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MARCH 2025

No Russian Shadow Over Italy. Con Giorgia Meloni Rome Confirms Itself As Washington’s Most Faithful Ally

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No Russian Shadow Over Italy. Con Giorgia Meloni Rome Confirms Itself As Washington's Most Faithful Ally

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Written by Piero Messina

They are wrong in Kremlin if anyone thinks that Italy will become the EU’s weak link vis-à-vis Russia. The center-right coalition won in the elections on 25 September. A success far beyond the expectations of Giorgia Meloni, the right-wing passionate who grew up in the myth of “good” fascism and Tolkien as a natural leader. The center-right that is about to govern Italy is made up of three different political groups. The real winner of the dispute is the “Fratelli d’Italia”, the party founded a little over ten years ago by Giorgia Meloni, Ignazio La Russa and Guido Crosetto. Heirs of the post-fascist tradition, the women and men led by Meloni have always been on the margins of society. They are the heirs of the tradition of the Italian Social Movement, the party that was liquidated in the mid-nineties after Mussolini’s rejection of nostalgia. 

Longside Meloni there will be Matteo Salvini of the Lega and Silvio Berlusconi, senior leader of Forza Italia. Only Salvini, in the recent past, has claimed a different position with respect to Russia, calling for the abolition of sanctions as they damage the Italian economy. Even Berlusconi – an old friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, when the Russian president was praised by the Western chancelleries – sometimes seems to regret that past. A few days before the elections, host of a talk show on the main Italian television channel, Berlusconi made Western diplomacy tremble, justifying the work of the Russian president: “The Russian troops had to enter and in a week replace the Zelenksy government with people for good and go back “. The concept of replacing Zelensky with “decent people” has infuriated Washington and Italy’s Western allies.

Giorgia Meloni’s party has the relative majority: every choice on the composition of the government, on the assignment of key ministries will therefore be up to Giorgia and her core of loyalists. But it is still a limited sovereignty. Italy’s serious financial conditions do not allow for spaces of political viability. Cologne of Brussels and anchored to the fate of the German metalworking industry, Italy, with or without Meloni, can only go along with the wishes of Brussels and NATO. The very survival of the country is at stake, increasingly at risk of economic and social implosion. It is no coincidence, therefore, that the EU Commissioner Ursula Van Der Leyen, on the eve of the elections, invited the Italians to vote well. No room for sovereignty and vetoes on sanctions against Russia. Van Der Leyen has threatened to cut European funds to Italy, as he is about to do to Hungary led by Viktor Orban

Again to make it clear who is in charge, the US State Department had released, ten days after the vote, a report on alleged Russian funding to Western parties. In short, a sort of Cremlinogate to influence the Italian vote. The Washington note spoke of about 300 million dollars invested between 2014 and 2021. Obviously all the Italian media have thought of funding for Salvini’s League (historically linked to the Russian world) and the Meloni party. But the scoop quickly deflated: the State Department made it clear that there are no Italian political parties or figures among the beneficiaries of Putin’s rubles. So why did the State Department launch that alert on the eve of the Italian elections? It seemed like the classic Mafia threat. A memento mori addressed to those who, by winning the election, will have to govern Italy. There is no doubt about the Atlanticist loyalty of the new Italian government.

Among the leading figures of the new government structure, a prestigious role will be played by Ignazio La Russa. He has already been Minister of Defense, he is the politician who concluded the memorandum of understanding with the United States to have the fifth antenna of the MUOS system built in the heart of Sicily. La Russa is considered a pro-American hawk. He is widely talked about in the leaks stolen by Julian Assange. It was 2009 and La Russa, then Minister of Defense, was ready to leave for the States where he would meet the then secretary of defense Robert Gates. The US embassy in Rome issues the top secret cable, classified 09ROME1132. Its recipient is Mr. Gates. Here is how La Russa is described: “unlike his many government colleagues, he has been a vocal supporter of a strong defensive system and robust operations abroad, ever since the Berlusconi government came to power in May 2008. Although he does not belong to Berlusconi’s close circle, he is a prominent politician to his right – the second most powerful figure in the Alleanza Nazionale party that recently merged with the People of Freedom (PdL).

