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MARCH 2025

No Guarantee That ‘Kosovo Army’ Would Not Be Used Against Serbian Population: Russian UN Envoy

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No Guarantee That 'Kosovo Army' Would Not Be Used Against Serbian Population: Russian UN Envoy


There is no guarantee that the so-called Kosovo Army would not be used against the Serbian population, according to Russia’s U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia.

He said that the creation of the army is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and added that the US and NATO are actively training and supplying the force, which in large measure consists of “terrorists”.

Nebenzia emphasized that Kosvo remains a “comfortable area” to recruit radicals returning from Syria and Iraq. The Russian diplomat recalled that criminal actions against the Serbian population are a common practice in the area and involved persons often avoid punishment.

The Russian Embassy in London released a statement condemning the approach of the UK and other Western countries, which ingore the threat for the territory’s Serbian population.

“We would want to remind once again that the prospect of creating the so-called ‘Kosovo army’ presents a direct threat to Serbians residing in the territory’s north and this drastically increases the potential for emergence of a new source of tensions in the Balkans. It is suprising that Western representatives persistently ignore this obvious fact that was mentioned, for instance, in the last half-year report by the head of the OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe] mission in Pristina,” the statement said.

“Instead of adhering to voluntarily assumed commitments on normalizing the situation in the region, they [EU member-states] are in reality turning a blind eye to flagrant violations of international law,” it added.

“As we noted earlier, Pristina’s decision to transform Kosovo’s security forces into full-fledged ‘armed forces’ represents a flagrant violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 which allows only for multinational contingents under international control to be present on this territory. At the same, the decision runs counter to Kosovo’s ‘constitution’,” the Russian Embassy noted. “We regularly draw attention of representatives of countries of the Western bloc at different platforms to this outrageous fact, but certain supporters of Kosovo’s independence refute our arguments under various pretexts. The British, in particular, insist on some special ‘legal interpretation’ of the aforementioned resolution which seems to align very well with their own concept of ‘rules-based order’.”

It is important to note that the presence of terrorists in the so-called Kosovo army was raised at the international level. However, the fact, which was not addressed, is that most of these terrorists are former ISIS members, including ethnic Albanians, Bosnians as well as persons of the Middle East and North Africa descent.

In the framework of the current conflict, the UK plays a role of the main supporters of actions of the administration of the self-proclaimed Kosovo state and its supporters in the Albanian leadership. In fact, London is seeking to instigate conflict in the Balkans and to create a new point of instability. The behind the scenes reason of this behavior could be some historical grievances and complexes. Another possible reason is British attempts to weaken the EU and its key member state, Germany.

On the other hand, Berlin has a very different attitude in comparison to the one observed in 1995, during scandalous Operation Storm by Croatian forces and Bosnian muslims backed up by the US and NATO in the Republic of Serbian Krajina. Then, Germany was showing all kinds of support, including diplomatic, to the Croatian aggression. Now, Berlin is working to prevent a new armed conflict near its territory.

The US has an alike attitude, but it has other motives. Washington understands that if it supports the Kosovan-Albanian aggression against the Serbs, it could lose Serbia as a possible ally and NATO member state in the medium term. Strategically, Serbia as an ally has much more value for the US than the interests of the Kosovan separatists.

Despite the observed international pressure on the Kosovo leadership, the current complicated military and political situation in nearby regions contribute to the rise of a new hot conflict in the Balkans.

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Stefan Srbija

Dogodine u Prizenu!!

Ukë Rugova


Jens Holm

You should join with youhurt and rucola. If You all becommes fat, You cant fight.

Jens Holm

You should join with youhurt and rucola. If You all becommes fat, You cant fight. The visdomme is taken from Erbo-pedia.

Lazy Gamer

Terrorists usually are drawn to other conflicts. It is unfortunate that these still manage to get back home


Not that simple, true terrorists are devoted to a cause, Osama Bin Laden’s cause was to get American troops out of Saudi Arabia. So if they turn up like ISIS has in the Philippines and Afghanistan it means they are just mercenaries, in the case of ISIS they fight for the USA for the money.

Jens Holm

Its payed in Syrian pounds – Those are like grammes :)

Jens Holm

For Bosniaks there was no other choise against the destructions and etnic cleansing.

They begged and prayed west and others.

So they has to ask the Devil. Most muslims in Bosnia was moderate in a European/Konstantinopel version. But then they got in 1000 professionals making the fist Bosniak army – giving weapons – given them whabittish support from different sour´ces mainly Saudis.

Those was not drawn, they were prayed and begged for.


