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MARCH 2025

Officer Charged With Killing George Floyd Arrested, Governor Apologizes For “Abject Failure” In Response To Unrest

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ZeroHedge reports (source):

Update (1415ET): The charges against the officer include murder and manslaughter, prosecutors say.


Chauvin is now the first white police officer in the history of Minnesota to be charged with murder while on duty, one reporter tweeted.

Another fun fact: third-degree murder – one of the charges that the state is bringing against Chauvin – is only a crime in three US states (Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Florida). It was formerly a defined crime in Wisconsin and New Mexico. It is punishable by a maximum of 25 years in prison in Minnesota.

* * *

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who killed George Floyd, has been arrested in Minneapolis, the Minnesota Public Safety Commissioner John Harrington announced.


As smoke drifted over Minneapolis, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz acknowledged his and his state’s “abject failure” to the unrest that has rocked the city for days after they killed Floyd, a handcuffed black man who pleaded for officers claiming he couldn’t breath as a cop knelt on his neck, the AP reports.

That the officer wasn’t arrested immediately helped fuel the riots, prompting President Trump to send in the National Guard to quell the unrest after promising that justice would be done to Floyd’s killer.

The arrest of Chauvin – who has been charged with murder and manslaughter – comes after three days of protests and unrest which have captivated America in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic. The killing – which has been regarded by critics as utterly indefensible, with the usual parade of conservative defenders this time refusing to defend an officer’s actions – comes at a particularly tense time for race relations in the US. A few days ago, an incident involving a white woman – derided as a “Karen” – who called the police on a black man in Central Park after he asked her to put her dog on a leash – garnered national media attention, and the killing of unarmed Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia by two white men who tried to detain him with a “citizens arrest” also rocked the country earlier this month, leading to scattered protests. In Georgia, it took weeks for the state’s bureau of investigations to arrest the men and charge them with murder, along with another man who filmed the incident but reportedly acted as ‘part of the posse’.

Officer Charged With Killing George Floyd Arrested, Governor Apologizes For "Abject Failure" In Response To Unrest

Speaking of the unrest, Minnesota’s governor addressed the “generations” of abuse perpetrated against the black community by American police, which has been widely cited as the inspiration for the riots. Others have used this to try and justify the destruction.

“Minneapolis and St. Paul are on fire. The fire is still smoldering in our streets. The ashes are symbolic of decades and generations of pain, of anguish unheard,” Walz said, adding. “Now generations of pain is manifesting itself in front of the world – and the world is watching.”

Chauvin has now been arrested by the department for which he once worked after his actions led to citizens burning down a police precinct.

More details to come…

Officer Charged With Killing George Floyd Arrested, Governor Apologizes For "Abject Failure" In Response To Unrest

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In the most recent year that statistics are available the police killed 933 people in the US 28.4 per million, 2 in Japan .2 per million, 11 in Germany 1.3 per million, 26 in France 3.8 per million, 3 in the UK .5 per million, 36 in Canada 9.7 per million, 4 in Australia 1.7 per million and the list goes on.

– List of killings by law enforcement officers by country –


The US is at the top of the list of developed countries in police killings by any metric. And the actual number of police murders in the US much higher. Most of the victims are unarmed and pose no significant threat to the police or public. There is simply no need for the police to kill these people.

Assad must stay

I read a few times that police in US are trained by Israeli IDF so that would explain it lol


The Zionists also “trained” the TSA. The whole training is to create a racist police state that profiles and suppresses minorities on the Palestinian oppression model.


Most TSA are not white.

Assad must stay

it seems to be that way, fucking insane people


You idiot, not everything is about the Palis. And yes, if they make riots then they will be treated with iron fist here.


You mean crimes against humanity. Which is why people like you need to be investigated and prosecuted by the ICC. Which is in the works now.


I don’t recognize any ICC, and so does my country. Again, if they make riots we will deal with them.


Whether you recognise them or not won’t stop you being denied for a visa or being arrested outside of your prison colony for the crimes against humanity that you shill for on this site.


Not scared at all, I do what I have to do to protect my country. I will do so again if another operation starts. Next.


At the rate that things are going you’ll have that opportunity. The last time the IDF faced a real military you got overrun and had to play your nuke card and get bailed out by the US with a massive equipment upgrade after the Euros stayed on the sidelines. And the Russians didn’t reciprocate with a comparable equipment upgrade for your neighbors.

