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Whether or not Hezbollah sent an infiltration team to launch an attack or test the preparedness of Israel’s border security, Israel has been preparing for a major confrontation ever since it became aware that a Hezbollah fighter was killed in the air strike on Syria on the 20th of July, rushing reinforcements to the frontier last week and continuing to reinforce combat and intelligence units in the area.
On July 26, the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) deployed M109 Doher howitzers near the separation line with Lebanon. Prior to this, the 13th “Gideon” Infantry Battalion of the IDF’s 1st “Golani” Brigade arrived to reinforce troops near the border. The number of Israeli Hermes 450 drone reconnaissance flights over southern Lebanon has also increased significantly, and additional IDF units have been deployed around the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
A Hebrew-language channel stated on Wednesday night that the Israeli army expects an attack by Hezbollah during the Islamic Eid Al-Adha holiday.
The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation, Kann, reported that Israel fears a “second attack” by Hezbollah in the next 48 hours, that is, during the celebration of Eid al-Adha.
The Israeli news channel reported that, based on this expectation, the Israeli army has strengthened its forces in the north near the Lebanese and Syrian borders, deploying additional advanced missile systems, rocket batteries and intelligence-gathering capabilities.
המתיחות בצפון | בישראל חוששים מפיגוע נוסף של חיזבאללה שייצא לפועל בתוך 48 שעות. צה"ל מתגבר עוד יותר את הכוחות בצפון במערכי אש מיוחדים, רקטות מיוחדות ויכולות איסוף מודיעין". הדיווח של @moyshis ב-#חדשותהערב
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) July 28, 2020
The Israel-based news channel quoted a “Lebanese diplomat in Beirut” – whom they did not name – as saying that Hezbollah does not want a comprehensive escalation with Israel, but that it is searching for a target that will constitute a meaningful retaliation.
The diversity of firepower and manpower being deployed, which includes large quantities of both offensive and defensive elements, suggests that the Israelis are anticipating a decisive attack from Hezbollah and that they are preparing for any eventuality.
Palmachim Air Base and Nuclear Complex Desert (source):

Tel Nof. Is it a farm? Is it a desert? Or is it an air force and missile base?

Palmachim-Soreq satellite images
Israel and Hezbollah last engaged in open war along the border in 2006, with the month-long conflict killing more than 1,100 Lebanese and 165 Israelis. Since then, sporadic exchanges of fire have broken out, most recently in September of 2019, when Hezbollah launched a volley of rockets into an Israeli military base in retaliation for an Israeli drone attack. Israel responded with an artillery barrage, and no casualties on either side were confirmed.
If past events are an accurate guide for what will transpire, the sequence of events set in motion by the previous Israeli breach of the implicit norms governing the ‘rules of engagement’ when it sent drones into Lebanon is most likely providing the basis for Hezbollah’s strategy. Hence, they will choose their target for retaliation very carefully and it will possess both material and symbolic value proportionate to the damage inflicted by the Israeli attack. However, what will provide the basis of the proportionality – the scale of the Israeli missile attack which killed the Hezbollah fighter, the overall material, human and psychological damage caused by the attack, or the loss of one soldier?
The actual attack will probably occur over the next one to two weeks – enough time to draw out the angst and suspense and demonstrate once again the weakness and fear of Israel lurking behind its bravado and belligerence, but not too long to lose the direct connectivity with the triggering event.
While it cannot be ruled out that Netanyahu and his ruling clique will decide to risk starting a major conflict by responding to Hezbollah’s retribution with a major attack (as opposed to a charade ‘photo-op’ attack for the press), they will probably accept the punishment from Hezbollah as they did last time – Netanyahu has managed to fend off the challenge to his hold on the PM’s office, the corruption case against him will take years to go nowhere, and doing otherwise would be to embark into completely unknown territory which could risk everything.
The final decision in this respect will almost certainly be taken based on the personal calculations of those involved (i.e., Netanyahu, his advisors and patrons) and which option is most likely to preserve or increase their power both within Israel and abroad, rather than on calculations based on what would be best for Israel and the Israeli people as a whole (or at least, the only Israelis that count, those that support the Zionist project unconditionally).
