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Nowhere To Hide: Rocket Attack Hits Base Hosting US Troops In Iraq

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Nowhere To Hide: Rocket Attack Hits Base Hosting US Troops In Iraq


On April 4, a rocket attack targeted Balad Air Base in Iraq’s central region. US troops are known to be deployed in the base. 

An Iraqi security source told that al-Ain News that two rockets hit the air base, which is located 64 km to the north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

“The two rockets feel near the outer fence of the base, causing no human or material losses,” the UAE-based TV channel quoted the source as saying.

Sabereen News, a Telegram channel linked to Iranian-backed armed groups in Iraq, said the US-held section of Balad Air Base was closed after the attack. American personnel were prevented from moving outdoors.

So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack on Balad Air Base. Iranian-backed groups, which carried out similar attacks in the past, remain the main suspect.

This was not the first rocket attack on Iraqi bases hosting US troops. Two similar attacks took place earlier this year:

  • On February 15, a rocket attack targeted the military section of Erbil International Airport in northern Iraq. A Filipino contactor working for the US-led coalition was killed. Five other contractors, two US soldiers and two Iraqi civilians were injured.
  • On March 3, a rocket attack targeted Ain Assad Air Base in western Iraq. An American contractor died in the attack, allegedly from a “heart attack”.

These attacks are meant to force the US into withdrawing its forces from Iraq. Next week, Baghdad and Washington will start a “strategic dialog” on several issues, including the presence of American troops in the country.


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more of that and more body bags to the fly over states so the mothers can go – stop the war – there is nothing stopping the mic/fic from the profitable wars except body bags with apple cheeked american boys coming home in a steady flow. presently the yankee-twats have the best of two worlds, proxies doing the dying and lots of weapons sales to lots of people and groups and the promise of more to come. cease the activities – never with my right foot.


The zio-globalist orcs first have to come out of their bunkers and out from behind their walled compounds. Fat chance. They know they’ll be shredded.


Thats the point,the US don’t care how many brown people die for them,some small town American boys need to go home in sacks.


You mean you want an Iraqi Redneck killing spree? LoL

Ashok Varma

If the resistance inflicts 10 casualties a week, the US will cut and run as they have no epitite for dying. They just use indiscriminate fire-power against civilians, but that has the opposite effect of strengthening the resistance.


Most of these rocket attacks do little actual damage for US, perhaps they should focus on supply convoys back & forth between Iraq/Syria


These attacks, though they may seem ineffectual, actually serve to remind the world of a very important point. And that is the “US” globalist occupiers are cowards and terrified to come out of their fortresses. And with just a few rockets now and then to keep their heads down.

Just Me

You said it brother. They are real cowards. What kind of military hides in bases under 10 meter deep bunkers and claim to suffer “trauma” from minor rocket attacks. No wonder the malingering bastards have PTSD and permanent male PMS.


hope so and not one, dozens of them, in fact a cluster of bunker buster missiles driving the poor sods home, for good.

Steve Standley

They don’t really say what rocket system is used, but a lot of these are Soviet/Chinese Type 63 launchers firing 107mm or 130mm rockets (pictured above). These have a maximum range of about 8 km, and they are firing at an airbase, which likely has counter-battery fire systems, so they have to “shoot and scoot” to avoid getting hammered.

Just Me

The resistance needs to offload the whole 40 tube from multiple angles. Since the NATOFAGGOTS don’t go outside the bases, these bases need to be flattened. All suppliers should be IEDed as well.

Steve Standley

That’s actually a good idea. Another is to go to the Iranian 122mm Arash rockets with 24-25 mile range. I don’t know what they have for counter-battery fire, but that would be out of range for standard artillery.

Kenny Jones ™

Let’s just wait for the Iran deal, if nothing happens, then these attacks will start becoming fatal


I wish they would launch some real rocket attacks more rockets from several directions.

Just Me

These regular attacks also expose the nature of US child killing cowardfaggots who hide in bunkers and “have been advised not to go outside ” lol

Steve Standley

Pretty feckless attack. Two rockets take about 2 to 4 seconds to fire. Could be a probe for a reaction, could be a trial-run, or they could be bracketing (a process of targeting artillery) the base by firing at the same location on different occasions. Finally, it could be just harrassment.


OR a LIE. Only reports are from the occupation allies.

