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Nord Stream Stopped For Repairs, But Russia Finds Way Out In Ukraine

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Nord Stream Stopped For Repairs, But Russia Finds Way Out In Ukraine

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Since July 11, Russian gas supplies via the Nord Stream, the main gas export route from Russia to Europe, have been temporarily stopped for 10 days due to scheduled annual maintenance on the pipeline. The Russian side announced the repair works in advance. LINK

The gas pipeline was stopped until July 21 to carry out scheduled repairs.

During the repairs on the Nord Stream, the only transit line from Russia to Western and Central Europe lies through Ukraine where Gazprom also faced some obstacles.

Ukraine claimed that it stopped gas transit to Europe through the Sokhranovka station in May. The station is located in the Luhansk People’s Republic and Kiev allegedly could not control it.

Today Gazprom supplies gas to Europe through Ukrainian Sudzha gas measuring station after the application for pumping through Sokhranovka was rejected by the Ukrainian side. Gazprom supplies 39.4 million cubic meters of gaz per day. The amount was confirmed by Ukraine.

Gazprom had already temporarily reduced the volume of gas supplies via the Nord Stream by 40% in mid-June as Siemens was unable to return gas pumping units from repair in a timely manner from Canada. The delay was due to anti-Russian sanctions. Canada and Germany began to look for ways to solve the problem. On July 9, Canada announced that it had decided to make an exception in the sanctions for turbines for the Nord Stream gas pipeline at the request of Germany.

The Kiev regime playing in the interests of the US tries its best to interrupt the gaz transit from Russia to Europe. As a result, by the end of June, the United States surpassed Russia in terms of gas exports to Europe for the first time.


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Ashok Varma

Russia besides being a military, economic and political SUPERPOWER is also a unique energy Czar. It has found plenty of alternate buyers in Eurasia, Africa and Latin America. These Anglo trash are so unprincipled that they are even returning Russian gas turbines from Canada as the EU bastards will freeze to death without Russian energy.

In any case Russia, Iran and India have expedited the new Eurasian energy and trade route via the strategic deep water Iranian port of Chah Bahar. The Iranians who have the largest tanker fleet in the world have allowed their Russian friends to re-flag their tankers with Russian flags and crews and business is booming. The Greek puppets tried to interfere and the tough Persians quickly seized two Greek tankers and Athens blinked in 8 hours and released the Russians and the oil. The American and EU thugs need to understand that the days of racist imperialism are long gone.

The new global currency in vogue is RUBLE, RIAL & RUPEE. Most of the world will now trade in Eurasian basket of currencies. JAI RUS, JAI HIND, ZINDABAD IRAN!

Muhammad your Prophet

You mean Angertina. That’s the only other Latin American country that belongs to Vladimir Putin’s alliance of world’s shittiest countries.

Ashok Varma

If you not ten years old and had a map, you would have known that 90% of the world supports Russia. JAI RUS!

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s 90% in the magical world of Oz. Magical worlds don’t count. They exist only in your deranged imagination.

Mohammad your Goat

Your prophet only exists in your deranged imagination.


Rus/LPR have captured Tripoliye and Vladimirovka (red circles) near Soledar (top blue square) There is fighting for Pokrovsk (gray square) Bakhmut is the lower blue square on the latest SF operations map.

100 AFR were killed in this area and large quantities of NATO weapons captured.

There’ve been large scale missile strikes with Calibers and Iskanders in #Odessa, #Kharkov and #Dnepropetrovsk where the Rus MOD reports a warehouse with munitions for Himars, M-777, and Pion howitzers was hit


Sounds like hell on earth LOL!!


US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.


Many French people deserve to freeze but don’t count on me to die by freezing. I like cold winters :-D

I have nothing against Eurasian power anyway. It’s a good evolution.

Ashok Varma

Historically, we are lucky enough to be witnessing the fastest and greatest economic and geo-strategic power shift to Eurasia. Just look the top 20 economies most are Asian and Latin. The stupid violent warmongering Americans and their EU lapdogs just accelerated the power shift to Asia by wasting trillions of wars and losing them, giving a green light to China. It is now too late for the west. Asia is at peace and Russia is an integral part of Russia, thanks to President Putin’s strategic far-sight. France should show some dignity and opt out of this racist Anglo trash Russophobia. JAI RUS!


I’m happy with this and I follow the steps too :-)

Bigg Chungus

France will play a major role in the post-American future, particularly in the Indian Ocean. France should be the only Western power involved in Indian Ocean security, given that France has a coastline there (Réunion/Mayotte), unlike the USA. And the so-called “British Indian Ocean Territory” should be ceded back to the Chagossians, with the Diego Garcia base CLOSED.

