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North Korea Says 1.4 Million Applied To Join Army Amid Crisis With South

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North Korea Says 1.4 Million Applied To Join Army Amid Crisis With South

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North Korean state media reported on October 16 that more than a million young people have signed up to join or rejoin the military this week amid tensions with South Korea.

1.4 million young people, including students and youth league officials, signed the petition to join the military, according to the Korean Central News Agency.

“Millions of young people have turned out in the nationwide struggle to wipe out the ROK scum who committed a serious provocation of violating the sovereignty of the DPRK through a drone infiltration,” the news agency said, referring to both countries by their official acronyms.

The announcement came after North Korea accused Seoul on October 11 of sending drones over Pyongyang that scattered a “huge number” of anti-North leaflets. North Korea then blew up inter-Korean roads and rail lines on its side of the border on October 15, and warned that the South would “pay a dear price”.

There was no immediate comment from South Korea, which has previously warned that if North Korea inflicts harm on the safety of South Koreans, that day will be “the end of the North Korean regime”.

It’s worth noting that vice foreign ministers of South Korea, the United States and Japan are scheduled to hold talks in Seoul on October 16.

Tensions between the north and south began to rise earlier this year. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un declared South Korea a “primary foe” and said unification was no longer possible. Since then, the North has since been taking steps to cut inter-Korean relations and has stepped up the testing of advanced weapon systems.


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Snow Den

it is the same way of thinking as the german and british generals during the trench warfare of world war i. if an attack of 10,000 infantrymen against machine guns and heavy artillery does not work, let us try it next time with 50,000 or 100,000 men. so kim jon dumb should learn that it’s not about quantities, but about qualities. a 1.5 million army without aircraft and superiority in the air is worth as much as fighting with explosive diarrhea.against a tank formation

Last edited 2 hours ago by Snow Den
Snow Den 2

gaddafi & hussein learned it the hard way.


qaddafi and hussein did not have big friends like russia or iran. the americans and israelis are pathetic bullies and cowards. they pick on easy prey. look at ukraine how peer-to-peer war is going for them. they spent 30 years beating their chests against killing of unarmed civilians and poorly trained militaries and rag tag militias. try taking on russia, iran and china directly….americans are pussies. their tech is over priced and overrated

Last edited 2 hours ago by hasbarats
Snow Den 3

oh, both of them, kaddafi and hussein had that “mighty” friend. russia betrayed yugoslavs, iraq, syria, libya, armenia…they will betray anybody, including belarus. north korea as well. kim only wants to draw some attention to his shithole country as everybody looks on iran and israel but it simply doesn’t work. kim jon dumb repeats his old tricks way too often. and as trump pointed out, the rocketman has much smaller red button then u.s. presidents in the oval office.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Snow Den 3

hussein was friend of the us and ussr in the same time before 1991, because he posed himself as a socialist (baas party) to please ussr and enemy of iran to please the us. he started war with iran (1980-1988), but lost. then first friend decided to gain iraqi oil deposits as compensation for iranian oil, that was in western hands before the islamic revolution.


gaddafi and hussein didn’t have a nuclear deterrent either, and paid the price for that. both were brutally murdered by us proxies. the lesson is clear – get yourself the biggest, pointiest, shiniest nuclear missile you can, drive it around ostentatiously and say to uncle sugar, “do you feel lucky, punk?” iran will now do the same. it cannot afford to do anything different. the zio regime has no qualms about genocide, or using nuclear weapons.

Snow Den 5

nk nuclear deterrent doesn’t work. u.s. have much bigger red button. in fact, the n.k. nuclear deterrent is as worth as “tunnels” in gaza. iran has probably nuclear deterrent too and they will level them with the ground anyway. they are not afraid of nuclear confrontation anymore. in 60ties, 70ties, the global elites wanted skilled educated workers, mainly white doctors, engineers, scientists. now they want them all dead and replaced by black scums.


“we’re going to bomb them back into the stone age” is a quote by general curtis e. lemay, who was the air force chief of staff in 1965 during the us’s failed attempt to win a war. despite air supperity and all the firepower the us could muster it didn’t turn out as he hoped it would. hint: the us lost.😉


if you actually studied the korean war of the 1950s, it was all about manpower. the air force exchanges were soviet and chinese pilots flying north korean planes while americans flew south korean planes. iran needs to do its homework and get those nukes fast. the north koreans understood that a long time ago.


this is another deliberately engineered conflict by the americans. the americans modus operandi is to “freeze” conflicts and deploy “trip wire” forces to the conflict zone so that they can “unfreeze” the conflict when they want. the americans have been occupying japan and south korea since ww2. logistics do not favor the americans. the chinese-russian-north korean alliance is too powerful. poor south korean and japanese soy boys will bear the brunt of this misadventure


they will send more n.k to fught against ukrain ?


ukraine has been parroting that narrative alot lately. why would russians need north koreans in ukraine other than reconstruction? it makes zero sense. unless the north koreans want practice and insisted then i can understand small contingents going in. but large scale deployments make no sense. the russians are handling the nato pape tiger on their own pretty damn well


everyone know tha russian army is bs a cheap votka army


everyone knows the us army are kittens that think they are lions.


putin will send 1 million koreans in the us to milton, saxon, and other sodomites, urban lunatics like jensy, banksters, members of senate, congress and joseph biden personally to ask “how do you do, son of the…?” good people have nothing to worry about this sociological survey.

Snow Den 3

kim wants more publicity so he can portrait his regime as a regional power able to crush americans. in fact americans are not going to crush north korea anytime soon as there is nothing to grab. no oil, no gold, no diamonds… it is only strategic region as china really don’t want u.s. lapdog country to serve as bridgehead for land invasion so close. but china don’t like n.k. as well. they keep them down and docile, as a source of cheep whores to work in chinese brothels for food.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Snow Den 3

yet more wishful thinking from an ignoramus who isn’t knowledgeable about much of anything.


almost all conflicts on the earth are engineered by the blood thirsty “americans”, exactly as wwii, where family bush supported adolf hitler rothschild, until it was time to occupy europe. with the mass murder in the hospitals their goal is obvious; they want to extinct all native people, exactly as on the north american continent. its a “do it yourself” project, if you noticed the hysteria in the fake pandemic.

New Zion

without ukrainians to send and unwilling to cause arevolution in the usa. the american zionists will send the japanese and s.koreans for their globalism work. population control must have been the reason for bill clintons reactor in dprk


it is not the us colony south korea that is doing provocation, but it is us that is doing this stupidity. here is the deal. nk is among the few countries along with china and russia that have the ability to vaporize the whole north american continent. the fact it is doing this shows how desperate us is. there are about 200000 us citizens including 28000 us troops in south korea and no clue what us would do about them if war broke out here. they are all hostages and sitting ducks.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Seoul

trumpo himself said that the “leaders” of us vassal states like south korea and japan couldn’t so much as go to the bathroom without asking his permission first. trumpo is at least disarmingly honest in a crude and brazen kind of way. the uk, japan, s. korea are america’s bitches. america is israel’s bitch.

Snow Den 4

and by the way. russia can’t use their nuclear weapons without nod from china as china holds russia very hard by their balls. just don’t be deceived by putin sweet words about “multipolar” world order and justice. the are all 1st class bullies and thugs, u.s, china and russia and russia is the weakest one, sided (temporarily) with china just because they have no other option. as for as nk, they are losers. relict form the last century and such a shithole, that noone wanted to invade them.


more empty rhetoric from someone who probably doesn’t know what the word means.

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