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MARCH 2025

Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris On Fire: Central Spire Already Collapsed (Photos, Videos)

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A fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral in the French capital of Paris has destroyed most of the roof and collapsed the church’s central spire.

It’s still unknown what has caused the fire. No casualties have been reported.

A major operation to tackle the fire is underway.

Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris On Fire: Central Spire Already Collapsed (Photos, Videos)

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Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris On Fire: Central Spire Already Collapsed (Photos, Videos)

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Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris On Fire: Central Spire Already Collapsed (Photos, Videos)

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Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris On Fire: Central Spire Already Collapsed (Photos, Videos)

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Notre Dame Cathedral In Paris On Fire: Central Spire Already Collapsed (Photos, Videos)

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Joel Ontiveros

This is what liberals get for their “bring muslims to the country” policy. But I also think even liberals were involved in this.

Concrete Mike

Wtf does.muslims have to do with an industrial accident?

What a morronic racist comment.

The Farney Fontenoy

A UNESCO site of centuries old Christian heritage being destroyed on Easter week is no accident, let alone an industrial(?) one, and for the millionth time Muslims are not a race.


Catholic priests and their love of candles is the most likely suspect.

Zionism = EVIL

or their love of alter boys :)

Concrete Mike

I was replying to this sad excuse for a comment.

“This is what liberals get for their “bring muslims to the country” policy. Make no mistake, this is no coincidence specially so close to Easter.”

Do you actually think I talk like that? Donyou think i care about race? I dont. Its made up category boxes so our rulers can keep up divided! Iĺl approximate the experience to buying a used car

Look at that box that black family has wow!! Look at this ole.chinese box nice nice. Classic white box i like it!! Ouhhh a pink rainbow one gaybox !!!!!

If you look hard enough there will be a box just for you. Once your innyour box what do you do?

This guy here was standing on top of his box saying “I.DONT WANT NO MUSLIMS COMING TO MY REDNECK WHITE TOWN!!!”

Do not mistaken calling out identity politics BS for something that ita not.

Concrete Mike

Thank you for agreeing with my position SF.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Their is no race on earth called Muslims. Muslims like Christianity is a personas individual choice to socially identify as. Perhaps you ere referring to an ethnic-Kurd? An ethnic-Hebrew? An ethnic-Somalian? An ethnic-Irishman? Ethnic is race. Religion is not a race.

Zionism = EVIL

Strictly speaking, there are only 3 distinct “Races”. Caucasian (original ethnic groups originating from the Caucasus), Mongoloid (Asian) and Negroid (Black Africans). Even that is pretty debatable now thanks to globalization and inter-mixing. Just look at America, Australia and Europe now.

Concrete Mike

I was replying to this idiot. You should know me better by now. You know i dont give a flying fuck about what race some fucker is. Read what he said below.

“This is what liberals get for their “bring muslims to the country” policy. Make no mistake, this is no coincidence specially so close to Easter.”

So you see i was “talking in their language”

In my book were all human, we all put our socks and shoes on the same way, we all go poopies!!!

Promitheas Apollonious

Mike is not an industrial accident it is a premeditated act and in this case you have no idea what you talking about. It does not matter what the mass media will say about it but accident it is not.

Concrete Mike

I dont see any other possibilities. Have you ever done construction? Have you ever welded? Use a cutting torch. Some morron smoking.

I say its too early to say anything, but it looks like a construction fuck up that i see everyday.

I also dont care what mass media says, i didnt listen to them. I do.know.buildings and construction though, this case needs further study. Im leaning on my work experiences, this looks like a workplace fuck up, be it negligence incompetence or.malice.too .

At this.moment in time their is no evidence that says accident nor is their any evidemce that says terror.

The path of least resistance to me is accident. Think about it.

Im asking you to think, not project!

Im trying to be as objective as I can here.

Promitheas Apollonious

to answer your questions yes I have done all you asking me in my younger days as my father was a mechanic so I grown up in a mechanics shop and done a lot of modifications to cars as well build my own kit-cars from scratch. Construction no I never had the pleasure since I follow a different path than the family business.