That’s not going to help you this time. And without direct US intervention. Your chances of hanging on to the occupied territories are between slim and none.


lol, you live in some kind of a dream buddy. Fine by me, expect a big surprise.


Coming from someone who thinks that the IDF is going to expell the Iranians from Syria after decades of failure. You’re obviously the one with trouble grasping reality.

You ignore the UN. And the protection force that has been authorized. Maybe you’ll pay attention when it’s on your borders with equipment and personal than the IDF can’t handle and the US says that you’re on your own and it’s time for you to negotiate or die losing what you stole.

Do you think the Russians are building bases to play patty cake with the Benny and Benny show? After years of non stop Israeli interference trying to thwart the Russian anti-terror campaign.


Like I said, the IRGC can come to our borders and die there. The SAA will also be targeted if they support Iran, all of our enemies will die. Mark my words.


You can say all that you like. When you’re out manned and out gunned you’ll be cleared from the land that you stole just like the second largest army in NATO and their proxies were recently cleared from parts of Idlib. Your leaders know it and the Palestinians and Syrians know it. The only question will be how many people you get killed in the process.

There is nothing in Israel beyond the reach of a regional coalition. The IAF and your military facilities can be eliminated with minimal collateral damage without resorting to the scorched earth war crimes that the IDF routinely uses in places like Lebanon and Gaza when their ground troops like you can’t get the job done.

And rather than restorting to an eye for an eye if the IDF starts hitting civilian targets, a regional coalition can obliterate IDF and IAF facilities, equipment and personnel in Israel to the point of dysfunctionality. So that they have nothing to attack their neighbor’s civilian targets with. And your crimes will be all over the media and the world will say that the IDF deserved to be destroyed for it’s crimes.


okay buddy, keep living in your own fantasy and see what happens to your friends. The IDF hasn’t even started to use its true power, as you will probably see in July.


Your problem is that you actually believe the Jew cult racist supremacist brain washing. I know from looking at the facts that it’s a scam. Your saying that something isn’t going to happen. That has already happened multiple times already. Shows who is living in a fantasy and who the realist is.

There’s no fantasy about the facts that the IDF was run out of the Siani, Gaza and Lebanon. Was recently hammered in the Golan by Syria. And is up against a stronger military presence in Syria with nuclear weapons than Israel has faced in it’s entire existence. Which is why they stay out of Syrian airspace, haven’t invaded, and resort to taking pot shots from outside of Syrian airspace because they know that Syria doesn’t want to get involved in escalation management at this time. Which will change as they wrap up the war and turn their attention to the cause of it. Which is Israel. Which is why the Yinon plan Jews have tried to drag the war out for as long as they can.

And that’s only a fraction of what a regional coalition can consist of. Who all want to get the region’s Jew problem solved. Which has already happened multiple times in your history. One that NATO, including the US, doesn’t want to mess with. And is unlikely to intervene against on Israel’s behalf.

Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Hezbollah, Jordan, Hamas, Russia, Syria and possibly others combined are more than Israel can handle, or NATO including the US, want to mess with. It’s already been approved at the UN. And I’m sure that they’re talking with each other about how to best go about it to succeed militarily and minimise economic and other problems that the Jews will try to create. Your doing the ostrich thing isn’t going to change that.


We shall see Richard.


It isn’t rocket science, do the math:

– 2020 Military Strength Ranking –



Funny, Saudi Arabia 17 and Israel 18. Just compare Israel in Lebanon to KSA in Yemen. Unlike them, we didn’t run back and fought there for 18 years. Eventually, a political decision led to us withdrawing, but we could stay there few more years if we wanted to.


Ignoring the overwhelming superiority of what can be put together to clear the IDF out of the occupied territories doesn’t change it.

Traiano Welcome

Fair enough. Will you be singing the same song when the Palestinians are in charge? Or, will you be screaming for the ICC?


The Palis will never be in charge, because that means we would be dead. They might try like in 2001, but it will be alot bloody for them than us. Understand on simple thing buddy, this is our country and we are not going anywhere, we will win and live or die here. That goes for every IDF soldier out there, you fight for your home no matter what.

Traiano Welcome

Well, it’s their country, not yours. You are squatters.

Understand this: The Zionist state of israel is just one more of many crusader states that have fallen in the last 1000+ years. Like the others, supported by the entire wealth and military backing of Europe, it will soon fall. For a while each of those crusader states believed they would own Jerusalem for eternity, but in the end they were crushed under their own internal contradictions.

