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MARCH 2025

Nuclear Terrorism By Kiev’s Regime Remains Unpunished

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Nuclear Terrorism By Kiev's Regime Remains Unpunished

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The Kiev regime continues to commit acts of terrorism in areas over which it has lost control. In recent days, Ukrainian forces have shelled nuclear facilities in the Zaporozhye region several times. 

On August 7, the Zelensky’s regime committed a new act of nuclear terrorism at the energy infrastructure facilities of the Zaporozhye NPP to create a humanitarian catastrophe in the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, the Russian Ministry of Defence claimed.

The attack was carried out at about midnight. The AFU used the Hurricane MLRS. Fragments and a rocket engine fell 400 meters from the operating power unit of the station. Striking elements damaged administrative buildings and the adjacent territory of the storage. A voltage surge at the plant caused smoke on the open switchgear of the station. The security system turned off the power supply. As a result of the Ukrainian shelling, the Kakhovskaya high-voltage line, which provided electricity to the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, was damaged.



Ukrainian units of the 44th Artillery Brigade fired at the Zaporozhye NPP from the area of Marganets on the opposite bank of the Kakhovsky reservoir.

The military-civil administration of Energodar noted that every day the artillery strikes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being applied closer to the power units on the territory of the Zaporozhye NPP.

The nuclear fuel storage is in the affected area. At the moment, about 156 containers with a total of 3,744 fuel elements are stored in the open air at the Zaporozhye NPP, at the storage site of spent fuel elements.

The attacks pose a threat to hundreds of thousands of civilians on the territory of Ukraine, as well as countries in Europe and Asia.

In order to prevent disruption of the operation of the nuclear power plant, the capacity of the 5th and 6th power units was reduced to 500 MW.

Earlier, on Friday the AFU fired three times at the area of the Zaporozhye NPP. A fire broke out, two power lines necessary for the operation of power units were cut off.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called the shelling of the Zaporozhye NPP by Ukraine a “suicidal act.”

“We hope that this will stop,” he added at a press conference in Tokyo.

The Zaporozhye NPP, the largest in Europe, is located in the steppe zone on the shore of the Kakhovsky reservoir in the Energodar of the Zaporozhye region, which is controlled by allied Russian and DPR forces. The station has six power units with a total capacity of 6,000 MW. Annually, the plant generates about 40 billion kWh of electricity – about 20% of its production in Ukraine. In total, four nuclear power plants are currently operating in Ukraine.

According to the head of the administration of the Zaporozhye region, the leadership of the IAEA is aware of the risks caused by the shelling of the Zaporozhye NPP by Ukrainian troops, but does not take real measures to prevent them. The local authorities addressed both the IAEA and the United Nations, but received no replies and no actions have been taken by the international organisations to secure the facility.


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If you want a real barrier between Russia and NATO troops, nothing works better than a radioactive wasteland. That wasteland will be uninhabitable for thousands of years.

At higher concentrations the radiological battlefield 😎 becomes an area denial weapon. Driving through the area just one time will give you a radioactive ☢️ dose equivalent to a 1000 x-rays a minute of direct exposure.


thats true yes. but if that reactor blows most of europe will become uninhabitable, not to forget millions will suffer from cancers in the decades after as is the case with chernobyl. many people still develop cancer because of the graphite particles that ended up in the soil all across europe.


Sounds good, that should cut down on the African invasion a bit.


in what movie is that 1000 years part? Hiroshima and Nagasaki are perfectly habitable cities and Cenobyl will too in 10-20 years … idiot

Florian Geyer

Funnily enough, I was also surmising that a Dead Europe after the prevailing Winds do Satans work in Western Europe that would conform to the wishes of the US loonies and depopulate Europe with lingering deaths.

Such a scenario would crash prices across the board of European assets instantly.

Muhammad your Prophet

Reading the Southfront troll farm is like reading another alternate universe. Because it is another alternate universe. The alternate universe where a terrorist human cockroach like Vladimir Putin exposes his own entire terrorist agenda when he accuses others of committing it.


-100 What a fuqueing dummy troll! Everyone here KNOWS what you’re all about Mo. Working as paid shill for global tiny hats. Wake up and move on. You’ll regret your idiotic actions when you’re old and grey IF you’re still alive. Russia and the East as a whole are going to stuff your way of life completely. You know it, we know it so piss off Mo.

Muhammad your Prophet

You’re the one threatening the world with blowing a nuclear power plant to avoid being humilialted by Ukrainian forces when they defeat the shitty Russian army and finally kick them out of Ukraine for good. Your terrorist threats are an open acknowledgement of your coming defeat.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
hunter bidé lab pork !

another universe is your anus with a putin inside your brain in the anus !!

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Muhammed you kike pedo troll, STFU ya idiot!

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

I hope the Wind will blow to the West after the bang.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Zelonsky gay is the son of the 4 reich of abortions !!! Klauz the parazite got a digital monkey in the brain !!! in the anus…got a nazi tattoo !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

his father make an abortion of Parazite !!! and as a pedo f the monkey !!!!!

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

The independent wrote today: “It is not immediately clear how North Korea has offered military assistance to Russia as its war on Ukraine has dragged on for more than five months.

Ranked as world’s fourth largest, the North Korean military force has nearly 1.3 million active personnel, the New York-based Council for Foreign Relations has said. Additionally, 600,000 serve as reserve soldiers in the force.

