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Once Again, Negotiation On Southern Syria Collapses

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Once Again, Negotiation On Southern Syria Collapses

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On July 4, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) joint operations room in southern Syrian announced that a negotiation with Russia on the southern governorates of Daraa and al-Quneitra had collapsed. The operations room has provided no details about the failed talks.

The Syrian pro-government news outlet al-Masdar news said that the Russian delegation rejected a plan, which was presented by the FSA a day earlier, during the talks. Some of the conditions of the FSA’s failed plan included forcing the SAA to hand back the recently liberated areas in Daraa and banning it from entering southern Syria.

The FSA presented similar plans during the battles of Aleppo city, the region of Eastern Ghouta and the northern Homs countryside. However, the Damascus government never accepted such deals, which are designed to empower the FSA in the first place.

Minutes after the collapse of the negotiation, the SAA and the Russian Airspace Forces resumed their bombardment on the FSA’s positions in the town of Sayda in the eastern Daraa countryside, according to several local sources. On top of that, a new ground attack will likely begin in the upcoming hours.

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ohhh i´m shocked, what a surprise LOL

Promitheas Apollonious

Good now bomb the shit out of them to begin with.

Gregory Casey

While the Syrian People Rally for Peace and an End to Violence in the Daraa Countryside Today the so-called “Rebels” (aka western-backed Jihadist-Islamic Head-Choppers) Reject Russian Peace Terms in SW Syria for the Third Time ……… These Fellas know they are facing extermination by the Syrian Army & Tiger Forces if they continue fighting but it appears the Israeli & Jordanian Borders are Closed to them so ………. are they hoping that James Mattis & Pompeo & Trump will persuade BiBi to open the Border on the Golan to allow them through or that Jordan will be stupid enough to allow them (back) in and possibly create conditions for an “uprising” in Jordan?? Tiger Forces are ready willing and able to kill them all.

Brother Ma

Kill them all . If you can’t, push them into Jordan. Let the Dwarf-who-licks-american-boots clean up the mess.


ROFL. As the Ancient Hawaiians used to Say: “The coconut is always sweeter on the palm tree you can’t reach!”


Russia could allow the Tigers terminators to eliminate these all US and EU proxies at a single blow.


Na Cuz. Russia will give these fools a couple more chances before they’ll order an extermination.


“The Syrian pro-government news outlet al-Masdar news said that the Russian delegation rejected a plan, which was presented by the FSA a day earlier, during the talks. Some of the conditions of the FSA’s failed plan included forcing the SAA to hand back the recently liberated areas in Daraa and banning it from entering southern Syria” ???????????????????


As the Ancient Hawaiians used to Say: “He who refuses to accept reality will be swept away”

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

So that means those that print negatives and obfuscate the facts are “The Anti-Syrian government media” makes sense about the Fake News Agencies controlled by NATO intelligence agencies.

neil barron

This is like I lost at the poker table and want you to give me back the money I lost or the wife’s going to kill me. No ! It’s like this you lost and if you continue on this path it’s not your wife you have to worry about because (where going to kill you).

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Should be (you) instead of I makes better sense than Neil giving money or change it to (win) instead of lose. We all get angry at people being as obtuse as the FSA radicals.


So many wars start of a state where both sides think they can and should get better terms of peace than the other side is willing to give. Consider the Chechen Wars.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Really don’t get where you are getting your comment from as there is no split of state just foreign outsiders trying to overthrow the legitimate government for an outside NATO backed and financed one like Ukraine and with appointed people rather than elected. Tell me where foreigners get a say in the process and yet the US doesn’t want illegals having a say as it steals the rights of citizens whom are legitimately there. So how do you negotiate with illegals and foreigners simple you don’t, YOU DEPORT THEM ALL OR KILL THEM ALL!!!


Dude, such jokes aren’t funny on the internet because people might think you’re serious and/or a propaganda bot.


Crush ’em.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOGK57xs5Ro Click on Youtube for better view. Listen to US senator John McCain and Hillary Clinton what they say about child butchers. US and Europeans managing these all Israel, ISIS and Al-Qaeda in Palestine, Syria and other countries…


Some Russian air strikes on FSA positions will bring some sense to their deluded thinking.

northerntruthseeker .

As expected.. For the US is indeed sore losers and will try something yet to try to save their agents of misfortune from destruction..

Watch for a new US patented “false flag” to try to blame on Assad… It is coming…


Forget about negotiation please…,.just ask for total unconditional surrender or die. No more negotiations, do not waist your time and effort of Syria army. Russia aerospace force must act now.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

ISIS and Foreigners are not being bused so they are mad and humiliated. I say F them they are not Syrians.

Jeth Roderet

Bomb the Neocons’ terrorist minions into oblivion.


