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Year Of Russian Special Military Operation: China Proposes Peace, West Imposes War

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Year Of Russian Special Military Operation: China Proposes Peace, West Imposes War

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Year Of Russian Special Military Operation: China Proposes Peace, West Imposes War
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Year Of Russian Special Military Operation: China Proposes Peace, West Imposes War

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February 24 2023 marked a year of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. Numerous symbolic events were dedicated to the anniversary of the large-scale hostilities.

The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted another resolution on “principles underlying a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace in Ukraine”, proposed by Ukraine and its allies. The document required the complete withdrawal of the Russian armed forces from the territory of Ukraine and the cessation of hostilities.

In its turn, Russia called the resolution “one-sided and divorced from reality”, stressing that the document would not allow “moving to a peaceful solution” of the conflict.

A year ago, a similar resolution was adopted by 141 UN members. This year, the number of delegations which voted for the adoption of the resolution did not change. Since that vote two more countries joined the “pro-Russian camp”. In total, seven delegations voted “against” the resolution. Representatives of 32 countries abstained including China, India, Iran, etc.

The Kiev regime has already declared another victory claiming that a year after the start of the special operation, “global support for Ukraine remains strong.”

The resolutions of the UN General Assembly are of great political importance, however they are not binding, since they only have the force of recommendation.

A more real step towards peace in Ukraine was made by the People’s Republic of China.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has published a 12-point plan for the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine. It included the need to respect the sovereignty and integrity of all countries and pointed to their equality. Beijing called for the abandonment the cold war mentality and pointed to the inadmissibility of ensuring regional security by strengthening and expanding military blocs. China opposed the escalation in the conflict, including the abuse of sanctions, and pointed out the need to create all conditions necessary for peace talks between Kiev and Moscow.

Western countries responded with obvious irritation to China’s plan.

As soon as it came to a cease-fire in Ukraine, the White House suddenly remembered about the principle of sovereignty. Washington claimed that it would not dictate to Ukraine the conditions for the end of this conflict.

Such claims were just another hypocritical attempt to veil the West’s unwillingness to end the war.
In her turn, Victoria Nuland commented on the Chinese peace initiative with a more truthful claim. She stressed that the White House is against a “cynical ceasefire”, once again confirming that the lives of people mean nothing to Washington.

Beijing’s increasing political involvement in the Ukrainian conflict is clearly hindering Western countries.

While China came up with a peace initiative, the West is interested in the prolongement of the military conflict, which leads to the death of thousands of people, the deterioration of the economic situation, energy and food crises.

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Kiev needs to stop shooting and start talking. The Chinese proposal needs to be taken seriously.

Captain Hohol

Ukrainian news outlets are blatantly and openly supporting ethnic cleansing of Russian populations from Crimea and the DPR and LPR, there’s no dialogue to be had, if the United States pushes this, there will be nuclear war by the summer.

Prigozhin showed 100 dead wagners today


Kiev failed Kharkhiv failed Kherson failed Odessa failed Donbass failed Demilitarization failed Europe freezing and starving failed Nato fragmentation failed Energy infrastructure missiles campaign failed Winter offensive about to fail Global south support failed ( see the last um resolution) Russian elites infighting accomplished Wealth and human capital fled from russia accomplished From second army tontge biggest joke in the world accomplished Crimea back in play loss of soft and hard power in Syria Arménia moldova Georgia and all the STANS

Iwinning!! 🤣

Max Schmidt

On February 16, American Trapnary (a mercenary trap, such as Ashton-Cirilo) Andrew Peters, a former US Army soldier and veteran of Afghanistan debacle, was demilitarized in the Kherson direction. On a interview with talk show host Ellen DeGenerates, his husband said that “My Andy was fighting alongside the Right Sektor Neonazi militia”. Peters became famous when a Russian drone video went viral last month – it was showing the trapnary in question giving head to his fellow trapnary. Rest in peace my brother, I mean, my sister, I mean, well, whatever.

