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MARCH 2025

On The Eve Of Russian Revolt

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On The Eve Of Russian Revolt


Russia is preparing for protests in support of the leader of the hardcore pro-Western opposition – Alexey Navalny. After Navalny’s return to Moscow, all the actions of his supporters resemble a staged show, the directors of which decided not to bother, and simply took the script, which was written for the recent protests in Belarus. Unfortunately, women and minors become the main actors in this staging.

At the moment, Navalny is in a detention center. He was detained on January 17 at the Sheremetyevo airport after returning from Germany, where he had been undergoing treatment since August 22. On January 18, at a court session that took place right at the police station, he was arrested until February 15.

The time of Navalny’s return to Russia was not chosen by chance, and absolutely did not depend on Navalny’s health. He deliberately waited for the end of the year, when one of his criminal prosecutions is terminated. This concerns only one of Navalny’s criminal cases, and did not help him avoid arrest.

On The Eve Of Russian Revolt

Alexey Navalny (C)

Navalny was put on the wanted list due to systematic violations of the conditions of the probationary period, since he had previously been conditionally sentenced to 5 years in the so-called “Yves Rocher case” (Aleksei and Oleg Navalny were convicted of stealing about $500,000 from two Russian firms, one of which was affiliated with French cosmetics company Yves Rocher and of laundering part of the amount). After being discharged from the Charité hospital in September, he ignored summons to the Penitentiary Inspectorate, where he had to appear twice a month.

Even at the Moscow airport, it was obvious that Navalny expected that he would be arrested, he was absolutely calm and even managed to throw a few offensive jokes.


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After his return, the active phase of agitation to protests began. Without wasting time, until the hype around his figure calms down, the Navalny team published an investigation was immediately published about the alleged Putin’s palace, which Navalny presented as an information “bomb”. In fact, the opposition figure collected far cry from fresh gossip in tabloids and backed them up with allegedly “authoritative” opinions.

On The Eve Of Russian Revolt

The anti-government propaganda likes to exploit images especially popular among minors

Immediately, Navalny’s team began to actively prepare for the protests against his detention on January 23. Social networks became their main platform. All the accounts of the Anti-Corruption Foundation published the complete lists of cities where the processions are planned.

Interestingly, Navalny’s wife and other supporters organize rallies in almost all main cities of Russia, with the exception of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, thereby demonstrating to the West that they do not consider these territories to be Russian and are ready to abandon them if they come to power.

Minors are one of the main targets of their propaganda. The pro-Western opposition makes significant efforts to get them involved in protests. In general, the stake is made specifically on teenagers, with apparently full activation of the Western spy network in Russia. The scripts for these protests are written by people who are familiar with the peculiarities of adolescent psychology. They take into account the long period of quarantine, the lack of full-fledged communication, their hunger for action, the opportunity to throw out the energy accumulated over several months.

On The Eve Of Russian Revolt

Screenshots from the accounts that call for participation in protests

The stake is most likely made on TikTok, which has turned into a child political hell. In Russia, TikTok is mainly popular among teenagers from 13 to 20, who are easily influenced and do not realize the full power with which they are influenced by a social network that is easily manageable. As a result, dozens of teenagers publish videos calling to participate in the protests on January 23. Many write slogans that they are allegedly afraid of the police, but have to support Navalny, they call to leave the doors open so that the protesters could hide from police, or support the protesters with hot tea and food, etc.

The Chinese political leadership, who has control over TikTok, allows it to manipulate the Russian news feeds. It is interested in putting pressure on the Kremlin to obtain an additional leverage in negotiations with the Kremlin, after which Beijing will be able to use the necessary mechanisms and calmly remove such “political oriented” content.

Another social network and online dating application Tinder has recently been infested with pages of young girls inviting guys on a date on January 23 in order to take part in a rally.

The goals of such propaganda are quite clear. Taking into account that girls participate much more actively in such rallies, as was evident during women’s marches in Belarus, the special effort is needed to attract the young man to the protests.

Another trend became a video where young guys and girls in police uniform tear off their shoulder straps, allegedly supporting the protesters. However, none of them has any real link to law enforcement agencies. Some teenagers in the videos are less than 18 years old, some of them are popular blogger, not police officers. Some of them, a minor part, turned out to be former police officers who were fired and convicted.

Do these children know that illegal wearing of a law enforcement uniform is an administrative violation?

On The Eve Of Russian Revolt

“I quit the police .. I am for Alexei.” “My uncle works in the police, he says: I have to protect people, not kill them, he is going to leave”

Obviously, neo-liberals are actively engaging popular bloggers, who are usually paid for any advertisement on their accounts; numerous fake accounts were created, and as a result masses of people begin to support the propagated ideas.