A lawyer by profession, La Russa is a shrewd political strategist, whose rather brusque appearance and behavior hide a sharp intelligence and full mastery of details. Although he is often accused of being more attentive to political parties than to military leadership, La Russa is a staunch defender of increased military spending and greater protections for Italian troops on the ground, and is popular with the armed forces. La Russa, a rarity in Europe, is a great supporter of the NATO mission in Afghanistan and is not afraid to publicly expose the need to continue Italy’s commitment in this country. Thanks in large part to its firm public defense, the ISAF mission remains a top-level Italian priority”.

With such travel friends therefore, Giorgia Meloni had understood from the beginning of the electoral campaign the need to erase any Russian shadow on her past. Interview from British and US broadcasters, the next Italian prime minister has sworn allegiance to NATO, guaranteed support for sanctions against Russia and confirmed that Italy will remain at the forefront of supplying arms to the Kiev government. A nice disappointment for those who imagined a new course that was not flattened on the Atlantic line dogma. Moscow was not entirely wrong in imagining a change of course for the Italian government. Giorgia Meloni was already in government, in 2011, when the head of the Italian government was Silvio Berlusconi. At the helm of the Brothers of Italy for over ten years, from 2014 onwards Meloni had always contested sanctions against Russia and had stood out for an anti-euro and anti-Europe political line. Today everything has changed. Because, as an old Italian sage recalls, power wears out those who don’t have it. And after thirty years spent in opposition, Giorgia Meloni and her traveling companions want everything and they want it immediately. Even denying their past.


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No surprises here, I can’t remember when elections in western countries actually brought impactful change (except maybe for the worse), did it ever even happen? I don’t recall such an event…


The 70’s is if memory serves is when in Europe as no countries voting gave result of solid government as all of the voting in Europe back then and now give fractured governments with fractured parties aligned for control of stupid populace.

On subject of this gal though as if she were a he she would don little black hat and fake-fuck at fake wall.

Is it not strange as she is not allowed to fuck this bobbin wall?

As blood line is supposed to define those who by the female control us, perhaps she is that fucking wall?


Operation Gladio in the 70’s spread fear in Europeans but mostly in Italy culminating in the assassination of Aldo Moro by CIA proxy to sow fear in the people so they don’t go off the reservation. Happening to this very day but we are having no more of this crap!

Lord Humungus

Meet the new Boss same as the Old Boss. May as well left Draghi in place. What’s the difference? Sanctions are killing Italy just like all of Europe and she is all for it.


Only with JFK. He went against the jews and they head-shot sniped him.


The Article reads like another USA propaganda exercise as anti- Russia points keep being put —BUT—

GOOD NEWS !!!!!!! – all regions under Russian control in Ukraine have voted for Freedom and Democracy to JOIN Russia– Great News !.


She will in time be seen for who she is as she is in employ of those people who went to live in the sand and realized that land of their god was such a horrid hot place. Not like their old Kazarian black soil of fertile Europe.


Don’t think so. On other sites, her words are attracting a lot of attention. She is a nationalist and that pussy La Russa won’t mess with her idea of a free Italy.


God, family, fatherland, Meloni sounds much like Putin. Fascists were progressives, not christian traditionalists.


I’m sure Piero is hoping that the new boss is the same as the old boss however Italy is done with everything especially prosperous times. Indeed Italy is so horribly in debt and devoid of any hope for the future that it’s basically a dead man walking. Maybe Meloni toes the line for a time cuz she’s drunk with fame and power now but later on she’ll realize her heart is with an american-free zone and real prosperity for her citizens. She’s going to cause problems for the “empire” soon enough.


There is no new boss or old boss as there has always and ever been but one boss.

Just look for that one thing which we dare not criticized in free speech of our world.

This new bitch will toe the line at masters command of master leash.


Nope nope, won’t happen, you are mistaken and have really no idea. Time will tell of course.


“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth so it doesn’t matter what you do. America is the golden cow and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s largest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit and survive so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries we hate. Destroy them very slowly and make the people suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” Benjamin Netanyahu

Tommy Lee

Eugh, this fag’s all “look how wonderful and progressive I am, putting those mean old right-wingers in their place”. Just more facile pablum from a lefty European.


