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MARCH 2025

“Nuclear Employment Is A Very Real Possibility”: US Military Offers Justifications For Its Plan To Use Nuclear Weapons Against Russia, China

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"Nuclear Employment Is A Very Real Possibility": US Military Offers Justifications For Its Plan To Use Nuclear Weapons Against Russia, China

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The US military and affiliated publications continue their campaign aimed at the justification of the ‘preventive’ usage of nuclear weapons against Russia and China.

In particular, in the recent article published by the United States Naval Institute, Admiral Charles A. Richard, writes that “the U.S. military must shift its principal assumption from “nuclear employment is not possible” to “nuclear employment is a very real possibility,” and act to meet and deter that reality.”

In fact, the admiral proposes to use nuclear weapons in regional conflicts as a tool to “deter” the opponents.

“Faced with Russia and China’s growing threats and gray zone actions, the United States must take action today to position itself for the future. We must start by acknowledging that our most fundamental assumption—that strategic deterrence will hold, even through crisis and conflict—is going to be tested in ways not seen before. This assumption is the foundation on which we built strategies, plans, and capabilities. Unfortunately, our opponents invested in nuclear and strategic capabilities designed to constrain U.S. actions, test our alliances, and, if necessary, escalate past us—to include nuclear use. There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state. Consequently, the U.S. military must shift its principal assumption from “nuclear employment is not possible” to “nuclear employment is a very real possibility,” and act to meet and deter that reality. We cannot approach nuclear deterrence the same way.  It must be tailored and evolved for the dynamic environment we face.

On top of this, the admiral complains that the collapse of the USSR did not in fact result on the establishment of the permanent unipolar world order:

“Second, we must wrestle with the relationships among competition, deterrence, and assurance. Despite views to the contrary, successful competition does not result in an “end state.” Great power competition does not span four quarters or nine innings, and our competitors are no less committed than we are. Instead, we should view competition as the mainte-nance of relative advantage over competitors. It is an infinite game, one in which the goal is to remain a dominant player. History offers several examples of competitions that have ended, only to resurface in different, more challenging ways. For example, the collapse of the Soviet Union and end of the Cold War did not result in a singular world order, as many expected.

The position described in the article is not something very new for the US military thought. However, it illustrates the approaches of the current US leadership that is actively preparing for the military aggression (additionally to regularly conducted acts of offensive economic, propaganda and intelligence operations) against the states that it calls its ‘adversaries’.

To justify this approach, the US cries foul about the growing deterrence capabilities of its opponents that limits capabilities of Washington to bomb and loot other countries around the world.

In the context of the new administration in the US, Russia has become the target number #1 in the US campaign to destroy its geopolitical competitors. The new war and dissolution with Russia, that would lead to the seizure of its territory, resources and the creation of ‘new markets’ is being considered by the Washington establishment as a useful step to overcome the developing global economic crisis as well as the deep social, political and economic crisis inside the US itself.


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Kitosan My

RUssia and CHina is not in the backyard of USA, but its otherwise, and thinking out of the box you think CHina and RUssia will not change their nuclear deployment principles while facing these “deterrent” threats by the nearly bankrupt USA ?


The US is already bankrupt and in hock to China to the tune of $1.4trillion, and has a national deficit of $23trillion. Biden is aboutto print $1.8trillion on top of Trump’s $4.2trillion. Hyper-inflation when it strikes will be devastating. Yankee MIC and its Deep State Masters are all to aware of this The Chinese have the largest Gold reserves in the world and in the last 2 years both Beijing and Shanghai have overtaken Silicon Valley as the major Tech Hubs on theplanet. The Chinese also save money. The average family there has $4.800 whereas the average American family live from pay-cheque to pay-cheque. The Russians also save money, the average family there holds $1,900. Russia however has the largest Oil and Gas reserves in the world, likewise with Zinc, Copper, Tin, Iron and Gold. They might run second to China in Gold Reserves, however, it is top of the Gold Pyramid when looked at per capita of population. Russia has been very focussed in developing specific technologies and now is the world leader in Hyper-sonic missile tech, it is also the world leader in Military Defence Technologies. The problem for the US now is Russia can outgun them in a conventional war. Within the first 7 minutes of a war with Russia the Yankee Fleet would be drifting to the bottom of the Oceans.That idea alone scares the living shit out of Yanki MIC hence their sabre rattling to convince their allies they have everything undercontrol. We are now witnessing in real time the death-throes of this abominable empire. And, good fukin riddance to ’em.

