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MARCH 2025

Number of US Troops Injured in Iranian Attack on Al-Asad Base Is Now 50

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Number of US Troops Injured in Iranian Attack on Al-Asad Base Is Now 50

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On January 28th, the US Department of Defense said that, now, 50 US service members had been injured in the Iranian ballistic missile strike on the Ain al-Asad base in Iraq.

The figures could increase in the days ahead, Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Thomas Campbell said.

He said that 31 out of the 50 had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury (TBI), underwent treatment in Iraq and are back on duty.

18 of the injured have been sent to Germany for further evaluation and treatment, and 1 was sent to Kuwait and has since returned to duty, he said.

“This is a snapshot in time and numbers can change,” Campbell said.

“The Department of Defense is committed to providing the American people timely and accurate information about the care and treatment of our service members,” Campbell said.

Campbell said in an emailed statement that there were no other additional details regarding whether any other service members have been transported back to the U.S.

“The department is committed to delivering programs and services intended to lead to the best possible outcomes for our service members who suffer any injury,” he added.

In its last update, on January 24th, the Pentagon admitted that 34 soldiers had been injured in the attack, and prior to that, on January 16th, it said only 11 had been injured.

When the attack happened on January 8th, that number stood at 0 and there were allegedly no damages. The “no damage” narrative has also been entirely false, as footage shows that there’s hardly anything not damaged at the base.

“A lot of these symptoms, they are late developing,” Jonathan Hoffman, the chief Pentagon spokesman said on January 24th. “They manifest over a period of time.”

The reporting of the injuries al-Asad prompted Defense Secretary Mark Esper to order a review of how a chain of command is notified of injuries in general.

“The reporting on symptoms vs. diagnosis, the reporting on that — we needed to have more clarity,” Hoffman said.

The number of casualties appear to be progressively going up as time goes by, but still there are no reports of a single death due to the Iranian missile strike.


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Zionism = EVIL

I stand by my initial post of over 30 Americunt lardass faggots dead and 200 wounded severely. These brain injuries mean that this wasted child killing cannon fodder will be left to rot on the mean streets of AmeriKKKa as their Jew masters don’t give a fuck about the trailer trash. The motherfuckers have made an art of telling the worst lies that simply don’t wash in the age of every moron with a “smart phone”.. Every day the death count goes up as many are having “accidents”. Wait till the CIA dead arseholes obituaries ever come out with the most fanciful statements and they will be known as “businessmen” and US “academics” visiting the tourist spots in sunny Afghanistan. The all died in a swimming pool on the sandy beaches of Ghazni LOL


You are right, and it looks almost the same as during Vietnam war, when the US reduced the minimum requirements to get whatever idiot was running around. These are the new McNamara boys!

Zionism = EVIL

Gulf of Tonkin lies, WMD in Iraq, 911 BS and the list of Americunt lies is mind boggling, I get a headache just reading the Jew MSM, fucking born pathological liars like Trump. They put Baghdad Bob to shame :)

northerntruthseeker .

Don’t forget the one about Assad using “chemical weapons” on his own people… that one is a real hoot!

Simon Ndiritu

Their tally of 50 injured is exactly what your initial analysis suggested right here on this site. That is impressive!!

Zionism = EVIL

Experience and age teach you a lot of wisdom. You sound like a nice young man. Be kind to your elders and always have a good breakfast :) and never believe a word a Jew parasite or an Americunt moron tells you.

Simon Ndiritu

Heard you sir,

Jimmy Jim


Jimmy Jim


Arch Bungle

Frankly I’m rather dissapointed. Those feckless Taliban wasted a golden opportunity and allowed the US airforce to collect the remains. I would have made it rain MANPADs.


No damage, no casualties ……… pfffft, almost anytime you know they say that, you cannot believe it in circumstances like these. Once again, I have to rely on information from sources outside of the US. This time, the Iranian sources called it, from the get go. I tip my hat to the IRGC for their honesty.

Further, the comportment of US President Donald Trump has been a disgrace concerning this. He talks about our service personnel without a shred of respect or decency. With all due resect for the office of the Presidency, you can go jam a large pole up your butt Donald.

Zionism = EVIL

One thing I know for a FACT, Iran, Hezbollah and the Ansarallah don’t tell lies. They even admit their mistakes. The fucking Jews and Americunt arseholes have made telling lies into a Hollywood art form. But now they are exposed, thanks to alternate media and people’s awareness.