Israel will fall because white colonists pretending to be Hebrews are alien to the region. The native people of Palestine are still the Palestinians, they were there before the white colonist came, they will be there when the white colonist is gone.




You might want to think twice about traveling outside of your penal colony. And if you do wearing your IDF arrest me shirt in public probably isn’t a good idea.


I don’t travel much, I like to spend my time inside Israel. But when I do, I also speak Hebrew abroad.


Even the US bans people like you:

“Under the Leahy Law, specific units of militaries which commit human rights abuses are ineligible to receive U.S. training and weapons. In addition, individuals who commit human rights abuses are denied U.S. visas.”

– 5 ways Obama can ‘reassess’ US-Israel relations –


– More Israelis Being Denied U.S. Tourist Visas, Report Says State Department data shows 9.7% of Israelis denied visas last year… –


– U.S. Denying Visas to Israeli Defense Officials, Report Says Army, Mossad and Shin Bet officials rejected –


– Trump administration upholds visa ban preventing IAI chief from entering US –



Actually the US police would be able to arest whole Israeli army if such scenario was in place. Maybe SDF is trained by the US


Jew involvement in the political and judicial systems is part of the problem. The US and the planet need to be dejudified so that they’re Jew free.


jew jewjewjew jew jewjewjew jew … hehe never can have an conversation, without someone making a visit and bringing up the jews and mix them randomly in it.


Japan is smart, they wouldn’t let orcs roaming their country.

Traiano Welcome

The USA built their country on the backs of blacks. They don’t “roam the country” the country owes them that right. The blacks had no input in the development of Japan, so different story there.

Bill Wilson

When slavery was legal, the Irish immigrants were used to do the dangerous work of building levees and digging RR tunnels since they didn’t cost the contractors a dime and were expendable due to the huge numbers of them immigrating to the USA. After the Civil War the poor blacks and whites suffered the same working as tenant farmers and on prison chain gangs.

Traiano Welcome

What a ridiculous comparison. What point are you trying to make?


Having brains played a great role in society development, we are all owing to ancient Greeks and Italians etc so they should not work, we owe them free iphones and xboxes.

Traiano Welcome

Your analogy has no bearing on the issue.

Nobody hauled the Italians and Greeks over for 200 years in slave ships, or bred them like animals to have the best characteristics for hard labor. Nobody built an entire colonial empire on the forced labour and suffering of Italians and Greeks like the USA did with the Black Americans. And even after slavery was abolished, nobody set up an Apartheid system to segregate Blacks from the privileges of Whites, while forcing blacks to fight in their imperial wars against their will.


Even by that logic, Italians hauled the entire South Europe and North Africa in slave ships for 1000 years, wiped and crucified them, then Arabs and then Ottomans too. And why only the bad should be paid back and not the good too?

Traiano Welcome

And for that they paid a price. What do you think the foederati were doing when they burnt Rome to the ground?

You seem to miss that the Italians paid the price for the next 1000 years. I am sure some Germanic AntiFa types were rioting in the streets of Rome at the latest butchering of Germanic men by Roman police.

And the whites of Europe butchered each other for the next 1000+ years and only stopped around 75 years ago. How is that for a millenium long race riot? Snowniggers behave worse than niggers, right?

So by that very consistent logic, it makes perfect sense that the Blacks should have their turn too. In fact, if you take a longer view of history, the blacks are taking it rather calmly …


The European countries are as racially diverse as the US, and some of them like Germany, Italy, Sweden and Northern Ireland have a lot of guns. And they have a tiny fraction of the police killings that the US does. The problem is US policing and the judicial process. Not the citizenry.


How much gang violence has EU, compared with the US?


It’s immaterial and has nothing to do with 99% of police murders in the US.


This unarmed man was beaten to death by 6 California police officers. None of them was ever convicted of a crime and the federal government determined that the dead man’s civil rights weren’t violated by the police who murdered him in a public torture murder. These types of cold blooded police murders are an almost daily occurrence in the US.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/87/Kelly-Thomas-Police-Beating.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Kelly-Thomas-pool-of-blood-crime-scene-exhibit-photo.jpg – Death of Kelly Thomas –



May he rest in peace.


I’d be just fine with eliminating police. We can take care of things just fine.


Police in the western world in general are recruited from the worst racist and depraved elements of society. They have no respect for the people, especially in the US and the Anglophile failed states, police are mostly low socio-economic segment racists and do not represent the diverse societies, they are supposed to represent.


