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OPEC Keeps Refusing G7 Requests To Increase Oil Production As ‘Russian Oil Cap’ Reverie Falls Apart

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OPEC Keeps Refusing G7 Requests To Increase Oil Production As ‘Russian Oil Cap’ Reverie Falls Apart

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Maybe the political West can try capping the temperature and prevent it from falling below freezing level.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

One of the two central topics of the most recent G7 summit was limiting Russia’s oil sale profits. The initial suggestion of capping the price to just above the production costs hit a little snag when reality kicked in and it turned out to be impossible without, ironically, pushing the oil prices exponentially higher, despite the fact that current prices have already pushed economies to a breaking point. In order to tackle the “unexpected” issue, Japan gave a “more reasonable” suggestion to “only cut Russian oil prices in half”. Naturally, Moscow took neither of the suggestions too kindly. Deputy head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev warned that Japan’s proposal would lead to a significantly lower supply of oil on the market, which could push the price to around $300-400 per barrel or higher.

“Japan will have neither oil nor gas from Russia, nor will it be able to continue participation in the Sakhalin-2 LNG (liquefied natural gas) project,” Medvedev commented on reports about the proposal presented by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

The other central topic was yet another request by the political West for OPEC+ countries to increase oil production. And once again, OPEC+ refused, insisting that Russia’s oil production share cannot be replaced. The association of 23 oil-producing countries keeps insisting on its earlier decision to collectively increase production by 648,000 barrels per day in July and August, but nothing more than that. Worse yet, how OPEC+ will fulfill even that remains to be seen after recent reports that some members are struggling to meet even their own internal demand, as OPEC’s leading countries are already at maximum production capacity. French President Macron himself revealed to his G7 partners that in a conversation with top Saudi and UAE representatives he was told that Riyadh and Abu Dhabi are already producing oil “almost at maximum capacity”.

Faced with the first signs of coming oil shortages at the peak of the summer season in the Northern Hemisphere, the political West could not figure out where to expect an increased inflow of oil during July and August. If the sanctions on Russia, the world’s key oil exporter, are kept or, worse yet, intensified, where could the “requested barrels” come from? The lifting of sanctions against Venezuela and Iran isn’t just “problematic” for the political West, but it’s also questionable whether they are able (or willing) to increase production. In addition, any production increase by US shale oil companies seems equally unlikely this summer.

Non-OPEC oil producers such as Brazil and Canada cannot hope to make up for the deficit of Russian oil. The political West is now sending conflicting economic signals as it’s faced with very real possibility of a recession, which would inevitably result in a drop in demand. The prospect of this is discouraging the OPEC+ to increase production, as it could leave them with excess oil. To make matters for Western stock markets even worse, OPEC+ did not give any statements on its intentions regarding further production from September 1, when the current agreement on the gradual increase in production is set to expire.

The oil price in the US is already moving towards the “astronomical” six dollars per gallon, which will almost certainly lead America into another recession, according to the Wall Street Journal’s estimate. US President Joe Biden recently pointed out that “Washington DC has no way to quickly stop the rise in the prices of gas and food in the United States at this time”. The US is even considering measures in case the barrel soon reaches the price of $200 per barrel. It is in this atmosphere of uncertainty on a global level that the political West is trying to limit Russian oil revenues, obviously without considering the simple fact that Russia could just cut its oil supplies to anyone trying to impose this illegal price cap, which would make the $200 per barrel prediction “incredibly optimistic”, as oil prices could be pushed to more than double of that.

Additionally, there’s a looming uncertainty over Russian natural gas deliveries to the European Union, particularly Germany, which is now effectively begging Canada to return the Nord Stream turbines it has seized. The German industry, by far the largest and most important in the EU, is struggling to make any plans for the foreseeable future as natural gas deliveries, its lifeblood, hang in the balance. There are even warnings of a complete industrial collapse in Germany if this issue is not tackled as soon as possible, to say nothing of the natural gas demand for heating and energy production, which is now under tremendous pressure to meet even basic demand.

Despite all this, the political West keeps fantasizing about the Russian oil price cap. Although we’re still powering through an extremely hot summer, we are only several months away from winter. Maybe the political West can try capping the temperature and prevent it from falling below the freezing level. After all, their chances of doing that are much higher than capping Russian oil prices.


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It isn’t a case of America “living in another world” its a case of America not giving a dam about the welfare of the rest of the world -Zionism which owns the USA is in full control as many Americans would agree with . They live by one voice and that voice is the Talmud .


JJ US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.

jens holm

Its not enough. The last 100 years they have added themself 10 times. One million here and there makes no changes.

Well vertical funerals might be an option and smaller toombstones might be an option or a need.


satans voice

jens holm

Speak for Yourself. If You behave as little angry and whining children instead of taking own responsabilities, it would not be like that.

If the zionist has taken over USA I will say thank you very much for that. Its the same for Denmark. We thans those Jews very much for they let us have GDP 60.000 dollar, free schools, free education, free human rights, a rof for all, almosty free healtcare, 100% free hospitals and a good pension.

But facts are WE DO IT OURSELF.

We dont need experts in Talmud for that.

Your version about many is a relative. They actually are voting about their systems and it ownerships over there. They have chosen the Kapitalistic one because its the most productive.

Ypu also are in denial that USA and We build fences to keep people OUT form here. Other makes fences all the way to west of Berlin to keep people IN.