“On the other hand, Berlin has a very different attitude in comparison to the one observed in 1995, during scandalous Operation Storm by Croatian forces and Bosnian muslims backed up by the US and NATO in the Republic of Serbian Krajina. Then, Germany was showing all kinds of support, including diplomatic, to the Croatian aggression.”

You mean like Russia did in Chechnya, twice.

Brother Ma

Chechnya was part of the Soviet Union, fool. Croatia was not part of Germany. Read a book!


“Read a book!” You’re asking a lot of him, would a picture book do?

Jens Holm

Tjetjenia was traded away for liberating Baltics and a lot of other parts of the USSR colonies stolen even before HItler-Rippentrop.

Jens Holm

It was afterwards. Serbs had all weapons incl,. tanks and jets. By that Germany let the Croations buy everything they needed aprrt from the hard stuff such as artillery.

But afterwards it was very strange, that Bosniaks couldnt get weapons – not even light ones.

And some seemes to forget many others then Germany was in that. Its as if the counterpart friends and supporters were not too.

Ljiljana. Stajic

Ofcourse they would try to use ammunition. Hopefully within days we will see some shift in that part of rep. Serbia&KiM. The court in Hague is awaiting for the 3main actors haradiney, veselji & taci. All good news.

Ukë Rugova

We would more than happy if they get imprissoned. We will find new and better leaders to lead our country

Ljiljana. Stajic

Dear Uke Rugova, I sincerely hope so for the sake of all that live in rep. Serbia and KiM. International community too is not happy with the 3 musketeeres they are demanding changes, people that they can trust. PEACE IS WHAT MY, YOUR PEOPLE WANT.

Ukë Rugova

KiM exists only in your imaginary reality. It is called Republic of Kosova. There will not be peace until you accept the reality that Kosova will always be an Albanian land.

As for the international community, they have their own agenda and I do not care what they will do with our leaders as long as my country progresses and gets stronger.

My people have suffered for 100 years from the Serbian militia but now the tide has switch sides, they will suffer no more. Never.

Ljiljana. Stajic

On my view rep. Kosovo is a rogue, Parahiah.I speak for myself KiM is rep. Serbia. Was Now and in the Future. Yours is just a dream. We Serbs have job, duty no to let you steal our country. And the tide is turning our way. Some countries recognized ‘ROGUE’. They run before they could walk. I appeal to them no to delay to cancel recognition of Kosovo today. There are few in pipeline getting ready Having said that wall to wall rep. Serbia. All belongs to all citizens who mean well. Albania is something else, different country. Different people. As for suffering your people aren’t the only one who suffered. I have evidence of different types. And if I am wrong your chosen leaders would not be in line to visit Hague court again. There is no such thing as one sided war. Serbian killing all?.. As Kosovo Muslim often suggest. There is no good guy at any war. You people speak as some kind of ‘Victor’s’ But only because you had Nato to do bomb rep Serbia and KiM. Most attrocities were committed by NATO that most kisivi Muslims blamed Serbs instead of NATO. But I have evidence of B52 planes bombing KiM., leaving base in Europe heading for to bomb rep. Serbia and KiM. However let us finish here. I am Serbian and KiM is rep. Serbia. But am sure people need Peace. Prosperity had at stand still point. Stuck. Your Telecommunication had bancrupt Your airline too. You imposed 100%tax. Serbia do not export to Kosovo but found market in uk and other countries. EU is reimbursing rep. Serbia for any loss. But recognizing something that is ours is not possible. No need. I shan’t say anymore on this subject. Finish. Best wishes.

Jens Holm

Whatever. Facts are they as the rest dont want to be with Serbs. Hard to see they and the rest should.

You seemes to have learned notning since before 1912. NOTHING.

Gregory Casey

How old are you now Jens? 5 ? Have you learned anything yet!

Jens Holm

Kosovo va vo va vo Youhurt is no Albanian land as well as it is not Serbia at all.

Thats the whole stupidity among You.

Ukë Rugova

Sure – it belongs to the people who live in it, including Albanians and Serbs. But clearly there is a 90%+ majority of Albanian ethnicity…

Raptar Driver

There will be no peace until the terrorists are run out or eliminated, stop the fantasies.

Ljiljana. Stajic

Please forgive me. Rugova is famous enough surname. I nominate you. It runs in the family, ofcourse?

Jens Holm

Thats not Your country

Raptar Driver

Don’t count on this NATO court for justice, Serbs will have to take it into their own hands.

Jens Holm

Most there seemes to be children.