Rather than risk an open battle with Hezbollah, the most likely course is that Israel (the US, the Saudis, etc.) will continue to do everything possible to weaken the movement short of instigating an open battle, including imploding Lebanon into a state of complete economic and social breakdown if possible. The SouthCom strategy for imploding Venezuela first revealed by the Voltaire Network in 2018 probably provides an accurate guide to the types of tactics and measures involved, updated and adapted to Lebanon’s peculiar economic, social and cultural milieu (Preparations for the Final Phase of Regime Change in Venezuela).
Do you see the map all of you? now do you see the villages in SL? take a good look at the names, after the war nothing will be left of them. Still waiting for Hezbollah to put us to the test, afterall they won the 2006 war didn’t they? nothing to fear.
Dumbass PUNK, opened a new account OWEN Friday, how original. Arsehole, you have imaginary wars in your teenage faggot shitbrain :)
49 wrecked merkavas, destroyed ins hanit corvette, burning haifa … but that was in 2006 …2020 surprises are on a whole new level i bet you’ll see your precious f-16’s getting downed like dead birds from the skies …stay safe buddy the best way is to take a vacation and never come back palestine will be liberated from the zionist one day and muslims christians and jews will live together in peace once again
Like I’ve said bring it on, nothing to be scared so stop your threats I don’t care about it. We all know Hezbollah is going to respond, but you miscalculate how we are seeing it here. Gantz just needs to order the IDF to mobilze its forces into Lebanon, and it can be done in a short notice. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, I’m done talking. Taking the subway?
Not at all, no harm has been done.
You always say that as if you’re comfortable with the fact that it’s even tried, what if it does succeed, when they try at full power, aren’t you scared, zionist?
Nope, then our response will be worse and they know it.
You talk big for a small tumorous entity surrounded by enemies with thousands of missiles
Well, maybe I know something that you don’t ;-)
That order will not be issued.
you know what happen to Ehud olmert after 2006 war. same thing will happen To gants and netanyahoo. in 2020/21. take popcorn and watch the destruction of your master.
Okay Rafik.
??? You very funny coward. The article is very accurate, and describes you pretenders exactly the way you are. Hezbollah barks, pretenders freak out. There will be no war. Not even Bibi is so stupid as to further provoke the militia. As it is the world smells your fear, your bluff, bluster, and empty threats are a thin façade, .Be patient, Hezbollah wishes you to wait, and when it pleases, it will give what you demand.
Zionist cowardly cunts have been reduced to quivering in front of Hezbollah. LOL
Hezbollah shouldn’t attack when they expect them to attack and where they expect them. I am sure they know all that and will have right answer in due time. Israel is scared and in waiting …let them wait
Hezbollah is playing the Zionists like a finely tuned fiddle.
OK I hope you are right. I do have confidence in them and on top, Jews are in panic mode… Which all in all is good situation. It is sign of Hezbollah dominating the enemy psychologically.
The 2006 defeat had a profound impact on Zionist arrogant psyche, they were caught with their pants down and simply could not even stop the incessant rocket fire for 33 days, US had to step in to work out a face saving “ceasefire”. This time the conflict would go regional. That is the Zionists biggest fear and cause of their hysterics.
Israelis are so scared that since then they have not stopped bombing Iranian forces in Syria. And Hezbollah is so brave that since 2006 they have stopped all offensive activity from the Lebanese border, out of courage of course. LOL. You guys believe your own lies. Judge by deeds not by the words of Iranian clergy.
OK mr brains tell us ONE thing that Israel did and was undisputed proof of their “courage”? Then you can go on and try to deride anybody you want
I’m not playing your game. I judge by deeds not by the words. Not according to Zion’s threats and not according to the stupid interpretations of guys like you.