Prigozhin showed 100 dead wagners today


Kiev failed Kharkhiv failed Kherson failed Odessa failed Donbass failed Demilitarization failed Europe freezing and starving failed Nato fragmentation failed Energy infrastructure missiles campaign failed Winter offensive about to fail Global south support failed ( see the last um resolution) Russian elites infighting accomplished Wealth and human capital fled from russia accomplished From second army tontge biggest joke in the world accomplished Crimea back in play loss of soft and hard power in Syria Arménia moldova Georgia and all the STANS

Iwinning!! 🤣

Romanian whore

After one year since Russian-Ukrainian War began Russian Army & pro-Russian rebels currently control 84630 Sq Km, which corresponds to 14,02% of Ukraine: – Donetsk People’s Republic forces controls 15430 Km^2 (58,19% of Donetsk oblast) – Luhansk People’s Republic forces controls 26202 Km^2 (98,20% of Luhansk oblast)


we got it……whore

Last edited 2 years ago by sejmon
Banned Posts

This limp-wristed article ignores U.S.’s escalating nine-year proxy war. Past quotes from Medvedev and Putin about holding decision makers accountable are boring. If Russian, Iranian and Chinese UAVs can’t disable the U.S. Triad en route to the war industry & Pentagon that run this shithole, just do what the Great Deceivers and Destroyers tell you to do. Adopt a fractional reserve banking system, be sure to maintain social distancing, get lethal boosters for toxic injections and ignore the atmospheric aerosol spraying on our poisoned planet.

People's Republic of Korea won against US '50ies

Part 1: Bloomberg wrote that at least 150 billion US$ of Cuckllective Western assets are frozen, not counting the dividends that accrued on frozen assets, which also cannot be withdrawn. And there is more: For over 30 years, Western companies and organizations have been transferring technology and know-how to Russia (which itself is of an infinite value) in the expectation of ROI, which by now will not be returned. Even in the context of the Siemens turbines, after investing in the RF for decades, not only with money, but also with training and state of the art equipment.

People's Republic of Korea won against US '50ies

Part 2: Thanks to companies like Siemens, the RF now is able to build turbines by herself. The West lost a loyal business partner, and the RF won more independence. But, there is even more, yep, the so called patents. Now that the West stole her assets, the RF has the legal right to “seize” or just “break” Western patents (from for example Japanese, American and German companies, not French companies, as these are not innovative at all). Such invaluable patents are a money making machine.

People's Republic of Korea won against US '50ies

Part 3: And I go even further. Let’s stay in the “turbine” example (remembering that this is just one example of many). Now some years have passed and Russia is not only producing her own turbines, thus generating new local jobs because the production is executed 100% on national level and developing the indigenous industry… BUT BY NOW SHE IS ALSO ALREADY EXPORTING TURBINES HERSELF TO AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA. Thus competing with Siemens and Co.

People's Republic of Korea won against US '50ies

Part 4: Let’s go even deeper (that’s what she said), but before I start that let me debunk the trolls o this Thread for good: The recent UN voting was a farce, a show that has absolutely no connection with the reality and is not worth the paper it’s written on, it’s not the first resolution of this kind which got forgot after one week passed. AND THIS IS THE REASON why even “rock solid” friends of Russia like Brazil for instance voted for it, for fun, and a good laugh, because Brazilians know that it has ZERO chances to be implemented.

People's Republic of Korea won against US '50ies

Part 5: Now let’s go back to macroeconomics: As I said yesterday and if you are a good student you remember – Russia will develop HER OWN industry in order to fill the gaps, which will generate new jobs and develop the local indigenous technologies. Now, let’s make a pessimistic ‘Yellen’ style kind of prognostics, let’s say the RF will not be able to fill the gaps her own. EVEN HERE THERE IS A WORKAROUND, and as a good student you know who it is… yeah, that mighty neighbor of Russia which is the largest industrial power on the planet Earth. I’m not dissing India, but I think it’s the PRC who will be the one profiting more from the sanctions against Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by People's Republic of Korea won against US '50ies

Ehhh you got it wrong . Iran will be making the turbines for Russia.


