choice.

Ashok Varma

Armenians are not that motivated and will accept defeat. The only option that will save lives is to withdraw from Karabakh and strengthen the military. Russia will not allow Armenia proper to be attacked.


Armenians will lock him up and trial him.

Vox Populi

Not certain, if there is that much nationalism or strong opposition in Armenia as Soros and other cabal members have weakened civil society over the years. The only option for Armenia is for the military to arrest him and try him and form a government of national unity as the country faces an existential threat. His war claims are also worse than absurd. Total military casualties on both sides have been less than 2,000 so far, as it has largely remained a border war.

John Brown

Good comment 100% right.


We will see

Vox Populi

Pashinyan is a frontman for global Bilderberg/Soros and was intentionally placed in power to weaken Armenia and pry it away from Russian orbit at even at the cost of the small expendable country’s destruction. What is quite surprising is the lack of public outrage at his treachery and incompetence. It speaks volumes about the western media backing him to the last Armenian standing. In the end it may be up to the Armenian military to install a national unity government and try this idiot for treason.

John Brown



Yeah, I agree, military may act earlier than the people to throw him.


Whoohoho, the pack of Turds sliding down the wall is amazing this days in SF.

So, yeah, why should Russians give an rats ass about Allies, or Allied at all. I found an intresting list, hurrah patriots, but then again, you dont care, because of an president, like Russia didnt give an rats ass about E. Morales in Bolivia a man whom backed Crimea. Armed Azeris along with Armenians. Armed Turdians while denying Syrians any level. Armed Turdians, while denying Iran any leverage. Arming India so they have leverage on China. Remeber whom armed the Croats while they wacked Serbs, you eh…. slavic brothers. Whom backs ISISrael by doing absolutely nothing while they wack Russians incl high ranking officers, and hides behind civil air traffic and bombs Syria.

Yeah, its nothing personal, right, its just bizzenizze and we arent obliged to do anything, right hurrah patriots. Well, not that Russians are rotten to their core, more than others, like France, the Brits, Italians, etc, and they all makes the impression of been some sort of opposing Erdogan, while they in fact do nothing. Fascinating isnt it, and Russians whines about the Imperial banana republics banana throwers and monkeys, as some sort of non negotiable or untrustwurthy, yup, my ass. I knew Armenia would have to do this on their own, and others whom thinks Russia is an partner or allie, never forget this, Russians is crashing their integrity and credibility in an temp witch is by all means impressive. And what saddens me, is that I am not that surpriced, the signs where there in Syria already, if you arent totaly blinded by seeing Putin as Dha Saviour.


Rhodium 10

Surely you went to the street of Yerevan during past colour revolution to bring Pashinyan as president!..people in the streets shouting vs Russia and ask for EU membership


These ‘colour revolutions’ get cliser and closer :)

Rhodium 10

Belarus oposition has failed in achieve its goals..and Pashinyan will fall anyway…Russia has deployed troops and big flags in Armenia-Iran border to avoid that AZ forces seize that part of Armenia and attached it to Nahkhichevan knowing that Western countries will not move any finger to avoid it as Turkey is a NATO member!…therefore Pashinyan betrayed by West , Ukraine and Georgia should be expelled!


The color revolutions was a joke. A non-Russian can’t say that with a straight face.

cechas vodobenikov

ukrop tries English and fails


Muzik tries joke and fails

John Brown

They were color coups.


Any other color than red is blasphemy

John Brown

One is happening in the USA right now as they start to destroy themselves. Whom god destroys he first makes mad.


Lol. Your fragile shithole would collapse in 3 days if you had the USA riots. These are not even closer to the 60’s and 70’s riots when cities were burned to the ground. America can go on and on with covid, riots, wars, huricanes and what not.

John Brown

60’s and 70’s America had a great economy compared to the present. back then low debt, good paying jobs a strong economy, and a unified people.

Today America is bankrupt, totally corrupt, has no morals, the family structure has been destroyed, has no economy, is in a super depression and is multicultural with open borders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzEwJ31F82A


You don’t understand how they calculate their debt. They multiplicate it with the inflation in the past 100 years.

John Brown

Tell yourself that when the Zio dollar collapses and it cost a wheel barrel full of dollars to buy a loaf of bread.


Lenin’s head started to wink at you.


And claims of ‘hell raining’ on HTS in Idlib, without a single video prove.


The americans don’t go around filming their massacres too.

Sometimes, independent or leaked films come out, but never through official channels.

Bombing the shit out of the al nusra terrorists, means destroying entire parts of the city, killing even civilians. Things you don’t want the world to see.


So Russia is comiting genocide, that’s why they’re no filming tho?

cechas vodobenikov

more jihad stupidity; the Russophobic ,anti-semitic armenians have no friends—except hypocrite CIA paid posters like u and bacon

John Brown

How can Armenians be anti-semitic when their leaders worship George Soros and his lord Satans their god. Just like America Armenian’s will see the wage of Satan is death.


Soros is Israel’s enemy number 1. Yes, strange but true. He has tried many times to enact his color revolutions in Tel Aviv.

John Brown

Nice try. Wow, George Soros, an enemy that never harms Israel or Jewish power ever in an way.

Just like ISIS another so called enemy who never harmed Israel or global Jewish power in any way ever.

Who both work tirelessly to further the interests of Israel and global Jewish power.

With enemies like them who needs friends or allies?


No harm? Just because the israelis have been smart enough to kick him in the ass https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-hungary-soros-idUSKBN19V1J4

John Brown

What a joke you are. Israel uses Soros in Hungary to extract concessions from the Goyims there. Do as we say or we send in Soros. The same with Zio ISIS etc.


A complete young Generation of Armenian men is sacrificed for their incapable President. This will also probably have devasting influence on Population grow, on an already small country when things continue like this.

Fog of War

” there was no diplomatic solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at this stage. ” Because NK must be lost for the plan to proceed.


This is not what Pashinyan wants. Armenian people are forcing their PM to continue the senseless war. So Pashinyan will be fine.

Assad must stay



More dead turks!


Assad must stay


Assad must stay

no there is not, armenia needs to push back the azeris once and for all

Ashok Varma

Armenia has been let down by all. The Turks and Pakistanis are bringing in Afghan Wahhabi terrorists as even reported by controlled Pakistani media. Armenians have no leadership even in the military.

Assad must stay

shame on russia for not helping them more

James Adams

He needs to go to all out war !!!

cechas vodobenikov

the CIA creates many aliases at SF—like flies they die off and breed new fake names

Random Dude

Damn, this guy is into BDSM

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