All the Sleepers

Actually they tell a ton load of things that are not necessarily exactly true and even false mostly. That is called asymetrical warfare and a very necessary strategy.

Arch Bungle

Their lies are sophisticated enough to impress. What makes Zionist lies so hateful is their crudeness, their obvious cheapness, as if they couldnt be bothered to lie properly. It’s lack of craftsmanship that makes me hate them, not the lies.


Too much Vodka ration will do that to your brain, Igor.

Arch Bungle

Haha! I’m a Russian now! Loool! Try again Shlomo, looks like you lost your IQ with your foreskin!


Well better that since they at least have to be educated to know English well enough to post here. But if you are just another high school drop out US neo-Nazi loser, your problem, not mine, Adolf.


Boy you Israeli troll boys really lack in the imagination department, every time you idiots bring up Zionist funded bad guy Hitler. Now kindly fuck off you Zionist sewer rat.


People like that are examples of chickenhawks.

Concrete Mike

Hahahahaha good one!!!


They also use the power of silence I’ve noticed they’ve stopped responding to a lot of the bullshit that comes out of USA and isreal


And your delusional wet dreams?

Concrete Mike

Go back to sucking greta’s tit fucking quinoa eating hipster.

Rhodium 10

USA dont show damage in Erbil base…surely some aircraft have been damage

Zionism = EVIL

The treacherous Jew arse kissing Kurd turds put a complete lock-down as there were 300 IDF Jew Fucks there too. However, Iran got the message across that flattening Erbil would be child’s play.


Really? Good to hear.


Good to hear the truth right rat boy.

northerntruthseeker .

“Headaches” caused by the explosion of the missiles are the REAL casualties here… The US is of course lying its ass off as usual in claiming that these soldiers suffered “head injuries”!


The top Islamist Iranian general and half a dozen of his top military buddies remain quite dead. The deal is quite in the US’s favor. And a great number of Iranians should be thankful to still be alive.

Arch Bungle

You gonna keep cut-n-pasting that forever, Shlomo? That all you got? Cooler shit has happened since then, you know?


Maybe cooler but nowhere near as significant, well, except maybe the Key Stone Cops Iranian military shooting down that airliner killing mostly other Iranians. Now that was really cool! Do note it was their top general, second most powerful guy in all Islamist Iran. Got that yet, Igor?

John Wallace

Ho Chi Minh died while America was “winning ” in Viet Nam which affected the final result in favor of Ameri … oops …

Ricky Miller

You can repeat that over and over and by body count it’s so far true, but that’s not what millions of people around the world are focused on. The chattering is all about the fact that U.S. equipment was destroyed, the U.S. forces structure attacked and personnel injured at least, and the U.S. did nothing. Now, the casualty figures change all the time and there are reports of deaths in rollover accidents and the like. The focus for most of the world, parts not rooting for the Empire, is about the bitch slap not the current body count. For more educated observers it’s a matter of deep concern and disgust that a man was killed while traveling on a diplomatic passport, as a part of conversations that the U.S. was a party to, in a country where permission for military action to kill was denied by the local government. He’s still dead but the ramifications are still more negative for the United States than they are for Iran. I mean a million people just marched in Baghdad demanding a U.S. pullout and MSM either ignored it, or in some cases lied about the vast numbers involved. Check out the article at Moon of Alabama.

John Wallace

Trouble is you are looking at one piece of a 5000 piece jig saw puzzel and fail to understand the impotance and relevance of al the other pieces. If you think this body count is the final result you are totally deluded , Just like the US in Viet Nam. So obsorbed by the body count , which was often inflated by various commanders in the field to show they were doing their job , they lost sight of the reality and focus of what was important.. You are doing the same thing. Remember how Viet Nam ended , people hanging off choppers as it left the US Embassy rooftop with choppers being pushed overboard to make room for people. Now that was a glorious victory based on body count.

John Wallace

Anothe big US plane down in Iraq this time. What is wrong with their maintainence program as they seem to be dropping out of the sky everywhere.

