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North Korea Carries Out 6th Weapon Test In 3 Weeks, Says US-South Korea Military Drill Is War Preparation

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North Korea Carries Out 6th Weapon Test In 3 Weeks, Says US-South Korea Military Drill Is War Preparation

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On the morning of August 16th, North Korea carried out another test of its new “projectiles,” state news agency KCNA reported.

Allegedly this is a new weapon, but it’s the same kind of “Juche” projectile weapon that the North tested just days earlier.

Kim had observed the launch of “juche shells” — a weapon that experts said was a weapon akin to the type of missiles tested on August 10th.

“Juche” refers to the North’s national ideology of self-reliance.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un was quoted as urging all to “remember that it is the Party’s core plan and fixed will for defence building to possess such a powerful force strong enough to discourage any forces from daring to provoke us and to leave all others vulnerable to our Juche weapons of absolute power even though there comes the situation where physical strengths clash with each other.”

The statement of the new weapon tests was released on August 17th, when the KCNA published a commentary condemning US and South Korean military drills that just finished.

“This is an open denial and an outright challenge to the historic DPRK-U.S. joint statement in which commitments were made to establish new DPRK-U.S. relations and build lasting and durable peace-keeping mechanism on the Korean Peninsula.”

KCNA further cited unnamed experts on the situation, commenting on the joint military exercises, pointed out that “they are not favorable for building mutual trust and can entail countermeasure of the DPRK as they still take the DPRK for an imaginary enemy” and that “they may render tense the situation on the Korean Peninsula again.”

The commentary further said that military exercises always “presupposed an actual war.”

In addition, the North claimed that it was fulfilling its commitments, but the US and South Korea were not.

“No law stipulates that the one side may backtrack from commitments and only we have to fulfill them.

The right answer for removing all the potential and direct threats posed to the security of our state is the constant development of powerful physical means and their deployment for an actual war.

The U.S. should keep in mind that our repeated warnings are not hot air.”

North Korea Carries Out 6th Weapon Test In 3 Weeks, Says US-South Korea Military Drill Is War Preparation

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North Korea Carries Out 6th Weapon Test In 3 Weeks, Says US-South Korea Military Drill Is War Preparation

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North Korea Carries Out 6th Weapon Test In 3 Weeks, Says US-South Korea Military Drill Is War Preparation

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One of the leading South Korean outlets and one of the medias that perpetuate the most propaganda against the North – Yonhap reported on the weapon tests.

“North Korea fired two short-range projectiles presumed to be ballistic missiles into the East Sea.”

This made the 6th missile test since July 25th.

They were fired shortly after North Korea warned it could end its dialogue with South Korea in apparent protest against the ongoing Seoul-Washington military exercise.

The situation is exacerbated by Seoul’s defense plan outlining its five-year major weapons procurement projects.

The two projectiles were launched at around 8:01 and 8:16 a.m. from its eastern coastal county of Tongchon in Kangwon Province into the East Sea, and both flew around 230 kilometers at a maximum altitude of 30 km and a top speed of around Mach 6.1, the Joint Chiefs of Staff was cited.

“The flight range, maximum height and speed of the projectiles fired today led us to presume that they appear to be short-range ballistic missiles, but more in-depth analysis is needed to confirm if they were similar ones to those fired in previous launches or not,” an unnamed JCS officer said.

“Our military is monitoring the situation in case of additional launches while maintaining a readiness posture,” the JCS said.

These launches came six days, after an August 10th launch in which North Korea fired two projectiles believed to be short-range ballistic missiles bearing outward similarities to the U.S.’ Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), a surface-to-surface missile system.

Yonhap, in a separate, report cited Kurt Campbell, former assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs who said that US President Donald Trump may accept North Korea as a nuclear weapons state.

“One hears persistent rumors and feedback that, on occasion, the president will ask: ‘What’s wrong with just letting them have — acknowledging that? He seems like a perfectly reasonable guy. We can live with these guys. So what? We can manage the results,'” Campbell said, apparently referring to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

“I think there have been enough people that have pushed back on this now that I don’t think the president has as yet been prepared to move in that direction. But my instinct tells me that he would take that deal.”

Campbell suggested that Trump could aggressively push his agenda if he wins reelection in 2020.

“If he is reelected, then he will have the opportunity to completely reshape the Republican Party,” he said. “The only thing that will then matter — the way you’re tested is not what your views are on trade, what your views are on human rights. Are you able to hew immediately — even if it means changing course 180 degrees — with the line that the president sets?”

US officials haven’t provided a response yet, specifically there’s been no mention of it from US President Donald Trump.


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Beautiful missile, perfect photos.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

even more beautiful will be a 5-10 Megaton nuclear test! or another ICBM test :) that will make bolton rage hard

Simon Bernstein

if dprk does this, it’s the nail in the coffin. USAF will launch the largest airstrikes in history and eliminate all north korean missile sites, silos, and air defenses. bring it on


You can’t even count you stupid mongoloid.

Ceasar Polar

Lol. Did you know that US patriot missile defense cannot even stop a Scud Missile of the 50’s,60’s. Let alone this new North Korean missile, which is a russian Iskander copy (which was made in 1999). This is an advanced missile, that none of the US defense shield can intercept. Add to the mix some chineese and russian electronic warfare systems, and check-mate for the US and its allies because they wont even see them on their radars, until it’s way too late. So the US is doomed, and Trump’s policy is drowning the US further in their debt.

Ceasar Polar

Bolton is fired as of 2 days ago.

Ceasar Polar

Indeed those are some nice shots.

Saso Mange

When Gadaffi removed his arsenal and opened Libya… That was the day West sentenced him to death. Can’t trust Western politicians. If they think they can, they will attack.

Ceasar Polar

Biggest mistake that North Korea took notes from. Nukes protect you against US aggression.

Saso Mange

Yeah, Kimmy won’t fall for it.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

apparently Rocket Nose was banned on SF and liveUAmap, not sure but let’s hope so!!!

Simon Bernstein

giving the US airforce, Japan, and South Korea more excuses to launch a massive attack to free the north korean people and topple the communist dictator


Again retard, learn how to count, and also start your sentence with capitals. Then again you must be in Mossads program for employing special needs idiots, be giving them trolling jobs. Since your good for nothing else there Herschel.

Ceasar Polar

Most likely a bot. I have seen similar bot-trolls that the zionists-scums are using around.

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