So when it is not under your terms it is labeled “game” I was asking you on the subject you have imposed yourself trying to deride enemies of Israel from imaginary high moral grounds. Yet in my opinion Israel is the country with no decency and no honor in everything they do! So I will call you HYPOCRITE!
Careful HiaNd, he’ll call you an antisemitite and conspiracy theorist, and then think that he has won. ?
You’re a real genius.
I do hope he will !
Ashkenazim antisemitism is the only compliment I prefer. He never doubts his words like all idiots, of course he “won”
You are exchanging posts with a teenage bastard of a supposed Iranian Jew. This cunt is a brainless twit and just wants attention. I just bait these idiots and let them stew :)
He is angry hateful, real bastard, and that is a FACT, still smarting over his Iranian Jew dad.
Don’t get too excited old evil. I seem to be preoccupying your old head too much.
We know, you’re playing checkers. The game is chess, pussy.
I found some photos of Israeli courage :)
It could be a picture of Jesus the Jewish Messiah getting beaten and mocked before the Resurrection of the Messiah and the birth of Christianity. It’s to late now,but imagine if the Rabbi’s had taken in the Messiah.We can see from the blessing bestowed upon the Euro Facist that they and the Rabbi’s have learned nothing. Moses presented the 10 commandments to the Jewish after God had helped them escape slavery from the Egyptians but forewarned them not to forget God’s Sovereignty over his creation, well they did, still are and are are worse than the Canaanites. Israel will fail as they have always done so, they are wicked and weak
Twill be a frabjous day when Israel and the tribe are held to account for their crimes.
It must be a fair trial as there are many jews who deplore what is being done in their name by the venal and murderous jews.
In plain English, the Zionist cunts are cowards and evil. Hallelujah brother.
Very brave Zionist cunts.
What these hateful cowardly PUNKS, like Zion and his alter-shitty ego “free-man” (pathetic joke of a bastard) don’t realize that Zionist arseholes shooting off a couple of stand-off missiles from hundreds of miles away is hardly a sign of “bravery” or military competence. It shows how cowardly and impotent they are as for decade they have not been able to do a goddamn thing about Iran in Syria or 40 years against Hezbollah. What is bravery is Hezbollah ability to engage the Zionist cowards in hand to hand combat and scare the shit out of them. The Zionists are scared of Hezbollah’s name. And that is sign of Hezbollah’s true grit.
Theres a big difference between air strikes & having to fight on the ground against an organised opponent whilst taking casualties!
This is a ridiculous argument. Israel has been bombing the Iranian forces for years without response and you guys write that Israel is the coward. Seriously?
So it was courageous to bomb by hiding behind Russian reconnaissance airplane, behind Syrian passenger jet or to bomb from Golan or even from Israel or Lebanon and turn and run away immediately?! All that after they got satellite Intel from US in advance on whereabouts of Syrian air defenses so they could plan every detail of attack? What is so courageous about that?
Is I was Putin I would bomb Israel to revenge all killed Russian officers and pilot’s!
No, no, you pretenders have been bombing what you’ve labeled “Iranian forces” for years without the slightest effect. Attacking from locations that offer human shields to hide behind. Yes cowards seriously. Pretender actions demonstrate cowardice. Words for pretenders are lies.
The IDF is well trained for that, waiting for our greenlight.
HUSH you little TWAT!
Have you ever considered the reasons why you are so hated throughout history?
IDF is well trained to beat up women and children and gang-up on old men.
You are boy child with an unhealthy obsession with Iran, a country you know nothing of.
Name calling always wins an argument. LOL.
Why didn’t you post the song titled Jens Holm is a moron?
Very good de-explanation. You probatly also are a non alcoholic, because have no money.
Maybee You are Russians. Everytime they have no ammo, they ask for ceasefire.
You sound like average NATO idiot throwing usual platitudes and propaganda. Hate Russia as much as you want West is about to dwindle into insignicance
You are being too kind, this idiot is a complete nutter and posts from a lunatic asylum, for years I have tried and given up on what the fuck he is trying to post. No human, no matter how mentally challenged writes that kind of alien crap. He must have been dropped on his block head as an infant in the maternity ward of the Danish pastry land.