The police in the ex USSR space is heavenly, no corruption at all, always coming in time, a truly God sent


No they just bitchslap wannabe nazi kweers like you,about fkn it,incest lover:


They are exactly the diversity they represent.

Let that sink in a moment. Cops treat blacks with the same respect as blacks everything around them. Cops are an exact reflection of society.

Traiano Welcome

The cops are a reflection of their KKK ancestors who spent hundred of years lynching blacks for fun.

Bill Wilson

I was born and raised on Chicago’s Southside (54-77) with cops of all nationalities. They were all good people but didn’t care to take any lip from anyone that was a fuck-up so one quickly learned to do as they directed unless you wanted to get cracked over the head with a billy club and wake up in the preceint’s drunk tank. Found the same after moving to East Texas in late ’77 where the local LEO’s were a mix of whites, blacks and hispanics. Had some show up when we were having loud parties where a cloud of weed smoke drifting around. They told us to quiet things down, keep the dope inside the house and make sure that the drunks and stoned got some sleep there before driving home so they wouldn’t be pulled away from their more important duties of preventing thefts and answering calls over domestic violence. Lived here since then and found that a good number to the local police and sheriff’s deputies quit higher paying law enforcement jobs in the big cites and counties to work in our region because it was safer, due to the general population having more common sense. They didn’t freak out nor throw a fit when pulled over while driving or when caught breaking the law. Some did but those were rare incidents. I now live out in the boonies where the county has 5 law officers and the few towns a handful or less apiece. It’s perfectly safe and quiet because all the residents are armed to the teeth and have no qualms over shooting anyone that try’s to fuck with them and their property.

Assad must stay

Good finally!

Pave Way IV

Welcome to f’king Minneapolistan.

US Gov’t Now Flying MQ-9 Reaper Drone Over Minneapolis As Riots Worsen

Target Shopping Center in sight. All citizens are considered enemy combatants. Light ’em up…

Roger. Light ’em up… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aefe4b1c184ccd6a41c0ad159fd8b6928a76fb0009ab24e6ecad176125604414.jpg


Appears a weapon missed it’s target and hit a police station. Did Minneapolis relax the social distancing guidelines already? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6d7e239ce8865cdcb65a07fcef3de3a98aec266a98e0ff5d3f46831eec0aa8ac.jpg



Pave Way IV

That’s actually Minnehaha & Lake Wine and Spirits liquor store – across the street from the 3rd Precinct Station. Nice shooting, cross-eyed drone monkey. Where the hell am I going to pick up a four-oh of malt liquor before the riots tonight? I’m not going to take a bus to Top Value Liquors – their prices are at least 20% higher than Minnehaha and Lake’s were. Bastards!

Traiano Welcome

You need to loot the liquor stores first before those out of control hoodlums get there.

Traiano Welcome

Reminds me of the “Collateral Murder” video …

Pave Way IV

Well, we did drop leaflets on the Minneapolis citizen-terrorists informing them of military drone security operations in their locked down AO. The terrorists were warned that anyone seen on the streets during mandatory martial law curfew at 8 PM in Minneapolistan was subject to either 1) sporadic 30mm depleted uranium autocannon showers from SOFCOM Blackhawks, or 2) a light toasting by fluorinated aluminum-enhanced thermobaric AGM-114N Hellfire missiles from unarmed DHS Reapers. Any survivors will be tenderized by ‘roided up State Patrol or County Sheriffs with riot batons – prior to being arrested and infected with COVID19 in county detention/incubation centers.

The little people – all of them – must be taught the consequences for defying state power and control even thought maybe 1% are responsible for the destruction and looting. Stop resisting, citizen…


I would just arm every last man, woman and child in Minneapolistan with shotguns and let them sort out ‘the bad elements’ themselves. Guess I’ll never be elected mayor!

Tommy Jensen

The riots are staged. https://youtu.be/5ygeFUQz2fM

Pave Way IV

The looting and destruction are only ‘encouraged’ and ‘incited’ by these psychos. It doesn’t take much to get roving packs of angry, disenfranchised young people in the worst parts of town (gangster thugs) to take it from there at the tail end of protests.

This video came out right after it happened. Minneapolis police or FBI response? Nothing. They won’t even acknowledge it. They’ll never do anything about it whether they are party to it or not. Uh, not enough evidence to charge him or something. There will always be an excuse.

