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MARCH 2025

Only The Most Extremist Foreign Fighters Now Entering Ukraine To Fight Russians

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Only The Most Extremist Foreign Fighters Now Entering Ukraine To Fight Russians

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Special forces soldiers posing as veterans operate in Ukraine battlefronts.

Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

With the Western media apparatus bombarding audiences with a narrative that a liberal Ukraine is struggling against an authoritarian Russia to preserve its democracy, Far-Right ultra-nationalist forces, including neo-Nazi battalions, have been normalized and lionized to the point that thousands of foreigners have flooded into a warzone to fight.

Many of these foreigners do not have proper military training and experience. As they cannot fight properly, the commanders of Ukraine’s military complain about them as they are not useful to the war effort. For this reason, they are deployed to the heaviest fighting points, including Donbass, and as a result they have a short survival rate as highly professional Russian troops are actively engaging them.

As of April 16, according to data from the Donetsk People’s Republic, there were about 6,800 foreign fighters from 63 countries. Of this, more than 1,000 foreign fighters were killed and more than 900 fled from Ukraine. Of the foreign fighters, there were 1,800 from Poland, about 500 each from the US, Canada and Romania each, 300 each from Britain and Georgia, 127 from France and 50 from Germany.

Although they are located mainly in the cities of Kiev and Kharkov, with the international legion coordination headquarters located in Belaya Tserkov, they are increasingly appearing in Donbass battlefronts. About 200 have been taken prisoner by the Donetsk People’s Republic military and criminal cases were initiated against them. At least 72 mercenaries fought in Mariupol, the Azov Battalion’s former stronghold, in mid-April.

As citizens of Britain, Denmark, Poland and Croatia enjoy visa-free regimes for arrival in Ukraine, there have been a higher number of foreign fighters from these countries. There are American private military companies in Ukraine: Academy, Cubic, Din-corporation, Lancaster, Independent Security advisers, Professional Oversees Contractors. From Britain, there is Halo Trust. None-the-less, foreign fighters also arrive from Italy, Spain and Turkey.

With the war in Ukraine entering its fourth month, there are now a plethora of testimonies of horrors faced. This is in stark contrast to the first weeks of the war when it appeared almost “trendy” or “edgy” to volunteer to fight the Russians. Ukraine’s International Legion even has its own website where it provides instructions for would-be foreign fighters on how to enter the country and what to pack. By March 6, they had received more than 20,000 applications, according to the foreign minister.

The number of foreign fighters currently in Ukraine is a state secret, but Colonel Anton Myronovych told CNN that: “The best of the best join the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These are foreigners with real combat experience, these are foreign citizens who know what war is, know how to handle weapons, know how to destroy the enemy.”

Although it is not confirmed, it does allude that perhaps the special forces from militaries of foreign countries are operating in Ukraine under the banner of the International Legion. Another reason for the Ukrainian policy of silence on foreign fighters, unlike in the first weeks of the war, is so that they can limit the exposure of neo-Nazis amongst their ranks. Despite this silence, it has not stopped news filtering out that neo-Nazis from Denmark, Sweden and other European countries have flocked to fight the Russians in Ukraine.

In this way, the foreign fighters from the West overwhelmingly comprise of special forces soldiers, Far Right extremists and at least initially, naïve liberals. What makes the arrival of fighters from Turkey unique though is that they are also motivated because of their ideology of ethnic supremacy, but through the scope of pan-Turkism, which is just as extreme as neo-Nazism.

Although these fighters are undoubtedly highly motivated, they are effectively being used as “cannon fodder”. It is recalled that the Australian government issued a warning on March 15 that volunteers could end up being used as “cannon fodder” by the Ukrainian military. This matches the testimony of Matthew Robinson, a British volunteer who stressed that foreigners “can be railroaded into a legion and sent to the front line very quickly. Even though you’ve got the best of intentions to help people, you could basically be cannon fodder.”

