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Officer Of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Killed In Syria

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An officer of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) named Abolfazl Sarlak was killed in Syria late on May 12, according the Fars News Agency.

The news agency said the officer, who was a military advisor, lost his life on the Khanaser-Ithriyah highway in southern Aleppo. The agency didn’t share any additional information on the circumstances surrounding Sarlak’s death.

Officer Of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Killed In Syria

Abolfazl Sarlak on the left side. Source: farsnews.ir

Meanwhile, Zaman al-Wsl claimed that Sarlak was killed when a landmine ripped through a vehicle he was aboard on the Khanaser-Ithriyah highway.

The pro-opposition news outlet said a Syrian fighter named Hussein Mohamad al-Rahel was also killed in the incident. The fighter, originally from the town of Nubl in northern Aleppo, was allegedly working with Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Last March, a prominent IRGC commander, Brig. Gen. Farhad Dabirian, was killed in the eastern suburbs of the Syrian capital, Damascus. No details on the crime were shared.

The Israeli intelligence may be behind the attacks on IRGC commanders in Syria. Earlier, Tel Aviv carried out similar attacks in the country against Iranian, Palestinian and Lebanese persons affiliated with the IRGC.


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chris chuba

How would Israel do that, supply the mine to local opposition? I can’t imagine them risking their own personnel inside Syria.

klove and light

russian intelligence on treacherous Zionist Putin orders

good american

OOOOooooo, that Putler. Helps Syria with his air force just to stab them in the back with his zionist rooster sucking piggish self.

Ashok Varma

Russia is looking very unreliable and feeble. There are reports that even President Assad is tiring of Putin and so is Russian military that wants to be unleashed.

good american

I hear a murmur here and there, but we’ll have to wait and see.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’ve obviously been doing some serious reading. It could’ve been Russia but there’s actually a lot of suspects you could add to the list.

Rhodium 10

ISIS cells who came from Turkey…they also have hit SDF members with similar attacks in Eastern Deir Ezzor


Zionists are cowards by nature. Jews tend to hide behind stronger forces,


Good news.Iran interferes in Indian kashmir as well.Guess we Indians should learn from idf about how to liquidate HVTs.:D

Ashok Varma

Abey tu Indian hai? I don’t think so. Yahudi hai.


Ha mai indian hu….any problem?I hate Muslims and Chinese and I support Israelis :D

Ashok Varma

Yahudi bhout kharab loog hain, they are are causing problems for India as well. Russia is our best friend. Sectarian hate is against India’s founding principles. Muslims are over 20% of our population along with Sikhs and Christians so such ignorant talk only plays into our enemies hands. Israel will not last anyway like SA where Indians were in the forefront of war against Apartheid. America has always been India’s enemy and supported Pakistan in all its wars. It is also very racist.


I guess tu communist hai. Shia or sunni doesnt matter both are terrorist to me.Bahot hindu bhi mare hai in shia bhenchodo ne. I hope more iranian and shia terrorist die as well as sunni terrorist die :D


pp you are my new role model, respect :)


There are many communist and liberal assholes in India who support muslims over hindus.Ashok is one of them.


I know bro I warned you here, alot of people who hate true democracies like Israel, the U.S and India. Never mind them, Israelis will keep coming to India we love you guys. Stay safe.


Pisrael is not a democracy, but a western welfare kleptocracy. Hasbara failure!

good american

You only go because it’s cheap.


We like what India has to offer, its places and its culture. Not everything is about money, we also like Thailand for the same reason. Also many tourists come here to see the holy places or just enjoy good food. I don’t see millions of tourists saying: let’s go to Pakistan is a cool place for vacation.


Replying to your new hasbara fake account after the others were outed!


That’s my only account, you should know that by now. I don’t hide behind fake accounts, I say what I think, and I tell you that the IRGC will die in Syria by air or by ground.


Zionist desperate troll lol


Another new hasbara trolling log in?


Ask him, he just hates your Islamic terrorists (I wonder why).



Ashok Varma

I apologize, this PP is not an Indian and is a Zionist hasbara troll posing as Indian. Iran is a good neighbour of India and we respect its sacrifices against Wahhabi terror.

Ashok Varma

RIP to a brave Iranian patriot. All the world owes Iran a debt of honour in fighting CIA and Saudi fanned terrorism. Europe, India, Russia and even China would have been overrun by terrorists if Iran and its allies had not fought them in Syria and Iraq.


He died for the mullah regime, I bet his family doesn’t like it.


sure but about 85% of the world’s population would like to see the end of the jews, eliminated to squash.