Arch Bungle

“‘Tis but a scratch” — the black knight

John Wallace

He has had worse.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmInkxbvlCs


the first “western” journalist to report casualties was a guy from Haaretz, that had his twitter and FB censored…..he never stated that his post…erased from twitter and FB, was false. He reported 200+ US Personal being evacuated to Tel Avivi for medical attention, 24 hrs after the attack


Hello Opereta. For these type of things, I usually pay attention to official announcements. The IIRGC is he one who called it the best, in my opinion. Journalists I don’t pay too much attention too, unless they have had long track of being on top of the actual events and have proven their accuracy.

Mehmet Aslanak


Arch Bungle



Well maybe. But the top Islamist Iranian general and a half dozen of his top military buddies remain mostly just plain old flakes and scattered parts.


Get over it. Don’t ride a dead horse. For sure the so far seen actions of Iran are not yet the full revenge. When US left the region, then it might be, but not so sure.

Concrete Mike

Even in his death, soleimani will haunt you parasites.

Your just too stupid to see it yet.

cechas vodobenikov

the truth may be revealed in 50 years—nearly everything reported by the US govt and media r lies


This goes back long time. Like the atomic bomb, which they said they build, but without a proper ignition mechanism nor enough uranium. It came in handy that they captured the german sub U-234 with the materials, working bombs and experts, one in the field of infrared coordinated ignition (Heinz Schlicke), which allowed simultanious ignition of charges to compress Uran to critical mass. You never hear about the cyclotrons for Uran enrichment in Germany, which had been operated in the laboratories of Manfred von Ardenne. It does not fit so well to the “official” story that Germany was not able to develop the bomb. Don’t be surprised when all the lies fall apart and the reality is becoming visible. US is the biggest fraud on earth, never ever saying anything true.


Does that make you feel better? Now take your meds, Adolf.

Arch Bungle

Meh. No content here. You’re losing your entertainment value.


Does that mean you believe the tinfoil hat crap that Nazi just posted? You’re dense and delusional but not that bad.

Ricky Miller

Desperate to make a friend? There are Empire sites to share with other war pigs who celebrate death and destruction. Run along to them, piggie

Arch Bungle

What made you jump to that conclusion? As usual you display the reasoning capacity of a foreskin kippah merchant. Back to remedial kibbutz with you!


Did anyone called ‘loser’ that you answered my post, Jake?

Concrete Mike

Hah pot calling kettle black, your the bigfest fascist here asshole!

Tommy Jensen

Whatever it is, America had the first man on the moon.

In reality it doesn’t matter whether its true or not. What matters is that people believe in it and that they were hoping. When people believe it and hope, this IS the reality…….…..LOL.

Therefore we won in reality. Because people believed in it, and this is a fact nobody can deny …..LOL.


The problem is what it takes to keep such important lies afloat. It is easier to kill the potential revealers then admitting the lies. This is what is actually happening. Eppstein suicide, the suicides of all the 9/11 whistle blowers, eye witnesses, seal team 6 fatal accident etc are some examples.


Pat Tillman

Arch Bungle

Russia brought mankind into space. They broke the barrier mankind never crossed.

Russia landed the first human artifacts on the moon:

“A Moon landing is the arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. This includes both crewed and robotic missions. The first human-made object to touch the Moon was the Soviet Union’s Luna 2, on 13 September 1959. The United States’ Apollo 11 was the first crewed mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.”

American space technology was a decade behind the Russians.

The US frequently hitches rides to space on Russian Soyuz rockets. Like that broke, drunk uncle who needs to visit the whorehouse on weekends but can’t afford the trip.

The US is like that runner that keeps running long after the finish line was crossed, claiming the race is still on.

cechas vodobenikov

it is well known that zero US scientists invented nukes—it was daily Germans captured in WWII…their heavy water production in Norway, thwarted by local commandos, stalled Nazi progress


You figure that from the history of your press in Russia and your previous, wondrous, glorious now dead Russian Soviet Empire?

Tony B.

The soviet empire was NOT Russian, as you well know, it was talmudic, like you.


Something very big had happened in the Iranian missile attack. The US can no longer cover it. I think Iran has used coronavirus warheads on its missiles, maybe that’s why many US soldiers have “headaches”. Lol


Their top general and half a dozen of his top military buddies remain quite dead and well beyond headaches especially for those whose heads are still missing. The US and the Iranian People are ahead. The US got the better of the deal and the Iranian People were not wiped out.