So very sad and yet so true.


“He is widely talked about in the leaks stolen by Julian Assange.” ……….. Assange is a publisher … not a thief.


I highly doubt the Russians thought anything of this chick.


I only wonder if she was banged by Berlusconi or not….

Vlad from Romania

If she has boobs, Berlusconi banged her.


The US report about “Russian” funding of Italian parties obviously is ten days “before” the vote not after.

Anyway, as an Italian I want to share my opinions on this. First of all, I am a monarchist and nationalist that would put me quite right in the political spectrum, at least the Italian one. But my nationalism is a simple one: don’t mess with Italy and we’re friends. In general, no country is a threat for Italy so generally speaking Italy doesn’t have troubles with anyone in the world. But when NATO attacked Libya and Syria, Italy faced otrageous consequencies, when EU and NATO made that fucking “revolution” in ukraine, it caused a damage to Italy (bigger damages to ukraine and Russia obviously), EU and US even made a coup d’état against Berlusconi in 2011, damaging even more the Italian economics. So these so called friends boycotted us. Funnily, the only politician who stood for Italy in the Euro Parliament was a British one, Mr. Nigel Farage. EU still keeps boycotting Italian economics and people by threating sactions against us if this new government “touches the abortion law”. Is China a threat? No. Is Russia a threat? No. Is…you name it a threat? No. Is EU a threat? Yes. Is USA a threat? Yes. A nationalist like me easily learns what to do. With this in mind it is obvious that I have always voted for anti-EU parties. I’m 38 so it’s about 20 years of voting and, because the most of anti-EU parties are right wing parties, I voted there: particularly I voted Lega, despite the fact I’m a Southern (Italians will understand – and call me traitor lol). But this time Lega did too many mistakes: 1) they voted for sanctions against Russia; 2) they voted to leave the Government the decision about which weapons could be sent to ukraine 3) they remembered too late to admit they were wrong about these two subjects and suddenly after this they took pro-Eu, pro-US stances. But the biggest problem for Lega was that Meloni’s party was going to gain more votes. This is a problem because Fratelli d’Italia is a false “sovereignist” party, they belong to right wing parties who are just against anything until they get the power. So they’re basically centrists, despite the fact they belong to the far right on some subjects (like immigrations and rights for gays). Italians understood this and all of those who wanted to stop sending weapons to the nazis had no choice but vote some other parties. The majority voted for Movimento Cinque Stelle, despite the fact that they voted just like Lega on sanctions and weapons, because its leader clearly stated in an interview on TV that they’re against sending more weapons. In Italy, polls are forbidden in the last two weeks of the election race, and in the last poll Lega was at 15%, Movimento Cinque Stelle at 11. After the elections, Movimento Cinque Stelle took 16%, Lega 9%. I guess you got what I wanted to say.

Anyway, the funniest thing of all this is that for the first time in my life I have voted far left: the only anti-EU, anti-NATO, antiwar party of the left wing. It was useless ’cause it didn’t reach the minimum share of votes needed to be represented in the Parliament, but at least I won’t live with the horrible guilt of having contributed to the destruction of the Italian-Russian friendship, Italian economics and Italian freedom.

But I want to be positive and hope I’m wrong and that miss Meloni just took those “anti-Italian” stances in order to have no problems from the bullies in Washington and Bruxelles. Sorry if I wrote too long and talked about personal views.


Davide I appreciate everything you just posted here. I believe- from reading a few really positive anti EU, anti nato slanted articles, that Giorgia won’t back down from pressure by van der leyen in Brussels. She will find a way to turn the country away from the slimy west and embrace those countries willing to enrich Italy’s citizens and not impoverish them. It’s high time we band together to #StandwithEast


In my opinion foreign policy views of this coalition are to be divided in two: the first one is the relationship between Italy and EU, the second is about Italy and USA. With regards to the first, while Lega can easily be placed in the “eurosceptic” part of the politics and Forza Italia in the “euroloving” one, Fratelli d’Italia hasn’t clearly expressed its view. They (said they) want to pass a law which places Italian law above any European law (even now it is this way for some part of the constitution law experts but it would take too long to state why) but they never talked about leaving EU or euro. They want to “reform” EU, but how could they? Do Germans want that? Does the French want that? The Austrian? The Dutch? Many are even in favor of majority decision rather than actual unanimously taken ones. It’s a strange way of being sovereignist, they’re even less sovereignist than Orban in my opinion. Therefore Italians are in the biggest part pro-Europeanist: if a referendum took place, I’m quite sure the “remain” would get 65%. This is why I’m not so willing to imagine the next government on the path to independence from EU.