Tommy Jensen

Hyper-sonic is now obsolete. Roemer is the new thing that WE possess but we keep it secret until the right moment as Sun Tzu professionals.


The only chance of full spectrum dominance simp in in uranus! Don’t insult higher intellects here,you limp,simp,gimp,gret off the fkn drugs!

Tommy Jensen

Swarm technique, Space Command, Nuclear Triad, 70 Allies, $1 trillion budget, 1000 strategic placed military bases, Intelligence network everywhere on the planet, controlling the Internet, International payment systems, global fuel and energy control, all stock exchanges rigged by us, all MSM owned by us. Take that baby.

Dennis Boylon



Oh, pooh, the entire world’s gone to worthless crypto currencies, though the feces could fly into the fan blades should one of the world’s larger trading partners defaults. Then the only currency worth jack-s–t will be guns, ammunition, MREs, motor fuels, and root-suits.

Kitosan My

Fact to the matter is very clear and needs no further clarification … in all so called wars USA has embarked upon for the last decades .. they end up running back with their tails in between their legs … its Vietnam all the time , all over again …


If the loonies in the US start a war with Russia, China and Iran, the US population would be looking for their tails and legs amongst the devastation in the US :)

Lost Empire

In fact they are always looking for “allies” (cannon fodder) that fight with (for) them, because they are cowards. But they also won a war alone… against Nicaragua!

catalin zt

Grenada too! Tough this anglo-saxon PAEDOPHILES! :)

catalin zt

This time the SCUM anglo Fascist race will be wiped out! The khazarians too! More room for the Nations of the Free World! Amen!

Proud Hindu

Russia is not a serious competitor as its about t o break up.China is declining as 60 percent of its population is above 40.50 nukes would be enough to destroy both a$$hole countries.


Lol.. you trolls should seriously come up with something more intelligent than such retarded comments..

Proud Hindu

Refute my claims instead of calling me a troll

Jim Allen

That’s asking a lot.

Concrete Mike

One does not refute with a peice of dog shit.

Arch Bungle

Well said.

Arch Bungle

Hinduism turns brains to rot.

Let me debunk your claims:

Russia has more nukes than the USA and can destroy it 1000 times over:


See that graph, dumbass? Recognise the flag at the top?


Ok, your pic says, 6500 to 6185. What does “1000 over” mean to you?

johnny rotten

Two Status-6 / Kanion on each coast and the evil empire will suffer perennial nuclear winter.


It’s already perennial winter in Siberia :)

Proud Hindu

These assholes think that russian and chinese weapons are of superior quality lol


Some are. USSR had some too, that doesn’t mean they didn’t colapse. And now they have the billionaires who have a heavy word to say.

Arch Bungle

They are. American weapons only work against third world ghettoes without defense.

But, every third world ghetto that gets a Russian weapon in hand can take down the US Army – just look at Vietnam.

Of course, not even the best weapons can help Hindustan, so incompetent are their ‘soldiers’ …

cechas vodobenikov

bacon never been–getting warmer except winter in Novosibirsk


Putin is Rotenberg’s puppy

Proud Hindu

Rafidah shut your mouth.Russian weapons are junk and the chinese weapons are even more junk

Arch Bungle

Maderchot, go rape your cow, she’s due for a servicing.

US Anti-Missile systems can’t even protect Riyadh from the Houthi, or American bases from Iranian guided missiles.

India runs on Russian weapons, which means either they ask for the best or your Hindu Nationalist government are the dumbest on the planet.

Probably both.

Proud Hindu

Shia triggered?Lol .BTW iranian a$$holes are dying like roaches in syri@.

Arch Bungle

Not Iranian, and not muslim. YOU are a cow piss drinker though LOL!!!

Proud Hindu

Hahhaha shia mamtu in all mu$lim countries

Arch Bungle

Wrong again, braindead Hindu. WTH is

‘mamtu’, is that some word the hindu slaves of the white man use?