Arch Bungle

You’ve been beating that stale old drum for weeks now my dear foreskin kippah merchant. In the meantime Zionazi Army footsoldiers have been dropping out of the sky like crispy fried manna.


Yep, the top Islamist Iranian general and half a dozen of his top military buddies remain quite dead even after all those weeks.

Ricky Miller

So what? He’s buried. The reason he was killed was because the projects he started and leave to his successor, like drawing Russia into the Syrian conflict and moving Shia militia in to confront ISIS (a secret American pet project, an Uncle Sam bait and switch) irked and frustrated the U.S. Why? Because it thwarted their plans. Those plans are still thwarted. He was a soldier. You need to make a meal of it because of the checkmated position the U.S. and it’s proxies are stuck in.


So? The point is that the US got the better of the deal. And there are a hell of a lot of Iranians who should be thankful to be alive today.

Ricky Miller

Oh yes, mighty America. Thank You for not targeting civilians and killing so many of us because we resist being conquered by your greed oriented society. We are so thankful that we didn’t get the chance to use our tens of thousands of missiles to obliterate your forward operating bases throughout the entire region. You’re so good at killing the Taliban into submission we are so sure you could do the same to us, a country with hundreds of times the firepower of the Taliban. Show us all a big lesson, all at the same time. The Taliban, us, the Iraqi’s who want you gone, Turkey, who is sick of your bullshit. Syria, who wants all of it’s territory back. Hell, why not try Russia and China too? Take on the whole world, man. No way that could end badly for you, right?


Ricky Miller is a funny name for an Iranian. Just made the real world point that your very top general and friends are very dead and you should be very thankful that a whole lot of your friends and neighbors are still alive. Just the way it is. But if you let your bravado go to your heads, a great number of you will be like your top general. And note, Trump is not interested in occupying Iran but just totally destroying it if you guys are stupid and suicidal enough to give him an excuse he can not back down from. Killing Americans in another attack like this recent one will cost you way way more than anything you could ever hope to repay. As an aside, an attack like that directly on Israel or an attack on Israel like the one on Saudi Arabia would likely bring even worse destruction on Iran. I truly hope for the sake of the Iranian People that your rulers are not stupid and suicidal.

Arch Bungle

Oh come on! You pick up a pattern and just grind it out over and over again with no originality. You sound more and more like a conversational a.i bot every day.


The one who searches revenge decides when revenge has been served. What do you think how unimportant the general was, that you assume, that this was all? Intellectually not really a difficult task to come to this conclusion. Only if thinking has to do with luck, like it looks like in your case, you will not reach there.


I’m going to play Russian Troll here. You need to improve your English. What you just posted is near incomprehensible. Maybe you should stick to German language sites, Adolf.


I am not getting back to you on that. Never try to argue wit a moron, as you cannot win on his home turf. You should have been better in school and should have focused on learning.

Arch Bungle

Doesn’t scan or impress. You can’t just steal my lines paste them randomly and expect impact. It takes timing and wit.

Tony B.

How is accelerating their exit from the Mideast getting “the better of the deal?” Admit it, Israhell will be totally geographically friendless and isolated in a much shorter time now. Blood from sloppy murders always splashes back on the murderers.

Wayne Nicholson

Is that how you judge military operations …. like some kind of sporting event where the team with the largest body count wins? Warfare is a political act not an athletic event. What matters is whether or not you achieve your political objectives not the body count.

So tell me just how the USA is in a stronger position after the assassination than they were before? Did it bring Iran to the bargaining table or did they decide to fight?

A few weeks ago there were protests against Iranian influence in iraq …. today there are protests calling for the USA to get out, rockets are falling on the US embassy and a thousand combat troops are defending the embassy. The Iraqi PM has called for the USA to leave.

Trump apparently wants 50% of Iraqi oil revenues to continue rebuilding what GW Bush destroyed … China has offered to do the same job for 20%. Who do think gets the contract after the assassination? You’re now in the position of having to fight to stay in Iraq if you stay there at all all because of your impetuous president and what does that do to your forces in Syria and your relationship with the Saudi’s.

You’re going to be paying for that assassination for a generation.

Ricky Miller

You military ignoramus. By what non-nuclear weapon are the Iranian people going to be wiped out? Iran has more missiles in the region, by far, than the United States. In a pitched war, short to medium term, Iran cleans up. Long term, if the American people buy in, advantage to the U.S. But surely not if there’s widespread targeting of the Iranian population. You are a war criminal junkie.