For what concerns the relationship between Italy and US, it can hardly change anything at all. Italians are completely brainwashed by the “American way” that many of us (not me) think they live in NY or Los Angeles: just to say, I live in a very small town in the Southern Appennines, yet there was an advertising poster with more words in English than in Italian. Or, even more terrible, children under 14 have more difficult in learning, writing and speaking Italian than English. In such a situation, if you want to cut the submission links between Italy and USA, you have to face a 95% opposition. I’m not saying Italy has to cut all ties with US, just get on par with them, which means talk before act. Italy won’t get it. And the worst thing is that Italians don’t stand with USA whatever they do, they stand with the Democrat America, the hateful one. During Trump presidency, if you asked the average Italian, he’d talk bad about him. The day following Biden Laden election, I wrote to a friend that Stupid Joe would bring world war and he replied that I was exagerating.

So I have no, or very little, hope Italy can successfully turn its place as a world null.

Peppe il Sicario

Ciao Davide, I’ll reply to you as a fellow Italian.

You are spot on claiming Fratelli d’Italia, Meloni’s party is a false sovereignist party. If they were, they would have obtained a 2.5% voting share as did ItalExit and Italia Sovrana e Popolare, the party I voted for. The CIA will never allow any party anywhere in their sphere of influence to gain enough political power to jeopardize their control of that country. Italy’s Marco Rizzo, head of the Italian Communist Party, a Nationalist Communist, like those that existed in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, is one of the few politicians I would vote for today and I just did. Behind the scenes, however, there are many factors to consider before any final judgement can be made as to how Meloni’s government could and might turn the tide against the globalist oligarchs in Bruxelles and Washington. Many in Italy claim that Meloni has become a member of the Aspen Institute and so, will do the bidding of her Washington overlords. I did some research on my own and was not able to confirm this. I found out though that Giulio Tremonti, the ex-Berlusconi economics minister, however, is one. If he is awarded a “position” in the future government, then we will know who is really pulling the strings.

To Meloni’s credit, her background is Siculo-Sarda, a 100% Italian islander even if born in Rome. The Sardinians and Sicilians have always been the hardest badasses in Italy since pre-Roman times. They are the most ancient of italic tribes in fact along with the Etruscans and probably, the Lucani. Born rebels. Tough tough cookies with character and integrity “da vendere”!! Just think of the army’s all-Sardinian Sassari brigade, the “demonios.” Sardinians are the most loyal to the core of all Italians and I say this with pride as a 100% Sicilian.

What newspapers and political pundits can’t and will not say however is the following; what influence will Silvio Berlusconi have on the coalition that backs Meloni?. We all know that Berlusconi has had very good ties with Russia’s Putin for over 20 years as did Salvini before the hostilities in Ukraine. Berlusconi also had very good ties with Turkey’s Erdogan and honestly speaking, behind Berlusconi is the Sicilian Mafia, the most powerful organization outside the Vatican in all of Italy and one of the most powerful in the entire world. Berlusconi also had an axe to grind with the Americans since it was Obama who had him outed in 2011. Berlusconi got his revenge though on the Americans to an extent earlier this year when he appeared to be buddy buddy with their puppet Draghi having supported his policy to that date, but stabbed him in the heart at the right moment like a “sicario” causing Draghi to resign as Prime Minister. The rest is history. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then that the Sicilian Mafia as well as the calabrese ‘Ndragheta run all the masonic lodges in Italy. That in itself speaks volumes of the power they possess. All those companies in northern Italy, do you know who really owns them? I’ll let you guess.