By that we(and You fictive zionists) must be doing something wrong.


I like Drago Boznic’s sense of humor in the last paragraph.😊


USA near final collapse—you will not be missed


I was the first. They hospitalized me on an dumpster. The worms there died


nazi williams impersonating me—-how is that nazi tattoo ?

Karl Pomeroy

Oh thanks loads. Some of us live here. (I do understand though. Peace.)


These developments are glaring evidence of the west bullying tactics is working no more, and its once compelling power is being challenged and trampled. Kiss goodbye to hegemonic empire soon to be relegated to third world rankings.

jens holm

Hard to see from here. Its true times are changing here too. We change with it, because we can.

So who replace the Hegemony?? Not You. Ypu just change to chines and chopstickers and blame them.

Thats the whole point. You want us down to Your level and living as Your proletars. Buu we develloped to avoid and reduce that option. We are the ones taking well care of most of Our proletars.

The even live longer.


very “hard to see” when you are on your knees swallowing LGBT sperm


And this was Putin’s real aim with the war in Ukraine.

jens holm

According Putin there is no real war in Ukraine. The nazi regime just has to be removed and all will vote Putin, if they are still alive.

Ukras should be happy. They will live in new ruins. Many in the world lives in old ones.

jens holm

We do changes all over the world for it. Here the easy solution is to open more up for other oil and gas fields.

As written by manybefore the EU fossil replace plan and its ebergy saving programs are delayed by many or almost all of it members.

By that we also has to pay the price but also go away from the fossils much faster.

And for USA. Its very well know they are known for using too many fossils and too much up in the air and for too stupid things.

In climate in gardens they behave as they live in northern europe and use water to make it look like that. Facts are the northern parts of USA are in the level of northern spain.

By that they should change their garden vegetation.

They also use too many big cars for pendling. Even in fossils of today You can go from 12-15 km pr liter to 25%. Too many deny that. We could need that too in my country.

Smaller cars even makes more parking space, where You then also could pay less.

I hope the states in United make some of theose very needed deciding changings. They also has a lot of unused sun and windpower possibilities.

In the industrial sectors they have too many, which spend to mch energy in partly too old equipment.


in trashmark u pay more for electricity than all Europe—this explains why you consume more anti-depressants than any nation excepct anglos….freedom in dk is being lgbt and paying 65% of your income in taxes

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
Tommy Jensen

If OPEC dont understand it, we will need to teach them a lesson. OPEC only understand brute force as this is their language. You cant be soft with these guys.


I’m laughing my ass off every day to those morons who think OPEC just can increase oil and gas in a day. OPEC – Knows in the future they would be less need for oil and gas, they aren’t going to spend millions just to keep the fat pigs in the West warm. Get this in your heads THERE IS NO NEED FOR MORE OIL AND GAS PLATFORMS TO extract oil and gas.

Sign Iran nuclear deal, Iran can sell the needed gas and oil to the West. Buy from Russia, it is a lie that the West isn’t not buying gas from Russia – The West still buys gas from Russia. They want to fool their own rtded people so they blame Russia for everything, cost of living Russia was the cause, gas, and oil are high because of Russia.

The West wants to hide their fuk-ups and blame Russia for it. THAT IS IT.

China is buying cheap gas and oil – they aren’t starving their people – they didn’t start the war. Is it that hard to understand? NO.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

Yes the USA is buying Russian oil/gas but using other countries to deliver it-been doing it for a long time now. Saudi Arabia has said it wont increase its output -its going to be a cold winter in Europe.Germany says it has persuaded Canada to deliver the NS 1 turbine to them- desperation sets in !

Joseph Day

Take months to reinstall. Lol


anglos are devoid of morality and principles—greed and self interest governs them…..they lick any boot for a dollar

Assad Defeated Zionists

And the US has been protecting this Sunni-Wahhabi trash and even going to war, spending trillions and getting US servicemen killed in their name.

Joseph Day

US wouldn’t do that unless it benefited them.. They don’t care about silly little struggles, moneys coloured all the same


The west are now in the death throes of a dying empire, there is no going back or stopping it as the western economies start to implode ALL BY THEIR OWN DOING ROFL. =Z=

Karl Pomeroy

While gas is over $6 per gallon in my southwest US neighborhood, I haven’t seen the increase in food prices I keep hearing about. My bills at Safeway are equal to or less than what they were several years ago.


the west is falling apart—nothing benefits Russia more than separation from the culturally decayed dictatorships of the anglosphere and their coca colonized EU minions


Lmao I love seeing the Jewish vassal state get rekt.


This what happens when western idiots that are detached from reality are in positions of political power.

Peter Jennings

Our rogue western politicians are trying their hardest to create a depression, at the same time prices for everything are rising. Our rogue politicians want this recession because they want to destroy our way of living and ‘build back better’……for them, not you. Everything we the people are experiencing, the financial rape, the dying due to poison ‘vaccines’, the job losses, the food inflation, the everything, is all by design and all part of the same grand plan, courtesy of a corrupted UN and its many fraudulent depts.

They want the people to suffer and die so they can pin all the blame on Russia, China, and Iran. Then they will start their colonial war. Our elites couldn’t just enjoy their privilege, they want more. In fact they want all of it.

It’s time we handed all these western crooks to the ICC before they get us all killed or put into slavery.

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