Jim Allen

Probably closer to 95% of the world’s population want the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal owned terrorist organization, and supporter of terrorism destroyed. With good reason. It’s conduct towards it’s neighboring countries, and all countries has earned Israel the honor of being the second most hated country on earth. Once the most hated, until US Government surpassed the Zionist Khazars. Atheists pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones, and a race of superior humans God gave the goyim to serve the desires of the Chosen Ones. Unfortunately for these pretenders, there’s one race of human beings, and it’s not Zionist Khazar Atheists. (arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics) These “terrorist organizations” are the creations of Western Governments, to give the US Coalition to have an enemy to justify their invasion of countries to fight the war of terror, declared following the false flag attack on 9-11. 3 of these, and the titles of terrorist organizations to use when things get hot for the terrorists,, and give inflated numbers. “Terrorists” are US defense contractors masquerading as terrorists as needed. Generally Headcutter recruited, US trained, supplied, armed, and paid. Sent in ahead of US Coalition forces to create, (simulate) the appearance of civil war, the “evil dictator” narrative, describing the “Failed State poor, 3rd world shithole country regime change, to give the people “Freedom.” But instead gives the exact opposite result. Created in this order. 1. Taliban 2. al CIAeda 3. ISIS The drama generated by claims of allegiance changing, control of terrorist actions of attacks on it’s “former” ally, treachery, etc., are designed to further confuse the situation, and complicate finding factual evidence, and the separating the fact from the fiction. That identifies those responsible for committing the crimes against humanity. Turkey is a NATO country subject to direction of the criminal Banking Cabal. US Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of The City of London. Headquarters of the Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, and owners of countries, it’s debt, and control of the puppet Government delegated to US led Coalition. The City of London’s protection of Israel The Vatican, UN, and other interests of the Cabal. The bully puppet, to force compliance of the with, the political will of Western Governments. The punishing of those not in sympathy with their cause, and the reprisal for actions against the Cabal, loss of control,,and revenue. The overthrow of puppet Governments installed, restoring the country’s legitimate Government the destruction of infrastructure, attacks on the civilian population and it’s infrastructure and razing the country to the ground. Attacks on water, food supply, medical services, and applying economic sanctions designed to choke the country’s ability to advance. The destabilizing Governments to weaken its authority, and take control of the resources, and Government by force of arms. US serves it’s masters well. Turkey serves it’s masters, and it’s own interests, as a loose cannon playing both sides to further the advance of it’s master, and it’s own position, using whatever means necessary. Criminal, treasonous, despicable, deceptive, and disgraceful, nefarious practices. To successfully defend against all this fun stuff, and prevail, information, is key, complete information is to identify, and accuracy in striking the the enemy’s decision making, communications, and command centers. Leaving the enemy unable to prosecute war, it’s ability to defend itself. Unless, destruction of uninvolved non-belligerent targets using inaccurate data, and the collateral damage it causes. Also making oneself a target for taking reprisal, with accurately aimed direct action counter-attacks. A clear understanding of strategy, and tactics of conducting war is helpful. Something you are apparently without.

Ashok Varma

Russia finally takes a principled stand at the UN and locks the US out

THE UNITED NATIONS, May 13. The United States cannot demand the extension of arms embargo against Tehran since it is no more a party to the Iran nuclear deal, Russia’s UN envoy Vasily Nebenzya told a press conference with journalists via a video link-up.

“I do not see any reasons why arms embargo should be imposed on Iran,” and the embargo was unjust and simply can not stand. China is fully supporting Russia’s strong stance of removing the last vestiges of a leaking arms embargo on Iran.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, Of all the groups that are most likely to be responsible for the attack SF didn’t name even one of them, they instead told us the least likely group we could reasonably suspect. The list of suspects should be this, Local anti Iranian Sunni Muslims, Ex Baathist or current party members, Russian backed Sunni militias, Or the Russians themselves, And the least likely candidates for the attacks would be, Israel, Turkey. Western Aleppo, Deir ez Zor, and Daraa/Quneitra all have a common problem that needs to be fixed, luckily there’s also a common solution for all their problems, and it’s also a really simple to fix too, but sadly it’s also extremely hard to implement. The Muslim Brotherhoods roots run deep and they feed on more than just Sunni sentiments, most of us see straight lines when in fact the lines are nearly all blurred, there is no Iran, Turkey, the US, or even Syria in Syria now, all those groups are divisible, all of them can be broken down into smaller groups, The US = Kurdish SDF + non Kurdish SDF + SNC + YPG. The Turks = moderate opposition [SNA/NFL/FSA/SLF] + Terrorists HTS/Al Nusra]. Iran = Hezbollah [heaps of militias] + Syrian NDF forces [heaps of militias]. And poor old Syria fares the worst, it has SAA, NDF [heaps of militias] , Russia, Iran, Hezbollah [heaps of militias], and now Sunni versus Shia. In Syria Russia is the only indivisible party full stop, and they only have one real agenda too, which is to look after their own interests, and luckily for Assad Russia’s best interest don’t conflict with Syria’s in any way, but all the other parties are beholden to their own and other parties interests, and they often conflict with Syria’s. We don’t want the same thing that’s happening in Daraa to happen to Aleppo too, Assad can’t afford to be sending 3 divisions to every new hotspot that erupts, that’s just a recipe for disaster, the Russian solution is a lot better I think, hopefully Assad realizes that before it’s too late.


He got burned well, keep it up.


Nothing burns better than Zionist Jews. :) We Germans will finish the job and wipe you vermin off planet for good.


You can’t burn shit anymore, but don’t worry the muslim immigrants will take good care of you.


ali when the time comes, we will clean the floor with all of you IRGC scums.


We will.


Quite and imagination for teenager with homo-erotic war fantasies.


all these assassinations recently in syria/lebanon/iraq are most likely the result of mossad spies sneaking about and targeting the ones they wish to eliminate. so, as usual, it’s the jews and that is why they need to be eliminated, the hard way if they don’t run first.

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