Proud Hindu

Mamtu is destroyedbin mongolian @$$hole rawaf

Arch Bungle

Man, that aint’ even english. You’d have though after centuries of white British rule they’d have drilled English into your DNA. Can’t train a hindu, can you ?

Proud Hindu

I dont care about english ashole rawafid.

Arch Bungle

That’s because your shitty Hindu Nationalist brain is too rotten to learn it.

English is the only language that matters.

Hindi is for maderchots.

Proud Hindu

Just like hussain was maderchrchot and fked by omar

Proud Hindu

If u r not shia why get triggered?? Go bury houshits kilked by saudi

Arch Bungle

If you’re not a cow-raper why talk so much bullshit? Go learn English like a good white-man’s slave and then rape your cow when you’re done.

Proud Hindu

Im not denying im hindu unlike you you rqwafid

Arch Bungle

Good, so we can confirm you’re a cow rapist then?

Proud Hindu

Only after we confirm you are a rawafid.Deal?

Arch Bungle

You’re stoned on cowpiss – seeing Shia everywhere. Bend over and look at your ass, a Shia has his foot way up in it LOOOOL!

cechas vodobenikov

Dalit drink cow sperm/LSD cocktail—delusional, need better guru

cechas vodobenikov

dumb dalit spends vast sums to buy Russian weapons, maybe can invent bow/arrow to attack Bhutan…LOL

Johnny B. Allan

I agree there are some horrible trolls on this website. Just mouth breathes and just leaving a damn post to just post without any intellectual property

Proud Hindu

I know who you are paki inbred rapist muhammad worshipper

Arch Bungle

Hey Apu, you inbred, cow-banging brahmin wannabee.

Proud Hindu

Lol shia triggered.Are you a mutah product?Shia @$$hole$ are dying like roaches in yemen.Im enjoying that with bacon and beer lol

Arch Bungle

Hindu cow-raper triggered. You’re enjoying raping your cow while drinking cowpiss, maderchot.

Proud Hindu

Omg rawafid triggered

Arch Bungle

LOOOOL! What’s up Apu? Cow-jokes got you all steamed up?

Proud Hindu

Im bored rawafid.i wanna try hitting myself like u shia do lol

Arch Bungle

You’re not bored, you’re stupid and uninformed.

So, you admit Russia has more nuclear firepower than the USA.

Guess you get the point then, maderchot.

Proud Hindu

No hussain a$$ licker russia is a paper tiger just like your rafidah shithole iran

Arch Bungle

LOL! Running out of come-backs? Same lame cut and paste every time.

Hinduism is real brain rot!

cechas vodobenikov

cow dung Dalit lose all wars–china stole vast territory in all past disputes; low caste doo-doo triggered…now afraid Pakistan also

Hasbara Hunter

I know who you are…you are Satanyahu’s little bitch…

Proud Hindu

Paedophile muhammad rap€d aisha?

Arch Bungle

That’s rich coming from the global capital of child marriage. No country has more Child Rape than Nationalist Hindustan.

Lone Ranger

Epstein raped lil girls too along with the western elite…

Lone Ranger

USA is not a serious competitor as its about t o break up. EU is declining as 60 percent of its population is above 40.50 nukes would be enough to destroy both a$$hole corps.

Fixed Shlomo ?

cechas vodobenikov

dumb Dalit drink sewer water, can’t afford decent LSD…no rehab program for low caste hindoo-doo

Proud Hindu

Dumb russian go drink vodka and drown in black sea

Laurent Parodi

The US has a first strike policy so the fact that the employment of nuclear weapons is a possibility is already in the US doctrine. The US is the only country with a first strike policy. The new weapons from Russia are a reponse to the end of the ABM treaty back in 2002. “The new war and dissolution with Russia, that would lead to the seizure of its territory, resources and the creation of ‘new markets’ is being considered by the Washington establishment”. Again I have to ask a question: how exactly do you take control of new resources and create new markets after a nuclear war which destroys everything for decades? Please tell me.

Jim Allen

The new Russian Constitution authorizes first strike options. Which Putin announced December 2018 during a press conference advising of the strategic update.