Derek Leisure

the official autopsy says Floyd died of natural causes…the corruption is complete.. the family autopsy found death by asphyxiation from extreme pressure

Traiano Welcome

The riots are real. The provocateurs are also real. As I predicted, every little world domination cult with an axe to grind will be setting up their false flags around now …

Traiano Welcome

Can’t argue with that …


Not burning down the houses and shops of other citizens would make the protesters look like they would have a true political motivation and legitimate exercising of democratic rights in support of a just cause. Sadly with gang and crime culture being accepted by a huge part of those “communities”, and racial hate being prevalent in white, but also black, Asian and Latino “communities”, this seems to be just one part of a violent America vs another. Neither side is able to see, and even less admit its own faults. Like in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe, Asia, etc.. Violence and Neo liberal ideology plus wild west mentality: A recipe for disaster, and none for a solution. There is no Kennedy in the white house for working towards a solution on the side of white people (Only a psychopath with no own values or morals), and there is no Martin Luther King on the side of the black people (only radically extremists who see MLKs way as weakness, and often are only mirroring “white power” into “Black power”. White, black, Asian, Latin, whatever. All are unable to see, admit and change their faults.

They all want to rule, to be at the top, and no one has the goal or the vision to unite this country and people as a nation for the common good. This is likely be the true driving force for the breakdown of this country. Not the Dollar, not China, Russia. But being unable to respect their fellow countrymen and citizens and unite as a nation.


Not going to happen as long as 1% control all the wealth and the Zionist Bilderberg media fans divisions and racism.

Harry Smith

You failed as nation in mid 50s, when your govt granted the right to immigrate to USA for non-European nations. And a lot of people with strong wish to live good and wealthy came to America. They had no desire to build a strong state, but dreamed about “money for nothing and cheeks for free”. The first manifestation of the new generation of immigrants was Vietnam, because those guys came USA not to die but to get as much pleasure as they can. So you gained the situation when “Europeans” worked hard to finance the non-“Europeans” good life. And now the imbalance is getting at it’s peak. “Europeans” people doesn’t want to finance other part while non-“Europeans” are shocked because “white slaves” start to struggle. Of course this reason is deep in the mind while on the surface it transforms in the questions to the govt like: why in the most richest country people are getting bankrupt because of medical debt or why police officers don’t allow my people to robber snowflakes?

Swift Laggard II

This is rubbish. the dynamism of the us derives fom it’s immigrants. Vietnamese are one of the most educated communities in the us and very vibrant in business and entrepreneurship – they have paid back far more than they ever got. US was built on black slave labor – the narrative about hard working euros is a lie and them financing the other part is a blatant white wash

Traiano Welcome

“US was built on black slave labor”

The trouble is that most people don’t understand how true this statement is.

Can you imagine selectively breeding an entire race just to make sure they produce children suitable for farm labour?


Harry, i dont disagree. But why do you think i am from the US? ;) But we see the same problem you write about here in Europe. Even stronger i would say. And at least as fatal for our societies, but also much more i think.

Harry Smith

You wrote “this country” and I thought you are American. BTW I am Russian living in Russia.


Amateur video. Any of the others charge always get off because they didn’t do anything wrong. Social Media won. Obama, Tim Perez, and Soros.

Traiano Welcome

Isn’t it ironic that the State has cameras everywhere but normal civilians collectively form the greatest surveillance network the world has ever seen ?


Meanwhile, the autopsy says Floyd died of a heart attack. Good luck getting a conviction now.

Traiano Welcome

The cause of death has nothing to do with the actual murder.

If I shoot you in the leg and the blood loss trauma triggers your underlying heart condition and you die of pulmonary infarction, who will accept the argument that I’m not tesponsible for your murder?

The murder was comitted in plain sight, how blind do people have to be to rationalize it away?


Let’s dismiss your blood loss example out of hand as it doesn’t come close to this example.

You ever try to control a 200+ pound man? How are you supposed to do it? Using a knee in the neck is a fine and humane technique that can control the guy being restrained. Floyd didn’t die from anything neck related. BTW, if you can tell “I cant breathe!” it is a sign that you actually can.

Traiano Welcome

No, lets not, because it clearly supports the reality that the results if an autopsy is a technical matter and does not say anything on it’s own about the nature of the crime.

Why do you conjure up some fantasy about controlling a 200+ pound male when the reality of the video is right before you? Didn’t you see Chauvin pressing and releasing on Floyds neck? So there were intervals when he could articulate that he was in distress.