Israel lied, made up stories and now acting like the child who cried Wolf, one too many a time. Shows how weak the illegal entity it is.
They dont do that at all. They are prepared as usual. Maybee You should wash windows in Your Niqab.
So Israel doesnt lie, how trusting you are!!
The apartheid fake state was created built and forced upon the world with lies.
Time to dissolve that pile of crap called Israel and liberate Palestine
Pisrael is unsustainable, the Apartheid regime in South Africa lasted 200 years, the Zionist cancer is dead on arrival. There is a new coalition forming, which I would have never imagined a decade ago, Iranian and Egyptian troops in Syria housed next to each and fighting as brothers in arms along with Russians, Armenians and Hezbollah. Egypt has stopped all propaganda against Hezbollah and the Shia, in Cairo again there are photos of Sayyed Hasrallah and Hezbollah flags popping up all over the place. It is now only a question of time, Sisi will visit Tehran.
Good news. Arabs and Persian hand in hand. It took long time to the Egypt to come to the senses and make move to prevent Zionist terrorist games in the region. Erdogan’s Muslims Brotherhood is terrorist organization that doesn’t seek Muslim interests at all but sectarianism and divisions among Muslims for his interests only most of the time.
Egyptian people have always been anti-Zionist, they have sacrificed more lives in 1956, 1967, 1970-73 (war of attrition and Ramadan war) than any other Arab nation, now they face Turkey in Libya, Syria and the Arab world in general, Turkey is pushing into Tunisia and Libya and the Algerians, who have the best military in the Maghreb are not happy either. Algeria is very close to Iran historically, and it the Algerians pushing this new alliance. Now Erdogan is eyeing Oman, a historic Iranian zone of influence. So Egypt sees Iran as a large powerful ally. Also keep in mind the ISIS and Bedouin terrorism in Sinai is funded by Zionists.
“Also keep in mind the ISIS and Bedouin terrorism in Sinai is funded by Zionists.”
Well as far as I know all terrorism in the region is funded and organized by Zionist’s their cousins from Saudi Arabia and Erdogan-Turkey. The all 3 sides try to use that terrorism for their own interests and influence.
These are the strongest anti-Shiite forces in the Middle East. Your comment easily betrays you as one of the Shiite agents trying to manipulate public opinion on Southfront, even though you’ll deny this. Not that I support Israel or the Al-Saud devils, but I can sense the intense information wars happening online. Southfront certainly gets visits from a dozen or more Shiite agents. I notice they don’t say any good about other Muslim countries except Iran and its proxies. Comments here condemn Pakistan, Turkey, Taliban, and any country that sides with these. I can understand their condemnation of the GCC as being justified. But for Turkey, Pakistan, and Taliban, I don’t know what they did to Iran and Shiites to deserve this level of hate. The only plausible reason is that they present the biggest challenge to ANY Iranian attempt to take over the Holy sites of Islam: Mecca, Median, and Jerusalem (in this case, Israel). Shiites have been yearning to take control of these places for hundreds of years. They have fought big battles against the Sunnis for this purpose. Iran being the leader of Shiites and having one of the worst creed of them all is still scheming towards that goal. Do your research if you doubt me. If you have difficulty locating credible sources, I can help with both google search techniques and references.
Your comment is fanatical… thus comment is retarded. I am an Orthodox Christian and pro Russian to the bone. Of course I support Russian Shia allays and all anti-terrorist efforts!
Of course I hate Sunni terrorism but I am not anti-Islam or anti-Sunni !
So being pro Egypt or pro united Syria or Iraq is now anti Sunni?! How so?
If you are Sunni terrorist sympathizer you should be on Interpol terrorist list if you are in Europe. This is war situation and you want every comment not to support her own side in the name of objectivity?!! That is nonsense ! Syria is fighting for survival even Iraq against sectarian terrorism. What objectivity?
Sunni terrorist headchoppers should be killed on the spot because they have acted like animals.
