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MARCH 2025

Norwegian F18 Jets Shadowed Russian Tu-160 Bombers During Flight To Venezuela

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Norwegian F18 Jets Shadowed Russian Tu-160 Bombers During Flight To Venezuela


2 Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers, an An-124 transport and an Il-62 plane have carried out a 10,000-kilometer flight from Russia to Venezuela, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on December 10. The aforementioned was conducted over the Atlantic Ocean, the Barents Sea, the Sea of Norway and the Caribbean Sea.

“At certain stages of the flight, the Tu-160 bombers were followed by F-16 fighter aircraft of the Norwegian Air Force while the flight was carried out in strict accordance with the international rules on the use of airspace,” the ministry said in a statement.

The air group landed at the Simon Bolivar International Airport in Venezuela’s capital, Caracas, on December 10. Venezuelan Defense Minister, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, was among the officials greeting Russian servicemen at the landing field.

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The Vikings should stick to rowing boats.

You can call me Al

Why ?, they did the recognised thing, nothing unusual.

You can call me Al

That is nothing guys, Norway passed them off to the Brits, have a read and remember try and laugh and dont cry:


Tudor Miron

Great article Al, much appreciated. I had a good lough. “We will not hesitate to continually defend our skies from acts of aggression.” (c) – what a brave worriors. He said “Russian bombers probing UK airspace is another reminder of the very serious military challenge that Russia poses us today.”(c) Now lets compare facts: “He said the RAF has had to scramble jets more than 80 times over the last decade to intercept Russian military aircraft.”(c) – 80 in 10 years. Now official figures from Russian air defence. In Russian but use google at your help :) “Газета ВС РФ “Красная звезда” ранее сообщала, что за прошедшую неделю разведку у границ России вели 23 иностранных самолета, российским истребителям дежурных сил ПВО шесть раз пришлось подниматься в воздух для их перехвата и сопровождения. “, “Интенсивность разведывательных полетов авиации США и НАТО у границ России значительно возросла после вхождения Крыма в состав РФ. С тех пор еженедельно фиксируется примерно одинаковое количество таких полетов”, – заявил РИА Новости в пятницу Мураховский.”(c) that is about 305 intercepts of NATO planes near Russian borders in one year. One year against 10, Al! Now let me ask you – who’s displaying hostile behavoir?

Abe Manhattan

you are only counting Russian aggression UK, a country with which they don’t even share a border. I suggest you ask Ukrainians, Estonians, Finns what they think about Russian hostile behavior.

Thom Kinoshta

Estonia and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union. The 2 counties are none of NATO business

Brother Ma

Ukrainians don’t count. They have always been part of Russia. The rest? That is a conversation for another day.

Tudor Miron

I suggest that you ask them – ordinary people. Have you asked? I did – my wife is Ukrainian and I have friends in both Finland and Estonia. You are on the wrong site – here most people operate with actual facts from own experience and you should get back to MSM.

AM Hants

LOL. Riddle me this, why, when the Bolshevik led Communist Soviet Union, fell in 1991, did so many of the 15 member states, go running to the Bolshevik led Communist EU, with their begging bowls? Plus, ‘professional victim status’? Considering the EU is run on exactly the same Bolshevik ideology, as the feared Soviet Union?

Why did Russia, free from the shackles of her ungrateful and demanding neighbours, embrace her independence? Movingon to respectful and beneficial relations with the emerging economies, found in BRICS, plus the SCO? How come Russia within a few years, under the leadership of President Putin, came out of bankruptcy and back to super-power status, once free of all outside interests, which tried to keep her down?

Who are the primary debtor nations in the EU? Who pay the minimal for NATO, yet, expect NATO members, to provide their defence?

Net Benefits From The EU Budget as Share of the National GDP


NATO EU States Demanding £50 billion from the UK, who spent 2% or more of their GDP on their NATO commitments?


AM Hants



Bolshevik means the majority, so if the majority of Germans support Merkel, they are bolsheviks. The term was prostituted by the west, because they could not admit that the majority of Russians supported communism.

What does bolshevik mean to you?

AM Hants

For me, a creation by those that demanded the territory of assets and land, over in Russia, together with the same crowd creating the Nazi Party. Playing on words, in order to mask their intentions.

