Su-25s of North Macedonia at Petrovec Air Base. Taken on 27 April 2007 by Rob Schleiffert from Holland. Via Wikimedia.
North Macedonia has agreed to supply battle tanks and fighter jets to Ukraine, senior Ukrainian presidential aide Mykhailo Podolyak said on August 6.
“Many nations are showing more courage today than half of the G20 [Group of 20 major economic powers]. Like North Macedonia, giving Ukraine a shoulder in the form of tanks and planes,” Podolyak wrote on Twitter.
It has been already reported that North Macedonia donated its entire fleet of Soviet-made T-72 battle tanks, which is made up of 30 T-72A and 1 T-72AK, to Ukraine. The tanks were bought from Kiev during the conflict between the Albanian National Liberation Army militant group and Macedonian security forces in 2001.
The United States will reportedly compensate North Macedonia with an unknown number of JLTVs [Joint Light Tactical Vehicles].
Latter reports revealed that North Macedonia had handed over its only four Soviet-made Su-25 fighter jets to Ukraine. The fighter jets were also supplied by Kiev during the conflict of 2001. It remains unclear if the US will compensate North Macedonia for the jets.
North Macedonia became a full member of NATO in March 2020. The US and other members of the alliance have been pumping weapons to Kiev forces nonstop since the beginning of the Russian special military operation there in late February.
The NATO’s massive support has failed to change the course of the conflict. To this day, Kiev forces are still struggling to halt the advance of the Russian military and its allies.
They will be set for a nasty surprise.
same as Monkeyhoax
Macedonia have only 31 T72 Tanks ,just a few days all will destroy if sending to Ukraine if they still can operates.
i give them less than 2 days from when they cross the border. =Z=
It is beyond funny that every little mutt of Limey Americunts and Zionists is sending “weapons” (aka junk) to the Kievan-Rus, as if it will make any difference.
Macedonia is now officially screwed.
Macedonia could not afford to fly the planes, repair the planes, or train the pilots. Most of the T72s have barely moved in a decade, due to the costs of fuel and spare parts. The tank crews have very little training in those tanks. This is an economic benefit to the Macedonian military, since they can now spend (or steal) money on equipment they can afford.
Monkeydonian airspace is being partoled by Greek(Hellenic) Air Force (HAF).
Yes, the country monkeydonia stole history and the name from.
Thanks to out traitor politicians that will sell even thei rmother for Skopje(Monkeydonia) to enter NATO…
Have no right to say to macedonian people such words, Shame on you hell-ass
If you do not speak Greek and be of greek origin, you are not macedonian.
I thought that the Greeks were a civilized people, but you show me the opposite.. It seems that they remained in a feudal society.
Another blacklisted county by Russia dammit
Waste, 🙄
Congrats North Macedonia, hopefully the Ukrainians will destroy a lot of Russian forces with this weapons.
More chance of plaiting fog ya retard!. Ooh 4 x Su25, they lost two already today, ha ha ha!
You didnt get it. The Macedonian OGs just wanted to get rid of these old crap. I will be impressed if they still manage to fly this vintage piece of garbage. They will get the money from the EU tax payers for this “charity transfer”. So the Macedonians hustlers played both the EU and the Ukrainians like a fiddle.
Do those old Su-25’s have the ability to even fly? What is the service records on them? What about those old T-72’s? Are they even capable of combat?
They can move and rotate their turrets. What more do you want for 50 Quid? :p
As Diamond says above those jets need constant maintenance and crews /spare parts to get them “operational ” which means in war =the ability to fly right away. 600MPH they were used as ground attack , the only positive thing I could say in 2022 is that the pilots cockpit is heavily armoured .
LOL, paying that Ukro tax.
Macedonians are Greek! Europe is full of these fake states that have no viability whatsoever.
false–they do not speak Greek; their language is more similar to Serb than Greek
My friend macedonia is Greek,check geography. The language spoken by the inhabitants of Skopje is essentialy bulgarian but that territory is not macedonia.
Skopje was the capital of the Serbian empire. Before that it was part of Greek world. Bulgarian is a dialect of Serbian. Again I repeat Macedonians are Greek. North Macedonia is mostly Slavic today with a large Albanian minority.
No,Skopje (the capital) was never capital of serbian empire, serbs had their capital far north.
Skopje as territory was never serbian heartland. It was under serbian administration at times but serbian ehartland is further north and of course Kosovo.
Yeah,all south slavic languages are similae rna dll understand each other.
But the dialect spoken in the area of FYROM is most closely related to bulgarian.
The so called “Northern monKeydonia’ has significant albanian numbers and mostly slavic.
But the word mecedonia primarily addresses Greek territory and greek origin people living there.
Monkeydonians are just copying and steaking history.
See skopjan president Gligorov admiting on video you have nothing to do with Alexander and Greeks. Those guys are completely fake
Yes it was! 1282-1381 Skopje, Capital of the Serbian empire. Again in 1345-1371.
You can speak as a god, hahahaha, many people as you are nothing just a piece of shit.
you make me laugh with your nonsense
according to my Serb friends their language closer to Serb than Greek
As usual . but w Thrace belong to turk re htis
That’s why they’re not Macedonians.
RWho you are to say we are not Macedonians? GOD..WHO???People has the right to define themself. And You still dont let them alone….The world will be better place if the people like you are not on this planet.