Kiev failed Kharkhiv failed Kherson failed Odessa failed Donbass failed Demilitarization failed Europe freezing and starving failed Nato fragmentation failed Energy infrastructure missiles campaign failed Winter offensive about to fail Global south support failed ( see the last um resolution) Russian elites infighting accomplished Wealth and human capital fled from russia accomplished From second army tontge biggest joke in the world accomplished Crimea back in play loss of soft and hard power in Syria Arménia moldova Georgia and all the STANS

Iwinning!! 🤣

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK!!

Jens, please, nobody understands your train of thought. Learn how to compose structured phrases. I guess you are talking about military? About it I can say that Russia is doing fine, fighting alone a war against 40 countries and NATO. She even won 4 new regions and – as per today – she is advancing in all fronts including in Artemovsk. Cope. And learn how to write.

Romanian whore

After one year since Russian-Ukrainian War began Russian Army & pro-Russian rebels currently control 84630 Sq Km, which corresponds to 14,02% of Ukraine: – Donetsk People’s Republic forces controls 15430 Km^2 (58,19% of Donetsk oblast) – Luhansk People’s Republic forces controls 26202 Km^2 (98,20% of Luhansk oblast)

What they also left out, was those that never bothered voting. There are 193 members of the UN and 141 voted with the US. 7 voted against, leaving 45 who abstained or failed to turn up to vote. As stated, it was a non-binding vote, so they cannot do enforce it, anyway.


Just got to love those sanctions. Compare what Russia has the right to, owing to US and EU confiscations, with what the EU and US took. Most of the latter was exciled oligarchs savings accounts, which never benefitted Russia in the first place.

Die Grünen sind Kriegstreiber

Exactly, fuck the Olis. And the irony is that these traitors (well most of them) left Russia anyway


Kiev failed Kharkhiv failed Kherson failed Odessa failed Donbass failed Demilitarization failed Europe freezing and starving failed Nato fragmentation failed Energy infrastructure missiles campaign failed Winter offensive about to fail Global south support failed ( see the last um resolution) Russian elites infighting accomplished Wealth and human capital fled from russia accomplished From second army tontge biggest joke in the world accomplished Crimea back in play loss of soft and hard power in Syria Arménia moldova Georgia and all the STANS

Iwinning!! 🤣

Erik Nielsen

The US wants “a comprehensive, just and green sustainability peace in Ukraine”, as proposed by Ukraine and its 141 Allies, the NATO Inherent Resolve Freedom Coalition.

China’s “Peace Initiative” has nothing to do with peace and is not sustainable.

The answer to China’s proposal of using Russia’s meat grinder in Ukraine as fertilizer on Ukraine’s farm land to earn more E-Yuan, is a NO from the free and civilised International community!!


The half-baked rubbish you cough up just shows that you have your head in a bucket of US propaganda up to the neck.



Kiev failed Kharkhiv failed Kherson failed Odessa failed Donbass failed Demilitarization failed Europe freezing and starving failed Nato fragmentation failed Energy infrastructure missiles campaign failed Winter offensive about to fail Global south support failed ( see the last um resolution) Russian elites infighting accomplished Wealth and human capital fled from russia accomplished From second army tontge biggest joke in the world accomplished Crimea back in play loss of soft and hard power in Syria Arménia moldova Georgia and all the STANS

Iwinning!! 🤣

Darren McPhilimy

If I’m free then why is the US government forcing me to give them money to finance a war I want nothing to do with?

Erik Nielsen

Because if we dont fight them there, they will come here and destroy America from the inside. Because they envy our dollares and our freedom.

V for victory

So you are another boring NA-TrOll.



Kiev failed Kharkhiv failed Kherson failed Odessa failed Donbass failed Demilitarization failed Europe freezing and starving failed Nato fragmentation failed Energy infrastructure missiles campaign failed Winter offensive about to fail Global south support failed ( see the last um resolution) Russian elites infighting accomplished Wealth and human capital fled from russia accomplished From second army tontge biggest joke in the world accomplished Crimea back in play loss of soft and hard power in Syria Arménia moldova Georgia and all the STANS

Iwinning!! 🤣

Darren McPhilimy

People like you are already destroying America from the inside.


You are absolutely not American. NAFO schnoodler, by my estimation.