Again, you are rationalising what is obvious murder.


Your blood loss example is fantasy. Dismissed.

The officer did not restrict his airway with the knee. Floyd wouldn’t go into the car for transport and the officers restrained him since he was resisting being put into the car for transport. The knee didn’t harm Floyd. His heart attack did though. The toxicology test should be interesting as well. That should be completed soon.

Bottom line, the knee didn’t kill Floyd. This officer will not be convicted of murder and the entire riot bullcrap is meaningless.

Traiano Welcome

In any case your lies and attempts to gaslight reality have been completely debunked.

A second autopsy ordered by George Floyd’s family and released on Monday found his death was homicide by “mechanical asphyxiation,” or physical force that interfered with his oxygen supply. The report says three officers contributed to his death.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner later released autopsy findings that also called Floyd’s death homicide by asphyxiation.

Bottom line, the knee did indeed kill Floyd. Chauvin is a murderer. Your gaslighting is nothing more than an opium dream. Your conclusion that the protests are based on nothing is further bunk.


Yeah. Fuck right off. Facts are facts as known at the time.

BTW, this is the autopsy ordered by the legal pimp Ben Crump. The same Ben Crump of the Treyvon infamy of bullshit racist claims. So, we will see what happens but to think this was anything but politically motivated reports is a fools game.

Traiano Welcome

Your lies were known from the moment you posted them.

In any case, strong language from your side shows the weakness of your logic.

Goodbye, troll.


“Your lies were known from the moment you posted them.”

The strong language is in response to your accusations, jackass.

Traiano Welcome

Can you read? There are no expletives in my response. Yours on the other hand? Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Ivan Freely

Yeah…and Epstein committed suicide.


That’s bullsht because he looked like one very healthy + developed athlete to me,not a trace of transfat nor illness,other than being kinda groggy but the quit smoking/nwo campaign thought its best not only to lie about factual beings,but also frps the charges from level 1-2 to level 3 murder By the way this was a neo-liberal staged event,to try to put all blame on trump,whilst the democraps,are trying to get people on their side,by mouthing off on the very cheep how concerned they are about this poor innocent man,another poor victim of trump kkk administration,look at all the mess trump created,shame on trump,shame on his leadership,bla’bla’ra’ra’ra etc,if you get the drift,however this plot like all the others too will fail!

The thing is link up whis running the city,the killer cop,definate liberal otherwise media would sprout out it is republican,no? Then you got the pro isis liberal funded shop owner check it out, connect all the dots,too obvious to be frank:


Where is Nuland w/ Cookies?


The sad fact is that the US is a total failure at all levels. Minneapolis is a microcosm of the much bigger malaise.

Traiano Welcome

Xi Jinping says “hi” from sunny Hong Kong …

Bill Wilson

What the MSM has failed to mention is that Floyd was a convicted felon that just got out of the joint after serving a five year term, was a body builder and had worked with Chauvin as a bouncer at bars before this shit happened. The cops were called in after Floyd tried to pass some funny money and was noticeably jacked up on something in the first video where he was shown being escorted towards a wall to sit down. There’s a gap in the filming that doesn’t start up until he’s handcuffed, laying on the street with Chauvin holding him down with a knee on his neck. That’s a standard procedure to keep an unruly perp immobile and a long practiced wrestling hold. Most of you SF idiots have no experience with dealing with today’s shit for brains negroes. They all scream like little girls when a person grabs them in a hold to restain them if it hurts or not. I suspect that Floyd was holding some dope and stuck it in his mouth when first encountered then managed to swallow the shit which caused an overdose that killed his dumbass. The niggers in Minneapolis took advantage of this incident to loot the stores in their neighborhoods which most likely will never reopen. They fools did the same in LA over Rodney King (he was pulled over while driving crazy due to being high on shit and was so fucked up that he didn’t remember what happened afterwards) where most of the looted and destroyed business were owned by Blacks that were doing their best to provide jobs in those minority neighborhoods. Those business owners said on live TV “Fuck these assholes! I’m outa here for good!” while the TV crews showed live footage of the dumbass Blacks carting off chicken and fish that went without refigeration for several days. The stations also showed footage from security cameras that showed gangs with convoys of trucks behind stores loading up with goods while their disgruntled minority members rioted out in the streets in front while the LA police watched from a safe distance away. The only businesses that din’t get looted belong to the Asians who stood guard over them with guns in hand and did shoot a few a few of the dipshit rioters to show that they meant business!