For his part, Kevin, the pseudonym of an American “veteran” from the special forces, told CNN on May 24 that some battlefronts in Ukraine were “literally a nightmare” and that some of the other foreigners were “shocked”. With the war now into its fourth month, the flow of foreign fighters has slowed down after the initial enthusiasm, but those still making their way are either extremists, such as European/American Neo-Nazis and Turkish Grey Wolves, or the special forces of Western countries posing under guises. With testimonies like Robinson and Kevin becoming all too familiar now, the only foreigners making their way to Ukraine today are the most Russophobic racists and extremists.


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Just vaporize all of them.


Ukraine will be their graveyard :)

Michigan Man

Yes, Ukraine will be the graveyard of the russian Z-ombie invaders !


Probably not. Best to start from that understanding.


It is. Russians don’t repatriate their dead! Weird is it a cultural thing? Once a soldier is dead he has no value, so why waste resources giving his family a body? Apparently there are thousand of Russian corpses on railcard that Russia won’t accept back.

Azov is not an Ukraine sea

They will test over their heads how a Tulipan mortar 240mm smash heads

Truth Hurts

Tyulpan M-240, D-30 Howitzer, Grad BM-21, SMERSH BM-30, take your pick what to smash ’em with! They had eight years and they just dug static entrenchments in Donbass fields. Let it rain down steel!

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth Hurts

“…Far Right extremists and at least initially, naïve liberals. What makes the arrival of fighters from Turkey unique though is that they are also motivated because of their ideology of ethnic supremacy, but through the scope of pan-Turkism, which is just as extreme as neo-Nazism.”…

https://southfront.org/turkey-to-replace-foreign-brands-in-russia/ ?…

https://southfront.org/appeal-of-ordinary-heroes-of-3rd-battalion-of-105th-regiment-of-dpr-to-their-high-command-video/ ?…


Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Non-Block Movement

extremely stupidest people on the planet, yeah right, to die for nothing… truly a great way to die.


Thankyou Russia for cleansing not only Ukraine but also other European countries of their unwanted filth

Slava Rossiy! What a sacrifice these heroes are doing for humanity


The Jews are laughing. Sending “Nazis” to their deaths as they loot and plunder the country they plan on wrecking. People need to pay attention to the bible and the way the Jews looted Egypt before they were tossed out. This time, Jews are in control of Ukraine, and will wreck it, getting richer in the process. And as for the gentiles, they’re too fucking dumb to see it.


This guy knows what’s up.


The US treasury was the main objective and with Zionist Joe’s recent contribution – the Jews are getting a refund on the funding of the Ukies and their Nazis.


Liquidate this filth on sight.

Joseph Day

Exactly, don’t waste resources on a trial, just cap them on capture.


I’m a grey wolf 🐺 🇹🇷

We have nothing to do in Ukraine, is not our fight 1 for İslam, nothing to do with Islam and 2 nothing to do with Turks or panturkism

comparing Nazism and PanTurkism is stupid. but hey the article was written by a person with a Greek origin so this type of unfounded reasoning does not shock me.


1. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was Hitler’s biggest inspiration.

2. There are various Turkic peoples living inside the Russian Federation, not to mention the Central Asian republics that are still in the Russian sphere of influence. It should be obvious, even to the limited brain of a Grey Wolf, that a “Balkanisation” of Russia (the collapse of the Russian Federation, as wet-dreamed by Zbigniew Brzezinski) would serve Pan-Turkism. For instance, a Russian army further preoccupied with Ukraine could weaken Russia’s support of Armenia.

Last edited 2 years ago by 0use4msm

Nonesense, bullshit

Porc halal

You’re a shit, and what you serve is even shittier than you! To serve a doctrine of a criminally illiterate pedophile makes you inferior not only to humans, but to animals, say pigs for example …