With the above stated, will they allow some foreign entities to ruin and destroy their massive trillion dollar investments??? I also know for a fact that from my sources here in Sicily, Russia and China were willing to invest billions upon billions in Sicily making it a huge transport-node for the Belt Road initiative linking it to all shipments going to Africa from Europe. The ones blocking everything? You guessed it, the white-collar criminals who wear Brooks Brothers suits in NYC and work for companies like BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Vanguard etc. To use a cinematographic metaphor, “i picciotti” will go into the houses of those jew scum banksters and give them the Godfather’s Woltz treatment. Never never underestimate what they’re capable of doing. They even forced the US to enter WW 2 to remove Mussolini from power. (That is a whole other untold story)

How do I all this? Well, my father, when he served in the army, was in the secret Counter-Intelligence branch during the early 60s at the height of the Cold War and if you are aware of how things work in the armed forces in Italy, only certain families with a certain pedigree are allowed into these sections. To illustrate, he knew exactly who really killed Aldo Moro and where he was being sequestered when it happened just to name one. The, on my mother’s side, I can count starting from my uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great grandfather 4 generations in a row at least of “uomini d’onore”. In short, I get “HUMINT” from both sides. I stress however that I am not one of them to set the record straight.

Viva l’Italia e il popolo italiano!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

Well, Peppe, I don’t know. I mean I can’t argue on many of the things you said, but in my opinion mafia and ndrangheta stand with whoever leave them free of doing their business. I thought they were against illegal immigrants, but they didn’t. Anyway what leaves me with little hope is the fact that nobody in that coalition clearly speaks against the relegation of Italy in the third division of world countries: I think the best way to regain respect and world lead (after obviously the four giants: China, India, Russia and USA) is to go out of EU and NATO and be a political link between them. The sooner Italian politicians understand this, the sooner we’ll be better off.


I believe you are more or less correct. In the US, they work hand in hand. Trump is a pretty good example of their co-operation. Trump uses the Italian mafia in his dealings with unions. Yet it was his direct connection to the Khazarians (Mossad, Cohn, Epstein) that facilitated his financial and political connections…and still does. As the ‘banksters’ are primarily the same as Khazarians, I seriously doubt the Italians would cross them. As Trump is fond of saying, “I like money”…it goes without saying, both have the same desires. As they have split the spoils, so to speak, in the US…I see no reason it would be any different there. If my memory serves me correctly, the Italian mafia was also involved in the Gladio operation, continuing their linkage to the CIA…thus Mossad.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Peppe il Sicario

Exactly!! Like Marco Rizzo said, Italy should be able to choose who it wants to deal with and how on all international fronts. That will not happen with this “fantoccio” government coming in.


Controlled opposition is also part of the great reset strategy. Yet right now even controlled opposition is better then the green deal from frans timmermans and ursula von derleyen.

They are destroying and our lives within a year. 2 years of corona hoax forced vaxxinations and government tyranny. From energy shortage to food shortage to water shortage all part of the plan you will est ze bugs. Time we march on davos and colongy and get klaus schwab drag him from his mansion and hang him like the warcriminal he is.


“It means that whether the false democrats like it or not, national conservatives in every latitude are actually the only real Democrats. Because it is only by defending the nation states, that we defend the political sovereignty that belongs to the citizens of that state…“ Giorgia Meloni

Now I KNOW that Piero is out in left field, he seems to have no clue what is really happening in his own(?) country She is thumbing her nose at he EU and US and willing to put herself in harm’s way by pushing a nationalist sovereign agenda against the us/uk/zio elites fuqueing with our world!

Warrior Nation

She be just sucking up in front of the douchbags of the EU & NATO and the Bankers ………we’ll find out which way she goes soon enough by her actions.

Kev not Kiev

She’s a member of the Aspin Institute, a globalist in populist clothing… Sheep dipped.

Captain Hohol

I think it’s wrong to equate her to anything even remotely facist, unless of course you equate fascism to protecting your homeland from onerous policies of a non-elected political junta that doesn’t have the best interests of your home country in mind.


Have always said , the Italians are a bunch of cowards, look at WW2, at the beginning of the war they were with the Nazi Germans, but as soon as the US and allies went to their shores in 1942, they flip side.Look at Operation Gladio in the 70’s, the assassination of Aldo Moro. Look at the 2 years of the pseudo-pandemic in Italy.