Swift Laggard II

stup1d razist. your days terrorizing and lynching black people are finished. gfy

Traiano Welcome

You are a liar. Or a blind fool. Or both.

All you’re doing is finding excuses for murder. We saw the video. He was begging for his life and he was under control.

The cop killed him in cold blood, yet you are trying to gaslight reality.

You’re trying to gaslight the hard data of centuries of police brutality that shows a proven racist dimension. In doing this you are perpetuating a lie.

KKK cutouts like yourself will always find a good reason for the state to murder civilians. People like you never saw a lynching they never liked.

Pave Way IV

There’s a gap in the filming that doesn’t start up until he’s handcuffed, laying on the street with Chauvin holding him down with a knee on his neck. That’s a standard procedure to keep an unruly perp immobile and a long practiced wrestling hold.

Every cop in the country will tell you that it’s neither standard, nor safe, nor necessary. It was done for exactly one reason: to punish, injure and antagonize Floyd for not being submissive enough (he stiffened up when they were trying to throw him in the squad car). The entire encounter was captured on other video and none of the witnesses – including the store owner who called the cops – said Floyd resisted in any way that warranted that kind of response.

Your ‘long-practiced wrestling hold’ is Krav Maga BS taught to Minneapolis cops by ex-IDF ‘trainers’. It’s intended to render disobedient Palestinians unconscious by cutting off blood supply to the brain, same as a Krav Maga leveraged standing headlock. Neither works too well on people with muscular necks, but you can see the degenerate cop Chauvin keeps trying by grinding his knee into Floyd’s neck. That had the unfortunate effect of crushing Floyd’s windpipe at the same time.

Chauvin wasn’t trying to kill Floyd – he just tried to make Floyd lose consciousness. Cowardly and not permitted as ‘standard procedure’ restraint anywhere by any US law enforcement. This is on a face-down ‘perp’ that already has one cop kneeling on his back and another sitting on his feet – hardly a situation that required any kind of extreme restraint by yet a third cop.

Chauvin was never in danger and neither were his accomplices. Chauvin seems a lot more concerned that his Krav Maga bullshit isn’t working fast enough on Floyd, and he’s being recorded by an increasingly agitated crowd. Look at his f’king eyes in the video – a degenerate psychopath both worried and incensed that the crowd is calling him out. Psychopaths always become even more deranged when they’re outed. But it’s all about power and control.

Chauvin isn’t about to stop even when Floyd goes limp. Instead, he keeps his freaky-ass homicidal stare fixed at the guy on the sidewalk telling him to get off Floyd. Chauvin killed Floyd because he wanted to show the guy on the sidewalk who the boss was. It wasn’t about Floyd any more, it was about showing the noisy witnesseses his absolute power and control. “F’ck you – I’m in charge here, you worthless peons. I’m a cop – I’ll do whatever I Goddam want to this guy.”

Most of you SF idiots have no experience with dealing with today’s shit for brains negroes

Let me guess… You’re from Israel.

Traiano Welcome

Nice angle over at MoA:

“Two days ago a policeman in Minnesota, who was well known for his brutality, murdered a black man, George Floyd, by suffocating him during an arrest for allegedly paying with a fake $20 bill. (video, longer version) It was one of many such murders.

Spontaneous peaceful protests against the regime ensued.

Yesterday afternoon the regime sent in its provocateurs. One of allegedly six was a white man in black cloths, masked with a professional gas mask and carrying a black umbrella. He was filmed as he started to smash shop windows even while protesters told him not do do that. (video). When people got suspicious of him the man walked away, his umbrella still up. (video). He was later identified as a member of the St. Paul police department.

Into the night the protests grew and took on a socialist tone when people started to communalize the goods offered at a local Target market known for its extensive survival. Later the local McDonald’s restaurant was also liberated by fire.”

Traiano Welcome

“The local regime governor order his national guard to intervene.

The president threatened to kill the unarmed protesters:

…These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!

Trump’s wordplay had an historically racist undertone:

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” is a threat coined by Miami Police Chief Walter Headley, who promised violent reprisals on black protesters in 1967. He also said: “We don’t mind being accused of police brutality. They haven’t seen anything yet.”

Twitter marked the president’s tweet as ‘glorifying violence’ but did not remove it.”