AM Hants

Yeah, they are so envious of that $31 trillion national debt the US holds. Dream on and soon you will see Ukraine back to pre-1654 borders.


do you live in the USA????


With bakhmut on the verge of becoming a crater-filled gravel pit with ukranian soldier-bits in it maybe western powers-that-be will relent from giving zelensky any more war materiel and instead present him with a one-way bus ticket to moscow and a couple burly marines as escort, just to kind of make sure he doesn’t get lost on the way, or something…

AM Hants

Have you seen the latest Z. ‘begging bowl’ video. Now he is using tears and saying he is only doing it to make his family proud. Like when they were so proud of him displaying his piano skills.

V for victory

Meanwhile, Israhell Army hit hard at Nablus: atleast 11 killed, 100+ wounded.

John Tosh

Since NATO and the EU believe sending Weapons is the fastest way to end the war in Ukraine, China and India should start sending Weapons to Russia ….. their reason should be the West thinks this is the fastest way to end the war!!!

Darren McPhilimy

The way the US invades and occupies other nations at the drop of a hat it almost seems like there’s some hyprocisy afoot.

V for victory

Someone can explain why the Ukro army is still fighting? Why not mass surrenders? Why not coup against the government? Think just to Argentine, as example, vs UK. It seems that Ukraine is ruled more like Iran with Khomeini.


You hit the truth, friend.


Well, when you family and children are held at gun point, you either fight and die, or they die without. Remember Kiev openly employs barrier troops, decimation tactics, and terror against the civilian population. Just like the Nazis in the end days of ww2. Germans fought hard in the end out of fear of their own people in the Nazi party


Aslong Nazis is in control the Ukrainians ,the Russian population there will not safe where ever they are in Ukraine. Last I thought a large portion of Ukraine votes to join the Russian federation.

Hakkol Havel

People keep saying that the entire world outside of the West sides with Russia, but I think the results of this UN resolution, in addition to the one from last year, proves that to be false. You can say that the citizens of countries might disagree with their elites, but not only is that largely not true in this case from my experience, but it doesn’t really matter anyway, since civilians can’t change anything if they wanted to.


you cowards vote but do zero😂😂😂….no nation except anglo and E U sanction any Russian commodities–except US colony Japan

jens holm

whai to disciminaite , all mens were born bisexuel preferences. even rusticas no heter , all mens. there is study her: biomed.au.dk/ you can visit site foer fre. mens og womens born bisexuel .can beleive all know


“all mens were born bisexuel preferences.” No their not.

Sonar Sensor Submarine

Christopher… Jens believes that because they’re a troll, ignorant or… They think that way, because they’ve been exposed to too many estrogen mimicking chemicals, in baby food, canned food sealant, birth control in the water cycle… Municipal drinking water.

Alex Jones said something sometime… “They’re turning the frogs gay!” It was kind of true. I think the frogs were mutating, and joining the ranks of Jurassic Park and changing gender.

Sounds familiar like Drag Racing makes me think of fast cars. But for some people they’re drawn to the BS… I do believe there is a -Alpahbet-homo-psyop. Look at what they show to children. Sesame Street is poisoned. Or whatever it’s called now.


I think Jens is just a Danish twonk whose got alphabet Stockholm syndrome.


One year and Russia military accomplish not much, except the PMC Wagner in Bahmut area. If Putin don’t clean the swamp in Russia Ministry of Defense, than second year not much will change in front line, except much more solders will die. Russia need Zhukov!


The main Russian military units are not involved in the conflict.

AM Hants

Talking of China, has anybody read the 4,000 word, scathing critique of American Foreign Policy, that is making its way around the Chinese Embassies, hosted in Western countries? The full script can be found over on Z. Hedge and well worth reading. Personally, nothing I could disagree with and so needs stating on the public stage.


Yes, of course. Nice to see both China and India asserting themselves alongside Africa against zionist imperialism and kosher neo-colonialism. The ever patient Chinese are losing their patience with the jewish liars running the West and know well the treachery and skullduggery of the British. The West deserves its’ fate as it is a fools paradise, as only a fool would think living under Talmudic Law is paradise. Time to end NATO and restore the Common Law. Ban usury as well. Onward to the final victory, Z.