Not my policy. Just telling it as Trump would like to have seen it. At the least, if he had reacted to attack with his buster, there would be many orders of magnitude more dead Iranians than anyone else. At least thousands, if not tens of thousands. And if it continued for any period of time, millions. And you don’t have to be a military genius to know that. The Iranian People more than anyone else should be quite happy their military didn’t kill any Americans in their attack and that Trump didn’t go with his usual bluster.

Ricky Miller

Please. The Iranians were prepared for a war. The United States is not. You have an inflated view of American capabilities. In a pitched battle with Iran it would be a real war, with vast consequences beyond the U.S. governments ability to spin, even with MSM help. A war with Iran would mean the end of the two party system in the United States and I’m disappointed that Trump didn’t retaliate to the Iranian missile strike on U.S. bases. If we can’t get change by way of elections here in America maybe we can get a paradigm shift by way of the consequences of reckless war. With overconfidence like yours living also inside the beltway, a major miscalculation or misstep is only a matter of time. It probably will involve a country much more dangerous than Iran so it’s a shame for all of us that it didn’t kick off with an adversary with a limited regional reach.


A military reaction by the US was expected, which eliminated the benefit of surprise, and shifts the probability of success down. In addition Iranian air defense was on highes alert, as well as the readiness of it ballistic rocket forces. US was not on highest DEFCON in the region, and therefore would have exposed all high value targets to potential retaliatory strikes after such an attack, not to speak about the potential death toll.

Ricky Miller

Sounds like Iran should make the most of it’s military shopping trip to Moscow later this year. More money for the Russian defense industry is a good thing.


Yep, puts off Russian bankruptcy for a wee bit longer and brings Islamist Iran’s much closer.


Do you know anything? Where did you get your false info, that Russia is going bankrupt? https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/russia/publication/rer Contrary to US worldbank foresee a reduction in poverty.


Read the fine print. That is ONLY if Putz Putin doesn’t continue to increase the military budget and get into a useless arms race with the US. If he does, down into the dustbin of history goes the RF to join its glorious bankrupted Russian Soviet Empire as partly the result of an arms race with the US. Well, if Islamist Iran uses those new weapons on the US or Israel in any serious way, it will be destroyed but in the process the price of oil will go quite high and save Putz Putin’s azz. Damn, he may just give those weapons to Iran and tell them to use them.

Ricky Miller

The United States is already bankrupting itself in a military arms race with itself. Literally the U.S. is spending itself into oblivion. Military Watch Magazine has an article today detailing the collapse of the Zumwalt destroyer program to the tune of billions of dollars. Russia is spending money on equipment to defend Russia and the U.S. is wasting money trying to occupy half the world and on “cutting edge” crap that doesn’t work. And Russia has far more natural resources than the U.S. does and more room to grow. Your info, and the way you interpret it, is bogus.


Not to forget that Russia is meanwhile seen as a more reliable trade partner then USA. Who would have thought of this some years ago? All the anti russian propaganda turns against the propagandist nowadays.


That’s one of the reasons they are pushing this climate change crap it’s to hurt Russia and any other country that wants to develop their economy using natural resources

Ricky Miller

Note that you had to add serious to your byline. Because destroying aircraft shelters, sending thousands of U.S. personnel into shelters for hours and destroying three aircraft while giving 50 U.S. personnel some level of cranial trauma somehow lies below your definition of serious. For an underdog, Iran did well and America backed off.


Maybe you missed that they filled their foreign currency reserves earlier as expected? In parallel to this they also increased their gold holdings. https://www.cbr.ru/eng/hd_base/mrrf/mrrf_m/ In respect to that US just increased their debts.

Ricky Miller

That’s a hoot. Russia has the currency reserves required to pay her debts in full, tomorrow. She is the least indebted of the major powers, by far. A statement like that displays either ignorance of an easily searched metric or marks you as just a hating firebrand tossing out meaningless talking points. The United States, speaking factually, is bleeding out wealth and cash and has debt obligations greater than it’s entire GDP. The Congressional Budget Office estimates a deficit of $1 Trillion plus this fiscal year alone.

Wayne Nicholson

So you would have preferred the Iranians targeted the bunkers US soldiers were cowering in? Would hundreds of American dead gotten your respect?