However, a South Korean report stated that the North is already preparing to dispatch its workers and selected them to send them to the pro-Russian Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.”


“Workers” doesn’t necessarily mean “soldiers”, because the countries have established diplomatic relations but haven’t signed a security deal as far as we know. Perhaps it’s another kind of help, like demining civilian areas. I doubt N.Korea would send its soldiers to die on a warzone, unless there was a lot of money involved.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Klaus the world echonomic digital ss pedo is the biggest ABORTION of the WORLD !!! you better be an insect than an abortion like that !!!!

The Outsider

Here in my country, MSM report that its russian forces who bombed the nuclear plant and that prison. Can you believe how cheeky that is to claim that russian bomb their own positions, idiots!


deaf language, you have to understand that usa nato ect ect are perfectly aware of all this but transform the stories, here in france you will only hear that it is the russians themselves who bombard the nuclear power plant

The Outsider

Which in turn is a stupid statement, because if russians bombard the nuclear powerplant they bombard their own position.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile pedo

Time to level big bits of Kiev. Let the Black Jack and the White Swan bombers loose on the Parliament and Ministry buildings, stop fucking about with the Nazi arseholes.


deaf language, you have to understand that usa nato ect ect are perfectly aware of all this but transform the stories, here in france you will only hear that it is the russians themselves who bombard the nuclear power plant

Klaus Meier

Es sollten Vergeltungsschläge auf Kiew erfolgen… Entscheidungszentren… Flughafen, etc. Jeder Schuss aufs KKW= 10 Raketen auf Kiewer Rada…


Think of it as just another version of Prpyat Chernobyl… that evolved into 3/11… Except now they ain’t hidin it!…


Russia. You should have called it an day for these North American folks a long… long… long… time ago!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Christian Chuba

How CNN reported it, ‘Russia strikes Ukrainian nuclear power plant’. Their guests acknowledge that Russia actually occupies the power plant but sputtered out, ‘Russia is using a cynical ploy’ in order to protect the narrative.

It would not make sense for Russia to bomb their own positions.

Ma Laoshi

“Nuclear Terrorism By Kiev’s Regime Remains Unpunished” Well, ummm, then *punish it*. It’s not like Ze’s address is a big mystery to those in Moscow. Russia snatched up the biggest NPP in Europe for its own benefit; whatever one thinks of that decision, it follows that Russia is now *responsible* for its safety. We’re being told that the Ukies are on the ropes, and according to this article it’s no mystery where the shelling is coming from. So quit the whining and get to work.


if true then smrrikan stupidity has increased beyond previous levels


The real difference here is Kiev is at war while Moscow is playing some kind of sick game. If this really is all the Russian military can do they really need to pull their horns in and behave like the third-fourth rate power they really seem to be. NATO really is redundant, Russia isn’t much of a threat to anyone militarily it would seem.


The nonsensical strategy of the Russian military is to blame for all of this. How can Russia protect people when it refuses to conquer territory? The front hasn’t moved in significant manner in months and they let Kiev and the West supply the front with weapons and never make any attempt to destroy the supply lines (bridges, train yards, rail cars, highway bridges, etc.). The entire strategy is so absurd it is as if they are trying to lose and trying to destroy their own army.

hans--poko molo nazi

ln my nebraska trailer park nuclear tourism used by Azov surgeon remove my penis


I may be cynical, but I think this hit may be the response of the terrorist states of Ukraine/USA to the (exaggerated?) announcement of the 100000 volunteers from N.Korea coming to the DPR/LPR to give a boost to their minimal territorial gains since the large victory in Severodonetsk/Lycychansk. Military analysts keep repeating Russia doesn’t have enough men for such a large frontline (because Putin isn’t going to call for a mobilization for obvious reasons) while Ukraine is rebuilding its initial army (of course, they’re probably exaggerating and this procedure may take a few months – yet it’s indeed rebuilding its army because the troops at Peski were mostly March recruits as the DPR guys revealed). So, if so many fighters arrive to help the DPR/LPR (“IF”!), then they’ll be able to man the indeed very large frontline, and Ukraine will lose the Donbass before the rains start. After the rains start, both Russia and Ukraine won’t be able to make large advances or counter-advances because of the mud – we saw what happened to those tanks in February and March.

So, I may be cynical but maybe Ukraine/USA are signaling to Russia that all it takes for them to win is to simply change the rules of the game. And as we know well, they don’t play by the international rules, they use hybrid war tactics (look at the arsons and murdered scientists in Russia – it brings to mind Mossad) and even war criminal tactics. If Ukraine damages the power plant (it doesn’t even need to explode the entire thing, just damage it enough to cause leakage), then the Russian areas will be the first to be affected and the locals will be forced to leave, while their food produce won’t be collected. Their secret services (MI6, probably) will provide “evidence” Russia did it, and of course the world media will repeat the claims. The UN will vote for sanctions on Russia and ask for the withdrawal of its troops from Ukraine in order to lift them. Russia will be forced to do so, of course, or else become a new impoverished N.Korea totally dependent on China. Maybe that’s why Zelensky gave such a warning (he said Russia was about to become as isolated as N.Korea) a few days ago, because he had such a terrorist action in mind.

Georgeous George

Uncle Scam would love to see a huge nuclear catastrophe in Europe

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