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MARCH 2025

No ‘Political Solution’ In Syria Possible With Assad In Power, Regime Change Is Top Priority – US Ambassador To UN

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No 'Political Solution' In Syria Possible With Assad In Power, Regime Change Is Top Priority - US Ambassador To UN

The US Navy’s destroyer launches a Tomahawk cruise missile

The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has announced the new strategy of the Trump administration in the Syrian conflict.

No 'Political Solution' In Syria Possible With Assad In Power, Regime Change Is Top Priority - US Ambassador To UN

Nikki Haley. Photo: Chase Stevens/AP

According to Haley, the regime change in Syria is one of the top priorities of the US foreign policy and a political solution of the crisis is not going to happen “with Assad at the head of the regime.”

“There’s not any sort of option where a political solution is going to happen with Assad at the head of the regime,” Haley said in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, adding that “Regime change is something that we think is going to happen.”

Haley also declared that decreasing the Iranian influence in Syria and combating the ISIS terrorist group are important goals of the current US administration.

The US official also added that US President Donald Trump is already considering the issue of imposing new sanctions on Russia and Iran.

“I think that’s conversations that he [Trump] will be having and have started to have, going forward. But I think he will have to look at the situation,” she told the CNN host when asked whether Trump “wants tougher sanctions on Russia and Iran.”

Haley’s remarks followed the US missile strike on a military airfiled operated by the Syrian Air Force and her statement to the UN Security Council that the US was ready to “do more” military actions.

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That is not a new strategy – it’s the same old, same old! Who is she kidding? It is incredible the lust for blood coming from these people.

Hershel "El Muerte" Ezestein

Same old strategy as Obama. Nothing changes at all.


“According to Haley, the regime change in Syria is on of the top priorities of the US foreign policy and a political solution of the crisis is not going to happen “with Assad at the head of the regime.”…TRANSLATION…REMOVAL of the legitimate President of Syria have been the OBJECTIVE of the BIS/IMF/INTERNATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM the whole time, using their UNITED STATES MERCENARY ARM FORCES/MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.

888mladen .

Mate all good with what you’ve said but you missed the most important power in a shadow Vatican and their secret army IHS which is the main controlling power behind CIA.


888miaden: Yep! you are 100% correct. But the CIA is the military/subversive arm of the Council On Foreign Relations.

Prince Teutonic

Except this time Russian presence could very well mean start of WW3…


It’s inevitable. The Empire of stupidity is collapsing and war is the only thing they have to offer.


“I think that’s conversations that he [Trump] will be having and have started to have, going forward. But I think he will have to look at the situation,” she told the CNN host when asked whether Trump “wants tougher sanctions on Russia and Iran.”…TRANSLATION…OBEDIENT GLOBALISTS MARIONETTE Trump, have RECEIVED ORDERS from his MASTERS in the DEEP STATE/CFR/BIS/IMF to tougher sanctions on Russia and Iran, OR ELSE.


The US arrogantly struts around the world bringing destruction and death everywhere it goes.


General Clark refers to the Mideast conquest by the U.S. military, it ought to be understood that these illicit wars of aggression have been advanced in the interest of establishing a Greater Israel. In other words much of U.S. foreign policy revolves around securing Israel’s domination of the Middle East…”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off IRAN”. Wesley Clark

Shéamus Ó'Comhraídhe

The United States of Israel or the AIPAC States of America….no difference…both the same Masters…

Behold a Pale Horse

Someone should give her a tin hat and parachute her into head chopper territory. She how she does.


i really hope russia, syria, iran, and china are able to win the third world war, and take over the world afterwards, leaving us/israhell/nato in ashes :)

Peter Moy

OK Miss Genius, does regime change also mean destroying the Russian forces assisting the Syrian government/Syrian people? Hypothetical situation: if the Assad government is eliminated, what will happen to all of the Syrian Christians and other people in the hands of the ISIS butchers and others? “But, but, uh, uh…..” This bimbo dumb bell needs to go back to her dumb base of support in South Carolina. Where did Trump get these 3rd and 4th rate losers? What will she say when the next ISIS sympathizer kills some more Americans in the US because of murderous policies in the Middle East?

Aung Naing

Change your own Zionist regime.Leave Syrian people alone. such a nasty bitch.


I guess Trump is no longer concerned about ISIS…And the show marches on.

Hopefully Syria can turn to China for life/society supplies especially when heavier sanctions kick into gear… New line of buses for public transit (since they are parting out buses to keep they system going), medical supplies/drugs, etc.. And hopefully Russia will be true and provide the absolute best in air defense. It would be awesome to have Syria thrive with the strong support of her allies.




Peter Moy

A big thank you for contributing this video. Very revealing about how the Trump administration is being manipulated, infiltrated and basically owned by foreign interests.

Aung Naing

Who can stand against Rothchilds?


I literally just saw on RT tillerson say Syrians should decide their own fate. Wtf is going on? Lmao

Douglas Houck

I just read the latest Tillerson interview and obviously UN Ambassador Haley is not on the same page as Sec. of State Tillerson who said that the US was still working with the Assad government to defeat ISIS, as that is President Trump’s top priority.

Kabuki theater.


why the discrepancy? lol

Douglas Houck

Best guess is each is pitching their own vision as The Donald hasn’t decided.

Sec. of State Tillerson’s position is more strategic, by addressing the question of who is my greatest enemy? Obviously ISIS. But who knows? Is there rationality to any of this (strategy) or is it spur of the moment? Has he changed horses or is this like when he pitched that his inauguration had more people than anybody elses (media hoopla). One crazy way to run a government.


Well its very strange because just a few days ago I read that tillerson said a coalition was being made to oust Assad, now he goes back to saying Syrians should decide. He changed his mind twice now. Haley has too, first she was against removing assad, now is all for it

Douglas Houck

It’s beginning to look like the Trump administration has no strategic planning and it’s simply improvisational. A sure recipe for disaster as nobody knows what is coming next. What do your adversaries plan for?

Real Anti-Racist Action



And just like that the Neo Cons are back in charge of US foreign policy. Looks like Trump is wallowing in the Washington deep swamp.

John Marks

Nikki Haley now makes American foreign policy at the behest of Wall Street. Wall Street knows Trump won’t countermand her.


I’m perplexed. A couple of days before the Chemical attack (that we still can’t be certain who did it) the United States was already stating that the removal of Assad was no longer a priority of America, then the shit south of Idlib happened and America goes full Neo-Con. What gives for such a radical change of policy in such a short amount of time? Did Trump really just change his mind so quickly? Before a proper investigation was even done?

Gary Sellars

What a stupid cunt.

To think i thought that Samantha Powers was one fugly beeatch, inside and out….

John Marks

Last week, this ventriloquist’s dummy said “removal of Assad was no longer a priority”. This week she says it is. What’s it going to be next week?


I have a complete reversal of opinion on President Trump and his “new” policies – he apparently was a wolf in sheeps clothing to fool us all – if an American ‘s lips are moving – they are liars! Frankly a wall should be built around them to keep them inside it – and NOT meddling in every other countries affairs – Totally disgusted with them!


Just as a reminder: any foreign pressure on the removal of Bashar Hafez al-Assad (or on “regime change”) is a violation of binding international law, namely Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations.

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