David and Ed Miliband, their grandfather was involved with Trotsky and the Bolsheviks, back in the early 20th century. David Miliband, was the Foreign Secretary, under Gordon Brown, possibly even Tony Blair. His brother ended up leading the Labour Party after Gordon Brown. Now David, runs various charities, alongside the ‘Soros Open Society Foundation’ and gets kicked out of many countries. He is also close friends with Hilary Clinton. Then you have those, whose grandparents/parents were elite members of the SS, holding positions of power in the EU, Globalist Corporations and Government Funded NGOs. They came to power, owing to the very same people, who set up the Bolshevik and Nazi Parties, back in the late 19th/early 20th century. So to me, Bolshevik, is something hybrid, not as it seams. There again, I could be so wrong.

I just tried to find the Milband link, by Whale, which funnily enough takes me to Now TV. Tried numerous times, using different search engines. Samuel Miliband and Trotsky, followed by Ralph Miliband, the father of the two brothers.

Look at Bill Browder, whose grandfather Earl, was the leader of the US Communist Party, what is he doing now? George Soros, who was more than happy to brag about his time as a Nazi Collaborator in 1944. The Miliband Brothers, whose father when he claimed asylum in the UK, became one of the leading academics with regards the works of Marx and do believe he is buried close to Marx, in Highgate Cemetry. He worked at the LSE, which has various links to the Rothschilds and Fabian Society, which were founded in the late 19th century. Where Soros arrived, following the end of WWII. Christia Freeland and her grandfather, what he was doing during WWII. Donald Tusk and what did his grandfather do, during WWII.

The list goes on, but, I find it fascinating how the same crowd, have the same interests, follow the same script, from century to century. They lust after the natural resources of Russia and to partition her territory, in order to control the people.

Richard Gehlen – Allen Dulles – George Bush Snr – Earl Browder – ‘Operation Paperclip’. Who rescued the Nazi and Bolshevik elite and where did their offspring end up?

You can call me Al

The newspaper of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Krasnaya Zvezda previously reported that over the PAST WEEK 23 foreign aircraft conducted reconnaissance at the borders of Russia, Russian fighters of the air defense forces on duty six times had to get into the air for their interception and tracking.

The intensity of the reconnaissance flights of the United States and NATO aviation near the borders of Russia increased significantly after the Crimea was incorporated into the Russian Federation. Since then, approximately the same number of such flights has been recorded weekly, “Murakhovsky told RIA Novosti on Friday. Amazing.

By the way

1 week = 23 52 weeks = 1196

Tudor Miron

Thanks for translation Al.

You can call me Al

I only did what you advised, that good old Google translate.

Tudor Miron

Did you edit translation? It sounded much better than what google usually does.

You can call me Al

PS Whatever it is, no wonder the Nato aircraft fall out of the sky or cost zillions to maintain.

Thanks for the link.

Zionism = EVIL

Norway could not find its arse on a good day :)


They found the shore.

It’s a start.

AM Hants

Not before the frigate went down though.


It slipped off the rocks it had grounded on Hants, so they did make the shore.

It was confusing a ship for land that really did for them though, that and an American piloting their ship.

AM Hants

Rumour has it, the US were training the Norwegians (well slight exaggeration or maybe not).


They would have been better off training dolphins to guide the ship, they don’t smoke dope.

AM Hants

They are working on that one. Cannot find the recent article, where it alleged the US would be using marine life, to try and find Russian submarines. I wonder if they will train them to use a compass and pencil, or just catch a ball, down on the ocean bed?

The US Navy’s combat dolphins are serious military assets… https://www.businessinsider.com/the-us-navys-combat-dolphins-are-serious-military-assets-2015-3?r=US&IR=T


Both the Soviets and US used dolphins for anti-saboteur operations in harbours and ports back in the 70’s. Same concept really as the Soviets tying explosives to dogs during WW2, and train them to run under tanks where the explosives would be set off, either by command wire, or IED arrangment.

I’d say those dolphins from the 70’s had better training than todays US sailors, judging by the amount of wrecks they have accrued of late.


Rumour has it that a US Navy officer was officer of the watch at the time of the collision.

AM Hants

Precisely. Nice to see them passing on their knowledge. Now, if only they could afford those compasses and pencils, for the new recruits, then merchant shipping might not have so much to fear.


They can if it involves a large super tanker as Norwegian Arse is handed back to them :)

AM Hants

…In September, the RAF intercepted Russian aircraft on patrol near the Black Sea…

…In a strongly-worded statement at the time, Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson vowed the UK would continue to defend itself against Russian aggression…

Remind me who borders the Black Sea, the Uk or Russia? Why does ‘Tim but Dim’ Williamson, find Ukraine so warm and welcoming. Do believe I know the answer, but, will keep my mouth shut. Westminster politicians and there lifestyle choices, so comes to mind.