I am always thinking my friend and yes an “accident“ can not be rules out at this stage but also I am aware of all the attacks against churches and flags they been happening around europe and the mass media dont report by the so called refugees they been flooding europe with among all the other criminal acts they been doing, so allow me to have my doubts of the `accidental` burning of the church.

Concrete Mike

Thats fair, I am not in Europe. Attacks on churches by thugs is nothing new, wether in america in france or ireland. Dont look at the attackers but at the fascist hand up their colon.

Ive caught on fire enough times to know better now.

In fall of 2017 i sandblasted and painted 5 loaders and painted a jaw crusher. I had never done any body work or restoration work of any kind, i was helping the real.body man with a broken leg. Basically.him screaming at me im doing it wrong for 2 weeks before i eventually got it right.

There i was grinding rust, and i had spilled some paint thinner on my sweater earlier that i had forgotten about. Next thing i know qim on fire. Shit Happens Fast!

Its fun discussing with an adult. I understand your suspicions, i feel the same way, but my instincts tell me this is a workplace incident. This does not.mean the other issues arent there, but they are for another conversation.

Promitheas Apollonious

Mike if you are aware of the GLADIO operations and the army left behind, then you know nothing major that will provoke a response not from the puppet governments who actually sponsor this acts as it give them the perfect excuse to pass their enslaving laws and create more militaristic agencies within their countries to control the tax slaves, then you should be also see the false flags when they happen as the shootings in your country, 9/11, london and boston bombing etc.

That they was restoring the church that is the perfect cover. 2/3 of isis or how ever want to call the terrorists have been safely transferred to europe with the aid for the same ones who created isis and turkey and are in position. Destruction of religious monuments been happening especially in greece from this imported trash for a long time now as well around europe where major food chains for example removed the cross from products they had them or the greek flag because it is the cross on it not to insult allegedly the muslims.

That they was restoring the church give the perfect cover to do what they did and then the net does the rest. Read what the french are saying in their forums it help you understand better and see how also many muslims released videos celebrating the event. remember the dancing israelis?

Concrete Mike

Yes i did think of the gladio.componnent. i.aam aware that.the fascist use these.events to pass.more repression.

Who is to say this case was caused by them or if this is mere oppertunism, wich the fascists excel at!

The religion question is an interesting one, one that is hard to maintain a consistent position on.

Quite frankly, religions have now been usurped by nefarious forces on the one hand, but we must preserve ancient wisdom on the other. But who am I to tell one what to do whom is oceans away.

I dont think the fascists did this because it worked!

This was an accident that the fascists will capitalize on to pass more repressive legislation, continue destabilizing LIBYA, and your chums the Turks, we know what these pigs and their “friends” have done with the “migrants”.

Ive read stories of what the albanians did in Kosovo. If what you are saying is happening, study the Kosovo case carefully.

What lessons can the serbs teach us?

Promitheas Apollonious

i dont have to study it Mike I been living balkan situations most of my life and Live right on the borders, so what I know and where I got involved and still am, it is always hands on. Not hear saying.


This was in my mailbox. The claim is that there were no workers on site when the fire started. *shrug*


Zionism = EVIL

Usual Jew hasbara tactic deflect and obscure real issues.

Concrete Mike

Dont you fucken start this morning, ill send you a pic of my foreskin!!

Dont challenge me i will

Concrete Mike

And what is the real issue? The real issue is somebody was working and caught an old.bullding on fire.

Then you have racist pricks coming here saying its muslims, saying its jews, saying its putin( LOL that was funny) saying its the martians.

Ill tell you what the issue is, you have dipshits like you that never worked hard labour work in your life, coming out here spewing shit like blame all jewish people for our problems!!! When you dont have a fucken clue how the real world out there looks like.

Ive been fortunate enough to travel alot.for work, bulding all.kinds of things from.mines, bridges ,dams , parking garages, arena, farms , shipyards ect ect.

Wisdom comes with time and it comes with exposing one to something new.

Put the mouse away, turn the screen off, go.out there and learn more before its too late!!

Mossad will still be there after your jog no stress

Joel Ontiveros

This is what liberals get for their “bring muslims to the country” policy. Make no mistake, this is no coincidence specially so close to Easter.


Yeah.. this is becoming civil war.. With no regard for the country they took “refugee” in. And as a German and former liberal, i can attest that the same shit is brewing here. What a fucking mess..

