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Northeast Syria Locals Intercepted Another U.S. Convoy (Video, Photos)

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On March 27, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops and locals intercepted another convoy of U.S. forces, consisting of five vehicles, near the town of Hammo in the northern countryside of al-Hasakah.

U.S. forces were apparently planning to conduct an armed patrol near the border city of al-Qamishli, which is located northwest of Hammo.

Pro-government sources released photos showing the locals and army personnel that blocked U.S. forces as well as a video showing armored vehicles retreating from Hammo.

In cooperation with government troops, Hammo’s locals intercepted two U.S. convoys on March 23 and 25 in a similar fashion.

Such incidents increased in the last few weeks. The Damascus government appears to be coordinating its efforts with local activists to limit the freedom of movement of US forces in northeast Syria.

Around 500 U.S. troops still remain in northeast Syria. These troops are deployed near key oil fields in southeast Deir Ezzor and northeast al-Hasakah, supposedly to “guard” them from ISIS.


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Damien C

Can these guys not take a hint that they are not wanted by the Syrian people


They do not care what local people think or want or think about USA, they are just obeying orders to serve (?) its country (brain washed).


A few body bags will be an adequate hint.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

“not wanted” by some rag tag assad regime militias? meanwhile the entire Kurdish people want the USA to stay, since they invited them in the first place.


Since when do Jews care about ANYONE except themselves. Go back to JewYork. You’re better off there. You’re not wanted anywhere else.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

get lost antisemite


Duddums… did the GOY subhuman get under your skin? You gonna report me to ADL? How about telling everyone about Oded Yinon and what the two blue lines top and bottom of the jewish flag mean… Hmm… War OF Terror ring a bell? Clear the Middle East of Arabs and send them anywhere except IsraHell. You’re a racist. A filthy racist. And your ‘antisemit’ tried and tested tag line is how you try and shut people up. Sorry to have to reply to you because I know you guys get paid by the post to troll people but I’m only putting this all here cause I know ten thousand other people will read it. War OF Terror – Oded Yinon – Greater IsraHell – Two blue lines on the Jewish flag is what Zionists CLAIM as theirs when they drew it up on a scrap of paper in 1885. Suck eggs. Go home to JewYork scumbag.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

yinon plan was FAKED, never proven real. if you’re basing your hatred off that, then you really are a schmuck afterall.

Chris Ulbricht Ralph

you goof. you made some outrageous and foolish statements. of course nobody likes you you pooper

Chris Ulbricht Ralph

Ravi Schwartz are you on drugs? The USA IS supporting Jihadists in Syria and you know it. As for the Russians in Italy, they are doing a great job. You stupid Americans are as bad as Covid-19

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

yeah sure, soon Italy will be annexed and I’ll be saying to you all “I told ya so!”

fayez chergui

F..*g US rats!

johnny rotten

The Yankee invaders look more like mafia gangs than a regular army, this brings us back to the origins of the United $tates of A.


Hello, rate my nude photos and videos (18 y.o.) absolutely free – http://trim4.me/5OS

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

funny how morons like you keep replying to this obvious bot

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

like i said, times not up yet. Russkies haven’t withdrawn from Italy, you schmuck.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

much better? Italy has gotten WORSE since the russkies came. 900 people died from covid-19 just today! you call that “better”? Russkies just finding an opening to annex or steal military secrets from NATO airbases, that’s all.


They should be hit with IEDs, US is an illegal occupation force.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

they’re not “invaders”, schmuck. They were invited by the People of Syria and the Kurds in order to destroy isis and protect the oil fields from Iran.

Arch Bungle

Bullshit. Shmuck.


Good news.

Peter Jennings

No more patrols, no more intel. Time and space is running out for US troops in Syria. My guess, the US will make a mad dash for the exit.


When the US descends into anarchy and chaos triggered by Covid 19the 3 million + new unemployed will erupt I suspect.

The US troops will be needed at home I hope.

Peter Jennings

Could be. The US has gotten very pally with the Taliban of late and seem to be flirting with the mad idea of allowing Afghans to run Afghanistan.

Maybe the home guard will be good enough to keep order should the need arise.

Joe Doe

Looks like those war criminal still not getting, they are not wanted in Syria

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

you guys realize the US troops in their massive armored MRAP trucks could easily just drive right through these poorly armed regime militias, right? Their 50 cals would chew up any terrorists in their paths. It would be zero competition.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

No RPG round can penetrade an MRAP. None.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

only round rpg uses that has shown effective is the tandem HEAT, which is very rare and expensive. poor middle eastern peasants use the Pg-7 AT round from the 1960’s which can barely dent a decent armored truck

Chris Ulbricht Ralph

You are no different from a nazi. we don’t appreciate your world view. Jews and anybody else who reject Jesus Christ are hell bound fools

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

typical antisemite

Chris Ulbricht Ralph

you are really messed up. supporting the American presence in Syria is completely foolish. What good have they done?

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

they’ve defeated isis and secured the oil from iran


There is a very simple solution to this: high powered sniper rifles and exploding munitions. Sooner or later it will just get too stressful to conduct ‘incursions’ in Syrian territory.

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