Saso Mange

”Then, Germany was showing all kinds of support, including diplomatic, to the Croatian aggression.”

Funny, Operation Storm was liberation operation and it ended Serbian aggression, what do you think that Bosnians and Croats used Jugoslav People’s Army, no it was Serbs who stole JNA and attacked it’s neighbors.

Saso Mange

It’s funny how biased these guys on SF are when it comes to Balkans, only shouting Serbian propaganda which is too easy to refute.

Ukë Rugova

Exactly. They think that we eat grass and do not know how to read between the lines.

Raptar Driver

No, that would make you a noble cow, you and yours are more like pigs, you eat everything, even your own shit.

Saso Mange

War from 1990’s is well documented, so much video proves (videos which aggressor recorded mostly itself, how they harass woman and children) and still we hear funny claims like these on SF. For Syria and else i highly agree with SF but whenever they mention ex-Yugoslavia it is merely Serbian propaganda and what Slobodan Milosevic was saying in 1990’s while the whole world witnessed completely different situation. So called ”Islamic fundamentalists” from Bosnia haven’t did even one revenge attack in almost 30 years since war even tho tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims were murdered, many left with no family members but still they have dignity not to do what they were accused of constantly.

That’s all there is actually.

Raptar Driver

Facts aren’t propaganda, that is what you are doing scum.

Jens Holm

All others feared joining the “SERBIAN ARMY”.

Gregory Casey

Why? ‘cos they’d have to do some training? and learn not to engage in War Crimes against Civilians?

Raptar Driver

Don’t know what you mean.

Saso Mange

Facts? You are clearly brainwashed by it so you only know how to insult rather than provide something constructive. Relax.

Raptar Driver

Leave my country alone then I will relax.

Saso Mange

As if i give a damn about your country i am just stating facts.

Raptar Driver

You have stated no facts, how was operation storm “liberation” when Serbs have lived there in the majority for centuries, you are a tool of disinformation. So by your “facts” when Serbia sends its army to Kosovo that will be liberation.

Saso Mange

how about Serbs taking part of Croatia and terorizing civilians with army? Shut up, 96% war crimes in Yugoslavia were done by Serbs so if you had slightest amount of shame you would be silent about it. Shelling of Dubrovnik was enough.

Raptar Driver

Yeah how about that? Maybe you should learn history and then the situation would become clearer. The Serbs took nothing, they were a majority in those areas that Tito gave Croatia for centuries but no one wanted to give them autonomy or their own state because they are Serbs, everyone else got theirs.

Saso Mange

btw Kosovo is Serbian land but because Serbs terrorized it’s people it got right for self determination. What a shame!

Raptar Driver

You are not right in the head my friend.

Raptar Driver

Bullshit, the JNA was multi-ethnic, it was aggression by Sloven and Croat separatists attacking the sovereign Yugoslav army that started the aggression. You twist everything around like a good liar.


The destruction of Yugoslavia was a US operation from start to finish. President Raygun got the ball rolling when he ordered the financial/social destabilization of Yugoslavia. Bush and Clinton continued his work, because all American Presidents are the same kind of scum.

Jens Holm

What a joke. Yougoslavia destroyed itself and did it well having Milosowitch and Tudjman as frontrunners.

Jens Holm

Thats right

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Will someone please just wipe these damned Albanians off the face of the planet?


They all used to live together in harmony, until the US cast its evil eye upon them.

Jens Holm

No, they all were kept down until Tito died even their economy lowered and lowered.


Yes that’s right their economy did crash, just like Iraq Syria Iran and Venezuela. And all thanks to sanctions from the devils in America. The Americans are even pressuring Denmark, to force them to be silly about NordStream. but their time will come, and they and their quislings will pay for the terror and hardship they have caused. The Iranians understand, the death of America is the only thing that will end the tyranny that is America.

Jens Holm

There was no sanctions to Yugoslavia at all.

Giulia Dei Montefeltro

Aren’t those kosovarians there to protect Camp Bond Steel, where the monumental stone (or grave?) of the Great Hero B.B. (son of your former VP) has been built? Dracula Untold. Ah, so many strange things happening here in Mother Europe. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ccc896ad99b1888d8be1c6161960372e4a03895904b8c79274b449eece80d7ce.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2dceca3ced8c6332788bcfdd84e5d97cd8d18ca0e97a12fe7daa37cf2624934b.png


Well, the whole point of an army is use force against the country’s enemies, be they foreign or domestic. They just have more and heavier firepower to use then the average police and SWAT forces.

Jens Holm

Very biased.

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