Promitheas Apollonious

not a fucking mess a well executed plan all over europe. If you live in europe prepare for a war much worst than syrias and is already started have no mistake about this. If you dont feel it yet, is because none come knocking on your door yet.


Plus, there have been many such intances. But the Notre Dame? What the fuck! Thats like attacking the twin tower, a national symbol and heritage.


That’s the thing, ALL European heritage has to go.

That’s what the Revolutionary Khazars also did to Russia, and as ISIS have done to Syria and Iraq .

I am not a religious man , but as others here have said, I appreciate historic buildings wherever and whatever they are.

Tommy Jensen

Its forced. Obama paid and forced Europe to take them in as Gladio sleeping cells. To be activated by occasion.

Tommy Jensen

We Americans did it again, we made history.

Everybody during the next centuries will remember this day 15/04 and talk about it like 9/11. Now it will be 15/04 when Europe´s central church collapsed by foreign terrorist forces………………………..LOL.

Now its up to you whether you want to be together with a winner nation of winners, or you will be with the terrorists. Your choice………………………….…..LOL.


This is the symbol of the end of christian Paris

Real Anti-Racist Action

France has been an anti-Christian state for a few hundred years now since their anti-theist revolution against God. It has been illegal for 200 years to wear a crucifix publicly in France. It has been illegal to publicly witness on the streets for over 150 years. In 1940 a number of missionaries from from Denmark or was it the Netherlands were arrested and publicly executed as it was illegal for any missionaries to do any missions work in France. This was one of the final outcry’s by Christians that led to war between the Christians and France. The Evolutionist-English naturally braced their anti-Christian French allies as well. God is punishing France to dead, while Germany flourish, for the time being anyway. If Germany continues on their anti-God path, they too will suffer the same fate as France and the UK.

Atheist France only uses stolen Church building for tourism and collecting takes to use for Zionist-socialist aims. Those ethnic-structures built by the indigenous people over 800 years ago attract over 11-million tourist a year, which props up Frances illegal wars against theist.

Astrid Watanabe

This is the symbol of the end of a lot of things

Zionism = EVIL

The little Jew faggot midget Macron and his grandma “wife” have not showed up for a selfie. How shocking, perhaps Trump’s idea of water bombing Paris is not such a bad idea.

Tommy Jensen

Anybody dancing in the nearby streets and airports?

Concrete Mike


Lazy Gamer

I just hope this wont turn to a new 911, and that the criminals are immediately brought to justice

Jacob Wohl's Nose

trust me Christian Paris ended a long time ago

Zionism = EVIL


Jacob Wohl's Nose

facts right there. but retarded muricans still want to die for IsraHell

Zionism = EVIL

Whenever and wherever towers have fallen, it was the devious Jews who caused it. Historical FACT! Another case of dancing Jews ;)


i did not mention any jews….

Zionism = EVIL

and why not? since Jews are committing 99% of all false flags, terrorism, organ harvesting, white trafficking, prostitution, drugs and every major crime in the world, not to mention Zionists killing children in Palestine and stealing Arab lands and then some!


its a litlle more complicated than that……

Guibus Guib

or maybe it’s just as simple as that …



The Farney Fontenoy

France has fallen?

Zionism = EVIL

France has always fallen, it took Hitler 8 hours to march into Paris, unfortunately he failed in Jew pesticide which is now ruining France, Europe and the world.


France fell with the “French” Revolution.


Quand on pense au “Siècle des Lumières”, la France est bien décevante ! Particulièrement pour un Francophone Francophile !

chris chuba

Donald Trump has already tweeted, Iran / Maduro did it, oil exports to zero.


Of course its the mad dictator Maduro, else animal Assad, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or the black hand of the Kremlin.

Tommy Jensen

Putin could also have done it to blame London.


Yup, I have walked around that area, and laid my hands on its walls, and behold the buildings arcitecture and the wast array of objects on it, an nice building, all thoe I dont go to church, I like the buildings, like the Basilica on the hill. My hart bleeds for the black lady.

Then, when this is gone, I see no reasons for going to Paris nor Fance, maybe by boat one day if I bother, I was there some years ago, before the shit storm came, now, to day, forget it, Paris is an shit hole, period.


