On November 10, Russia Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoygu, revealed that the number of suicide attacks conducted by ISIS in Syria has increased lately.
The Russian Defense Minister said that ISIS fighters are carrying such suicide attacks individually or using vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). According to Shoygu, in some days ISIS fighters conducted 20 suicide attack against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the frontlines.
“Unfortunately, huge territories are mined. In addition to that, I cannot help but mention that the numbers of suicide attackers increase many-fold as the militant-controlled territories decrease,” Shoygu said.
Shoygu revealed that the Russian Army formed a specialized “anti-VBIEDs” group to counter the threat. The Russian defense minister said that these “anti-VBIEDs” groups are “acting efficiently”.
He also announced that the Russian demining experts begin to remove mines and IEDs from the newly liberated al-Bukamal city near the Syrian-Iraqi border.
“Work is already going on in Deir Ezzor city and Mayadin. Today we also started demining and combing the town of Abu Kamal. That’s was the last major ISIS stronghold in the country with a relatively high concentration of terrorists,” said Shoygu.
The repeated loses, and the fear of being captured by the SAA could motivate ISIS fighters to conduct more suicide attacks with a hope that this might change the situation on the battlefield.
that terminator tank to help against vbied didnt they get any of them?
Yes, we have not heard of those weapons being involved in combat. Any information would be welcome.
Tanks won’t help much across the large extended battle space. More Atgms might help; but the only real solution is 24/7 air force Over Watch which is well beyond Russian & SAA capability.
kudos to russia …. God bless
Im not military expert but from my amateur point if view , best VIBEd killers would be helicopters,,They can go close enough to destroy vibed and again not to get any damage from blast..
Yes, Any kind of air force over watch (helicopter, airplane or even drone) is the best solution, but Russia & SAA don’t have the resources.
Something like this.. http://russia-insider.com/sites/insider/files/AIR_Mi-28UB_1st_Flight_RH-JSC_lg.jpg
I agree but helicopters use vast amounts of fuel.
I think that someone who has OIL fields isn’t worried about fuel consumption..
O ya , I forgot…..
The problem is this is occurring now in remote eastern desert – helicopters cannot just circle around all day waiting for potential VBIED’s to emerge from a building, and likewise these heavy and modified VBIED’s are actually only traveling relatively short distances, sprinting from cover to attack SAA lines.
U are right, but I meant helicopters as vibed killers, you can have drones for scouting, or watching the dessert and have helicopter parked near..So if vibed is spotted, then you bring up helicopter and destroy it..
Welcome to the Insurgency.
Which is that? The talmudic insurgency?
Pity the article didn’t mention the structure and tactics used by the anti-VBIED units. The one that Southfront did on the ISIS VBIED tactics was fascinating and showed that they honed it to a high tactical efficiency.
What about the flying mid air bomb attacks on the SAA? The terrorist launch them from planes inside of Lebanese airspace. These flaying bombs are leveling the country.
Svbieds makes Any ground units especially vulnerable.
A specialized unit may just be a construction battalion to better fortify defending units with tunnels, ground sensors, remote controlled mines, an underground command center for surveillance using drones. Defenders must attack from the air or concealed positions.
Any visible hard defense points will be destroyed by ATG weapons before the suicide assault waves. The enemy has an unlimited supply of TOW weapons.
Por supuesto que la los ataques suicidas van a incrementarse mientras no se eliminen todos los focos terrorirstas en Siria. Israel-USA-NATO, junto con Qatar-Saudi-Joradani-Turkia continuarán apoyando a los terrorirstas en sus fronteras, asi que esta guerra no termina con la eliminación de ISIS.