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MARCH 2025

Only Next Term That Trump Could Get After Iranian Strikes Is Jail Term

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Only Next Term That Trump Could Get After Iranian Strikes Is Jail Term

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At 11 a.m. ET, US President Donald Trump is set to deliver an adress on the current state of the US-Iranian conflict and how Washington is plainning to respond to the January 8 missiles strikes on its military bases in Iraq by Iran.

The initial reaction of the Pentagon and the timeframe that the Trump administration needed to prepare to an official adress demonstrates the deep crsisis within the US military political leadership.

The fact that actions of the Trump administration in the Middle East led to the situation when US military bases came under a missile attack is unprecedented itself. Even if there were no US casualties (as the Pentagon claimed), the US appeared in a very complicated situation. The US public image as the superpower is undermined.

Taking into account the difference in the historical period and the international situation, such an incident had not happened to the US forces since the attack on Pearl Harbor (1941).

The Trump administration is currently cornered by its own decisions. The assassination of Iranian general Qassem Suleimani and other Iranian and Iraqi commanders in Iraq’s Baghdad was an act of the state terror against Iran and Iraq. The Iranian leadership cannot ignore it and strike on US military facilities became a logical step in response to the US action.

Now, the Trump administration has to react and all reactions will lead to negative consequences. If Trump orders a miltiary action against Iran, he will become the President that started another war that led to multiple casualties. If Trump accepts the “slap in the face” from Iran and claims that ‘the Iranian strike delivered no damage, so we will not answer by military measures’, he will kill his political career.

This is the apparent failure of the US foreign policy towards Iran and in the Middle East in general and a notable blow to the US as the global power.


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This article ignores the fact that Iran, Iraq and Hezbolla are not finished with the retaliation. This will end when all US troops are out of the Middle East. Until then the Red Flag will remain.

Ricky Miller

Iran stated as much. The statement was that this is the first of the actions in response. It’s probable that the additional consequences will be intelligence operations. Planning is surely underway. Meanwhile, support and material continue to flow across Iraq to Syria, which is what this is really all about. Winning the war in Syria is what both sides are trying to do in Iraq, but after the Iraqi PM statement to the Assembly we also know that the U.S. is trying to shake down Iraq for oil revenue and also that Trump wants to upend a contract that Iraq has with Chinese companies to rebuild the electrical grid. He even threatened the Iraqi Prime Minister over it and had media outlets and operatives begin the Iraqi protests to pressure for the termination of China’s participation.Trump is a thug President, from a nation of murderous and greedy gangsters.

Karen Bartlett

Well, the elites and wealthy “decision makers” are definitely, imo, greedy gangsters. The rest of us are just trying to get by, keep a roof over our heads, buy food, and pay our bills. We’re also targets, you know.


Boeing 737-800 carrying at least 170 crashes in Iran after takeoff with no survivors | The Ukrainian flight crashed hours after Iran fired multiple missiles into Iraq:



The U.S. is the world headquarters for those murderous and greedy gangsters (✡️)

Boeing 737-800 carrying at least 170 crashes in Iran after takeoff with no survivors | The Ukrainian flight crashed hours after Iran fired multiple missiles into Iraq:


northerntruthseeker .

Very true… But the real problem is that Drumpf has already been ordered by his slime ball Jewish controllers to escalate the war and to have Iran destroyed. He will follow the orders of his masters and thus destroy not only his own career but the entire American nation as a result.


The puppet masters behind Donald Drumpf probably knew the consequence of assassinating Qassem Soleimani to ensure perpetual war in the Middle East, I don’t think US forces will withdraw except under two conditions:

1. NS/Fascist/Third-Position parties rising to power in the US and Europe, and then ordering a complete military withdrawal from the Middle East. 2. WW3 to force the US out of the Middle East.

The Baron Trump Adventures: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-predicted-ingersoll-lockwood-adventures-barron-melania-last-644284

60 Years of Trump Predictive Programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ_fUSA9lUo


Pompouspeo and crew were unaware of there being a high level Iraqi in the convoy. They severely miscalculated. Now that Iraq is part of the blowback and after seeing the support for Soleimani at and after the funeral, they are probably scared shitless.


US UAVs are often used for intelligence gathering and can use directional microphones in order to eavesdrop on conversations below, they can also listen in to what people are saying inside a moving vehicle.


By the way, great vid.


Washington Post has a very good article on how much damage and long term strategic damage Trump’s hollow blustering has done to an already weak US which is on the losing side of history.