Astrid Watanabe

I have admired a few Cathedrals I had the opportunity to see, also just plain old churches, especially gothic style. I spent some hours in one on a blazing hot day. It was cool inside and silent. When I came out I was surprised by a thunderstorm with torrential rain. Not a sound had penetrated those massive stone walls. Most of the time somebody is playing the organ in the place, or practicing the flute, or a choir is practicing. At Christmas those churches turn to magic with their Christmas programs performed by children of all ages, even in tiny villages. The most memorable one I remember was in a village near Berlin Christmas 1945. The local residents were an old indigenous tribe with their own language. The Christmas trees still had real candles lighted up.



Down with pagan zionist jews and their roman nato cuck residents (who can only self hate).


Dumb ass, the majority of the people of Europe are against the Jew Word Order. The French people have been protesting for over 5 months now. This act of arson which you are cheering for is the Jew’s revenge on the French people.


Yes, all of america and europe are self hating jews.

The only self respecting people are the yellow vests but they arent as well equipped as AlQaeda or Hezbollah.

Its still a fact that the jews are just as fake as europeans or murcans (theres no difference and they are interchangeable like batteries or shed tools).

And north americans and europeans swallow two thirds of the worlds wealth (most incriminating and inexcusable evudence that doesnt care if youre jew or not, nato and zio are one and the same) and yellow vests are just catching on (taking the red pill).


Once again you are blaming the victims for the crimes of the Jews. The vast majority of the wealth in Europe and America goes to the top .001%. Take a wild guess who those people are? I’ll give you a hint, they are not the vast majority of the people of America and Europe. Half of America’s population is living paycheck to paycheck.


I dont disagree that there are elites etc. Im just saying that their army is all the corporates who average 100k like google, which is top 10% already.

And then two thirds is america and europe, not even 1bn, less than 15% eating what the 85% could be eating and Africa which is twice america and europe is like 3% can you believe this?


Youre not getting it. In saying gdp per capita for americans europeans is 60k per year. The world average is 15k, some who get by on 1k a year for the entire family.

So relatively 80% dont care about the 0.001%, the 80 care about the entire 20 which includes all of americunts and eurocucks.

And yes, I get you that 50% of america is paycheck to paycheck zero savings etc, but my point is why not leave or do something about it because americunts are lazy would become a jew if they could, and most importantly have zero consideration for the 80% which you already pointed out twice that you dont.

Zionism = EVIL

Sorry chum, Jews from Goldman Sachs control France via their little midget faggot Macron. Jew infestation is Europe is far worse than most people realize.


The xmas church next to the synagogue of satan worshippers (the taghut).


This must be the basest forum in the internet.


No this is


Concrete Mike

It gets worst, have you tried breitbart?

Although i agree with you, this one is quite stirring .


Has isis claimed responsibility yet …?

Real Anti-Racist Action

Haha, I don’t think Netanyho has logged onto his ISIS account yet to make an official ISIS statement for the day lol.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Few even understand that this was a Zionist attack. This church literally had stone-carvings showing how Zionism and the Synagogue are liars. – Notre Dame Cathedral in the heart of Paris is among the most visited sites on the planet and a splendid example of Gothic architecture.

Each year, millions flock to admire and photograph its flying buttresses and statuary, yet few take any real notice of two prominent female statues on either side of the main entrance. The one on the left is dressed in fine clothing and bathed in light representing the Church of Immanuel, while the one on the right is disheveled, with a large snake draped over her eyes like a blindfold.

The statues, known as Ecclesia and Sinagoga, respectively, and generally found in juxtaposition, are a common motif in medieval art and represent the Christian theological concept known as supercessionism, whereby the Church is triumphant and the Synagogue of Satan defeated.

Sinagoga is depicted here with head bowed, broken staff, the tablets of the law slipping from her hand and a fallen crown at her feet. Ecclesia stands upright with crowned head and carries a chalice and a staff adorned with the cross of Christ.

The disheveled Sinagoga, blindfolded with a snake, is a common motif in medieval art, representing the Church’s supercessionism. (Toni L. Kamins/JTA) Images mocking Judaism and apart of Christianity. It is in the Bible, and remains rooted in scripture till this day.


