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No Hope Of Ending War In Gaza

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No Hope Of Ending War In Gaza

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Israeli military activities in the Rafah area in the south of the Gaza Strip are still ongoing and there are no indications of a decrease in tensions.

In early May, the Israeli army began its ground operation in the Rafah area through the Karam Abu Salem crossing. Then, Israeli attacks in the southern parts of Rafah were expanded by capturing the Rafah crossing. Over the past few weeks, they have reached the shores of Rafah by moving along the border line with Egypt.

The battles are taking place in all the southern and western sectors of Rafah city. The Israeli army controls a large portion of the southern districts of Rafah city. The western half of Rafah city and parts of Tal al-Sultan and Saudi housing are currently occupied by the Israeli army.

Israel’s air and ground superiority makes it very unlikely for Palestinian groups to hold onto the remaining areas in Rafah city. The Israeli army, like in other areas in which it has previously operated, will declare victory against Hamas after successive raids, countless airstrikes, and destruction, and will withdraw from the ruins of Rafah.

No Hope Of Ending War In Gaza

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In its latest statistics, the Ministry of Health of Gaza announced that 37,598 people were killed and 86,032 were wounded as a result of the Zionist regime aggression in the Gaza Strip, which has been ongoing since October 7.

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner General of the UNRWA, emphasized that today we are witnessing the biggest disaster since the occupation of Palestine.

Lazzarini stated that this agency has suffered from numerous attacks by the Zionist regime, and the institutions active in the field of humanitarian affairs in Gaza paid a heavy price in this war.

“Lazzarini said that 180 employees of this agency have been killed so far and 120 affiliated centers have been bombed.”

The fighting in the Gaza Strip continues and there is no clear solution within the current path.

On June 10, the United Nations Security Council supported the Joe Biden’s proposal for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas and called on the Palestinian groups to accept the agreement aimed at ending the eight-month war.

14 members of the Security Council voted in favor of this resolution. Hamas also welcomed this resolution and announced that it is ready to cooperate with mediators to implement the principles of this plan.

However, this three-phase ceasefire plan has not been properly implemented so far, and Netanyahu is the main obstacle to achieving a permanent ceasefire in the war-torn Gaza Strip.

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported last week that the army plans to declare the end of the war after the completion of the Rafah operation. However, the intention of Israeli regime officials has been revealed through Netanyahu’s recent statements.

In a television interview on Sunday, Benjamin Netanyahu stated that the current phase of the battle with Hamas in Gaza (in Rafah) is “coming to an end” but he will not allow the war in the Gaza Strip to stop until Hamas is destroyed. He also stated that by halting ground operations in Rafah, Israel can send additional troops to the northern borders to confront Hezbollah.

When asked if he supported an agreement with a commitment to end the war, Netanyahu replied:

“No. I’m ready to make a partial agreement, some hostages come home and then the war will resume.”

Netanyahu’s words showed that there are deep differences between him and the White House, and that Netanyahu does not adhere to the resolution proposed by the United States for a cease-fire in Gaza and the exchange of prisoners.

The Israeli army is preparing to start the third phase of the war in the Gaza Strip, as reported by the KAAN channel of the Israeli regime. This clearly means that if Israel’s ground operations in the Gaza Strip halt, the war will not stop. The Israeli regime will continue daily strikes, just like in other areas, and more civilians will be killed.

Netanyahu is hypocritically seeking only a partial agreement that will lead to the release of some Israeli prisoners before resuming the war against Gaza. In fact, Netanyahu’s statements prove that he lies to the families of the Israeli prisoners and does not care about their lives. He sees the Gaza war as a mean of saving his political career and escaping diplomatic setbacks.

On May 20, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan announced that he had requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

The political situation in Israel is also critical. On Saturday, a large anti-government demonstration took place in Tel Aviv.

The demonstration organizers estimate that about 150 thousand people took to the streets of Tel Aviv. This number of protesters is unprecedented since October 7.

Demonstrators set fire to a wooden pavilion in front of the Likud party headquarters, and blamed Benjamin Netanyahu as the main cause of the failure to achieve a peace agreement and release of prisoners. Demonstrators hold the belief that Netanyahu is the main cause of the war’s continuation and that he is leading the country towards destruction.

Chances of a significant war on the northern fronts and southern Lebanon are now higher than ever because of political and military approach of the Netanyahu government.