75% of the occupants of that air base are iraqis and the Iranians targeted only the American occupied parts of the airbase. If you were smart you would see the strategic implications of the fact that only US parts of the airbase were targetted and every shot hit something.

“The US got the better of the deal and the Iranian People were not wiped out.”

The Iranians have been digging into the mountains and dispersing assets for 40 years while the USA have built their bases with hundreds of billions in aircraft out in the open desert. You currently have a carrier group in the Persian gulf …. sitting ducks for anti-shipping missiles. You are strategically fucked and too stupid to understand.

Do a little research on the how inneffective air strikes are in the mountains. The USA has dropped more than 40,000 bombs on Afghanistan over 18 years and are LOSING to the Taliban who fight with AK’s , RPG’s and IED’s. Iran is more mountainous, has air defences and can strike back just as hard as the USA can. What you saw in that air base attack just a few short range missiles with HE warhead. They have cluster munitions, fragmentation, bunker busters, thermobaric and mine laying warheads and missiles with much bigger throw weights than what was used.


In the meantime, the wondrous Islamist Iranians have been trying to piece their top general and half a dozen of his top military buddies back together. They say they will have them returning to service real soon. Must be so, Press TV as quoted on RT said so. Still looks like the Moron Trump got the better of this deal from the brilliant Persian Rug Merchants.

Arch Bungle

Oh looks, it’s the resident hasbaranim! Back from the remedial kibbutz for another round of virtual Shoah, are you?


Just to watch you demented inmates of the Southfront Nut House frolic. Quite entertaining. As an aside, the condo I live in in usually sunny California is not a kibbutz of any kind.

Arch Bungle

It’s the pot calling the kettle black again. Demented is fine, but stupid is unforgivable. Yeah, you just stick to that story, Shlomo …


You wish to live there. Will never happen. Needs brain and intellect, which is both absent in you, as proven every time you post your stupidities.


Have lived here for over 50 years for university and profession. What you post is pure projection, Adolf.


Liar. You wish for it, but it will not happen. Loser stays loser, sorry for that.


LOL…speak for yourself, Adolf.

Arch Bungle

50 years of University and professional experience and this is all you can manage? SAD.


High school drop out and this is all that can be expected of you? EXPECTED.

Arch Bungle

Nope. Try again. FAIL.

Concrete Mike

Enjoying your house arrest fucking didler?

Arch Bungle

Here, let me fix that for you:

In the meantime, the wondrous Zionist American Imperial Army have been trying to piece their top CIA spook for afghan operations and half a dozen of his top military buddies back together. They say they will have them returning to service real soon. Must be so, CNN as quoted on BBC said so. Still looks like the Moron Trump got the better of this deal from the brilliant fake hebrew foreskin kippah Merchants.


Problem is the top Islamist Iranian and buddies are dead and the top CIA guy is not. But two airmen were killed in the accident. So as usual, your post is false.

Arch Bungle

You’re incoherent. Rewrite that in proper english please.


Said like the true Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll you are. Only they play grammar Nazi while posting neo-Nazi crap to earn their Vodka ration.

Ricky Miller

Or, he should just go away. Try Breitbart with many of the other Empire loving, Okinawa little girl raping fellow Americans.


Nahhhhhhhh…where else but here can I find an Iranian named Ricky Miller and a Rusky named Arch anything…

Arch Bungle

Found your lost foreskin yet, Shlomo?

Ricky Miller

Right. Those EW planes fly operational missions with just two guys on board, the pilot and co-pilot. The U.S. regularly hides the truth about it’s losses and mistakes. It took the Washington Post two years of pitched legal battle to force the Pentagon to honor a freedom of information request about the real military assessment of the Afghan war. The U.S. General stated that we’re losing the war and don’t know what we’re doing. Just because MSM, or the government says two people were killed in the crash doesn’t make it true. Use your brain. There is no reason at all for that aircraft, based in Afghanistan, to be flying where it was without it’s mission staff. The Taliban say six bodies were seen in the wreckage. They have far more credibility than the U.S. government and it’s MSM disciples.


LOL…the Taliban also said they shot the plane down and controlled the crash site. Anyway, no proof of what you claim but lots of poof the top general and friends are very dead.