Also, agitation for Navalny is carried out in schools where films about him are shown to children by their teachers.

As usually, media personalities, mainstream actors, musicians, and others, who strive to gain popularity, participating in almost all rallies, are involved in campaigning.

On The Eve Of Russian Revolt

Popular persons, who are for Navalny

While Navalny is in the detention center, the regional headquarters of his ‘Anti-Corruption Fund’ endanger a big number of ordinary citizens, among whom there are a lot of minors. They are making this intentionally. The opposition media has already been spreading FAQs for teenagers, explaining what to do in the case of detention.

Against the background of recent events, it becomes more and more obvious that the whole story of Navalny’s poisoning is a complete staging.

It should be expected that, according to the scenario, the teenagers will play the role of the next sacred victim. The task of neo-liberals is to inspire adolescents so that they start active riots, provoking the policemen. After that, many will either be detained, someone may be injured. This is what will force their parents and relatives to take to the streets as the second wave of protests.

All of the methods mentioned above are identical to what was observed in Belarus six months ago. Women’s marches, active involvement of old people, disabled people and especially teenagers, fake policemen – all this has already taken place. Moscow should also expect a subsequent rise in the popularity of Navalny’s wife, Yulia, who, apparently, is destined for the role of Russian Tikhanovskaya. Most likely, she will play a leading role during the protests on January 23.

The case of Belarus demonstrated that if the government opts to fight back the pressure and rejects fake proposals of ‘conflict settlement’ with pro-Western/neo-liberal forces, the chances to overcome large-scale destabilization attempts are rather high. In Russia, the reaction of the authorities is still not clear. Preparations for the protests were already at their final stage, when Federal Service for Supervision of Communications (Roskomnadzor) announced that it would fine the social networks TikTok, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube for calling on teenagers to participate in unauthorized rallies.

The key question is the following: Is the aggregated political establishment ready to provide a stiff reaction against attempts to destabilize the country or not? In the Russian reality, where almost every second top politician in varying degrees has ties with the West, the probability of success of revolution is relatively high.


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Ashok Varma

Biden, William Burns and the Bilderberg deep state have Russia in their cross hairs.

Jihadi Colin

When Clinton couldn’t succeed in destroying Russia in the 90s I doubt they’ll succeed in 2021.

Harry Smith

There are only 3 countries which have enough nukes to destroy this world: China, Russia and USA. To start the Great Reset the consensus of those 3 is vital. China and USA are in balance now because Biden won. So only Russia slows the beginning of the GR. Biden, Burns and Bilderberg are just puppets following orders of their masters.

Decatur Guy

Won? “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Joe Biden – October 24, 2020

Harry Smith

And what you can really do about it besides crying in Internet? The war is lost. Sooner you will understand it – safer you will be.

Decatur Guy

And what you can really do about it besides crying in Internet?

Who is John Galt?

Harry Smith

Oh yeah. A fair tale every blue or white collar wants to believe.

Decatur Guy

Oh, yeah! Consumer spending is 70% of the US economy. I’m doing my part!


Good luck with that lol,they had better hope Putin doesn’t really get pissed off.


The answer to this is large scale entertainement for teenegers even against the COVID risk which should be shown on warning level.

Johnny B. Allan

Dude chill. WTF man

Jihadi Colin

Navalny is totally inconsequential in Russia. His only “significance” is in the same kind of propaganda that said the invaders of Iraq would be welcomed with flowers and that a square in Baghdad would be named after George W Shrub. Killing him would be an idiotic thing, turning a clown into a martyr. Putin is smarter than that.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

https://mynews.one/it-only-took-24-hours-us-sends-major-convoys-into-syria-russian-moving-convoys-to-intercept/ apparently US sending major convoys into syria already? claims russia have sent some to intercept

Just Me

Biden and his son are on Ukrainian payroll and they will go after Russia. Putin’s “partnership” has not worked out.

Johnny B. Allan

Alexei Navalny is the best choice for Russia going forward. Putin era has been long anyways. Russia needs a new direction

Just Me

Not sure about best choice, but definitely US preference.


Lol, nobody wants that retard, best he should have stayed in germany.

Johnny B. Allan

It would be interesting to see new look Russia post-Putin era with a Navalny era. I think Navalny would be greater then Putin era for Russia but they just don’t know it yet.