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal
99 degreesoflove

I don’t know enough of what this brother is about, but believe me an oppressed people such as the Ukrainians especially those with a Russian roots in culture traditions and customs Christian Muslim even Israelite, are a concern according to Islamic Sharia our culture traditions and custom, what happen to the Ottoman in you guys, nationalism breeds racism and that ain’t Islamic, true my heart is wanting this to be about Palestine and there plight for over 70 years, I understand Ottoman anger at pre soviet Russian hostilities with the Ottomans who sided with the Cult axis Vatican, British Empire the Greeks, French etc.. etc. but Russia has a divine slap for that for about the same time after the Ottoman collapse. can’t people connect the dots the world got really bad Russia got used they know it now the cult killed the Czar of Russia and his whole family the Khazarian fake Jew mafia moved in with the take over waiving the NWO build back better great reset approach but with the flavour of Marxism/bolshevism/communism it was a complete take over Europe Britain America etc was taken over a long time ago way before Russia they shit on Russia last whom they hated why because like the Ottomans they hate competition anyway From there Ancient Khazaria which is not limited to Ukraine main base they along side the Cannon fodder Nazi’s before them butchered the Russian people and rinsed the country clean, Putin and team are hero’s to thinking Russians who know their History, Erdogan knows this well but the people including many of my brothers and sisters of this one and only human race don’t seem to comprehend to connect the dots of its important significance, why because they’re following their own desires or that of someone else’s, instead of thinking for themselves they will let others do it for them, as a Muslim masha Allah, a follower of Muhammad of the ummah of Muhammad myself, and my thinking is based on the Law given to Muhammad the Quran i don’t follow sects, neither my own desire when it comes to the way of life (religion Contract with Allah Islam) and I don’t shun any of sect either i have found they are right on many thing wrong on somethings, but with the main body when push comes to shove, i try to help my fellow man regardless of what the be and i don’t kick any of them when i can see the are beaten to ground, we the human race need to be collectively more compassionate with each other the governments of the world are not there for us, they are own willing by this dam evil cult, outside of the cult are only a handful of leaders that have real compassion for their people and One is Putin and the Other is Erdogan, to the cult they are the most hated guys on earth. I support these guys even though sometimes they may well be at odds, but reason always prevails gettings the better of them, why is this@ It’s because they can think and thinking good is not the same as thinking bad like the Khazarian Mafia everyone seems to celebrating, if you only knew what they really think of us whom they call Goyim their wouldn’t be a rock for them to hide behind without the rock saying Hey over hear here is (Jew) fake Jew hiding behind me come and sort it out.

I am grateful to brother Putin and Erdogan they are very good examples of how to look after your own people for the Christian Putin and the Muslim Erdogan… regardless of history, they are good to learn from in this regard of compassion in very difficult times with an enemy that works in the shadows, i really would be happy for more to be done in India in the regime relation it has with Muslims as with Russia it should the great support it has had from Muslims that have cost them their lives in Russia noble cause in the Ukraine, China needs to Iron out a few crease also but is doing fine… Japan be with China don’t get stung again NZ and Aus the cult has you over a barrel good thing you know it though, but i would especially mention of the Value of Afghanistan and its need for assistance and Palestine especially both key for last peace and economic development, , Iran is doing fine they are helping and some Arab states are also, Indonesia etc, More help is needed in southern America from Mexico to Argentina, that we all unite and become strong against this very dark evil enemy


You may have something worthwhile to say but I have no desire to plow through your word salad without punctuation. If you want to help by sharing your analysis of something I suggest punctuation, and more paragraphs. If you’re writing is burdensome and vague it will be ignored.


Some who want to know the truth will follow up on the things you say and understand why the world is in the state it is today. Some Bolshevik lovers in here will dismiss it.

Michigan Man

Russian kicked out the turkish tribe , called Tartars from Crimea. It is turkish land, but since you allowed the turkish people to be murdered and driven away from Crimea, now it is russian, and all the resources in the ground now belong to the god-less anti-islamic russian judeo-bolshewic communist pigs (which btw also helped the greek to fight turkey whenever there was an opportunity to do so). You say that has nothing to do with Turkey and Islam ??? Ok , so be it

Bigg Chungus

More like a gay wolf…


Thanks for clarifying. It seemed like a farfetched comparison.


The most nazi have the least brains. Which can be used against them. Strategy, tactics, execution, courage, and intelligence are the best weapons against brutes and thugs.


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Last edited 2 years ago by AngelaGarcia

All the idiot whites dying fighting wars for Jews. Idiots. I hope they all die.