The Battle in the South of Syria is Coming to an End: Israel Bowed To Russia’s Will


By Elijah J Magnier

July 04, 2018 “Information Clearing House” – After only two weeks since the beginning of the military operation, jihadists and militants in most of eastern rural Daraa in south Syria have either surrendered or were overwhelmed, the over 70 villages they occupied were liberated by the Syrian Army. Meanwhile, Israel has reduced its requests or conditions pronounced in the last two weeks: from launching threats against the approach of the Syrian Army towards the South, to menaces if Damascus pushes forces beyond the 1974 demarcation line and the disengagement agreement between Syria and Israel. This clearly means all players (the US, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia) have dropped the jihadists and militants they were training and are turning their back on them: they are now on their own.

For over seven years, Israel has invested intelligence, finance, military and medical supplies in these jihadists and their allies. On many occasions, Israel has said it prefers the “Islamic State” to Iranian forces on the borders. Many times, Israel showed images of jihadists – including those fighting under the flag of al-Qaeda – in Israeli hospitals, recovering from wounds inflicted during their clashes with the forces of Damascus. Today, it is clear that Israel’s intentions have been defeated when it can announce that for the Syrian army to cross the 1974 disengagement line it means crossing red lines. Israel is crying in the wilderness because the Syrian army has the intention and means to defeat all jihadists and militants who received supplies from foreign countries. It has never crossed Syria’s mind to start a new war with Israel before the Syrian territory (in the north) is liberated.

The Syrian allies are participating in the battle of the south of Syria as advisors and with backup (small) units to fill gaps only if the battle becomes critical on this or that front. So far, jihadists and militants are easily defeated and represent little resistance. There is little doubt how ISIS (the “Islamic State”, aka Jaish Khaled Bin al-Waleed), deployed on the 1975 disengagement line, will react because neither the Syrian Army nor Russia are offering a relocation to the terrorist group. Therefore, the only choice ISIS have in south Syria is to fight, surrender or be allowed to cross into Israel, since for years the Israeli Army has been cohabiting with ISIS beautifully. The number of terrorists is estimated at between 1500 and 2000, a relatively small number when we consider that the Syrian Army faced tens of thousands in al-Yarmouk, rural Homs, al-Badiya, Deir-ezzour and Albukamal in the north and north east- and they wiped them out completely.

The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has disregarded any Israeli threat related to the participation of Iranian advisors and Hezbollah Special forces in the battle of south of Syria. Actually, Russia understands the necessity of the presence of Damascus’ allies on the ground, so the operation is fully supported and success is guaranteed. Moreover, Moscow has seen Hezbollah and Iranian advisors pulling out from every single battle when the Syrian army prevails and whenever Damascus considered the area safe enough to take over completely. Therefore, President Putin can guarantee to his US counterpart Donald Trump (and he already did guarantee this to his Israeli visitors last month in Moscow) that no Iranian or Hezbollah advisors shall remain behind on Israeli borders (the wish of the Syrian central government). That was sufficient for Trump to inform Israel that the US has no reasons to believe it is facing any dangerfrom the Syrian Army on its borders.

For almost 45 years, Damascus didn’t engage in any serious attack against Israel starting from the 1974 disengagement line bordering the occupied Golan heights. There can be no comparison between the presence of the Syrian regular forces and the presence of the terrorist group, ISIS, on the Israeli occupied Golan heights. In fact, it will be impossible for President Trump to defend Israel’s case to protect ISIS regardless how close the terrorist group and Israel are following years of being “good neighbours” – and attack the Syrian army wishing to recover its own territory and totally eliminate the presence of ISIS from the south of Syria.

What is remaining in the south of Syria is only a tactical battle. It will intensify on one front and will be smooth on the other. The battle is reaching its first objective to clear eastern Daraa, in the coming days, and to secure the Naseeb border crossing between Jordan and Syria that helps both countries to recover some hundreds of millions of dollars yearly from their trade and commerce.

In the second phase, the west of Daraa and Quneitra, the Syrian army will push its forces towards south-west Daraa to clear jihadists standing on the way between the Syrian army and where ISIS is located. There is no specific time allocated for the ending of the battle. Nevertheless, the result of the battle is easily predictable: the Syrian army will regain control of Syrian territory, particularly the city of Daraa where all countries involved in “regime change” (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the US, the UK, Qatar) initiated their flow of weapons and finance for the south. They have managed to achieve only the destruction of the Levant ($300 billions are needed to rebuild Syria), the death of around 400,000 persons, and millions of displaced persons and refugees.

Brother Ma

Please God may Syria deliver a resounding slap to the face of these child -beheaders and their scheming Uncle Sam Vassals.


Your mythical God’s been out to lunch for millennia but I concur with the rest.

You can call me Al

WTF did I tell you ?.

PS Just nowísh – “Report of 2 U.S. troops were killed as result of IED explosion in Namilyah village of Deir ez-Zur today”

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