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MARCH 2025

Number Of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases In U.S. Surpassed 104,000 While Trump Was Raging In Twitter

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Number Of Confirmed COVID-19 Cases In U.S. Surpassed 104,000 While Trump Was Raging In Twitter

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While President Donald Trump was raging in Twitter and blaming General Motors for the alleged ‘failed promises’ to deliver ventilators, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States reached 104,256.

At the same time it should be noted that there were only 1,704 deaths from the COVID-19 in the United States, which in comparison with other hotspots like China, Italy and Spain is a low number. The precentage of critical cases also remains at the level of about 2.5%. Despite these facts, mainstream media outlets and the US government itself seem to be in a state of the constant hysteria because of the outbreak.

Tump’s unique style of leadership via Twitter posts written with CAPS LOCK plays a role in this situation.


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Hasbara Hunter

Dear mister Trump,

I can deliver you 10.000 face-masks a day…just let me know if you are interested….

chris chuba

Funny thing is that any covering over the face is good enough for the average person. It doesn’t have to block the virus, just prevent you from rubbing it on your own face with your hands or get droplets of spit from other people. The worst thing the Trump buffoons did was tell people not to wear masks.


US greed based capitalism is on ugly display. This is a country that spends more on weapons and wars than rest of the world combined and can not even supply face masks, gloves or even hand sanitizers to its hospitals that are geared only for the rich. Sadly, the American people are so brainwashed that they will not question the failure of their government and system. US is also most prone to societal violence due to proliferation of guns.

Assad must stay

Hopefully this virus is the nail in the coffin for this greed based capitalism and only the rich get the best mentality


This Pandemic could well be named: Lazy-Fare-Cannibalism. In Yanki “free-market Capitalism”, we see the Federal State out bidding their national states for medical supplies. Big Pharma is the Big Winner with their stockholders gobbling-up as many of those recently printed trillion dollar bills as possible in this very contrived market, which makes the Rich fabulously Richer. WHO is paying the price for this RIP-off?? The 10s of millions of decent hard working people who have been hoodwinked for centuaries. Groomed over their life-time to believe the Big Lie, “you live in the greatest democracy in the world”, where the choice is between Mutt or Jeff. Big Don or HRC in the belief their their vote counts. There is no choice the elections are rigged. I believe the Folks in Murica are at last beginning to wake up, the Elite have feasted on their labour long enough. Now they want to gorge themselves on their pensions too. Welcome to Lazy Fare Cannibalism via laissez-faire-capitalism..


When the nwo puts in low iq feminist + homosexual ceos into hijacked corporations,the result is obvious now more than ever before in the history of capitalism,these neo-liberal ceos controlling the narrative against the commonwealth of the peoples,the solition is simple,get rid of nwo-neo-liberal fugly ceos,like haley for example,and put better educated nationalist so then they have no reason to treason against Trumps call,not to deprive societys recovery, These feminists particulary singles,seriously need to be booted out on a worldwide scale, all unconstituate,unethical bozos,deliberated put in by the phaeds to bring us to our knees!

Assad must stay

he still thinks he can talk to the virus as if its a person and as if it can be defeated with words and threats and standing armies lmao

AM Hants

No doubt, he will send it an abusive tweet and a list of sanctions.

Assad must stay


chris chuba

The spin that the U.S. has the ‘lowest death rate’ is so absurd yet that was the talking point on FOX news. Talk about putting confetti on a turd. Well … we only have 3,000 confirmed recoveries vs China’s 74,000 so our ‘recovery rate’ is as bad as our death rate is good while China’s recovery rate is 90%.

The number of deaths jumped 50% in a matter of days and is now higher than Iran’s. Do the shills on cable news ever, and I mean ever, think about preserving their self-respect or is it their duty to carry water for the govt.

AM Hants

Do believe the US are in for a major shock. Nobody is prepared for it.

You look how Russia has dealt with it all, since January and have it under control.

What has the US done since January to prepare.

Just watching how Russia is helping Italy and how, leaves you feeling they fully understand what they are dealing with. You cannot say the same for the US.

AM Hants

Out of all the nations, US is least prepared and has no idea what they are ignoring. Owing to assuming they are superior to all other nations.

2 aircraft carriers, have had to leave the Pacific, owing to corona virus on board.

US Paratroopers, stuck in Kuwait, owing to being sent to cause problems in Iran and now in isolation.

US Forces with corona virus in Lithuania.

US Forces returning from Italy and Middle East, with no corona virus checks.

Besides sanctioning the world, and media hysteria, with Trump tweets or impeachment, what has the US done to prepare for Corona Virus, since January, compared to other nations?

By the way, interesting article in New York Times, with Pompei wanting to go berserk in Iraq, and military saying no. Plus, German Finance Minister has committed suicide.

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