Joseph Day

Most would not have faced much more than a few militant forces or sifted through rubble for a few survivors.. There finding out about fighting a real army, with air support, artilary support, armoured vehicles, and professional soldiers, not a few goathearders with ak47


More cannon fodder .

Truth Hurts

Two battalions of “Polish volunteers” – bearing mind are hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian residents in Poland – have now entered Ukraine in last two days. Their haven’t been many Poles in Ukraine yet, this is first bug batch, although are actually Ukrainian ex-pats. Either way, may they all get Kalibrated sooner rather than later.


My guess is that number of foreign fighters correlates to the two variables, amount of money USA has spent on NGOs and propaganda in those countries. And how much soldiers those countries have in NATO armies. Denmark for example had more soldiers in Afghanistan per capita than USA had.

To contrast, Sweden has more inhabitants than Denmark. And a much stronger far right scene. However, the far right in Sweden is completely dissident and Sweden does not have a history of sending many soldiers to US wars. In fact, far right people in Sweden are not even allowed to do their military service or participate in territorial defence troops. And US propaganda is completely ineffective on far right in Sweden since it is dissident. Hence, few Swedes go to Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Erikassimo

Russia is a big thorn in the side of the globalists in the West and Russia is fighting a good fight to protect Russia, and at the same time, protect ordinary people worldwide from this scourge of globalism that is routed in the hands of Billionaires and corrupt politicians. Go Russia, go!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Nice just a few missils in the anus and they will catch monkey nazi pox chiken with beer !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

and after they dead…..they gonna send monkeys with the coronas f off by cokaine ?? or some nice democratic parazites ??


I ain the Russian and if I was all headquarters with officers, generals would have been wipe out,even politician wouldn’t be spare.

le sith rouge

Useful stupids… fighting for OTAN-WOKE and UE-HIDJAB…

As said Huntington, multiculturalism is against occidental civilisation …


Most will be useful idiots others fronting as contractors but active service members of Western military. And various intelligence agencies who will be trying to recruit and using their knowledge however limited it may be to keep a foot in the door as it were. The useful idiots can be forgotten as the Russian military LDPR units will deal with them. As for the others identify them and by what ever means available pick them up! There is an old English saying. A bird in the hand is worth two in the Bush!

DJ Bobo

Nicely said


3rd grade educated nazi “pig food”—-west ridding themselves of worthless sewer trash


May these vile, rabid contract killer ghouls be shredded in the steaming cauldrons awaiting them and their poisonous blood be lost in the soil of Novorossiya while their brute consciousness drains away in the thunder and their tatted meat be burnt in the heat of all consuming Russian fire and brimstone. Amen

These reptilian monsters have left a trail of destruction, murder and pain wherever they have crawled in their miserable reptilian lives. It is so good to know that they will all be squashed like the snails they are by the great avenging Russian Bear.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo

All these veterans from the west are lacking the knowledge and the experience in fighting a real army not barefoot farmers and goat herders armed with ak47s and handful of bullets. They never experienced being on the receiving side against the artillery and air support pounding the battlefield for an offensive. Msm darling Vali the sniper Canadian “big shot” intertet post was a good hint of what not to expect from NATO trained Ukrainian army. Chaos and slaughter nothing more nothing less.


bright yellow on a battle field , how stupid

Peter Jennings

All those stupid enough or brainwashed enough to go and fight for the NWO for free, will be charged with terrorism. Long prison sentences await those who have yet to escape or die.

Gov’t isn’t your friend, never has, never will be.

Vlad the Imposter

If they were in Ukraine from the start, properly equipped and led they might have made a difference but now that Russia has full military dominance over the Ukraine with Russia also winning the sanctions war they are going to be wasted fighting futile defensive battles that only delay the inevitable.

Same goes for the $40 B USD in military aid … it’s an act of desparation. If the west spent this money arming Ukraine BEFORE Russia attacked it might mean something but now what little actually makes it to Ukraine in the form of arms will be destroyed piecemeal by the Russians and only cause more Ukrainian casualties.

Joao M...

Light Them Up

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