That will be my opinion always but that doesn’t mean that I support everything Iran does or wants! If you seek Iranian “agent” than that could be Zionist-Evil because he sounds closest to that. Sometimes he sounds fanatical in his hatred on the other side he doesn’t like Russians and Christians in general I know that for sure. I am 100% pro Taliban and I HATE U.S. also I hate NATO. I am indifferent to all Sunni Shia sectarian disputes. That was mistake of gigantic proportions by Sunni population to be instrumentalized by CIA, MOSSAD, MI6 and to start Jihad for interests of Zionist Israel and the West! That was your choice so pay the price now.
That was even bigger strategic mistake than George Bush criminal attack on Iraq that has ruined all US advantages! It is as if Sunni leaders are traitors or total idiots. So call me Shia agent I can’t care less.
Would you describe MbS and his fellow wahabi miscreants as ‘good’ Muslims? You’re just an agent provocateur.
I am a Sunni Muslim viewing events from the lens of history. I know Erdogan is no fake – trust me. I am not a Turk, nor have I ever been to Turkey. Erdogan has Salafi ideology. Do some research on the Salafis and Muslim Brotherhood. You’ll notice they both work towards the same goal, but by different means. They both want Islam to rule in Muslim lands.
Turkey is building relations with Muslim countries in order to unite them. Turkey’s ultimate goal is to unite the Muslim world so that an attack on one is an attack on all whether military, economy, or sabotage.
Iran cannot sustain cooperation with Sunni countries due to the ideological difference. For starter, most Sunni Scholars (more than 95% if not 100%) consider Iranian leaders Kafirs. No country, including Oman, will trust Iran not to attempt spreading Shiism among its population.
Zionist cunts are the worst pathological liars.
A disgusting picture of Zionist cowardice and war crimes against 7 year olds.
yeah what is called srael is a failed geopolitical experiment that must be discontinued asap. nothing much to it. all evidence of the jews thievery and murder and lying is enough to forfeit any right to remain in palestine. wipe them out.
Pisrael struts on Americunt dumbasses, and now Americunts are kaput and that is why they sent a fat lardass general to stop the devastating conflict with Hezbollah. Why to think the Zionist cowardly cunts have shut the fuck up?
US cannot disarm Lebanon’s Hezbollah through sanctions or any means: Russian ambassador to Beirut
On US orders, Israel attempts to de-escalate tensions with Hezbollah
Preferring to avoid escalation and another defeat, Israel decided to let Hezbollah emerge unscathed from a July 27 incident, as Israel can not escape another humiliation and defeat at the hands of more deadly Hezbollah, honing its military prowess in the regional battlefields from Iraq, Syria to Yemen.
Proportional attack – this will be the destruction of an entire Israeli jeep, not just the rear tire as they did last September. This is of course if Hezbollah’s squad, this time , doesn’t run away as soon as they encounter an Israeli force.
There is nothing wrong with “ruining away” when handful of combatants have to face enemy choppers or air-force or artillery fire. Every intelligent soldiers would do the same because that is modern warfare and not medieval combat with swards and spears. Those who doesn’t run away can’t survive 10 minutes in modern combat.
I will not take your or Israeli word of how much of jeep has burned down. The fact is that Israeli’s have vacated those military premises immediately All that speaks for itself (if we talk about the same event)
If you really want to know my opinion. Hezbollah should not respond to Israel from Lebanon, thereby endangering Lebanon. If the reaction is too soft it will lose face. If the reaction is too severe, It risks a war like in 2006.
They are from Lebanon!?!! They defend, not “endangering Lebanon” It is Israel that does put in danger whole Lebanon
Should they “respond” from Mars to please Israel? Or should they ask yours or Bibi’s permission or advice where they should respond from?
Let them worries how they will respond and when… Their only job is to make Israel regret for everything they do.
They are a sectoral militia that serves the mullah regime not Lebanon. Read the Lebanese press and see what, for example, the Maronite Patriarch recently said about the need for Lebanese neutrality and the unnecessary risks that Hezbollah is getting Lebanon into.