Chris Gr

All these countries you mentioned are not against Israel.

Romanian whore

After one year since Russian-Ukrainian War began Russian Army & pro-Russian rebels currently control 84630 Sq Km, which corresponds to 14,02% of Ukraine: – Donetsk People’s Republic forces controls 15430 Km^2 (58,19% of Donetsk oblast) – Luhansk People’s Republic forces controls 26202 Km^2 (98,20% of Luhansk oblast)

Romanian whore

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 366: 1.Situation west of Donetsk city: Russian Army and DPR forces took control over the remaining parts of Blahodatna and Heroyiv Chornobylya streets until Druzhby Avenue.

2.Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 367: Situation north of Avdiivka city: During the last 48 hours Russian Army and DPR forces advanced from two different axis: – North of Novobakhmutivka/Новобахмутівка town towards Oleksandropil/Олександропіль. – West of Novoselivka Druha/Новоселівка Друга, taking control over the hill east of Krasnohorivka/Красногорівка.

3.Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 367: Situation east of Bakhmut city: Russian Army advanced in Zabakhmutka district reaching Kooperatyvna street. Less than 350 meters remains between Russian troops and Bakhmutovka river.

4.Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 367: Situation north of Bakhmut city: Russian Army took full control over Stupka district while continue advancing south of Berkhivka/Берхівка. In addition Russians began entering in Dubovo-Vasylivka/Дубово-Василівка following the withdrawal of Ukrainian Army from this town.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

many new alias from amerikan trailer parks—“the idiosyncratic feature of the amerikan mind and conscience is that it is feminine—ontologically insecure/immoral…it is impossible for us to match Russian strength”. Geoffrey Gorer

Chris Gr

What are trailer parks?

Die Grünen sind Kriegstreiber

Main habitat of the urban “Homus Americanus” species

WT Baker

Just as in Afghanistan and Iraq this US/UK proxy war in Ukraine is predicated on falsehoods. The western monetarists started this war and have no intent to end it. Think about it. The war in Ukraine is another link in the Zeusians 100 years war scenario, aka. perpetual war.

Die Grünen sind Kriegstreiber

“In the Krasny Liman area, active operations by units from the battlegroup Center, air strikes, artillery and heavy flamethrower fire inflicted damage on the Ukrainian army’s manpower and equipment in areas near the settlements of Yampolovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, Stelmakhovka, Chervonaya Dibrova and Kuzmino in the Lugansk People’s Republic,”

Russian forces eliminated enemy manpower and military hardware during the battles, the general said.

“About 180 Ukrainian troops, six armored combat vehicles, a Grad multiple rocket launcher, a D-20 howitzer and a counter-battery radar were destroyed in that area in the past 24 hours,” the MOD said

Paul Citro

Has Victoria Nuland ever undergone a psychiatric evaluation? She may be a psychopath.


Is this your first awareness of US Neo-cons?

Sonar Sensor Submarine

United States war with the Philippines says a lot.


You are talking nonsense. She is a worker bee. She has no power. Somehow you are ignoring your beloved shitskin oligarkhs, cocksucker.


China has released two geopolitical “position papers”. 1) US Hegemony and Its Perils and 2) The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper (GSI). To the lay person, these two papers appear to be nothing. This is not the case. Not so. Watch and see what the Chinese actually does to implement the GSI. My guess is, they will tank the US Dollar.

Rodney Loder.

One year on l feel very proud of what Russia has achieved, – a multipolar World, – US is sending advertisements to Nigerian’s to vote for US sponsered candidates, US never had to stoop so low before, even to run in Nigeria before a candidate had to be sponsered by Washington.


Special military operation 😅 ?southfront pull the other pulled got bells on it. You can call it terrorist operation .

Sonar Sensor Submarine

“Military Intervention” sounds about right. If were going to follow the “protect ethnic Russian” reasoning.


The world (including the west) want Russia to respect the borders of sovereign nations. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/2/24/un-tells-russia-to-leave-ukraine-how-did-countries-vote

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