Nadezhda Savchenko
Written by TheSaker; Originally appeared at his blog
As most commentators had predicted, Putin has agreed to exchange Nadezhda Savchenko for 2 Russians citizens accused by the Junta of being terrorists. To be honest, I am deeply disgusted by the fact that this rabid Nazi was allowed to walk free. Of course, I understand that IF the two Russians captured by the Ukies were really any kind of intelligence officers, Putin just had to obtain their release. I am personally dubious that Alexandrov and Erofeev are really officers of the 3rd Spetsnaz GRU Brigade (which is what the Ukies claim), but that does not mean that this is impossible or even unlikely. The GRU has most definitely deployed special forces in the Donbass region, so I would not dismiss this version completely.
Whatever may be the case, these two are now reunited with their wives:
We will never know why the Russian side has made such efforts to get Alexandrov and Erofeev back home. They – and their families – claim that they were volunteers, that their “confessions” were extracted under torture and that they resigned from the Russian armed forces before going to the Donbass as volunteers.
Maybe. Maybe not. We will never know for sure.
The Russians did a superb PR job presenting the decision. First, they showed President Putin receiving the relatives of the two journalists murdered by Savchenko asking for a pardon for her (not out of a sense of sympathy, of course, but to obtain the freedom of Alexandrov and Erofeev), and then the Russian media showed the footage of the wives of the two Russian reunited with their spouses before showing footage of Savchenko back in Kiev. Fair enough.
Still, letting Savchenko go really bothers me. First, she is truly the perfect symbol of the “Banderastani” Ukraine the Nazi junta is trying to build. Simply put, she is one nasty and clearly rabid character. Just listen to her (no translation needed):
Then take a look at the next video. Check out Savchenko’s body language and demeanor while Poroshenko makes his speech (again, no translation needed).
Now, I am not a psychiatrist, but to my admittedly unprofessional eyes she looks like a rabid pit-bull on a mix LSD and crack cocaine. She definitely belongs in some kind of cage. And letting that kind of person go is plain wrong unless there is a very good reason for this.
Was there a very good reason in this case?
I don’t know (and neither does anybody else).
In the footage above Savchenko is literally oozing hatred and fanaticism, she also seems, well, simply “mental” (is that only me or do you also get that feeling?). By the way, Savchenko also acted pretty crazy during her trial in Moscow (of course, this was not reported in the western press). Upon arrival in Kiev, she left the aircraft barefoot and in a rather bellicose mood. And while this does not prove anything (barefoot walking is not listed in the DSM) this adds one more element to a rather crazy looking creature (sorry, I cannot call that a “lady”).
[Sidebar: For the record, the Russians did submit her to a psychiatric evaluation and found her to be sane. Looking had her behavior I wonder how the Russians came to this conclusion…]
I mean – there are some really nasty characters in the Ukie junta, folks like Gerashchenko or Turchinov, but Savchenko also looks as crazy as Liashko, but also just nasty in a way that even Liashko is not. No wonder she tortured an Orthodox priest herself.
What is certain is that this creature will generate a great deal of “action” in what is left of the Ukraine. The poor Ukie oligarchs must already be getting cold sweats and panic attacks at the thought of dealing with this harpy. Because, make no mistake, Savchenko is the real deal through and through – a bona fide Nazi, a rabid hate-filled nationalist, and a person with the ideological “purity” of a Trotsky or a Himmler. I don’t see Savchenko putting up with the current oligarchy in power.
So maybe her liberation is Putin’s poisoned gift to the Ukraine? After all, it is the current junta, and the oligarchy which supports it (more or less), which turned Savchenko into a national hero (the Ukies compare her to Joan of Arc – I kid you not!). So let them “enjoy” their hero, no? Let her screaming and hate-filled face become the symbolic face of this regime and of what is left of the Ukraine. That is only fair.
Of course, the usual Putin-hating crowd will present that as “yet another concession to the West, yet another proof that Putin is a pushover and that Russian is ruled by the Zionists”. Since they pretty much say that every time Putin does anything, I basically ignore them.
All in all, I am feeling rather nauseated by this entire deal. I hope that the junta chokes on that “hero” of theirs.
She does seem a mentally twisted and bitter sort. With ukies making her out to besome kind of hero she may be well known enough to stir up the banderites against the current junta. It sucks to see this kind of people set free but I think it was the right decision as long as the family of those she helped kill were involved as they were by Putin. Zionists don’t control Russia although I’m sure they have influence there but not as much as other countries. Putin put a stop to much of the foreign control which is one reason the western central bank ruled countries dislike him so much.
I don’t think that PUtin is a “pushover”, his family suffered a lot in the Great Patriotic War and so did mine, you cannot but love the motherland after that.But in my ignorance of the innards privy to an ex-intelligence officer now President, I tend to diagree with many of his decisions, e.g.retreat from Syria, you canot retreat after you commit forces. What is most nauseating to me is the farce going on in Geneva, and those announcements of cooperation with Murica, result is that SAA is losing ground previously recaptured, now Russia stopped attacking Nusra, allegedly to give time to other terrorist forces to drive them out of their positions. For real? What re they smoking or drinking? The only good terrorist is the dead one. Russia should bomb to pieces all of them.
putin shelf life is over. He is a pushover. Hope he gets replaced soon before he lets Russia get hurt. It is getting close. A few more months of putin and it will be over for all of us. Get rid of putin while you have the chance. Replace him with a man who will NOT back down. A man who will outlaw ceasefires. A man who will sanction eu into bankrupcy. A man who will shut off the gas. This putin guy is a joke. I used to like the guy. Not now. He needs to go. TODAY. Letting that cunt out of prison is wrong. putin should be terminated.
This freak looks like a man, in the best tradition of current western deification of homosexuality.
Trotsky, Revolutionary Socialist, co-founder of the USSR, organizer of the Red Army that defeated 14 simultaneous invasions of Russia, assassinated by Stalin along with 100,000 other revolutionaries and then erased from official history.
Himmler: Hitler’s right-hand man, responsable for sending millions to the death camps.
What do the two have in common? Answer: They were both put into a sentence together by the Saker.
Trotshit detected, firing the Zyklon E cannon.
Your comment speaks volumes about the ideological orientation of many of the readers on “The Saker”. What I can’t understand is how you (and people with similar views) simultaneously celebrate Nazi atrocities and morally condemn the Fascists in power in Ukraine. Don’t you realize that any type of racially-based hate is a hallmark of Fascism?
Zyklon E: “The product is infamous for its use by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust to murder a million people in gas chambers installed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek, and other extermination camps.”
She looks and behaves insane at least to me.
I feel she is a dangerous, psychotic cunt. I too saw her behavior in the Russian court. Definitely really weird and nasty behavior. I hope they get a chance to kill this shit on the war front.
Ukraine got their version of Joan of Arc Russia got two loosers. Good deal Putin. Now we know why South Stream failed.