The recent developments, such as Israel’s failure to comply with a genuine ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the increase of forces in the northern fronts, along with the news of certain countries’ warning to evacuate their nationals from Lebanon, indicate significant changes in the northern region. This comes amid the unprecedented threats made by Seyed Hassan Nasrallah against any new Israeli military intervention on Lebanese territory. The conflict is currently at a critical juncture and its further development is underway.


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jens holm

i can lick many dead diek in gaza

Cracker Jack

the folks in gaza will happily join you.

Conan M

will russia, china, india and iran ever say that anyone who commits genocide on it’s indigenous peoples as occupiers are terrorists and their worst enemy?… “not”!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

no to many people from this very exceptional group in business all over the world. and everyone knows they are very moody so no one wants to upset them or the money could be invested somewhere else.

Last edited 3 months ago by kotromanic
Conan M

… well than lets be brutally honest. we know gaza and the surrounding open air prison and “gate of jewish hell” is sitting on a gold mine of natural gas and oil that israel, china, india and f-u.k.u.$. want not only a piece of but control over- even if it means extermination of the entire indigenous population that sits on it!!!

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Zionism is Terrorism

zionism is a cancer for the planet.

Cracker Jack

and yet you guys are dropping like flys.. lol

Ivan Freely

no one is under the illusion the war against palestinians will end as long netanyahu and friends are still in power. israeli demonstrators correctly identified netanyahu as the main cause of their problems but, they need to also include his friends. what i find funny about netanyahu is his actions are achieving the opposite of what he wants.

Cracker Jack

it will end when the last baby in gaza is dead.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the war will end when the paleshitstainians are removed from all jewish lands…



jews have no land, they are just plain thieves.

Last edited 3 months ago by inferno
Cracker Jack

it is called judea for a reason. it is 100% jewish land.

it is being exterminated right now from the pest that is called islam.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cracker Jack

no, the kikes and yids are high tailing it out of ben gurion as fast as their little jew legs will carry them. heheheh.


completely destroying and than clearing the ruins with military armoured buldozers cannot be called war this is extermination which is a nazi terminology, although the nazis did a very bad job the world jew population grew and exceeded 13 million right after ww2, the fake semites are and have always have been masters in victimisation -this scum of the earth controls the money and narrative + now also politicians, time to rewrite the history books


asking the western media and polititians its the most “humane” war in human history while the russian one is “the most barbaric since the holocaust” and im sure the un and every history book will use this version as well so everything will be fine for isreal. i mean there are more arab countries actively using their military to defend isreal then to attack them….

Brainded Jewish Termites

no hope of ending the war because the jews are fucking braindead and heartless

Cracker Jack

maybe but you gazaians are really dead. lol

R. Ambrose Raven

german military leaders since 1870 were always anxious to avoid a war on two fronts. though in denial, zionists are facing the same issue with far lesser resources. any war against hezbollah will be by an army seriously worn down by duration and losses in gaza; it will also require greatly reduced zionist military activity in gaza, while settlement will require a diplomatic settlement of both. hamas et al have not been defeated anywhere in gaza, let alone eliminated.

The Hebrew Hammer

oh what joy… i can smell the burning dead carcasses of muslim babies. he he he …..


kentucky fried shlomo.

Cracker Jack

all funny.

Moshe Dayan

destroy the moloch worshippers. they are rapist murderers who enjoy human suffering, particularly they harm children. send them to hell where they will suffer for eternity for being foolish enough to believe the lies of satan. they hate all people, but especially those who believe in peace and justice and god (allah, g*d). cleanse the earth of evil dear president putin, you have the power to stop them.

Cracker Jack

you are a satan worshipper. you worship the dark moon god. your holy book is a copy of talmut. you have nothing. not one thing. and now all you have is rubble.

rubble rubble, gaza in trouble. lol


ask blinken if they are all circumcised or if they are false jews.

Cracker Jack

what diff does it make? you gonna bend over and take it anyhow.


ask nethanyashit to pass a dna test to prove he is a real semite.

Cracker Jack

he is busy taking blood samples from gaza. lol


thats fine, the anti-zionists will put an end to them sooner rather than later and that time is coming

Cracker Jack

dream on tranny.


a jewish victory in gaza/palestine is a pipedream – won’t happen! the war in gaza/palestine will end when the jews are beaten to a pulp and they are left with nothing of palestine so they will run hoping someone will show mercy, such as the disunited states of a. the greater part of the american population won’t like it but the bought and sold congress/white house will say – sure you’re welcome!

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