Tommy Jensen

An interesting thing is the worst nuclear scenario only counts <100 million dead. 7,9 billion – 100 million = 7,8 billion. Confirms what I said, a nuclear WWIII aint a big deal. Enough sleeping rooms in the southern region…………………….LOL.

thomas malthaus

Almost analagous to a computer model, which are normally widely inaccurate.

Tommy Jensen

I agree. These computer simulations are probably fake reality like statistic and other predictions about the future. But…….it doesnt hold back the fact that a nuclear war would be won by America, but it would take time. Dunford said that, Miller said it, Rumsfeld said it, McCain said it, Dick Cheney said it, and they are Generals with honour medals and you are not.

Oliver Eitel

Yeah the US does great War Simulations just ask Paul Van Riper……nothing rigged XD ………………but people need lies to sleep well….. :) because the truth would be to scarry……….


Rather odd analysis, to say the least. A huge thermo-nuclear exchange would alter the entire world in ways we could hardly imagine. Over the long haul the advanced nations of the world likely would lose 50-75% of their total populations, transportation systems would break down totally, populations would turn to eating each other, though one good outcome would likely result in the total extermination of the entire world’s collective political classes.

Tommy Jensen

Some says these political classes are heading toward depopulation and underground cities. So you think we didnt planned all in detail before we go berserk??


Not when your up against mach 28 and array of options that can hit on a dozen targets simutaneously for example the pentagon fekn blek toast world record time,either way you depleted sick fucks are doomed (period) Best get of those gender change tablets boy,no future in cia bullsht eh boy!

So keen,why don’t you arm up and defend your constituates you kweer cat! Can’t even defend against satanic trannys and you think the simp can win, Don’t insult higher intellects,your a finished society all you got is satan,pfft!

Tommy Jensen

Control! When we are indebted 100%, the best way to get rid of the debt is to kill the creditor……..LOL. When everything is chaos ,and we have global power as the light on the hill, you pay the debt and carry the bricks plus put on yourself new usury loans for reconstruction. We dont.

Remember the most beneficial profit scheme is destruction. New bank usury loans and debt slavery, lot of paperwork for lawyers, and fat social jobs for liberals in the misery industry and you work…………………LOL. https://vimeo.com/272574018

John Brown

The Zio empire intends to use smaller size nukes with much less residual radiation, along with neutron bombs in a first strike which leave virtually no residual radiation at all.

So kill all the people and leave all the resources relatively intact. This is why Russia is making weapons which are hard to eliminate with such a first strike which will irradiate the empire for hundreds of years

Tommy Jensen

Copying what I have been saying.

John Brown

I am glad you drink your own koolaid.


True, but just think of the resultant boom in the construction trades……………buy Caterpillar, GMC, Brockway, etc

Lazy Gamer

There you have it, the USA has bluffed with the world at stake. Russia has to be praised for not escalating before.


Praised like what? Sending them some food?

Lone Ranger

Send capitulation…


Written on a Franklin so they can throw a vodka-viagra party

Lone Ranger

Like in the good ol days at the Pentagon…


They usually happen on yachts or at least at private pool.

Tommy Jensen

Nobody can deny we were on the moon. You all believed in it…………………………LOL.


That image on the top is very informative – that is exactly how retarded democrats are imagining possible nuclear war! With Europe burning in the nuclear fire while USA shoots rockets on Russia!

Johnny B. Allan

Nuclear weapon usage was always on the cards and only a fool would need confirmation on that

johnny rotten

You can hear that the fucking Yankees are repeating the same speeches that the Krauts made in the Berlin bunker with the Red Army entering the city, it is typical of the stupid not to understand when it is time to stop.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Unlike the U.S. domestic population, countries like Russia and China will not submit to Washington terrorism as shown with the likes of United States Naval Institute, Admiral Charles A. Richard, mental disturbances.

Lone Ranger

Its also funny because Russia and China has massive nuclear shelters. U.S. has non for its civilian population.