France and Germany are both highly advanced and historically intertwined with Eurasian powers. Iran, India, Russia, and China should prioritize relations with them in order to peel them away from the US-UK orbit. With EU backing, even Australia could possibly be turned away, with Western Australia potentially becoming another Indian Ocean hub for peaceful use in a possible post-AUKUS future.


So highly advanced they listened to the Western Hemisphere and look where it got them… Shortage of LNG for cooking and heating their homes until a foreign country (Canada) released rebuilt Siemens Energy LNG turbines they have politically done (ship to Germany so Canada has not violated Russian sanctions) which in my mind is hogwash but EU Citizens and government need to remember this in the future. When company contractual agreements affect a citizens access to basic resources the government whether foreign or domestic needs to be held accountable for loss of those business supplied resources. Depriving EU households of LNG by Canada is an act of arms length extortion and cannot be tolerated.


Same in most of Europe,i live in Britain and would be willing to be cold to teach those arrogant bastards a lesson they won’t forget.


Niacin flush tablets keep you warm.

AM Hants

Ditto, from another Brit.


What an amazing comedy show..! The whole world must be enjoying the performance of these nazi-loving clowns, watching how Germany went into panic mode hysterically asking Canada to sort out the turbine issue, however, Trudu agreed despite knowing that the turbine would violate the sanctions in place, Kiev reacted to the unfolding development complaining about the potential lost of revenue while Biden got completely frozen with no idea how to spin the commotion… LOLOLOL, prime hypocrisy at its best. US UK NATO EU still playing hardball although the fact is glaringly clear on their faces that they are under Russian thumb who’s yet to decide whether gas supply has to be resumed. EU remains guessing and in fear of Putin’s next move.


Trudeau should have kept his nose clean and stayed out of Germany Siemans Energy and Canadian Siemens Energy contractual agreements with Gasprom. IMHO, Canadian sanctions are the root cause of the reduction in LNG flow to Germany and elsewhere in the EU and should pay a hefty fine for doing so. No country in the Western Hemisphere should be controlling basic necessities (eg. Cooking or Heating) of Eastern Hemisphere residents because of sanctions of another country regardless of the targeted location.


Neither shutting or resuming of gas supply would not help much to resolve this crisis, the quickest way to terminate the war is to eliminate Zelensky from the equation and watch how soon the entire AFU capitulates.


The Western world is occupied territories and the corrupt politicians are traitorous to their own people and interests. They gave in to the racism and hatred of the banking parasites and their ilk who control every aspect of political, social, financial and economic life. This is the reason for the decay of the Western societies. It’s nice to see that at least the rest of the world is trying to remain free and diverse with all the beautiful cultures and people rejecting the suicidal policies of the Western world where the banking parasites are trying to destroy the diversity through the indoctrination of the masses to believe that ethnic genocide means diversity. The racism of the rulling elites is far from over – they hate every nation on the planet and while they can’t export their imperial racism everywhere in the countries they control is business as usual.


German government has finally found and introduced a perfect solution to beat the scarcity of gas.. CUT THE SHOWER TIME.. What a brilliant idea!

Max Schmidt

“Canada and Germany announced that it had decided to make an ‘exception’ in the sanctions law”. Right. So when is Germany openly BREAKING the law, the fellow US vassals keep silence. If it would be Poland or other midget countries with doubtful reputation the news would be: “Dishonest Pollacken breaching the EU law”, but it’s Germany so, lets use the mild word “exception”. You are all a bunch of hypocrites full with double standards. Now I hope that other countries will follow Canada’s and Germany’s precedent and also find some holes and gaps in the stupid sanctions.

Ashok Varma

Exactly, these shameless Anglo greedy bastards have no integrity or morals. India is buying four times the oil it needs from Russia and selling these greedy idiots back at twice the price and splitting the profits with Russia. Iran is doing the same and all of a sudden the Iranian economy is growing by 4.7%. These greedy Anglo and EU bastards are stupid as hell too. JAI RUS!


Which people do you put in the “EU bastards” group ? Could you be more specific please?