Do you speak Greek? Are you genetically Greek? If the answer is no then you are not Macedonians.
nguage..It’s seems it is different. Where you see area MACEDONIA, the people who lived there are MACEDONIANS, Can’t be greeks..Macedonians and the Macedonian language is recognized by the whole world and so it is recognized in the UN, Russia and America and China recognize the Macedonian language as a separate language from Greek.. So yes, sorry… but Greece is nothing compared to this..
So you believe in transgenderism too? I identify myself as a porcupine, does that make it so?
I thought the Greeks were a civilized people, at least that’s how you want to be identified because of your history, but you deny me on that..you are an uncivilized one..
Nooo you wrong Mac belong to Greece to 😉
Macedonians are greek who speak macedonian language, hahahahah..Shame on you ancient greeks who laying the world about Macedonia.
They’re whores. They’ll do anything including stab a friend in the back for a few American dollars.
Putin, please for the love of FUCK nuke the USSA!
more target practice; Russia now has the most competent experienced tested military on earth….the lgbt amerikans will never send their Taliban defeated military anywhere except Hawaii for advanced monkey pox training
@southfront I have a question is to why since 02/08/2022 you have only posted two pieces of information on Nanci Pelosi visiting Taiwan, why have you not posted anymore information or articles on what the PLA and the CCP have been up to in the current days following? Is it because information is difficult to come by from the communist state? Is it that a sponsor of southfront keeps you from publishing specific information about China? Myself and southfront readers would like more information regarding what the CCP/PLA are discussing and their military involvement. Thanks
Maybe they have lack of personal at the moment, so it’s difficult to make the research. Maybe they need more staff to analyze the news from the PRC. Can you make some donation? So that they will hire more personal and then be able to provide more based infos we all want.
I’m not doubting southfront I think the work they do is outright amazing but when it comes to information/analysis involving China readers don’t get as much as other parts of the world. I have been a reader for many years now and have seen a lot about China building up its Navy, Air force, a few articles on PLA show of force against Taiwan but with all the positives come negatives aswell and that’s what we don’t see as much when it comes to the CCP. I have read on other sites information in the recent days about Chinese military drills around Taiwan but nothing from southfront and that’s a little suspicious because southfront is normally in top of every military action around the globe? Thanks for the replies.
On another pro Russia website there are many articles on China on which I post my point of view but it also provides articles on many subjects –there again its got ( according to the website ) nearly 4 million subscribers on –it seems you tube–a Google company.SF obviously doesn’t get enough money from all the Google trackers here and is certainly targetted a lot more by paid posters. But I agree with Ivan.
pelota is a distraction
loser nation also changed its name to North macedonia. Should be ruled by superior beings Russians.
It’s the Jews!
They may as well as donate T34s and Il-2s.
North Macedonia going out of its way to give Ukraine 25 year old military hardware that will be replaced by USA taxpayer provided USA military hardware. Too stupid to even take seriously.
Thankfully for the Russians Denmark isn’t supplying thanks/fighter jets to Ukes. I’m sure the Kremlin is breathing a sigh of relief of that one. They ducked the wrath of Jens’ people this time.
Well guess what if ordinary civilians can track them moving to Ukraine the Russian military WOULD KNOW EXACTLY WHERE THEY ARE AND WHEN THEY CROSS THE BORDER and if i were Russia i would have a DRONE above them and as soon as they cross the border into Ukraine DESTROY THEM JUST PASSED THE BORDER CHECKPOINT as soon as they enter Ukraine by say 10 meters BOOM DESTROYED by MISSILE STRIKE even if they have NATO drivers, as they can’t complain as they drove into a war zone. Long live Russia as they exterminate the Ukraine NAZIS and NATO =Z=
All the whores and scum “donating” their obsolete junk to disappearing rump Ukropland to ingratiate their asses with the Natostan thugs for new weapons which will be paid for by their own tax cattle.
No more nonsense, to Odessa already and Berlin again if necessary.
You can be sure that not only nato but George soros has a hand in this. Financing and bank rolling the corrupt politicians in North Macedonia just as they have in other vassal countries in West Europe. How long before Macedonia it’s self implodes and the people there revolt against the puppet Western politicians put in place by the CIA in order to dance to the tune of the Washington DC murder gang.
This is good news these fake nato created colonies are disarming themselves faster then anyone could have hoped for. this nato colony is now disarmed it no longer has a tank fleet and airpower. This should benefit serbia in the long run when its time to reunify yugoslavia. Putin is doing well in ukraine. all these coldwar weapons run at the artillery wall and are destroyed with minimal russian losses. even those himars are wiped out as we speak. So russia is actually successful in disarming and denazifying ukraine and its helpers. their numbers will runout faster then russias trust me. Russia has much more stock of obsolete equipment and artillery munitions then these tiny factions. and russia also has the factories to produce them and they dont. their stocks will deplete russia will defeat them in the long run. i look forward to the liberation of the rest of the donbass slava russyia.
US vassals doing US’s bidding. No surprise there.
Now, the question begging to be asked is: where did Macedonia get the S-25 CAS bombers? From ex-Yugoslav army stocks?? I doubt it since the Yugoslav armed forces never employed the S-25 in their arsenal. They operated Orao J-22s and still do. Same as the T-72, never operated in the ex-Yugoslavia. Did a neighboring ex-Warsaw Pact country sell them to Macedonia? Any Serbs in the house???
Great move Macedonia! We must stop Russia. P. S Bulgaria is tatar gypsy state Greek or gey reek is Turkish state
Serbian is new yugoslavia Turkey forever
Macedonian is run by gangster (((NATO))) Albanians