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MARCH 2025

Obama’s Regime Raves Against Transparency

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Obama's Regime Raves Against Transparency

On December 22, the US Department of State released a statement, blaming Russia for the “Foreign Agent Law”:

Russia reached an unfortunate milestone December 19 when it listed the 150th non-governmental organization (NGO) under its so-called “foreign agent law.” The use of the term “foreign agent” is a deliberate choice suggesting that these organizations are traitors. In fact, under this legislation Russia has targeted ‎organizations dedicated to pursuits such as fighting torture, preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, and even protecting migratory birds.

The people of Russia deserve a strong, democratic government that respects the role that civil society plays in holding governments accountable and providing essential services, rather than stifling NGOs’ important work‎. We urge the Russian government to abolish this legislation today and uphold its international human rights commitments.

The Obama administration, which constantly uses various frauds to justify its actions across the world and inside the United States, blames Russia for a decision to oblige NGOs to be transparent.

Moscow just ordered 150 entities, with a dominant participation of states implementing against Russia economic and political sanctions, to say openly that they are backed by anti-Russian regimes.

Meanwhile, the United States and its allies continue to implement totalitarian tools to stay in power and retain dominance in media. They forbid non-mainstream media outlets, make lists of “fake news” sources, hunt independent journalists and use various kinds of ethnic discrimination policy (for example, against Russians in the Baltic States) to pursue own political goals.

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Daniel Martin

Listening to Obama speaking about “transparency and democracy” is like listening to a prostitute preaching about honor. A regime that have more unsubstantiated accusations against Vladimir Putin and Russia from MH-17 downing to U.S elections hacking and manipulation is hard to find. With Obama’s record of lying, he would be advised to think twice before he speaks next time.


Presstitute not prostitute.

chris chuba

Can someone clarify Russia’s “foreign agent law”, do they ban foreign NGO’s or require them to publicize their status in some manner, if so how?

I don’t blame Russia for taking some action, I’ve heard the President of the ‘National Endowment for Democracy’ speak on the radio, which is funded by the U.S. govt. If this group is funding groups active in Russia, well, I would be suspicious of them too.


They fund groups worldwide. I.e. USAID it’s not really aid.


Nor is the (US) Endowment for Democracy or the European Endowment for Democracy about democracy but most definitely about Regime Change.

Toni Matsi

They require them to puplicize foreing funding

Real Anti-Racist Action

Why know what his regiem is really made of. lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B-X7ox8LBg


Soros’ Open Society has besmirched all NGOs with nasty colours by engaging in cultural desecration in many countries. After that all foreign funded NGOs are suspect. US founding fathers were aware of the destabilising and corrosive nature of foreign funded activities. That’s why they introduced the original 13th Amendment to the constitution. Somehow it got lost about a hundred years ago. Not sure why, but foreign funding (donations etc.) in the US has reached disgraceful levels.

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