1. You are not from Lebanon and your personal opinion about them or how you call them is of no importance 2.Not everybody in any country agrees with armed resistance even if it is justified.
3. Without Hezbollah Lebanon is defenseless so talking about “neutrality” is nonsense specially in light of total invasion of Palestine (that tries to resist apartheid regime with what they have) 4.It is a job of Maronite Patriarch to speak in the name of peace and to seek peace …That is absolutely his job ! The problem is that Israel as supporters of Zionist-Islamic terrorism is the last country on earth that can be trusted when, it comes to peace!
You lack knowledge about what is happening in the Middle East. 1. Hezbollah is an Islamist Shiite militia that receives its funding from Iran. that’s a fact. 2. The Occupied Palestinian Territories are not related to this Iranian-funded Lebanese Shiite militia. The Lebanese army needs to defend Lebanon as in any other normal country in the world. 3. Israel is a state established according to a UN resolution, whether you like it or not. Israel has not invaded Palestine, read some history. 4. The patriarch is mainly concerned that no one is willing to help Lebanon, which is in an economic crisis, because of Hezbollah. 5. “Zionist-Islamic” – This is an oxymoron. You write things that you don’t understand their meaning.
1. retarded comment (so you would prefer them to be financed by Lebanon and not to have weapons like Lebanese army?) Why would they do that when they can be well armed and represent serious enemy to Israel?
2. whole Israel is occupied Palestinian Territories not to mention that Israel now tries to occupy EVERYTHING Palestinian and gives permanent PROVES of being CRIMINAL APARTHEID TERRORIST SUPPORTING country! You or your NAZI Israel are not to decide who is suppose to defend Lebanon!
3.NO fucking UN resolution can legalize invasion of existing country Palestine and occupation of their land ! We all know that was done by UK and US imposing majority vote in UN but what they did is totally CRIMINAL according to any civilized law of this planet ! They are not even true Semite Hebrew Jews but Khazarian Ashkenazim CONVERTS to Judaism from Europe mostly and from America’s, Africa As an Orthodox Christian shit on you and on your “history” that you “read” !
4.Patriarch is obviously not doing his job and that is to repent and pray to God and stay away from politics.
Kissing Jew arse will make him rich but God will hate him for that betrayal!
Only country that creates all the wars in the region that has created ISIS is terrorist country Israel !
5. “Zionist-Islamic” jihad – This is an oxymoron in normal world but unfortunately after creating ISIS together with CIA and MI6 and starting wars in Iraq and Syria the Israel has step completely on the side of forces of EVIL with total perfidy by using Islamic jihad for their own objectives .Israel doesn’t deserve basic right to exist
While you lack knowledge of reality.
Go and check UN mandate of isreal of 1948. and check the zionist position of 2020. you have lack of knowledge. Hezbollah most of the funding is within. yes some comes from iran. but devlopment of weopeons and assemby is done by hezbollah fighters,. and yes Shiite Ressitance is based against zionist/whabhi scum not against jews or pure sunni. Iran /Hezbollah and all shiite ressitance knows if they gave up Palestine/quds . zionist will not stop there they will go further with their Great grand fathers map of isreal to invade syria and part of iraq.and Egypt and Arabia. The biggest thorn on the eye of this zionist is shia muslim. they hold the card . and the most important Zionist forfather has been thaugt lesson during Battle of Khyber wher thier forefather Marhab was having same ideology to destroy Islam but he is perished by Imam ali. And today his followers will do it. Thats why sirael and US is always afraid to attack iran of hezbollah in direct attack. and now PMU is rising soon iraq will be biggest thorn in the zionist.