Five takeaways from President Trump’s deranged speech on Iran

Not for the first time, Trump’s tendency to beat his chest fiercely and then back down may put a limit on how much damage he does to US waning credibility.


I couldn’t open the website. I even connected to the US I got this message: This site can’t be reached. http://www.washingtonpost.com refused to connect.


Strange, go through google. Maybe they are overloaded as Americans feel really humiliated. This article is also published in many global newspaper. Just type in

Five takeaways from President Trump’s deranged speech on Iran in google search


I did and everything I clicked on wanted me to pay.

Mehmet Aslanak

Trump won’t retaliate, he didn’t start the fire, it was always burning by the ruling elite of the US: Like fake attacks in gulf or sending a global hawk drone over Iranian airspace that was shot down. There will be certainly new attacks by ruling elite that Trump can’t do anything until cleared from the impeachment. Only then he would fire the rebel generals, like he fired Bolton.


I think Trump was always on their side.




That’s why he hired hem.

Doctor Attitude's Wrestling

Type in “Dinild Trimp” on Google Images. I dare you.


OMG…I don’t know whether to laugh or puke. Definitely different. Thanks!…..I think.


I did. Once is enough ?


I hate to rain on this parade, but this will in no way diminish Trumps chances. Quite the contrary. That he and the media are saying that no one was killed and that Soleimani the terrorist is dead is rather informative. It shows that there is no animosity between them. In fact, his only down side is that he has not retaliated, which is what the idiots like Graham are saying. No one is giving him shit over killing Soleimani, other than Dems offering little to nothing as threats. Remember, they are ALL on board that Soleimani was a terrorist responsible for US deaths. This is in no way going to be detrimental, unless there are reports and proof of massive US deaths. Which, either did not happen because the US was warned, meaning they weren’t even there or they took to bunkers…like there were no Iraqis there. Also there are reports that the US relocated some troops to Aden in Yemen. Unless there are US casualties, I’m not liking the inference. It would likely mean this was a show by Iran and that they made an agreement to limit (or prevent) US casualties (which would cause issues in the US), but enabled the Iranians to show their people that they stood their ground. I realize that Iran does not want to exacerbate the situation, but they should be straight up…because if it comes out later, it likely would not be good for Iranian leadership. Likely I’m wrong (hopefully)…there are reports from Italian press that there were 80 US service men killed. They report that there were Italians there as well, but they took to shelters and none were injured or killed. Sooner or later the truth will emerge. (said the optimist) Should these reports be accurate, then Trump will be held responsible and the blood suckers in CONgress will demand retribution. As well, if it were revealed that Trump did enter into an agreement with Iran to allow them to attack these bases, then there better not be any casualties. If there are, then all bets are off and Trump will indeed be toast. But as things stand now, this will still not diminish Trumps election chances any more than Beirut ruined Reagan’s chances. Add to all this actions by Hez, Iraq and who knows who in the coming days. No, this is not over by a long shot. The ball is fully in Trump’s court now…and that’s scary enough.


Iran did in fact warn all Iraqis to avoid US bases in Iraq by 1000m a day or so prior to the attacks..

If the US Military did not heed that warning, they really are fools.


Apparently the Italians sheltered in place there with no casualties. Yeah, I see that they evacuated Al Hasakah. While the US troops are gone, the Syrians should level it.


Correction, the Syrians should occupy it.


For me the take out of this is the fair accuracy of the Iranian strikes. This will give headaches to the zionists and the US military planners (the elites of course don’t even care).


The accuracy is also giving the despots of the Gulf nightmares.

Hasbara Hunter

Satanyahu & Co will regret the day they picked Trumpster to be their P.R. Manager…Bozo the Clown would have done a better job….


My take is they didn’t pick him, they tried to put Hillary in office and lost. They’d like to replace him with someone more malleable. But that doesn’t prevent them from using him to the extent that they’re able to. This recent military embarrassment and stand down looks like a Hegelian plan b to me. Where he couldn’t implement America first with establishment cooperation. So he’s rubbing their nose in their mismanagement of the American government. And is getting the US kicked out of Syria and Iraq by the locals. It’s kind of a monkey’s paw scenario where the Zionists and Jew neocons are getting what they asked for. But it isn’t turning out like they wanted.

Hasbara Hunter

I can still see two options:

1. Trump the Clown (my personal favorite) 2. Trump the Brilliant Actor

In both cases Trump has done a Truly Outstanding & Magnificent Job in making things Visible…where’re intentional or not it doesn’t really matter…the outcome is every time perfect…


I completely agree.


Qassem Suleimani, Trump And The Jewish Year 5780: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2m5hZwzn91FQ/


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