Saw this on a good YouTube channel today. Apparently, Iraq is in talks to buy S-400. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this de facto embargo and S-400 purchases were related.


Traiano Welcome

This is an incredible loss for the Americans!

– Roughly 25% of their airborne ELINT infrastructure destroyed in a day. – A minimum of six highly trained, experienced specialists lost forever (unlikely 2 people man such planes). – Massive morale boost for the Taliban and anti-US resistance movements – A Massive morale hit for the US army and supporters


– IF the Taliban have succeeded in salvaging the contents of the plane, there may be consequences in terms proprietary technology and information loss – IF high ranking officers have been killed in the crash, there must be at least some degree of leadership vacuum that will disrupt operations for some time.

This would simply be additional impact. So, objectively viewed, not taking any sides, it appears January has been a torrid month of losses for the US Afghan war effort.


The Taliban didn’t shot down the plane as they claimed. They do not control the site as they claimed. They didn’t get close to the site to get anything as they claimed they did. This was unrelated to the killing of Islamist Iran’s top general. And there were only two crew on the plane who were killed in the accidental crash.

But most all your post goes something like this:

If you had ham, you could have ham and eggs. If you had eggs.

Traiano Welcome

> The Taliban didn’t shot down the plane as they claimed.

Nobody knows for sure. But it is certain the plane is downed and it’s occupants dead. If you have intel to the contrary, please share?

>They do not control the site as they claimed.

It is certain that for some time they controlled they site. Video and pictorial evidence is material enough. Of course they would not control the site when the US military comes in, but then guerrilla armies never bank on fixed positions and ‘holding territory’. And one would ask further “Hold territory for what reason?”. It doesn’t make sense.

> This was unrelated to the killing of Islamist Iran’s top general.

I never linked the two. Was that your assumption? Maybe you are the one making this association?

> And there were only two crew on the plane who were killed in the accidental crash.

I find this hard to believe. A pilot, co-pilot and who mans the ELINT equipment? Sounds expensive for just 2 people to fly around on a million dollar jaunt …

> If you had ham, you could have ham and eggs. If you had eggs.

It appears you are attempting some form of metaphor. However I think it is failing somehow. Let me try and clarify in terms of ham and eggs since you seem to prefer such devices:

a) I mentioned there was ham (what facts were reasonably established) b) I made no mention of eggs (what facts we could not assume) c) Therefore there is mention of ham. No assertion of eggs. No premise of eggs either.


What would be the reaction, if the missing corpses would turn up alive in Iranian hands? The planes fuselage looks like it came down intact, fire destroyed it when it was on the ground already. Possibility is there that staff on board was able to leave the plane, only severely injured or dead were left behind. If the Taliban were on site fast, they would be able to rescue and take possession. The shown videos do not reveal when first people arrived there. In such case also the carried equipment would have been accessible and could turn up in Iranian hands, as well as any documentation, computers and other electronics on board. That would be an intel nightmare worst case scenario for US.

Traiano Welcome

I think we can only wait and observe. If Afghanistan is anything like your average rough neighbourhood, that plane would have been stripped bare an left on bricks for sure (Taliban or not).

The arms Bazaars of Afghanistan are legendary for their stores, I imagine anything worth anything would be fast-routed on donkey in those directions within the first hour of the crash. Naturally the Taliban would go shopping hoping for a bargain, and likely they would get one …

Taliban or not, it’s a salvagers dream out there. I believe the US forces would have recovered nothing but empty shells and ashes.

Tony B.

Likely as not, some U.S. troops who don’t like the orders they are given have decided this type of “injury” is a good way to get out of the area.

Arch Bungle

64 and counting! These US gov. Types lie like Zionist Jews …

“The casualty count from the January 8 Iran missile strikes on Ayn al-Asad continues to rise, with the Pentagon now saying that 64 US soldiers have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries. This is an increase over the most recent figure of 50, and the continuation of weeks of increases starting from no casualties at all and progressively rising. It is expected to continue to rise going forward.”

Translation guide:

“Traumatic Brain Injury” = “their heads were blown off”

Arch Bungle


Iran claimed almost immediately 80 casualties. US said first no casualties. Then a few ones but small injuries. Then actually they are more and stronger injuries… The final count seems to be reaching that 80 figure.

So. The Iranians knew a rather accurate information on casualties very early.

The only possibly is that they have inside Intel…

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