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain
Ashok Varma

Actually Monsieur Sylvain, with the exception of Hungry all of the EU are occupied US warmongers and British evil bastards stooges. France had some dignity under Charles De Gaulle , but subsequent CIA penetration in every French orifice has turned it into colony. Only large Asia, African and Latin nations are now free and all support Russia. Does anyone in their right mind think that China, Iran, India, Brazil or Indonesia will let Russia “lose” to a bunch of murderous racist imperialists, there is no way on earth that Russia can be “defeated” by a bunch of shameless LGBT queers using poor Ukrainians as cannon fodder.


But who are precisely the EU bastards ? The common farmer, the working housekeeper, the math’ teacher, the baker ? Could you define better who are the bastards ?

For instance, let’s take France where people did vote NO to EU in 2005. Who are the actual bastards in France ? Maybe the common workers who tar asphalts on highways around cities ?

“EU bastards” is too wide for me.

Cheneys Dick

You’re pretending. The EU is the political organization that is absolutely corrupt and totalitarian AND is destroying the European economies and farms and industries to please the WEF criminal eugenics oligarchs. Is that clear enough?


This does not precisely define the “EU bastards”. Which people exactly ? Me ?


I do get the impression that Putin is aware of a difference between the perpetrators of evil, their populations and the poor dumb brainwashed.


I confirm the fact that many people are brainwashed. Between 65 and 90 % I guess.


Sylvain -the problem many posters have is that regardless of who you think are “bastards ” the French people keep on voting for anti Russia leaders .This applies to the UK too – I never voted for the lot that are in just now but Scotland is outvoted every time by England . Macron is now involved in the American “UBER ” scandal.


I agree with you.


But it doesn’t matter who you vote for, because all political parties and media companies are inflitrated, albeit some more than others. The entire society is infiltrated: just watch how much money is flowing through NED and Open Foundation. (not only in the EU but in the entire world… that’s why it’s an Empire)


Its like Boris did not follow the covid lockdown rules he made BECAUSE they were STUPID however the rest of us had to follow them.

Muhammad your Prophet

Russia is on the verge of economic collapse. Vladimir Putin’s deranged indignation can’t change that. Selling oil to India won’t stall the special moronic operation long enough to prevent the economic catastrophe that’s about to be created in the Russian Federation of terrorist cockroaches.


Ukr Marine interviewed by Sky News… 80% of the soldiers who started the war are out of action and the battered AFU is not even replacing the dead as desertions rise…

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s funny because 80% of the territory that the Putin cockroaches controlled at the start of the war is now controlled by Ukrainian forces. Maybe you’re thinking backwards.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Joe Bidet Is A Senile Nonce

What a strange way to to spell Germany!


If I were Russia, I’d tell Germany that the only way I’d supply gas was through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.


It’s under sanctions by the USA (and the EU), so nobody in Europe can use it unless they lift them.


Western Europe descending into failure—when you copulate with 3 legged mongrel diseased amereikants—syphilitic dementia


the immoral anglo cowards now decide turbines not sanctioned as German economy failing….Russia does not need Europe—nazi poko molo again humilited…he has been using aliases at SF for 2 years desperately seeking tranny ukie sex


There are rumors from credible sources that Russia will not be turning the pipeline back on July 21st rather they will leave western Europe completely dry of gas until the winter and then they will start flowing gas to Europe so the people won’t freeze but only after the EU completely drops every single sanction against Russia and forces Ursula Van Der Slut to fly to Russia and personally apologize to Putin only after giving him a 2 hour deep body massage which will be broadcast live on the BBC, CNN and Fox news. Macron has already volunteered to give Putin the body massage but Lavrov denied Maricon Macron’s request. It has to be Van der Slut.


Russia should toy with the pipeline and turn it on for 10 to 15 minutes a day until the SMO is complete. lol.


Russia has the EU by the cojones hahaaaaa


Don’t get what all the hullabaloo is about, the stream is shutdown for about a fortnight every year for last decade due scheduled maintenance?

Joseph Day

But usually there storage facilities are much fuller


He said: “Russia has invaded a breadbasket of the world, turning the shipping lanes of the Black Sea into a war zone, while blocking 20 million tons of grain in Ukrainian storage facilities. This is a deliberate attempt to use food as a weapon against the most vulnerable countries in the world, especially in Africa.” That’s how they brainwash the vulnerable countries. It’s such a twisted verson of reality, when the USA threatened Russia’s security by bringing Ukraine into NATO, and they slapped sanctions on Russian ships so they can’t carry grain to the world! However, I’ll acknowledge that he’s right that it’s harder for Ukrainian grain to be trasferred via other routes because Black Sea shipping routes are the best. (then they shouldn’t have re-armed Ukraine, so that it’d have accepted the 4 demands laid out by Putin early on)

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