Tommy Jensen

We have plastic coffins and bags. Its cheaper.

catalin zt

Soon all of u anglo jewish SCUM coffins and back to Satan your Father! Amen!

catalin zt

They have deep underground bases with Reptilians and Greys see New Mexico,Dulce Archuleta Mesa with shuttle to Los Alamos plus 100 + of them all around! That’s why the new russian hypersonics too strike the satanic empire deep in the core of the Khazarian anglo FASCIST NEST! AMEN All this bases are for the murican feudalist elites plus the cabals plus some slaves and mercenaries!

Dick Von Dast'Ard



US will definitely face extinction in the event of a nuclear war as will those vassal states that harbour US nuclear weapons use against Russia. Believe Putin emphatically stated this.

Frank G

true, Putin has stated before that an attack on russian will result in counter attacks on not only the launcher, its base but also the command center in the USA, he said that the usa will not be left out of being hit on it’s soil as in previous wars. keep in mind that the usa has always been ruled by sociopaths, the first and only country to drop an A-bomb on their enemy that was almost ready to surrender, just to scare the Russians.

Lone Ranger

These tard has never heard of the MAD doctrine. He is probably the vaccine damaged autistic child of Curtis Lemay…

cechas vodobenikov

another clever U$ officer engaged in PR in order to justify his $260,000 annual pension and the one trillion they spend each year to produce inferior weapons, train pilots that crash f16, and pay for private militias in Afghanistan, ISIS in syria, child porn in Langley

Lost Empire

Readind what this criminal has said i think that any attempt to deal with the americans is a waste of time. In their vision of omnipotence they can’t be second to none. I’m sure they wound’t esitate to use nuclear weapons in a war, not only against Russia or China, but also against Iran or any others countries. My hope is that a civil war will soon break out in that rogue state

Tommy Jensen

We just use the Samson solution. If you cut our hair while we were asleep leaving us without our great power, we take all the philistines down with us……………………………..LOL.

Hasbara Hunter

They have been saying that for many many years now ( http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/espiritualismo/Mullins,Secret%20history%20of%20atomic%20bomb.pdf ) empty threats & hollow promises…just to put fear in the hearts & minds of’m Sheeple…

the fact is:

The Divided States of Murica just badly needs a War to keep their War-based Economy goin’…they are done…endgame….bring it on Biden…you crawling’ little Zio-Maggot…


In other words. We wasted so much money on unnecessary wars for Israel and are the most Jew infested country in the world and the parasites have bled us dry. That we’ve fallen behind in conventional weapons and have to depend on our nukes until we catch back up.


Always they say Russia or China will use nukes in the scenario of a loss in a conventional war. But honestly the USA and Europe are not able to win a conventional war against each of their big opponents. It is exactly the opposite scenario that troubles me. Crazy western politicians launch a war against Russia or China and then lose pathetically. And all what they have left to rescue their empire are their nukes. Btw. imagine ie. thousands of deaths together with seriously destroyed infrastructure in any western country. No western politician can take that.


What is it with these poofs that think usas right to full spectrum dominance where in reality the only such events are in their anus,for the life of me these insolent satanic p00fs are the lowest iq bred whom have absolutely no clue about anything other than hollywood pink glory rappers what a fkwit!



Dow Jones

Had a good laugh. Many thanks. Just one question…With Turd World Slumville burning and collapsing in degeneracy and unpayable debt why would Russia and China waste their nukes on a dung hill that is already beyond its shelf life?

Obviously in the event of an “exchange” only a USSAN moron could imagine that Russia and China wouldn’t immediately go for the swamp critters in the Washing town sewer and the last few bits and pieces of “industry” in the spreading empire of rust. Yet Yankees still imagine that the next bout of global fisticuffs (like the last 2 bouts that the anglozionazis orchestrated in Urupp) will also take place in Urupp aka Natostan. How dumb is that then. Even Putin said that there will never again be a war on Russian soil. Get it? So the big cigars all come out from jump street. Count on it.

Tommy Jensen

If Putin said that, we will organise a war on Russian soil just to prove he was wrong! No one is gonna decide where America must fight a war. No one! Period.


disunited states of A, just a dumbed down country where not everyone can attend harvard, yale or such like institutions and have to be content with local U:s with substandard education and then on to the real world, which is join the army or become a meth-cooker and in either case, body-bagged home or 8 to 15 years in the local privatized prison. the american dream and the future.

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