Concrete Mike


Lets hope these carvings survived


Very convenient burning especially when the yellow vests are protesting. Similar tactic used by the US to murder their own citizens at 9/11 to justify war against Afghanistan, Iraq and finally Libya. Wonder who or what Macron is going to blame for this; bound to be some ME country to justify an invasion. Syria?

Zionism = EVIL

Jews and Wahhabis have the same tactics and goals, bring out destruction of civilizations and sow the seeds for a global sectarian war. 911 was the first major shot and succeeded in destroying the Arab world and now it is secular Europe’s turn.


This is no accident. The Kike rodent scum and their Freemasonic agents who have controlled France since 1790 are losing control as evident by the Yellow Vest movement. This is their way of taking revenge against the French people and their identity. This is the consequences of allowing kike Jew rodent scum to have control of your nation. (((They))) despise you and everything you cherish and hold dear and will not rest until you are permanently destroyed and every last trace of your existence is erased. This is the driving force behind their push for mass immigration, multiculturalism, anti-“fascism”, anti-nationalism, globalism, anti-racism, anti-family, and I can go on and on.

Tommy Jensen

When we Americans erase Eifel and Louvre from the surface, you will regret what you said……….….LOL.


The Eiffel and Louvre won’t be wiped out by the Judeo Masons because both structures are their own creations.


Damn you Putin.



Harry Smith

ROFL! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/460936a1f399a2da0ced30ba0dcdf747b39bd0258cbb28d4ef6438bf55fdc92e.png

R PLobo

This was no accident – it was a barbeque. How could a building like this be renovated without proper fire suppression. Either by dark hand or complete incompetence this was a deliberate act. The direct result of neo-liberalism and the vassal stooges of the zionazis oligarchy. Fxck those inbred occultist filth.

Concrete Mike

How can you renovate an 800 years old building without fire suppression?

Ah now were talking what i know!! First things first, no sprinklers here. Ever see a church with sprinklers? They dont come with them!

Ever work construction? Use a cutting torch or a welder? It could be something as dumb as a bad ground and it spirals out of control.

There is nothing to indicate this was not an accident. Until anything else comes up otherwise I’m persuaded this was either an oh fuck mistake by a stupid contractor or the work asked in the contract could also have been idiotic.


No mate, not in Europe, and not in France when renovating a 800 year old cathedral. Safety measures would have been through the roof, and in Europe they are very strict about hose things. Fire started a few minutes after the cathedral was closed down! No work going on! And no, it’s not a smouldering welding thing that was ignored. Mainstream media called it an accident immediately without a shred of proof. You got sucked in. Not to worry, more careful next time. Notre Dame has been lit up by millions of candles over 800 years. But now that we have modern fire fighting equipment, retardants, foam sprays, emergency systems and emergency teams on standby, and tons of safety regulations, the worlds most famous cathedral burns down. This is no accident.

Concrete Mike

Ive done enough safety management courses, I know whete there regulations come from. I’ve also had enough people work for me to know, you can have all the tool.box meeting you want ,reprimand the workers, fucking Gary will.never wear a hard hat and he work on a rock crusher, i saw a 4″ chunk.of rock roll off a belt felt 6″ from his head, he never saw nor heard it. If the workers dont want to follow safety procedures they wont! Doesnt matter what you do! Its up to management to remove these troublesome employees, sometimes thats harder than you think, like gary was the owners wife’s dad.

I havent been shown anything that shows this anything other than an accident.

I did not look at any media coverage whatsoever. Be it last night or today.Just my gut feeling.


Fire started when the work had been closed down. Not health and safety.


The word “holocaust” means a “burnt, sacrificial offering”, as in the bible etc. I can’t help thinking that the pictures of the burning Notre Dame is such an offering. The satanists mean to start something. Is this the beginning of the West European Holodomor? That is, the sacrificial burning of the white people, and their culture. Wake up people. How much needs to burn before the eyes are open? I too think that the Notre Dame is one of the most beautiful buildings in Europe. The value of the symbolic burning of it is not lost to me.


Macron has pledged to beg for money from the world to rebuild. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47943705

Finally some truth from the banker, France is broke, they like the Americans only survive because the central banks keep printing money.

The USA and France are like Notre Dame, totally fkd.

