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North Korea Threatens US With “Horrible Nuclear Strike” As South Korea Asks For More Military Exercises With The US And Japan

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North Korea Threatens US With "Horrible Nuclear Strike" As South Korea Asks For More Military Exercises With The US And Japan

Kim Jong Un

North Korea has threatened the US with a “horrible nuclear strike and miserable and final ruin” arguing that it’s ready to conduct a pre-emptive strike if it see “any slight sign of provocation.”

“The U.S. cooked up another “sanctions resolution” at the United Nations Security Council as part of its unprecedented military threat and sanctions and blockade to stifle the DPRK [North Korea]. The U.S. describes the DPRK’s nuclear deterrence for self-defense as the “biggest threat to peace”, but it is no more than a shameful logic and a brigandish deed to justify its crimes against peace on the Korean Peninsula,” the state-run media outlet Korean Central News Agency reported. “The DPRK, which towered as the most powerful nuclear weapons state despite the unprecedented difficulties and trials, is not afraid of sanctions, pressure and war.

On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump threatened North Korea with total destruction if it attacks the US or its allies.

We will have no choice than to totally destroy North Korea,” Trump said calling Kim Jong Un a “rocket man” that “is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime.”

On Monday, the South Korean Defense Ministry announced that the country asked the US to send the USS Ronald Reagan carrier strike group to join the exercises scheduled for October. The ministry also said that it’s planning a joint missile defense exercise with the US and Japan later in September or in October.

Earlier in September, the United Nations Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions against North Korea, banning Pyongyang’s textile exports and capping its oil imports.

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John Mason

Kim should challenge Trump to a duel, now that would be interesting. Judging by Trumps’ character and personality one can safely assume that his bluff will run out and Trump will take off to the distant hills and sinking sunset and his tail between his legs…..


I feel like the leaders of the US, NK, SK and Japan are utterly clueless in what to do, other then keep on saying ever more stupid things and hold more military exercises and missile launches. Because god forbid any of them would be seen as weak and do something actually smart instead. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and still hoping for a different outcome.

Aren’t we glad that in our socalled democracies we elect such responsible and clear level headed leaders?


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Moussa Saab

The leaders are clueless, but the people in power know exactly what they are doing. Another war

Solomon Krupacek

this fat dwarf should finish with old commie expressions: Horrible Nuclear Strike

it is so grotty :)


nothing to do with commie, typical asian.

Solomon Krupacek

Also in 50ies in europe were such logans. i mean, european socialist countries.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Seems like Trump just keeps spouting the US nonsense since 1946 from these primitive and vulgar elite , the man like their political system is everyone walking backwards towards totalitarian control in the US and the World. These country rejected Kings only to trade it for a ruling class elite who tells them what to do and puts on distractions to keep the public under the influence everything is all normal.

The movie Brazil in 1986 by RH Milheine and Terry Gilliuame sum this world up aptly in one scene they are out dining and Terrorism acts are just occurring they just drop down TV screens while all this going on and people continue to eat. Many may not know who RH Milheine was, he just happened to be a very highly placed Israeli agent ,he effected the smuggling of 850 nuclear triggers to Israel. The US state department caught this and demanded them returned and only got half of them back. Now who is the dangerous one now, Israel who refused to even sign onto NPT even after Syria in 2003 had drafted a resolution which overwhelmingly passed at the UN.


Omg, do it already, tired of waiting, bla bla bla

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