As they say you can’t know a meal you haven’t tasted how it will taste


Pretty sure it would be interesting for a westerner to see a retard navalny destroying Russia. Guy is great for seeding hatred among many ethnicities in Russia, guy is as dumb as it it gets, seen it in many interviews, even Biden looks really smart next to him so, we dont want him, keep him.

But why i am reacting to this anyway, the only place where he has a chance to become a president is in the western wet dreams imho.




Are you deluded? Have you not witnessed the shit show that western democracies have become over the last 20 years? It took the Russians 20 years to recover from the last flirtation with “the free world” … only an idiot would step on that rake again. You do realize that the Russian economy was looted, raped, pissed on and left for dead by the west in the 1990’s and the Russians have long memories. Less than 9% of Russians have a expressed a positive view of Alexei Navalny …. that’s not the number that would vote for him but just the number that have heard of him and don’t think he’s an idiot.


Because of his insane ties with EU, US & Co. Navalny and his wife must die as quickly as possible. Otherwise we may expect a nuclear war.

Jihadi Colin

Less than 9%?

Well, >2% is less than 9%, so you’re right!


Thats why the scumbags hate Putin he stopped them looting Russia.



Jihadi Colin

Navalny has zero chance of ever ruling Russia, but since he’s a racist who advocates, for instance, exterminating Russian Muslims, ten minutes after he took power Chechnya and Daghestan would be in flames. Maybe you think that would be a good thing? I’ll bet most Russians don’t.


Sure they are going to listen to the newly set up CIA troll account :))

Lone Ranger

Alexei Navalny is the best choice for Russia going backward. CIA era has been long anyways. U.S. needs a new direction.

Fixed ?

Not Indian Paul

What direction is that Johnny, please explain how the US puppet Navalny would make Russia a better country.

Tudor Miron

Wet dreams of yours :) Little to do with reality.


Don’t get this hype about navalni, here on SF, dude is not that popular in Russia and that is an understatement, almost nobody came to greet him upon his return, only downies follow him, lol, watched his “campaign” back in 2018 when he has some support, most of the followeres were pretty retarded but now even those have left.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Honey traps… What needs to happen is the patriotic young guys turn up and make sure the honeys are lead to safety away from the protests and loved properly.

Harry Smith

Most likely nothing will happen.

Ashok Varma

However, Russia must curb foreign media and NGO.

Harry Smith

Russian oligarchs won’t let it. They wants to be a part of global ruling elite and NGOs are the “holly cow”


Just strip the oligarchs of their wealth, donate an equal sum of their sequestered wealth to every Russian citizen that can only be spent in Russia on Russian goods and services.

Put the oligarchs in the Black Dolphin. Job done. I realise that would be regarded as being ‘anti semitic’ :) , but so are the Israeli murders and land thefts of the SEMITIC Palestinians and the US/UK etc all choose to ignore that.

Jihadi Colin

I don’t exactly think that Sorosyat Navalny of the 2% popularity will overthrow Putin (much as I despise the latter for being a neoliberal Yeltsinite owned by the zionist entity).

I just wish Russia was led by a genuine nationalist like Vladimir Zhirinovskii (from the right) or Maksim Suraikin (from the left).


You support isis,one or the other,6 your mob were elimiated in chechnya,good fkn riddance! Navalny is a nothing burger,alot of sad russian kids of consequence,parents accountable!

Jihadi Colin

What are you even going on about?

Harry Smith

Don’t listen him. He is just an Ukrop jerk who doesn’t know much about Russian politicians.


Not going anywhere with your buttered boy narrative not here nor anywhere,meantime 0 corona cases in my state (5.6 MILLION) Here’s to the real world how to man democracy proper!

Lone Ranger

Navalny has less than 2% Lets skip CIA daydreams.


Maybe but if the boys don’t eliminate this fake freedom cia/trash,remmember biden were 1% Then again Putin ain’t anything like spoileth only tycoons Trump,I guess must be right! Stay safe:


So does Putin. People are tired of the corruption, and they’re getting to the point where they will take anyone but Putin or any of his friends.

Lone Ranger

You spelled pedobide wrong tho Trollstoy ?

Lone Ranger

Putins approval rating is arpund 60+%. And that according to western polls. Crimea river ukropnazi.

Not Indian Paul

There maybe corruption and it should be stopped, but supporting Navalny is supporting the US. No Russian should want to sell out their country to the West.

Ashok Varma

Most corruption in Russia is linked to Jew oligarchs.

Tudor Miron

Get lost, snake.