Domenic Patrone

A rouge element of the French Army caused this at the behest of President Macron. The indent is to indemnify those crowding his streets from foreign lands. This, in turn, will lead to riots and a need to take the civilian population of righteously angry, French proletariat down. That’s my guess of how and why this happened.

Bill Wilson

I worked in heavy industry and general construction for 36 years where I learned how easy it can be to do something stupid that’ll start a fire after leaving the jobsite. The most common is by leaving rags wet/damp with solvents laying around which can spontaneously ignite later on. Another is by using a torch or heat gun on whatever where the heat starts something hidden to smoulder that erupts into flames hours later. Quite a few homeowners set their houses on fire each winter by thawing out frozen pipes with a propane torch. Lots of property owners and painters will use heat guns for blistering paint so it can be scraped off. Unfortunately some doing that will ignite unseen combustible materials that are by a crack in the siding or trim that’ll burn unseen with the flames working their way into the attic where all Hell breaks loose. I bet the workers were resoldering joints on the structure’s lead roofing which started something smouldering. Heat over a period of time will break down combustible material to where it can ignite at a lower temperature. The wood used for Notre Dame’s roofing has been in place for centuries so probably didn’t take much to set it afire.


And they probably used pitch to seal it. One of the most boring jobs I had to do in the navy was watching dockyard workers welding, all day sitting there with a fire extinguisher, just in case. I bet the contractor was doing the job on the cheap and there where no fire wardens on duty when it started, or they were sitting in the lunchroom having a chat.

Concrete Mike

There! Thank you Bill. I agree housekeeping is so important for the very reasons you mentionned. There is a reason that in some place work is divided into hot work and non hot work. There are different controls and standards to follow.

You know as well that in order for the designers to find these limits, people usually die.

Now a story from a college teacher.

He was a town engineer in the 80’s. Back then, when water service lines would freeze up in winter times, it was common practice to hook a welder up to a nearby fire hydrant. This one house, the trick worked, except everytime coming back they would see the fire truck driving up the road. LOL The welder would thaw out the water pipe and at the same time catch the house 3 doors down on fire. The story ends the following summer, as that street got its watermains renewed.


A fire erupted at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem at about the same time.

What are the odds?


Voila une belle Histoire grace a Notre-Dame

Le grand Bâtisseur de Notre Dame de Paris !

Il était une fois, il y a bien longtemps de cela, un garçon qui naquit au bord de notre Loire. Nous sommes en un temps où la mémoire se perd et où il est bien illusoire de retrouver trace précise de l’année de naissance d’un enfant quand il est issu d’une famille de serfs. Les registres d’alors ne sont pas restés, sa postérité future ne retint pas le début de l’histoire.

Ce que nous savons vraiment, c’est que cela se passa entre 1105 et 1120, un espace bien assez grand pour se perdre en chemin. Maurice, puisque cela est certain, le garçon avait pris ce prénom, Maurice n’avait pas eu bonne fée pour se pencher sur son berceau. Le destin et la Loire commencèrent donc par lui jouer mauvais tour en apportant son père lors d’une des colères dont le fleuve a le secret.

Maurice grandit, petit insignifiant, auprès de sa pauvre mère qui pour vivre, fabriquait des balais de genets et entretenait un maigre lopin de terre et avait repris le métier de son homme, un bûcheron à la tâche. La pauvre femme, dans son malheur, avait le bonheur de n’avoir qu’un fils aux yeux si brillants qu’il fut vite remarqué par le curé de Saint Germain.


néanmoins je ne peut m’empêcher de penser a Palmyre, Badian, Dresden, Leipzig, Manila, ou la Bibliothèque d’Alexandrie brûlée par Jules Cesar !

Comment l’Etat Islamique a repris la ville de Palmyre https://reseauinternational.net/comment-letat-islamique-a-repris-la-ville-de-palmyre/

Leurs pierres valent plus que nos vies https://www.agoravox.fr/culture-loisirs/etonnant/article/leurs-pierres-valent-plus-que-nos-214373 Notre Dame d’Alep, témoins de 1300 ans d’histoire n’a pas eu cette chance, détruite sous un tapis de bombes, dont certaines étaient probablement françaises,…et ne sera probablement jamais reconstruite.

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