1. Israel was established in 1948 by a UN resolution. In 1967 Israel occupied territories from Jordan and Egypt, which are in fact the Arab Palestine Jordan and Egypt occupied in 1948. 2. You use reverse psychology. Israel has never threatened Iran or the Shiites. Shiite residents of southern Lebanon threw rice at Israeli soldiers who invaded Lebanon during the first war in Lebanon. The Israelis saved the Shiites from the Palestinian PLO. 3. “zionist will not stop there they will go further with their Great grand fathers map of isreal to invade syria and part of iraq.and Egypt and Arabia” – Your argument is ridiculous. You want to save your enemies, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, from their allies Israel.
There will never be proportion to the crimes of the fake Jews until Israel is wiped out and Palestine returned to the Palestinians, now we are satisfied with their terror and their manifest impotence.
The Israeli’s and their friends are politically unable to conduct warfare against opponents who have the ability to kill and injure many Israeli’s. Even the Israeli airforce is constrained and has to resort to stand-off attacks or to hide behind civilian aircraft.
Israel is ‘super dooper tough’ when attacking unarmed men, women and children in Occupied Palestine.
You haven’t even seen 5% of our capabilities, the question is how far our political leadership allows us to advance into Lebanon. There is no question SL will be taken, along with tens of thousands of dead Hezbollah supporters.
Stand on your own Without the unlimited help of a super power and then we’ll talk about capabilities.
Nice comment!!!
Silly boy child nonsense as always.
Seems like your political leadership is ready this time. Netanyahu might calculate that Trump could lose the election and any chance of dismantling Hezbollah will be lost. If Israel should get into a big war with Hezbollah, I am sure Trump won’t hesitate to get in. Hezbollah can manage to put up a good fight against the Israelis, but they are aware of America’s B-52s and B-2 bombers close by. Hezbollah isn’t foolish. They’ll make a face-saving retaliation that doesn’t give Israel enough justification to escalate.
What I don’t like is your constant threat of genocide against the Shiites. Nothing Hezbollah has done can justify the deliberate mass slaughter of Shiites in Lebanon. No ethical soldier thinks like that. Only murderers contemplate genocide. If you go to war with this mindset, you’re likely to get killed. Your objective should be to dismantle Hezbollah and make sure it never regroups.
I agree our main objective should be to destroy all of Hezbollah’s infrastructures in SL, but would that be enough? after, their power comes from the Shia population living there. If we spare the so called “civilians” then they will jsut regroup again and continue threatening Israelis living in the north. I don’t see any other option, unless we exile them from SL for good and let Sunnis settle there.
Get used to it. You will NEVER destroy Hezbollah or any resistance to IsraHell. The cancerous entity and goodwill cannot co-exist. it must be destroyed.
I guess that’s why IsraHell is scraping the floor begging Hezbollah for forgiveness and promising ‘never to target Hezbollah again’? Cowards do as cowards do.
Hesbollah are the main destoyers of the Lebanese economy. They produce nothing and each keep 3-4 persons busy to feed them.
The latest step is using dollars instead of Lira.
Their latest excuse for using dollars are the wheelburs are not big enough for paying in Lira. Jews sold them to us, they say. We could not resist :)
So now we have a lot of wheelbarrows and no dollars.
Lets ignore the social service programmes they run, 12 health centers, 20 infirmaries, 20 dental clinics, schools, clinics, welfare payments to widows of soldiers killed etc
Of course you pretenders provide these services to Palestinians…. Shut the fuck up stupid.
Fine, but thatys not my point. Soldiers are expensive and in the not advanced version as they have, they cost 3 to 4 working for it instead of contributing making plus to the state and the people living there.
You in the same way can calculate the dead ones cost nothing but in the prther hand also dont contribute as well as wounded for body or brain aften has to be paid partly or 100% of theír life.
Here the need also could be covered better by incomming money and an improved production pr capita. I dont see that.
given about a hundred years of war crimes and crimes against humanity and thievery and murder of women and children and genocide of palestinians, I suppose a complete wipe out of the jews would seem proportionate.
Really? The real world sees things very different. The days of the cancerous entity are numbered. You used to be omnipotent, bomb, kill with wanton disregard but suddenly there is a perceptive shift. Better get your passports updated. In history you were expelled by so many and will be expelled from Palestine too.