You can call me Al

Oh I know; embarrassing to listen to that numpty Williamson.


AM Hants

So loved you linking him to ‘tim but dim’, so sorry for carrying on with the name. Hope you do not mind.

You can call me Al

hahha- me mind ??!!!!…. get the dinner on and **** off. (In a nice way of course.).

AM Hants

Have no idea where the kitchen is, as I happily follow the rest of your instructions.

You can call me Al

AND IT’S FRIDAY…… hey lads – BINGO !!!!

alejandro casalegno

Norway don´t have F-18…..they have F-16.

Tudor Miron

One has to appreciate what this beautiful jet is. White Swan is a gorgeous piece of engineering. Yet it’s a judgement day plane – designed to destroy entire cities. God forbid they are ever used for their direct purpose. Strategic supersonic nuclear capable bomber, Tu-160 https://youtu.be/gxgQaRq-f6c Deadly beautiful bird.

S Melanson

It is a very beautiful plane… and deadly as you say.


Yes I wish the RAAF had some, Australia has virtually no air defense, because the American planes we buy have the range of a gnat.


I am rather glad that the RAF is not very capable at the moment , because the warmongering Zionist scum who rule Britain now are in great need of a real war to ‘survive’. :)


I have a dream of a White Swan flying over the Cuckoo’s nest in Washington DC :)

Zionism = EVIL

You summed it up well, speaks volumes for the quality of classic Russian aerospace design bureaus like Tupolev, Sukhoi and MIG. In almost half a century these ageless planes have shown their versatility. Far more robust than the Americunt overpriced junk.


It is a multi role bomber Tudor, it does a lot more than deliver nuclear weapons.

It has fired many missiles and rained bombs on ISIS in Syria, and is a far more serious threat than a B52, which could be shot down with gunfire, it’s so slow.

Tudor Miron

Yes, it is multirole but it’s primary design intent is revealed in its name – strategic bomber.


Its primary design was designed decades ago, before modernisation of the aircraft to multi role strategic aircraft.

The US equivalent is not a multi role aircraft, it only takes nuclear weapons.

Tudor Miron

Let me assure you that sending this planes to Venesuela is a message to those in USA who seem to forget Tu-160 primary role and try playing little wars on Russian borders. “Russians don’t start wars. Russians end them.”(c). Another good one is “History doesn’t teach lessons. It simply punishes those who didn’t learn”(c).


A flight over the North Pole reminds the US of the potency of the Tu160, a flight to Venezuela assures the Venezuelans that Kaliber missiles can also take out US mercenaries who might try a Syria type scenario there.

This flight demonstrates to the US that Russia can offer far more than just a nuclear response to US aggression against key Russian allies, anywhere in the world.

Tudor Miron

If you insist on having the last word :) I would agree but current situation is more serious than Venesuela (with all due respect). We’re talking about existance of humanity in global sense. But that’s my opinion only. Your opinion also has merit. Let’s try to find a common ground assuming that this flight could be multirole as you put it and could serve a broader message addressing both issues?


The US will not attack Russia, ever. The consequences would be catastrophic for them personally. That doesn’t stop them pretending they will, but they won’t.

The greatest threat to Russia right now, is the threat that the US and its allies present to Russian allies like Syria, Venezuela, Cuba etc. If the US succeeds in knocking them over, they will make Russia look like a minor player with only one card to play, nuclear Armageddon.

It is vital now that Russia show she can reach out a lot further than Syria, and Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba now know that they can rely on a lot more than good wishes.

If the Soviet Union had half the sense of this Russian leadership, the West would have sunk long ago.


Mmm you obviously don’t know much about warfare, so I will enlighten you. The US has lots of radar stations in Canada watching for Russian planes, put no radar stations down south. So would you fly directly into the arms of the waiting enemy, or would you attack from the unprotected side?


Sinbad, let me tell you what the Tu160 is designed to do in the event of war with the US.

It will fly at top speed towards the North Pole, fire its 12 missiles, and retreat to base to fill up, if possible. It’s called a stand off weapons delivery system, in that the plane doesn’t need to enter enemy airspace, but needs to fly at top speed so as to launch its missiles at a faster speed, thereby improving the range and speed of said missiles.

You are obviously too thick to even google its capabilities, just bluff as if you had a clue.


So the Russians will do exactly what you expect them to do, nice of them to follow your rules. Actually it is known that at least some Russian ICBM’s will come over the south pole, and it really annoys the people at the Pentagram that they won’t lay down and die as ordered. Oh and the payload is variable, but if you tell them to use the 12 short range nukes, I’m sure they will obey you.