Peppe il Sicario

Cowards? Easy to say that from your keyboard! Say it to this Sicilian’s face and it would be the last breath you ever take. Know-nothing cuck-fag racist Anglo Cunt!! Everyone’s a badass until an Italian comes to your house and puts a gun to your mouth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

Still, you don’t refute what he posted, did you? Name calling doesn’t count. Mobsters are criminals, regardless the romantic fascination you have for them, their primaries are money and power, period. In the US they didn’t buck for a war with the Kosher Nostra, they folded and climbed in bed with them…and the CIA, Mossad and all the other criminal intels. If Tinkerbell strolled into your house and put a derringer in your mouth, where would your bravery go? Down your leg.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
Peppe il Sicario

You have difficulty comprehending English? I implied it unequivocally! All he can do is spew the typical racist Anglo-Saxon propaganda bull-shit, which is simply a projection of all their/your cowardice. The simple fact is that the US and Britain are full of cucks. You are not a brave race at all, and your obsessive fixation with guns proves it. Without them, you’d piss your pants to any African, Arab, Latino Hispanic etc. and have him fuck your girlfriend or wife while you watch. Regarding mobsters, they have more honor than any American or British pirate race businessmen, who are the most vile corrupt criminals on the face of the Earth, and anyone outside the US and Britain knows it. Now, go get your shoe-shine box and fuck off.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

Giorgia Meloni another ‘Israel firster’ scum.

Peppe il Sicario

All these politicos now have to kick Jew ass, even some Italians, but only to a superficial extent. Salvini like the slime he is went to Jerusalem right after the elections in 2018 and like a good goy slave did his “photo op” piece at the wailing wall. Many Italians didn’t forget his grovelling and look where he is now…on the way out. Jews have little to no power in Italy with the exception of some journalists and businessman today and we keep it that way. They are commonly known and derided as the “mazza cristo”, Christ killers!!


You sound just like the Trumpets. He got on his knees like no other and still his followers believe he is pro-US. You know, 4D chess. Somehow he was getting the best of them. With these Israel firsters, someone is getting fooled all right…but I doubt it’s Israel. Those who even think of turning get a head shot, fall out of windows or hang themselves on door knobs.

Peppe il Sicario

Zman, your Americunt arrogance and ignorance surely gets the better of you. Try to educate yourself. Seems that all the hanging out you do on Veteran’s Today has obfuscated your mind with all that Trump drivel.

Vlad from Romania

Falcone was killed because he investigated how US Army used Mafia to get the land for those military basis. Mafia is living with Bruxelles’ money. Criminal gangs united against the people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Romania
Peppe il Sicario

You got that right! Falcone a righteous Sicilian was truly investigating the whole spider-web of political intrigue in Italy and got too close to the truth paying for it with his life as did Paolo Borsellino, the other Sicilian magistrate assassinated. In the early 90s when the Sicilian mafia was coming under attack by these 2 brave patriots, the Sicilian mafia bombed St. John’s Lateran Church in Rome as well as another one on the Aventine hill as a warning to the almighty Vatican, the true Cupola of Evil, to back off….and they did.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario
Ziological Warefare

Europeans look like a defeated people. They have chained themselves to a morally depraved sinking ship. Very stupid but what can you do? Cowards and traitors run the EU. They deserve their fate. They can enjoy dark age standards again, while their industries are gutted and sent to the US. US spits in their faces in return. Its difficult to watch

Last edited 2 years ago by Ziological Warefare

All European industries and economies will collapse if there is no supply of Russian energy “natural oil and gas.”

Natural oil and gas are very cheap sources of heat in winter and also needed for emergency electricity generation.

Fossil fuels also power automobiles, commercial and military jets.

Every single industry needs fossil fuels as raw material to produce fertilizers, tires, mattresses, garments, plastic sheets, automobiles and aviation components and lubricants.

Fossil fuels are also used as raw material in the pharmaceutical, medical, construction, furniture, electrical, electronics, engineering, cookware, laundry detergents, cosmetics, packaging industries.

Natural oil and gas are very significant for a country’s industry, economy and prosperity. A country can easily collapse if they don’t have enough energy supply “oil and gas” to run their own industries. Just needs honest leadership in European countries, not to fight with the Russia and the Middle East.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x