Ashok Varma

But the US and its destabilization agencies operate via rent a crowd and thugs. The US NGO’s and “academics” with the Bilderberg media are already portraying Russia as an unstable corrupt state. With the Turks and Ukrainians bent upon inciting terrorism in Russia, it would be prudent for FSB to conduct a wide sweep of all soft security threats. Closer surveillance of Jews and controls on oligarchs are necessary. The new CIA chief William Burns has spent his lifetime devoted to the destruction of Russia and cultivating spies and terrorists.

Lone Ranger

There is a greater chance of a civil war in the U.S.


Indeed Putin doesn’t need twenty five thousand troops at the Kremlin to protect him from the mob.


The tall walls of Kremlin can hide the entire red army behind them.


Good point.


I do hope so. :)

Rhodium 10

If 100 protesters are deployed in a street…Western media will talk that are 10.000….if there are 10.000…then it will be 100.000….by the way Belarus “fake smiles” revolution failed!

Fog of War

How odd, the Chinese are allowing Western propaganda to manipulate Russia’s children’s minds. Its almost like they’re working together with the ZioWest against Russia and the rest of the world. Very strange, who would have thought ? Although, I doubt China has eyes on Russia’s vast land holdings and resources, that would be conspiracy theory. I also doubt this is all smoke and mirrors, no way is the population of the world being manipulated and played by all the ” actors ” . That would be crazy talk.

” The Chinese political leadership, who has control over TikTok, allows it to manipulate the Russian news feeds. It is interested in putting pressure on the Kremlin to obtain an additional leverage in negotiations with the Kremlin, after which Beijing will be able to use the necessary mechanisms and calmly remove such “political oriented” content. “

Band Itkoitko

Nobody has illusions about China and misses that China benefits from the unwise attitudes of the West towards Russia. However, China is a reliable business partner, which is important. The Russian population is not in any mood for revolts and only a mentally unstable tiny minority is affected by such theatrics (TikTok or not TikTok). To an extent this even helps. Exposure strengthens people and reveals, forms a lot instead of hiding everything under the rug and appearing as a well-painted tomb (which is the case with the West). At some point the Russian leadership may change their approach on such things but the drive for that needs to actually come behind from the population (as the reunion with Crimea was driven by the population). So after people mature more in their understandings (for which some level of exposure helps), they will have more determined and conscious understanding of truth, their direction and free choices. Yes, this is the hard way that involves stumbling and failing but is the only way that is genuine, natural, and good in the long run. Easy ways don’t work, only the hard way.

Fog of War

” China is a reliable business partner, ”

Just because someone is a reliable business partner doesn’t mean they’re not after your business.

Band Itkoitko

Yes, this is often the case in business and even seen as normal to an extent. Everybody wants more and you need to have understanding of your interests, while trying not to be the one running over other people. There’s a fine line and Russia as a big country has run over other smaller entities in the past and, conversely, have put too much effort to please some of these smaller peripheral entities, and now I think they are trying to be more balanced, careful, and flexible without losing their interests. The Russian population simply does not want to be maintaining another global empire on their shoulders. If overcoming the attacks of the Western Empire means overtaking their place, they are probably better off following a more patient and longer path.


Well said.

Al Gathafi Did Nothing Wrong™

Charité hospital is linked to Gorbaciev another Western puppet from the 1980s

Ashok Varma

The Jew oligarchs have cultivated many spies and 5th column sympathizers in Russian institutions and a purge is needed.


We need a similar purge in the UK for all forms of zionist subversives.


pity. if these kids would have been more obedient, they could have their own palace


Use whatever force is necessary with no apologies. Permanently shutdown all Western controlled ‘social media’. Charge anyone who even gives it rhetorical support with insurrection and send them to labor camps. Enforce a dress and appearance code for anyone under 20-years old. Just to drive home the point that they are still children and they should keep their opinions to themselves. This dress and appearance code would apply to advertising. Regulate all advertising to be void of political content. Outlaw any form of propaganda aimed at youth. Raise the voting age to 30. Do not allow women to vote. Period.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s the USA. Instead of banning women from voting, they flooded their gender with trannies.


Its the Otpor playbook seen in many places since it started in the FRY,throw Navalny out of the Country to Neo Nazi Germany or the US.

Tommy Jensen

I suggest Russia should let the court and lawyers decide what they think. If the superior court says that Navalny should be President then they have decided it.


Russia is using taxpayer money to clean up after roach Navalny. So these Western attacks directly affect the lives of civilians. Any expense on fighting ‘The Navalny Effect’ could have gone into repairing roads or improving small city infrastructure in regions across Russia. No. CIA took those life-improvements away from the Russian people.


Cancel TikTok.

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