Arch Bungle

no casualties = zionist false flag

Steve Standley

Here is what counter-battery fire looks like after you fire on a US military base: https://www.military.com/video/guns/artillery/counter-fire-from-the-enemies-perspective/661666152001

Ashok Varma

In theory maybe, but going by US defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan, such systems like the Patriot are more Hollywood props.

Steve Standley

This is 155mm heavy artillery i’m pretty sure. Usually the heavy arty is used for this purpose because of its range. This is a standard technique, and it’s wise to be cautious of it.

Ashok Varma

US military in particular is very casualty averse and Vietnam was a good example. The Iraqis need wider targeting with mostly IED ambushes like the Afghans did with Soviets and the Baluchis are doing against the Pakistanis. Firing free-fall imprecise rockets may be good for effect but not effective in causing casualties, which is the Achilles Heal of Western militaries.

Steve Standley

Yes that’s true. To counter this casualty sensitivity problem, the US no longer reports casualties in a timely manner, nor does it let the press film the caskets coming home. Furthermore, most of the military presence is now made by military contractors (mercenaries) who work hand in hand with the military. There is pretty much no blow-back when mercenaries die. Also, the MSM cooperate wholeheartedly, so the problem is two-fold: the need to produce meaningful casualties, and the need for these to be made public. I’m with you. I hope they get into the news, but our country, especially our MSM, is no longer as free as it was during Viet Nam.

Ashok Varma

Indeed. The populations are far more dumbed down as well and Murdoch Bilderberg media has spread Jew lies in western police states that use mass surveillance. However, large number of body bags does wear down even the sheeple being worn down by covid scare.

Lone Ranger

Usually when the rockets hit they are already gone… So they are wasting ammo… Dont really understand why aren’t there 24/7 drone surveillance, U.S. has 1000+ drones cant they spare a few dozen for guarding their bases…? It seems they value striking weddings more than to guard the lives of their own troops.

Steve Standley

Yeah I’m not sure of all the measures that are taking. I know sensitive spots (like the green zone) get a ground-based projectile radar and phalanx system that shoots down incoming projectiles like mortars, artillery rounds, and slower rockets. Not sure what the velocity cut-off is. Drones would be key for immediate-responses and counter-fire.

Lone Ranger

Phalanx CIWs can engage targets with speeds of up to Mach 1.6. Not more. Not sure about the number of targets, but you can guess it. Range is around 3km so in case of Mach 1.6 it has around 6secs to take out an incoming rocket or projectile. Lets say two CIWS are protecting a base, and can acquire and fire at targets in 1.5sec intervalls that means that this type of air defense can be saturated with around 10 rockets, and I was generous with 100% hit rate…

Steve Standley

I love it! Very much appreciated.

Icarus Tanović

They start to fire some high rate firing guns in the air, to make shrapnel curtain, so no missile can go thru. Maybe it is effective, I doubt. First of all they don’t know when first salvo will hit the base. They should use those punk ass gadgets and Uri Gellers powers to forsee incoming fire. Yeah right.

Ashok Varma

Using starburst shells would also cause more damage.

Ashok Varma

Quite humiliating for the casualty averse US and NATO occupation forces, who destroyed and occupied Iraq two decades ago and are now hiding. In India we send saris and bangles to such cowards.


The US needs to get out of Iraq. It will allow Iraq to develop faster, help shut down the Jew’s Yinon plan, stabilize the region, and end the zioKurd secessionist activity in NE Syria.


Why are they constantly called “Iran backed” when they are IRAQI Popular Militia Forces who are attacking the US because their General was killed in the attack on Suliemani? You don’t say US Backed SDF every time you write SDF? Next this site will be calling it the Indian Pacific instead of Asian Pacific, why does this site adopt US propaganda labels?

Ashok Varma

The US and its assorted NATO vassals goaded by Zionist parasites invaded Iraq on totally false premise twice and killed millions of people and effectively destroyed the infrastructure and societal structure and committed sub-human war crimes like Abu Gharaib. So resistance was natural and will escalate as Iraqi oil is being plundered by Zionist corporations.

cechas vodobenikov

the amerikans interpret these missiles as love poems. this is why the spend so much money on imperialism. they prefer IED ambushes and missile excitement to the obese transgenders in USA

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