Traiano Welcome

“Early this morning Minnesota State Police had come back to the scene. It arrested a dark skinned CNN reporter in front of the running camera (vid). The reporter had asked the police where it wants his crew to setup. He did not get a response. No reason for his arrest was given. Another CNN reporter, this one of white color, was also approached by police but was permitted to stay:”

James Adams

The death was unjustified but the riots were worse.




Nobody died in the riots. And a lot of the damage was reportedly done by non local protesters brought in for that purpose. Where’s the investigation and prosecution of that?

Traiano Welcome

The death was the most recent in a long list of deaths. The riots are the correct response.

When people speak softly, the State does nothing. When people shout, the State shoots.


I read one police officer was shot and killed today by the demonstrators, another one severely wounded. What the police is waiting for? more dead? start shooting back. If some Israeli man would open fire on police officers here either Jewish or Arab then he would be filled with bullets.

Traiano Welcome

YES! By all means, continue the same stupid actions that resulted in the problem in the FIRST PLACE! Like a dog returning over and over again to it’s own shit and believing it is food – this is what you supporters of authorotarian state violence are like …


Yeah, fascinating isnt it, if you are with them, you are an leftis commi sucking dipshit, if you are against this you are an KKK member or plain rightwinged nazi, since Blacks where slaves, yeah, and facts, and shit like that dont matters when this happens, its about pushing/pimping polarisations for their bare lifes, and the truth, well, whom gives an rats ass about that. I just read an aritcle about Trumps Twitters regarding the police in HK, and He was drooling something about not been forcefull against sivilians, and then this came. Hehe, the western hyporcasy is, unbelivable enough, going even higher than before, and the irony of it all seems to slip by most of the readers, while the blame everything that happens on white people, and I read an article over at RT from C. JoneStone, witch was the worst piece of shit I have read in an long time. C. Owens, an person whom I consider to be one of the few left standing, an I agrees with Her 100%. But then again, probably because she is an “white ass rightwinged KKK nazi”, right.

No, I have no sympathy with the UssA, not an iota, the bastards got what they deserve and I hope this escalates to encompas the entire nation, just burn everything down, pleeease. I love it when the shit storm comes home, yeah, karma is an bitch isnt she. But I belive this is fueled by intention, from who, hehe, make an wilde guess, the same scums that have been doing this all over the globe and await the snipers, some people have already by shoot by some unidentifyed long range firearms, witch is the standard procedyre to create more anger etc, an Ukrainian revolution where the scipt is similare, and all this to create an civil war. Niiice. Burn baby Burn. I, this time, will just sit back and enjoy the freak show go full retard.

And my only question right now is, where the hell did I put the pop corn……



I have told you about C. Owens and she is dead on, this is not to benefit anyone, specially not the black comunity what so ever, its to diversify our nation and people to fight each others, not to take an stand against the people whom have lade the land in ruins, indebted to our ganrd childrens eyeballs, and wars everywhere and on top of it, nobody knows where 23 Trillion dollar have gone and now, the elite have been given ever more, this, people is an war against the elite, not against your neighbours, whatever race they must have and I hope more people are becominga awer of this and the use of provos, race war instigatores etc, and pray that we all take an stand, if you dont belive in something, you will fall for anything. I have no problems with burning them down the regime of the elite scums and their guardians the despecable corrupt MSM, my only problem is why.

Respect to the man, and may the lord bless your soul and take care of your familiy and everybody else. And so read the coments under, more revelations about this, eh…. riot witch seems to be as geuine as the ugh…. epidemic.

https://twitter.com/montaga/status/1266203311734063107 Again, its blacks that is stating the obvious, weird isnt it, when I am to be blamed for everything, except the weater, thats Putins fault.



Many false claims about police in US. US Dept of Justice stats do NOT support the charge that there is a wide incidence of white police-black victim problem. Study the stats and get some reality. You ever thought about why every black victim gets high publicity but whites beaten to death (particularly if done by blacks) etc. get none. I’d call that unfair.

Swift Laggard II

your mother is a whoore, she gave birth to a razist dog


The American police train in the Jewish Nazi state where the Palestinians are the enemy and learn the inhuman racist actions it uses against black “enemies”.

Traiano Welcome

The autopsy result of “pre-existing conditions” is another con-job by the KKK run American government:



murder 1-2 to murder 3 ,simple as that,also the anti smoking/ kill real big money lobby of the phaedophiles get the extra perks to rely to invest in theor ponzi schemes instead=win-win?


What a frgn mess,if usa wanna really party they don’t muck about:

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