That’s Russian aviation doctrine Sinbad, not my rules.

Tu-160 doesn’t carry short range nukes Sinbad, and Russia uses ballistic missiles to fire over the South Pole. They now also have the nuclear powered cruise missile which doesn’t leave Earths atmosphere like a ballistic missile does.

Using a Tu-160 to fly 18 hours to fire off what you call short range missiles makes no sense Sinbad, it’s ridiculous.

Stop flogging a dead horse.


They also have a lot of radars in the Southern Hemisphere, like in your own country, Australia.

It took 13 hours for this flight to reach Venezuela, passing Norway, Britain and Spanish territories on their way. They would need to refuel and a further 6 hours of flying before approaching strike range of the US.

Just how long do you think WW3 will take?


“They also have a lot of radars in the Southern Hemisphere, like in your own country, Australia.”

Yes but ours also point north. One of our radars sees stealth aircraft, we told the Pentagram years ago, but they weren’t interested?

PS you do know that Oz is on the other side of the world, and no nukes heading for the US would cross Australia? Even if they did, we don’t have any anti aircraft missiles, about all we could do is wave.


Sinbad, stop being completely stupid.

Any Russian missiles sent over the South Pole would head straight for your North facing radars, along with the other Southern hemisphere radars across the oceans and continents. Have you ever heard of FiveEyes?

If Russia ever did fire a missile towards the South Pole, they wouldn’t actually be flying through Australian airspace, given that the missiles would be arcing through SPACE, before re-entry into a trajectory towards mainland USA.

Not much point in waving at something flying higher than the ISS.

Tommy Jensen

We know. Thats why we do everything to provocate them :-D. Because the Russians are too afraid to start wars, but we Americans are not afraid of anything.

Thats the difference between us. Thats why we are a winner nation…………..LOL.


When first saw images of these late Cold War aircraft – shimmering in alloy and white – what was immediately striking was lack of need to even bother camouflaging them – they fly at maximum altitude and designed purpose is to deliver a nuclear payload that meant complete oblivion to set targets – with questionable options for any return to a viable homeland.

Tudor Miron

As I said, I pray to God that we’re able to avoid using them at their primary design purpose. Those in USA (country level elites) are extemely dangerous in their stupidity thinking that again (like in WWI and WWII) they will be able to “seat it out behind the puddle” and that they can start a war behind the ocean withour being devestated themselves. One of Putins latter statements was very clear and personal message: “We know that if WWIII is started we’ll die but being victims of agression we’ll go to heaven :) But those who started it – they will simply croak without repentance”.

Tommy Jensen

I didnt see any shots. These birds are shot down in a split second with our hyperlight speed 3´rd generation 1´st class defence super 2G5 nano plasma Space laser

Daniel Miller

ummm southfront Norway dose not have F18’s


They did mention the F-16s in the article though.

Daniel Miller

yea i think the headline is a typo.


“Aforementioned”? Can’t any of you write in English?


I’m guessing your a product of the American education system?

adjective: aforementioned; adjective: afore-mentioned denoting a thing or person previously mentioned.”songs from the aforementioned album”

It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You Into Trouble. It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So


No, I’m English and literate.

Tommy Jensen

forgot the i


No, you forgot the definition of pleonasm.


This means the Russians gave controle of their bombers to to the Cinese. This is Horible. Crist. The Russians are actually selling technology. This is Horific.


nothing much to write home about if you’re a Finn (and they don’t) whereas the uk-mongrels, being force fed us nwo-crap diet, reacts as if they have diarrhea and need to find the bathroom double quick!

AM Hants

Loved Russia sending the flights to Venezuala. Next stop on the tour Cuba.


Perhaps Russia is helping Venezuela move its gold.

The Jewmericans would steal Venezuela’s gold if they could, so a military escort would be necessary to protect the gold from the outlaws.


Britain recently told Venezuela that it will not return their Gold.

Venezuela could do with someone breaking into that bank, before contemplating an escort back to Venezuela.


Venezuela produces about 1500 tons of gold a year, but the US won’t let them sell it, and has been disrupting production. The US is trying to starve the Venezuelan people to death, and steal their resources. It’s the American way.


I think it is around £6 Billion that Britain is refusing to send back to Venezuela. A very recent development. Two large transport craft accompanied the Tu-160s to Venezuela, hopefully they brought some supplies. I believe that there is plenty of food available in Venezuela, but that the traders are creating false conditions in an attempt to discredit the Venezuelan government.

The US can’t wait to unravel what Hugo Chavez brought to the people.

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